; ■ ■ 6' • : ...................... .i.0 • www.magicvallalley.cbm 0 2 6 5 30632: 1S/15/200S SMI ' J I M P'PARKE 2 6 2 7 E YftNDELt 7 9 ^ 0 3 J ■ 1 ASO ■ . TX 7- T w in Falls, Idallahp/97th year, No.,I.,m i2 7 : ......... ________S u n d a 8 _ lay,.'January 27, 20023 2-.:----------- . M - ------$1;.S0 GoODMORfRNING # i_ E c o n o m i c MtS- R uj r a INDICATORS nping OK: B NaZiin’ 1thre J l T Qwyterly iagic Mlg ^ ^ i s ■ powver.? n jo y in g : e tte r econ:ononiic S P fff Some partirts of state stability than the reres s t o f ^ the state and nation,on, econ- carry tooI nmuch om ists say. R ecent ddi a ta back up that asserticItion an d clout, leaciiider says give reason for furthirth er optimism. By Julie Pence PagePa D l Tlmes^^ows writeror_______________ Jennie Fullrlllmor nnrcT- -r . BOISE - Term-rm-limits leader | | R ^ ^ g | | S S | j from Burley Don Morgan prodrodaitned Friday W e a t h i - r tho toto liis intern to dismiirm ande the leader- Today;ly: Some H m K carry tho ship in theLegislaiiilaiure. Olympic flailamo Tho.se lavlawmakers give s u n , dclouds i Into TwinFiFftik m u d i pow er■tomral to i Idaho.he a possible says. ^ V snows]V shower. across tho® T h e s e n io rityy sjsystem, which fPage Ai Perrine re.sulted in the; cucii rre n t leader- ....... Bridge. ship, m ust go, h ejsaid. sai T erm liinib Fulmer Is a i.*? the tool tliat taku;akes care <if thai. M a g i c V a l l k , ■ h e explained. " M o r g a n [i— Celebrities for a day: F(Forty* 4 ‘ ^ rehabllltatiotfon a llu d e d to i . five M agic VallQr residi . / . '^ b | counselor andai comments by jc • shared the exhilaration car- jK IsexpoctlniIng R ep . E u la lie ^iiiiiii . ly in g 'th e 2002 Olympic torch hlld L a n g fo rd , R. r > Montpelier, dunnfring House floor Saturday. • ‘ debate ThursdHy.<y. 1I^uigford had P a g e B l said term limii.s wotwould give urban ■ areas like Boise;e thet ability to ......... dominate leadersh;rship and to set F a m i l y l i f k die agenda. “S h e’s bein}> usedii.st by leader- ship. If she reallyilly thought tiiis through, she’d get:et ?sick,” Morjiaii said. “\Vliat she’s's asking for is sn UUH.COI<.couM»/ntnM»«i«n un-American. Theh e :seniority sys- lem amouni.s k ) unecjualun repre- • sentation. It’s outrnytragoous.” J Morgan also saiisaid, .“irs rural 1 Oly^mpic flaiame getsswarmnreceptioi)n in T.F ^ Idaho that hate.s telent! n limits." R ural Idaho siioiiliioiilil be war>' of , By penlsS TniTurner H | ■ — term limits, mainainiains (Jrani r ' l f l TlfTie»Newss w riter • *^111111 ~CeCelebrities for a d a y -B ; Loebs, who is Twin•in l-'ails1 Coumy’s prosecuting attornev■ney. : V:® TWIN FAFALLS - Amid flags Olympian’s01 final journey;y “Our foundingg fifathers in the . raised h ig h^ a n d music d ia tra is e d ..- H their infinite wisdoiidom .s;iw scniuri- th e rafte rs,s, Curtis( Eaton carried ..... ^_________ -C 5 ty in the lefiislativeve !!v)tly as a wav ■MB the Olympi —^ to help balanceice ihc jiowcr * ipic flame onto the H g hhi e r husband’s run. College of; SouthemSl Idaho cam- . betw een low andI liiglihij. population i ' l Mardo EiUon also shared soname areas,” Loebs said.(I. Science matters: L eaim m how <°Ulid the people, “This is formation that few peopl 2St com m unity in th e Pip Lawmakers fronr(Uii tile M agic to raise a sdence-literat |B r9||^^^B |J knowlow: Eaton was carrying boi'Oth and Wood R iver■ valleysval leiul to ■ child. the e lorditc and photographs of h ^ ^ A c ro w d 0 lus acknowledge thenisi.-mselves as rep- j of 2,000 responded Bl . famil;Tiily, in d u d in g one of M oniar PageP, E l ^vildly in agre ana resentatives of ruralural Idaho. And greem ent. ncphiphew Grant Tyler, a 21-yca On d ay 52 ear- none shy away froifrom admitting s2 of a 65-day journey, oldi JuniorJ Olympics skier wl Eaton hoistcsted the torch onto a rvho they w ield seriousus pow\ er in ;hi.' ■ w aIS s positionedp to join die Wororld Legislature. The sen S p O R ' I ' S ■ stage outside seniiirity s\slu-ni ' idethe CSIlibrary to ■ lur u n til he died in a sea kaya/ak- light.ihe rela elay cauldron at 11:30 K ; acddent on die Puget Sourund Please seeee RRURAL, Pago A2 Safe a t home: TTieMiniiimco Saturday mimorning. The flame ML 1 1 II w estern Washington. Spartans-pura headlock3Ck'on ....... -continued-oi!'on'to-Pocatello-and— 1 E aton; CSI’s %ice p re sid e n t i th e R ed Halverson Men:emorial Idaho Falls!s Saturday5 afternoon ' H planninning and development, wi Tournament championsinship ?n‘> heacead throug Montana, ivas Educatioion plan selectected by Twin Falls relay pcper- Wyoming anc trophy Satiu-day. md Colorado before it M l I sonnel n n t as the torchbearer wh its 13,500-mile jo urney ^resents thc “heart of the con PiPage 01 IVO, Curtis Eaton, em° opens thele eyes 8 opening of th e 2002 ■ m ity.” Olympic Wir roproa Vinter Games in Salt rosonting tho ‘heart rh-j-ho o sc w ho attended S aiurday U k e City. ^ ^ n B K E S I ofthethe community,’ car- com n p i n i o n mmunily celebration at CS o f lawmalakers O Twin Fallsils is among die sm all- R rlosth} tho torch Into tho vicwcjwed the' progmm both liv By Bob Breaking the stalemate:te: TWin er dties hosd)sdng the relay event. ■ ■ Colloglogo of Southom andcl onoi Coca-Cola’s Big Mo - as i nek Falls County dairy debatbate 2ut no onee ’would know it by gj, Associated Press WritWriter ______ Idahoho and lights the cot- lobile” - 9-by-12-foot screer iio m - Saturday’s Clenthusiastic crowds. kc, an Olympic sponsor, alsilso m oves forward beh in d c( oalal cauldron. missioner’s tenacity, tods A ccording to police] estimates, up rked its Community Canya BOISE - Legislaislative budget to 10,000 pei Loft.ti jgg writers are havi editori{d says. people assembled at t, the crowd choors Artt ContestCi truck at the colleg aving seco n d th e B lue Lai<.akes Boulevard and Olympic torchbearor andi unveiledu the local winnei thoughts about thc viability of Pag’age A14 Pole Line RoRoad-viewing site, in g B loy Hodges on tho Theyey g ( ot it r i^ it the second tim e Gov. Dirk Kempthoithorne's ;uisicru addition to yjp budget blueprint aaft fte r assoss'ini; to those at ,iCSL H 0 Lakes Beulevord Vhen Jessica James, a Twi: Hundreds monore lined the sy[eets H I Ils teen-ager, was invited Jot th e im pact on eiiiitMiucation of ovi-r ■ (' ' ■ Stretcl)tch of tho routo CTION the rela;2lay route. WM ; s ta g e to claim h e r SS.OO')00 S50 million in basijasio si)endiiii; ■ S ectio n by seci 1 thiouglugh Twin Falls. ■ f H ow ever,, locallc Chevrolet deal- Ze for th e Boys and Girls Cluilub Ion C Randy Haiia n s e n saih d ia t offi* th at Vlagic Valley, the 17-by-22-foooo( “We cut tho ven.-r>' veiiiclev iliat's ' Section A Sectloi hat report, 50,000-60,000 pejcople hooked up with. othero torchbcar- J d a is w ith Chc ivas of the drawing that wavas ‘0 help us,"S" Republican Weather . ,2 Sports . , :hevrolet, a ^ o n s o r of shovhowed up in Twin Falls foror die ers at Albertson’s■n’s coUecnon sue y, ------ the Olympicj oiled was not Jessica’s. Sen. Hal Bundersoii,son,of Meridian f ics, conducted their tordorch relay. on Saturday moi Nation .'. .3-13 Moviesi ......... 7 own crowd cc H o m in g , s a id his said. count. According to EatonE i was excited wheren he wife, Mardo, who Opinion ..14-15 'h o w as videotap- Please see TORCH, Page A7 To cope w ith anen1 eroding etoiuv- my and to protecte ci la si y e a r ’s Worid .........1 6 Sectloi record tax cut,, K<Ketnpihornc Money .. Magi;ic Valley c(:elebratiorn goes offP without ddifficulties^ wants to cut overr'S20 52 niillinii in S e c t i o n B classifiedied‘.6-16 ^ , public school aid,. S2.^$2^ intiltiin lor By Shari Chanei colleges, m o re th a n $ Magic Valley 1-5 ney outIt a a h itch S aturday. Chevrolet, one of)f thet sponsors of said.1. in $2 m illion for ( o n E Timos-Nows writv r lto r ________• . “Everything“E worked perf<rfect, the 2002 Winter;r Olympics( next Ass ll th e torch left Twin F alls foi^ _ community colleges?es a n d S.'j mil- • Obituaries . ,2 ... SectlOf J - lion for professioni - - - — . • • p•edsely re d as it was supposedi to,”-i month, estimateIted more than “ therest re ofits'journey to Sali o n al-icch n io al - - Lunch mejius .4 Family UfeLife .1 ^ TW IN .
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