CellR4 2021; 9: e3083 Why pancreatic islets should be regarded and regulated like organs G. C. Weir, S. Bonner-Weir Section on Islet Cell and Regenerative Biology, Joslin Diabetes Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA Corresponding Author: Gordon C. Weir, MD; e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: Autologous transplantation, Islet transplanta- islets transplants, processed exactly in the same way, tion, Pancreatic alpha cells, Pancreatic beta cells, Pancreatic are exempted from these drugs regulations in the islets. US. Alloislets are exempt from drug regulation, and safely and effectively offered as a standard-of-care ABSTRACT treatment option in a number of developed nations, There are strong reasons to say that pancreatic with the notable exception of the US. islets are organs before they are isolated and Some of the basis for distinguishing between that they should be considered to be organs once allogenic islets and other organ/vascularized com- transplanted. Thus, taking into account how posite tissues lies in taking the position that alloge- much we have learned about the structure and neic islets are not to be vascularized organs, which function of islet micro-organs, it seems highly led to the plan to regulate them as drugs, which is illogical to on one hand consider autologous how cellular transplants are regulated. islets be regulated as organ transplants and al- Although there are many complexities, there loislets to be regulated with the very restrictive is the simple question of whether islets are organs. rules used for cell transplantation. It is partic- The answer for many is clearly yes, and that would ularly problematic that this policy has led to pertain to both autologous islets and alloislets. restrictions that have made it next to impossible The two of us have been working in the field for transplants of alloislets to be carried out in of islet biology for decades and it is clear that islets the US, which is a very sad situation for the have been regarded for many years as organs by country that made so many of the advances that the pioneers in the field; we can mention Profes- brought islet transplantation to the clinic. sors Claus Hellerstrom of Uppsala, Lelio Orci of Geneva and Paul Lacy of St. Louis. Islets should We have followed the long-standing efforts of the be considered to be organs because they have four United States islet transplantation community to cell types, which are arranged in a highly orga- make transplantation of allogenic islets available to nized structure that allows functional interactions at least some of the many individuals with type 1 between the cell types. They are richly vascular- diabetes who could benefit from this therapy. ized with fenestrated capillaries that allow rapid re- For many years alloislets used for transplanta- lease of insulin. The arrangement of blood vessels tion have been regulated as drugs which means that is highly structured, which facilitates communica- those wishing to provide this therapy must submit tion between the cell types. In fact, the islets are a Biologics License Application (BLA) to the FDA. a key part of what is thought to be the islet-acinar We have been puzzled by why allogenic islets portal circulation. The way this works is that insu- would be regulated as a drug while other countries lin-secreting beta cells are upstream from the glu- regulate islet transplants as organ transplants, ap- cagon-secreting alpha cells and acinar cells, which plying the same standards as they would for any are influenced by the effects of insulin. In addition, other organ. like other organs, islets are innervated by both the It seems illogical to develop a plan to regulate sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the alloislets with rules used for drugs while autologous autonomic nervous system. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License 1 2 G. C. Weir, S. Bonner-Weir When islets are isolated, the structure and func- ORCID: tional relationships between the four cell types are Gordon C. Weir: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1456-0546 not disrupted. The endothelial cells of the islet con- Susan Bonner-Weir: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4682-0656 nect with those of the transplant recipient. In addi- tion, with time the cells of the autonomic nervous CONFLICT OF INTEREST: system grow into the islets to provide innervation. The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest to We want to emphasize that the sophisticated disclose. structure of the islet organ before transplantation is very similar to essentially that seen in a transplant site. It is surprising that these highly organized struc- REFERENCES tures would not be thought of as islet organs. Another key point is that this organized structure is important 1. Ricordi C, Japour A. Transplanting islet cells can fix brit- for optimal function. Thus, when we transplant autol- tle diabetes. Why isn’t it available in the U.S.? CellR4 2019; 7: e2768. DOI: 10.32113/cellr4_201910_2768 ogous islets or alloislets, we think that their success 2. Bertuzzi F. 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Witkowski P, Philipson LH, Kaufman DB, Ratner led to restrictions that have made it next to impos- LE, Abouljoud MS, Bellin MD, Buse JB, Kandeel F, sible for transplants of alloislets to be carried out in Stock PG, Mulligan DC, Markmann JF, Kozlowski T, the US1-9, which is a very sad situation for the coun- Andreoni KA, Alejandro R, Baidal DA, Hardy MA, Wickrema A, Mirmira RG, Fung J, Becker YT, Jo- try that made so many of the advances that brought sephson MA, Bachul PJ, Pyda JS, Charlton M, Millis islet transplantation to the clinic. JM, Gaglia JL, Stratta RJ, Fridell JA, Niederhaus SV, Forbes RC, Jayant K, Robertson RP, Odorico JS, Levy ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: MF, Harland RC, Abrams PL, Olaitan OK, Kandas- We appreciated the advice provided by Professors Camillo wamy R, Wellen JR, Japour AJ, Desai CS, Naziruddin B, Balamurugan AN, Barth RN, Ricordi C; “Islets for Ricordi and Piotr Witkowski. US” Collaborative. The demise of islet allotransplanta- tion in the United States: A call for an urgent regulato- FUNdiNG: ry update. Am J Transplant 2020 Nov 29. doi: 10.1111/ NIH grants P30 DK036836 Joslin Diabetes Research Center ajt.16397. Epub ahead of print. and DK110390 (to Susan Bonner-Weir). 9. Witkowski P, Barth RN, Japour A, Javitt G, Pyda JS, Ba- chul PJ, Nowicki E, Ricordi C; “Islet for US Collabora- tive”, Abbas Rana Robert Harland. Regulatory updates AUTHOR CONTRIBUTioNS: are needed to prevent commercialization of islet trans- Gordon C. Weir and Susan Bonner-Weir contributed equally plantation in the US. Am J Transplant 2021 Mar 8. doi: to writing this manuscript. 10.1111/ajt.16555. Epub ahead of print. .
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