Page Fifteen Sunday, July 12, 1959 TORRANCE PRESS Automobiles for Sal* 200 Automobiles for Sale 200 Autornobiles for S^je 200 Automobiles for Sale 200 Autmoblle« for Sale 200 Automobiles for Sale 200 Automobiles for Sale 200 Automobiles for Sale 200 Autrr.obiles for Sale FOR THE DEAL OF YOUR LIFE . .. BRING YOUR CAR AND YOUR WIFE Have Cars! DeVON IMPORT CENTER . Will Travel! Domestic Imported WAIT NO LONGER USED CARS USED CARS IF YOU ARE IN '55 CADILLAC COUPE DEVILLE '58 RENAULT DAUPHINE SEDAN TR-3 ROADSTERS AND HARDTOPS jjj I ^ O"T Selection of this popular Q O This full powered beauty O I I j y / import, priced hundreds ' s °r 'g' nQ l and just like 33 IN STOCK . OVERDRIVES & ALL EQUIPMENT THE MOOD FOR A / I QO of dollars under reg. price brand new. $ '57 VOLKSWAGEN SUN ROOF '56 CHEVROLET BEL AIR SEDAN 239760 Good Used Car... Look and Sharp, scarce sun-roof Jjj Hardtop with Power and all Wleaoe Dunoniiralor Lo\v model with radio & heater. Also 1955 Bel Air guestrdrivp Accatiorlat Extra extras. Original finish & interior. 644 at these Four Door Sedan. today! '57 METROPOLITAN HARDTOP '57 MERCURY MONTEREY SEDAN '58 Mercury Monterey Club Coupe $2295 $1 If^OIOO This one is just like new, Foil power Jet black beauty with all '1QS roal '°' neater many I/O extras, including Power costly extras. a '56 Chevrolet White Convertible $1695 Steering, etc. P Automatic, rartio and heater, new top One of the tin«»t In Calif. '56 Triumph TR-3 Soft $ I "7 Q O '55 BUICK CENTURY RIVIERA CPE. top. That scarce & hard to I / OO '56 Ford Ranch Wagon $1495 Power steering, Dynaf low, $ Automatic, power steering, excellent condition. get model. Absolutely Radio, heater. Also '54 original. Heater & extras. '54 Ford Sunliner Convertible $ 895 Special Riviera. Priced only WE ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEE TO Automatic shift. Beautiful condition throughout. '52 MG-TD ROADSTER '55 PLYMOUTH PLAZA 4-DR. SEDAN £") f\ Too nice to price. If you Choice of several in top '55 Ford Country Squire f f are an MG buyer, this is condition. Priced from Station Wagon ............... .M..^.......$ 1395 or BEAT ? the one, so hurry! < : MEET k 9 P8»senoerv $688 up to $900 T-10 '55 Dodge Royal Sedan .......,....,..........,$1095 T ANY LEGITIMATE DEAL YOU ARE OFFERED automatic. TftTTTMPTT FAMILY Radio, heater, 1 1X1 U IVll 11 FUN SEDAN '54 Cadillac Coupe De Ville $1995 TRIUMPH Your Good Credit 5 Minute Check Full power, whlfewall* tnd everything. A real beauty. Yellow Is All You Need Delivery Now! and black. 100% '54 Oldsmobile Sedon . $1095 FINANCING Tull oower, new tfre*. TOP condition. > '52 Buick Super Convertible ....... $695 One Of the best! SAVE 20% SAVE '55 Mercury Monterey Spt. Cpe.. $1295 On World's Lowest Of All Cars in On the World's Lowest '53 Olds Super 88 Convertible $ 895! Cost Financing Stock Under $1800 Import Prices A few desirable extras New top. Excellent condition throughout. Radio, heater, white wall tires at extra cost. Few We Promise You Liberal Trade Allowances will be added to this low '56 Ford Victoria .........................^.__........$1295 1749 local miles. miles car. Very nice car ' From From '56 Mercury Custom Club Coupe $1295 South Bay Pretty H»ht blue. Long Area Distance $ 895 VON IMPORT CENTER Station Wagon De '54 Ford New finish B-,r»ll»ni rendition NE 6-6223 1600 CABRILLO AVE. TORRANCE FA 8-6161 '53 Buick Super Convertible $ 795 On* of the nicest. '56 Dodge 1/2-Ton Pick-up . ... $1195 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY v-l very clean. Cabrillo Motors ON NEW Mercury-Edsel-Lincoln-English Ford ... makes sense! Import Specials Rambler - Triumph M O It R I S the JW5737VT 'CA R] '54 Jaguar Roadster ..,..,..........,,...,,...,..$1395 Snmalsspecialb '58 Merto. $395 dn. '58 Chev. $495 dn. |nstantl> i'»M(ty 10 movo c|l\>Jl!fssly triroui,u or tip into th« tijtht«*»t FULL Hartilop Red and white. Radio an« Impale coupe. Automatic transmis­ h»«w traffic, sion, radio, heater, power steering. parking place, Ibc "instant" Morris giv« '52 MG Roadster $ 995 PRICF: he»ter Like new. Low mlleoo* family transportAtion with over 40-milfs-|M?r-gallon economy. '56Buick $1395 F.P. '58 Imperial $595 dn. '54 BUICK ............... $695 Imperial So. Hampton 2-door harcMe* Loaded and '57 Hillman Husky Sedan $1195 Century 4-door sedan. Spectli Riviera COUP*. Pull tower. White finish. A N«utlful Jharo.. car. '58 Fiat 1100 T.V. Sedan .....__,. $1495 '55 PLYMOUTH V-8 ...... $695. 57 Cadillac $545 dn. '56 Citroen $245 dn. 4-door sedan. (,•) DaVllia typo coupa- Pawar, air Ollt. Runs fine. '57 Fiat 600 Convertible ............ $ 995 cond it Ion inf. '53 CHEVROLET......... $395 '57 Ford 8 $395 dn. '57 Pontiac $495 dn. ..........____. $ °95 2-door sedan. r i /item 300. Forri-o-matic, radio and Star Chief Catalina Full power. (2 '57 Fiat 600 Multiple haatar. E*tra to choose from). '57 Alfa Romeo Sprint Coupt ......... $2295 '54 PONTIAC............ $395 ?-door sedon. KAZAN RAMBLER $ 795! '56 Zephyr 4-door sedan '50 CHEVROLET ..,......$ 95 I SO 19 So. Wfilf-rn Ave. $1495 ConvtrfibU. Hurry! DA 4-4941 FA 1-1327 Port of L. A. '56 Volkswagen, sun roof .. , .......,$ 1395 «Ke U.S. 'It Chayrolot (odan> R*H, white w«|l tires, original, one owner, $10 down, '51 FORD ............... $95 THE M week. '55 Metropolitan convertible ................ $ 795 " OonverfibU l«]| W. ftofocr|*i, ttardana OA i-lin PA 14171 '55 Volkswagen sedan ...,.,,,.....,.,...,..... $1095 LEADER '56 Plymouth OXFORD Belvedere Clb. cpe. '57 Lincoln Premiere ... $2495 *IH, w.w. tlrot. '54 TR-2 Roadster ............,.. ..,...,....., .,.. $ 995 4-door hardlop. Like n«w. Full power. Brand New $1095 Sports Car Centre, Ltd. j Imported Cars, Ltd. 159 (Now under construction) 700 Pacific,Co«st Highway Blvd. OS 9-1 131 '57 Simca Sedan ... ....,_,.. ,.,..,.,,.. $ 995 '58 Edsel Corsair ......$1995 RIVIERA 151 I I Hawthorn* 4-door hardtop. New car guarantee. Full pow­ VOLKSWAGEN Hermosa Beach FR ft 3474 (Cornsr of Compton Blvd.) er. 3 to rhopie from. Oldsmobile 1601 Pacific Coait Hwy. fcVnamlc Holiday "M" The Hormato PR 4-348I popular Hardtooi coo- P- * Mono;, WK Nttp YOUR TRADE-INS All Cars Are in A-l tram., radio and boater. '55 Olds Convertible ... $1295 '52 PONTIAC H.T., auto trans., Super "88". New top end tirts, like new irnicje R|pH, |e«thar«Ho uphol. |10 down, $2898 .15 week. '13 Cadillac Convertible, RlH, «uto, ford Victoria, RAH, Stick Shirt, is Nash Rambler station Waooiv Mechanical and Appearance and eut. full pow«r. -_____________ tO rlav* or 4000 mile unconditional 1632 W. Motocront. Oardana full power, w.w. tlre^, n»w top. beautiful upholstery and finish, $10 RtH, w.w. tiret, stick shin, ov»r» guarantee. No exclusions- DA 3-1222 F PxcapManal running cond. $10 down, $i week. drive. $10 down, f* week. no policies to buy. down, $10 week. 1632 v\rM Re*ecrans, Gardena 1632 w. Rotecrans, Gardena Condition Easiest Trading Dealer '52 Studebaker Hardtop, RAH, white 1A3? W. Rosecrarvs, aardano DA r.4»-SJ HA QA 3-8222 FA Ml ft California's wall tlrcv Thl» car rum perfect. DA 34222 FA 1-|171 $10 down, »5 week. "Fantastic Savings on New Cars" '57 Olds.. $2195 1aJ2 West Rorctran*, Cardana '5V PLYMOUTH SUBURBAN 9-PAS- Take Over Payments i'57 Volkswagen "II" Holiday JDA 3-«47 __________ FA 1-2171 SENCER. Absolutely loaded Pow­ Someone to take over payments on t 2-door sedan, factory eouipped. Hao and white wo Is. Nothing Down with Good 0 dan or 4000 mllf unconditional er stoerlno, power brakes, tora.ue- '5$ Oldsmobile Super "$$" Holiday 1 radio, heater tuarantee. No exclutloni- Take Over Payments tllte, radio and heatai>r, low local Coupe, hydromatic, power steering | $1595 ne policies ta buy. 'M CHEVMOLtT, J-^DOf tedan, miles. Must sell. Private party and brakes, radio, heater. $49 cash MOTORS and car payments of $33.90 includes CABRILLO NaOlo and fully factory equipped. may assume balance, $2»»). Pay­ Credit - Low Easy Terms everything. Call finance manawer English Ford heatrr, white tltfa wolll, eorgrous ments of only $W.tO. Pay $2 tians- Mercury, Edsel, Lincoln, qreen flnl»h. Take over for $39 fer and take over payments. De­ anvllmr. FR 42946. 1 RIVIERA '54 Olds... $995 down and MV.IO month. Call fi- i livery today. FR 4 2*4« ; 1955 OLDS Super |8. 4 dr. Hardtop, VOLKSWAGEN "IB" Sadan. nance manaoar, SEE ON DEALER'S LOT full Power, RAH, lust like brand to days or 4000 rnlle unconditional »60< Pacific Coost Hwy 1850 South Pacfic Ave. 1*57 HOMO ". ton P».U. 1«,0(|0 orlol- 1600 CABRILLO AVE., TORRANCE new. Must see to appreciate. $10 uarantoe. No e«cluiie*i- CALL MR. TODU, FA 8-8096 riermosa FR *34» no oollclas to buv pal miles. Very, vary well caret! down. $10 week. for. $10 down, HO week. i6j. v".' PiO'seci am, r,nrden« Wt NEED YOUR TRADE-INt TE 3-3577 San Pedro SP 5-1935 U23 W. Mosacrans, Cardena '52 Cadillac COUP* DeVillr, RftH, DA 3422? FA 1-2171 DA 34272 FA 1-2171 power, exceptionally well cared for. 1957 CHEVROLET >4-TON PICKUP $10 down and $1 week. lt55 FORD 'i ton panel. Runt per­ Very low mileaae. FULL CAMPER Open Evenings and Sundays '55 Olds..$1295 1632 W. Rosaerar^. Gardena fect. |10 down. It wook. BQUIPMrNT. An outdoor mant luaer "II", toll power. DA 14122 FA 1-2171 1632 W. Rosecrans, Gardena dream $10 down. $10 week. to davi or 4000 mile unconditional DA 34222 FA 1-2171 1637 W. Rosecrans, Gardena '57 Chev. 2-door sedan, ttlck fhlft, M Pofd 9 patianvar Country Sadan, uarentee.
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