8'Lte Cpeylrecmraq

8'Lte Cpeylrecmraq

FILE Copy • 8'lt e CPeYlrecmraQ ~.y~!!g~! JULY 16. 1961 TEN CE NTS Overlookin, t.he ,eeRie city of Port­ land. Oregon, with M01,1nt Hood towerinr in the diatanee. (Here in the B eaver State metropoli. the bi­ enni. 1 General Council of tho! AI • • emblie. of Cod will <,onvene Augul t 23-29.) THE EDITORIAL VIEWPOINT • ........ , .,. ,. ""W'" •• v. , .• ,' ~U.I 151"<10 CONT 'NUOUSLY "'NCII: I t'" JULY 16, 1961 NUMBER 2462 Counteracting Crime t.XFn:Tln: UIMH'IOIl n.. r! fI'f r, I'[)!TOI< , 1{OIlFI':"!' C Cl \,:\1:\,(,11.\;..\ The crime r:-ll(' in 111(' Cnited S tates cominueci its " relentless trend 1. ... 'U\·T UllTUII ... I ... sli.: /I', S ,uil" up\\"ard" during' the fir:-,t three months of 1961, FUI Director J. Edg:-lr (1111 (1 .. \110~ 1>1,\'0.\1,1'.11 (rill (;. (IJUU<'I Ih(' mOsl EDITORIAL POLICY (lOARI> II ()o\'c r says. In discouraging report he has yet made on the He" \\~I,b II h:.i,m.,n), (, It, ( "I. ,n,.\ II. 1)'''';01· nation\; battk ag-ain:'>t crime. ,\lr. Hoover says there was an over-ali ""', ( .. I 1-':"",in, 11_ H ..\[.-1 ,u~h1rn, /i.. ,\ Ikne;\U, I( II We:,,!. A. .\ \\ i[ ,m incrcase ()f 10 pcr ccnl 111 :-'c riOtlS offen ses as compared \\"ith the same period ill 19W. ARTICLES- 'I'll(' report is hast'd on prciiminary reports from 617 police depart­ citie.~ O\'('f Tm!/t'dy /III U "llwi/ulJ(i me11ts in 2S,CX>O population. It shows that during the first C/lllul F, A. Stur8<''01I J quarter of IY() I ~hc numher of murders increased by nine per cent, l'n,ph.'IS II/Iht' !.ord \. inlet Sclioonmak('r 4 forcible rape hy two pl'r ccn\. and aggravated assaults (stabbings. etc,) Spiritu(li f),phlllt'ria !{ \V. Cummill~~ 6 hy th rel' ]ll'r C('n\. all ,,('tting new records. Crimes against property '(;uiug ('I' 1(, Jrrusa!.·III' DOll ~[allo\l~h [2 :--how('d a big" incl"(';l.:,(" The only form of crime to show a decrease COII/,'ssi(llis uf a SI .. p",olll", ,\lll1t Salldbcrg 14 \\"as ]l(Jckd-pickillg", \\hich was dowlI 18 per cent. Jrf Villi II 11011" !'uh The FIH chief l'xprb~e1> particular alarm O\'er the fact that "robberies, Chrisli"n' the m05t vicious of larcl'llY offenscs because of the force or threat of FEATURES- f(;!"l'l' used again:'>t the vinim:--," {'omintlcd (he high incidence: which Fon-;m) .\!issiolls R. T. Brock. Editor 8 markc:d the calendar year 1960. This 1'r;'SJ'!r l World Editor 10 is a sordid situation. \\'ell might our sOl1ls be shocked and our )'our Qllf'Sli""s E. S. \\ -i llialll~ 11 It N,,<,s ill Pirtllrl'S 16- 17 hcan.." trc:mblc \\"ithin I1S as we think what these statistics mean. Think I/(lml' J/iss;OIls Ruth Lyon, Editor [8 of the lives slluffed Oil\. the hearts broken, the homes shattered by Srmt/')J' StI(()u/ Less/III J. H. Bi ~hop 2{l these lawless deeds. :-':carly e\·ery commtmity is affected by the mount- /-iu,,;/.I' . 1I1i1r !~. G. Chamllioll 21 1I1g cn1llC w;\\·e. I\l'1'iH,/limt' N(''II's Stall 1Ilithad, E(1ilor 22 !.e/lers Jrom Fnm!}rI HClI(ll'rs 27 \\'Ilat 1>hould Olll" altitudc be? Should we merely deplore the sad state XI'1.'s oj Enmgd;.I111 Burton \V. Pierc.; 28 of affairs? Should we shut lip Ol1r hearts to the spread of lawlessncss and just hope thc c\';1 \\'ill not louch us or our lo\'ed ones? Should EXECUT IVE PK ESB YT ERS Of' TH E GENEKA L \Ie put it all do wn to a fulfillment of prophec)' a nd say that the COUNC IL OF THE ASSEMBLIES O F GOD ilu.:rease of :'>in is inC\'itahle as Christ's relmn draws ncar? Thos. F. Zj""nennnn (Gen. ~Upl.). Bert \\·cbb. G ~y le I' l.e" '5. C. \\-. II, Seo\!. [I. S. B"'h. J 1'. Hogan, :\0 dOllbt it i.." true that we a re living in " the la::;t days," and the lJ artl~tI l'cl ~ ..o", M. H. K end. G. [I. Ca rlson . N, D. Day;<lson. G. L. I'a"nin, D_ 11. McL1 ugh1i". apostle l~al1l said that "in the last days, pcrilous times shall come. F or K, ,\ Hencau, R. II. "'cad, A. A. \\',bu". n1t'n shall be 10\'l'r5 of their own selves, covetous, boastcrs, proud, hlasphemers, disohnlit..:IH to parell\s, UlHhankful, unholy .. ," (2 T imo­ , • U"(· be/i(,l'l' ,he lIihle to he the ""p,red a,,<l only in/atliNe "nd author;tatiye thy 3:1. 2). In the sallIe chapter he warned that couditions shall grow \\uro( 01 (jo<l \\1-: HEL[FVE th"t there ;< One worse, !lot hetter, as the end of the age draws near. "EI·il men a nd God, tlernatly e.i.tent ;n Ihree persons: Cod the Falher, Gud the Son. an,1 Cud the Iioly Gh ,,~t. seduccrs shall wax lI'orse and worse," he said. ~\'E IJEI.1EVE ;n the deilY 01 Our l.ont Jesns ehri.'I. 'n II.. ..itlpn birlh. in 11 '5 ,inle.s life in H;s Did Jesl1s nOt say wc arc the salt of the earth? Salt}' Christians rn;r.~c! u, in II .. ,·;cari"u. " nd alon;"g denti,. in H;s t>Ckli[ y 'esurretti"", in ][i~ a,cen,;01l to the right will rctard the proces::; of moral corruption. Did He not tell liS we h"nd of the r ather. al1d in I[i . pe,"ou"l fulure re, tnrn 10 Ihis eanh in 110\\,. 1' "lid glory 10 nolc OHr arc the light of (he world? We a rc to shine brightly for 1 lim when Ihe ".1110".. \\'E Bl, " [I,_VE Iha l Ihe only "'"".. :l1ld of he",ICC dean.ed from si" i. through repcnl:U1ce 311d conditions arc dark fon'hoding, and not be fa tal ists or pessimists, fa; lh i" Ihe pr«i",u 10100<1 of Christ. I.el liS give " better acCOun t of Ollrseh'es than Lot, who seemed only '-VI' .B~; I.I£Vf-: Ih ~1 r~lIe"eralio" hy the 1I01y to shrug his !>houlders as the people of Sodom plunged downward into SPIrII .. ah.ohl1el ), U<~I\I'''[ for l)~' so " a ! .alv a ti on, W~: BE1.lEVE Ihal the rede"'fti"c wo,-k of Ch.ist hd!. If Lot had heen a soul winner there m ight have been fewcr sOllls on the eron pro"hJes healing 0 the hu",~" body in .'''5,,,,. to I '~[ ie";nll 1",1ycr. WE llEl.IEVF. th~1 lost in Sodom. ,\s it \\"as. the entire population perished except him the !laPt."'" of Ihe. 1I 01y Spirit. aco;:oo ,d;ng to ,\eI5 2:4. IS II'Yen to hchc,·e .. who 3<k for it. WE BE. ami his wife al1(l their three daughters. He didn't even win his sons­ I.H:V~: in the sanClifying 11O,,"~r of the Holy ~pi,it in-Ia\\' ! God help 11:-; to realize that the gospe! of Christ is still the by wh os~ ",dwell",A' the Christian i. ~ n~h l ed to li,'c a holy I;fe WE BF.Ln;V~: in Ihe r~""rect;on of dynamite of he,WCtl- it has power to save the lost-and that the day hoth ' he 'a"cd a"d th~ lost. the o,,~ to e\"trla,t;ng 1,,~ a nd the olher 10 ~"er[,1S 'i"g damnation. of judgm(,nt for a wicked generation can be postponed by a praymg, believing. soul-winning Church, [ AVU8Je I.aid circulation in J une 172,46% cop;e. weekly 1 -R.C.C. THE PENTECOSTAL EVANCEL;. r"LI.~.d ",,,lely I, ,h. Go,p.1 Pulh ,hi~ ~ llou«. '0 ,h... m•• dd,u.)-1k f", U "'<ok.. ~ 15 10' • YU'. on < .~h , ub"",ip' ;"n. 'J. W .., l'uLhc S" ••• Sr,,,,gh.ld I, ~I ..o<>uro, USA - J 0 _ 1! ~ ".II. C<n.,.1 ~h"'K'" FOREICN LANDS (<xc<p' '-:anad ••nd PU.-\S <ou",,;.,') SL"G1.E SUUSCIlI1'TlQ :-;_ AODIlESSES IN THE U.S. AND U. S. POSSESSIONS, S[:o.'CLE SUBSCR[!'T!O'O_U50 $-0 21 /0' en. ,.~,-SS.~ 10' ''''0 y""_~ 12. ~ for ,h... BONnl.f; II ,\T[ (",on,mu m of [0' On . )',u'-$']; 1<" tWO y .... -$1(IJ h, ,1.". you, SI'l-:UAI. t:-; TROn UCTORY lour ,ub"",;p,;oM .. ~II m.;IC<! '0 ,hot .,lm •• dd,... ) - 9Io fo, ,I,," .. n ..uk>. 13 50 1o, a,. ", OFFFR-lI.OO 1o, 1>.e"l. "«k,, Ht::-;J")1.l-: R.\TV (minimum o[ lour .u'""'"p'ion< ••11 0" each 5ub...-:,;p,,0<l. mait.d 1o ,h. urn ••dd .... ) . ..-,,,,, 1o, IJ " '«k<, ~2 2; fm • 7<>', on ...~ ,uhoc" p,;"n. ·PO,\5-U. S. , 0. 1<, >wly '0 .11 rounlri •• i" Ih. P",I.I Un;"" of ,he Am"", .. >"d );.p,;n. CANADIAN ADDRESSES: SI»;G I. f: S[;l:ISCRIPTIO~· ·13.00 [0' en< J • .,~$S.1S 10< '''-0 5 •• ,-ou, l'ost",a.I<, 10 •• Ii., of Ih .... J ....-lJ.~ 10' ,h, .. 1"'" IlI,;NOLI:: 11"'1'1:: I"","mun] of fou, . "b.crophon. ~ll m."<~ I'nn,.d on .be U.S,A. S<:<:01Id <I ... pO" ' i ' p';d .

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