The Daily Register VOL.97 NO. 135 SHREWSBURY. N. J. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 27, 1974 TEN CENTS Byrne's year: 'A few bogeys, a few birdies9 By JAMES H. RUBIN Byrne, soft-spoken and deliberate in his responses, said a breakdown of party discipline more than his own personality TRENTON (AP) - Glancing back on his first year of of- was to blame for tus administration's failure to gain legisla- fice. Gov. Brendan T. Byrne says he sees a mixture of suc- tive approval of a tax program. cess and failure but still thinks he is a lucky man on balance Noting that his two immediate predecessors had tried and Byme said yesterday he was not dismayed by the current failed like him to enact an income tax. Byrne said: deadlock over taxes and school financing and other political "Each one of these'three governors has had an entirely setbacks. different personality. To attribute the defeat of an income tax The Democratic governor, at a discursive and lengthy proposal to the personality of a governor seems a little fac- two-part news conference, also disavowed any national politi- ile- cal ambitions and claimed he is not ruled by a desire for re- He said that the old days of strict party discipline had election in 1977 passed, with government subject now to greater public scru- "I'm not worried about it," he said when questioned about tiny and independence on the part of legislators what he might do three years from now. See Byrne, page 2 Jack Benny, 80, dies from stomach cancer BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. Benny, the former Sadie Benny's career began more (AP) - Jack Benny, the Marks, is popularly known as than 60 years ago in vaude- make-believe miser whose Mary Livingstone, the name ville. Decades on radio, tele- al wlr»...i» deadpan humor broke up au- she took when she joined Ben vision and in motion pictures A GOVERNOR'S MOODS - Gov. Brendan Byrne al political ambitions, state unemployment, pay dience* from vaudeville days ny on stage. The couple made him one of the nation's fielded a number of questions from newsmen yes- cut and the current deadlock over taxes and schodl into the age of television, is adopted one daughter, Joan. most beloved comics and he terday as his first year In office comes to a close. financing and other political setbacks. dead of cancer of the pan- Visitors to Benny's bedside maintained a schedule of per- Gov. Byrne fielded such questions as to his nation- creas. He was M. on his last day included Cali- sonal appearances until re- His wife of 47 years was at fornia Gov. Ronald Reagan, cently. But his television ap- his bedside when he died at entertainer Frank Sinatra, co- pearances of late were kept his home late last night. medians Bob Hope and Danny to occasional guest roles and Benny's long-time manager, Kaye, and Benny's friend of an infrequent special. Irving Fein, said the comedi- SO years, comedian George Benny's humor as a fuss- an had been kept under heavy Phone company gets Burns. budget was built with a cast sedation because of severe Benny was flown to Los An- that included his wife, black pain. Dr. Rex Kennamer, geles for tests at Cedars of comedian Eddie "Rochester" Benny's personal physician, Lebanon Hospital after suf- Anderson and singer Dennis said the cancer was inoper- fering pain before a Dallas Day. able, according to Fein. benefit Oct. 19. But doctors His tightwad image fos- Stomach pains troubled pronounced him in good 9 million rate hike tered a classic scenario — Benny recently and dis- health and he was discharged Benny befuddled by a ban- NEWARK (AP) - A $19.3 million rate Increase has been The Bell adjustment clause, somewhat like the fuel ad- comfort forced him to cut five days later. He intended dit's demand for "Your mon- granted to New Jersey Bell Telephone Co under an adjust- justment clause employed by power utilities, Is aimed al short his last public appear- JaekBeuy to tape a television special ey or your life." His ang- ment clause designed to pass increased operations costs to eliminating the necessity for many lengthy rate cases, ac- ance earlier this month. But and take a guest role in a uished reply: "I'm thinking: consumers cording to the PUC. It allows the company to pass on uncon- tests did not disclose the can- doctors because of the en- film. I'm thinking!" In a 2-1 vote, the state Public Utility Commission agreed trollable cost increases to the customer without public hear- cer until It showed "\ip on X tertainer's advanced age. His most recent public ap- But in real life Benny was ings. rays last Friday, Fein said. yesterday to let the company keep its Comprehensive Adjust- In addition to Benny's wife, pearance was Dec. 8 to ac- generous and shy. ment Clause (CAC) for 1975. pending a decision on that In voting for the majority, Commissioners Anthony J. The manager said explor- other family members were cept an award from the Hol- Although writers like to clause's legality by the state Supreme Court. Grossi and Stewart G. Pollack said the CAC "is a unique at- atory surgery was vetoed by present when he died. Mrs. lywood Women's Press Club. See Jack Beaay, page 2 The rate hike, set for Jan. 1. will be slightly offset by a tempt to respond to the impact of inflection in a manner con- one per cent reduction in the federal excise tax on telephones, sistent with the needs of petitioner Bell and the interests of a PUC spokesman said. the public." According to figures given by a Bell official, after ac- In dissenting, Commissioner Joel R Jacobson, said ne counting for the excise tax reduction, the Bell rate hike would agreed with granting relief, but disagreed that the CAC of- Democrats ready to take range from nine cents to 13 cents per month for residential fered the best solution currently available. customers. No monetary figures were available for industrial "If expiration of the CAC were to truly place the New Jer- users. sey Bell Telephone Co. in financial jeopardy, I would have no Spokesmen for Bell refused comment on the increase, hesitation in providing the company with its required re- saying the PUC order was being studied by company execu- sources In the form of interim relief," Jacobson said. county government's reins tives. A Bell Telephone request for $49.6 million in interim relief By SHERRY CONOHAN Sam Schraeger, public rela- after once being employed by Some other big question The adjustment clause increase of $19,365,000, is part of by Jan. 1 has not been acted on. A PUC spokesman said he tions director for the Mon- the county, cannot be fired marks job-wise hover over an overall $154.9 million the company is seeking. The remain- did not know what efffect the CAC hike would-have on the in- FREEHOLD - Who will mouth County Demopratjc or- except with cause and after a several positions in the coun- der of the overall rate hike request was not acted on. terim rate request. the Democrats appoint? ganization. These are of Rob- hearing. ty clerk's office which John That's the $64 question that ert J. Collins as clerk to This law specifically states Fiorino, the county Denro- has recurred with increasing Board of Freeholders and at- that a veteran cannot be re- cratic chairman, will take frequency in the offices of torney Richard O'Connor as moved for political reasons. over next Wednesday. Mr. county government since the assistant county counsel. Frank L. Wilgus, the county Fiorino will be sworn in then Marlboro supports arming Democrats won control of the Mr. Collins will succeed civil defense director, has as county clerk, succeeding Board of Freeholders in the William L. Ulrich, who an- been informed informally by Benjamin H. Danskin, the Nov. 5 election and, as of yes- nounced his Intention to retire the Democrats that he will be county Republican chairman, terday, with only one week at the end of this year last replaced and plans to leave whom he defeated in a close remaining before the takeo- summer, prior to the election. his job as of Dec. 31. The race in the Nov. 5 election. ver .becomes official, the an- The Democrats would like to Democrats said they are con- The holders of some top of police at state hospital swer was almost as elusive as name Mr. O'Connor as county sidering several applicants jobs in the county clerk's of- ever. Only two appointments counsel, replacing John M. for this post but haven't made fice serve at the appointment MARLBORO - The Town In a corridor outside the patients," Mr. Goldzweig members of the rival Thomas appear certain. PUlsbury, but Mr. PUlsbury a final decision. and the pleasure of the coun- ship Council last night unani- meejjng, Mayor Arthur Gold- said. Jefferson Democratic Club. The speculation is centered has said he won't resign from The Democrats also are un- ty clerk. These include Har- mously passed a resolution zweig called the negative "It was done only because Council President Lawrence on a relatively small number his term appointment which certain about who they want old E. Rue, deputy county supporting the arming of po- votes cast on the resolution the bill was introduced by S. Grossman was ill and did of county jobs which are not still has two years to go so to fill the post of director of clerk; Stanley A.
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