國立中山大學 管理學院 國際高階經營碩士學程碩士在職專班 碩士論文 Impact of the Implementation of QS-9000 on Customer Satisfaction in Taiwan’s Auto-parts Manufacturing Industry 探討臺灣汽車零件製造業實施 QS-9000 品保系統 與客戶滿意度之關係 研究生:楊森鴻 撰 指導教授:周泰華博士 中華民國 九十二年六月 中文致謝詞 i 中文致謝詞 隨著時間邁入 2003 年,我在國立中山大學國際高階經營碩士學程也將逐漸 進入終點。對我個人而言,離開學校已經超過 20 年了,如果中山沒有提供 IEMBA 這個學程,自己也不可能有這個機會再接觸到管理這方面的專業知識。我們生長 在這個劇變的時代。全球化,知識經濟等等理論不斷被提出,在在都推翻了以前 既有的概念,如果不求新知,很容易就被潮流淹沒。 本論文的完成,首先要感謝指導教授周泰華博士,他淵博的學識及耐心的指 導,尤其在關鍵時刻的引導,使得撰寫過程遇到瓶頸時,都能否極泰來。當然口 試委員李清潭博士,郭倉義博士的指導及高見,使得本篇論文也增色不少。 在論文訪談時,一些認識或不認識的朋友的大力協助,使得個案公司的資料 能順利取得,實在令我永生難忘。他們包括我在 IEMBA 2 同學敦揚科技趙處長瑞 君兄,金利公司總經理室特助楊日竹經理,瑞興發公司林焜瑞專員,繼茂公司品 保部陳志慶副理,他們的熱心協助實在令人難忘。 2002 年底正逢服務公司全力開發 253 Ministick 及推行 QS9000 品保系統認證 的緊要關頭,但我在臺灣博士電子公司品保處的部門秘書吳惠娟小姐,仍不厭其 煩替我整理圖表,中文報告的繕打等等額外的工作,對我完成碩士課程也發揮莫 大的助力,在此也一併致上十二萬分的謝意。 也要感謝內人林照娟女士,在這二年沒有個人時間也沒有家庭時間的充電學 習過程中,如果沒有她的諒解及全力照顧家庭,是不能使我順利完成學業。在人 生的道路上能有這一段再充電的生命歷程,實在是既豐富且又充滿無限的感恩, 讓人永遠的懷念。 最後要感謝中山管院副院長徐守德博士及全體授課的老師,和 IEMBA 2 的 全體同學,及我在博士電子公司品保處的蔡和良課長,如果沒有大家互相的扶 持,鼓勵和幫忙,這段路會走的更艱辛!謝謝你們! 臺灣博士電子公司品保處處長 楊森鴻 于西子灣 國立中山大學 2003 年 6 月 Acknowledgement ii Acknowledgement “Tempus Fugit”, the time is approaching fast that my graduate study, International Executive MBA program at National Sun Yat-sen University will be coming to an end. I graduated from National Central University more than twenty years ago. If NSYSU had not provided this IEMBA program, I might not have had the opportunity to return to campus to further my studies in the management field. Over the past decade, globalization and economic knowledge concepts have been introduced to the industry, and past experiences and knowledge have fallen by the wayside. We live in a fast paced, fast changing, highly demanding and competitive global market environment. The train of economic change and knowledge is leaving the station, we better be on it or we will be left behind. I would like to thank my advisor – Professor Tai-Hwa Chow for his patience and instruction for my thesis writing. His vast knowledge was a source of positive suggestions whenever I encountered a problem. My thanks also to Professor Lee, Chin-Tarn James and Professor Kuo, Tsuang Y. for their valuable contributions. I also would like to thank my friends, Jeodie Chao - Marketing Director at Lite-On Automotive Corporation, Yang, Chu-Jih - Special assistant to GM at Kenly Precision Industry Co., Ltd., Lin, Qen–Rei at Juei Hsing Hwa Industry Co., Ltd. and Josef Chen - QA Deputy Manager at Geo Mao Rubber Industry Co., Ltd. who graciously provided me with the information for this thesis when I conducted the case firms research. In December 2002 my employer – CTS Components Taiwan dedicated themselves to two major projects: the 253 Minstick new product development Acknowledgement iii and the QS-9000 certification project. Nevertheless, Joe Wu, my secretary, still managed to find the time to type the report, and draft all figures and charts. Thank you for your assistance. In the past two years, I spent all my weekends on campus. My dear wife Chao-Chuan, added the extra burden to her shoulders, continued her care for the family and supported me in my further studies. To her I owe a debt of gratitude I cannot express in words. Life is short, but these past two years have re-charged and invigorated my career, and life on campus has given me many a good memory. Finally, I would like to thank David S. Shyu - Vice dean of the College of Management in NSYSU, all my IEMBA 2 classmates, and H. L. Tsai – Supervisor at CTS Components Taiwan QA department. I would not have been so successful in reaching my goal were it not for their support. Thank you very much! Yang, Shen-Hong (Austin), at NSYSU June 2003 Abstract iv Impact of the Implementation of QS-9000 on Customer Satisfaction in Taiwan’s Auto-parts Manufacturing Industry Student: Yang, Shen-Hong * Advisor: Prof. Tai-Hwa Chow, PhD International Executive MBA, College of Management National Sun Yat -Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, ROC *Corresponding author: Address: No 355 Lin Shen Road, Fang Shan City, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 830, ROC Tel: ..+886 -77252681, Fax: ..+886 -77138105; [email protected] ABSTRACT Taiwan’s auto industry began with Taiwan Yulon Motor Company in 1957, as well as with the development of the related auto parts and components industry. After more than four decades, most companies have developed flexible production skills that allow them to produce a comprehensive assortment of auto parts and components in small quantities that meet international quality standards. The new wave of electronics manufacturing companies have devoted a large percentage of their resources to automotive products, either at their home base, or at their manufacturing facilities abroad. The QS-9000 Quality management system is a fundamental requirement for automotive parts suppliers. The main purpose of this thesis is to research the relationship between the implementation of QS-9000 and customer satisfaction. This Abstract v study is focused on this inter-action from three perspectives: formulation, implementation and customer satisfaction. Key success factors such as; steering team, organization, target, criteria, documentation, training, standardization and auditing have been defined and studied for their effects on the QS-9000 management system implementation. Developing and implementation quality system utilizing the criteria given in the ISO 9000 or QS-9000 quality system standard can achieve satisfying customer requirements. The successful implementation of a quality management system can contribute to the overall business efficiency of an organization, such as administration, accounting, engineering, marketing, maintenance and after-sales service. The company shall develop the internal and external customer satisfaction indices to check the customer expectation on their service and product. Quality cost are the costs of putting thing right. The monitor for cost of quality can reduce the non-productivity hours and material scrap then achieves the continual improvement management philosophy. In addition, the surveyed case firms disclosed that the QS-9000 standards indeed helped their organization to upgrade the efficiency and service quality of their operation and as such enhance their company’s image as well as customer satisfaction. Key words: ISO 9000, QS-9000, TS 16949, formulation, key success factors, customer satisfaction. Table of Contents vi Table of Contents Chapter 1. Introduction ....................................................................................... 1 1.1 Background ......................................................................................... 1 1.1.1 The Taiwan Auto-parts Industry.............................................. 2 1.2 The Research Purpose........................................................................ 4 1.3 The Research Process ........................................................................ 6 Chapter 2. Literature Review.............................................................................. 8 2.1 ISO 9000 Quality Management System Standards .............................. 8 2.1.1 Characteristics of ISO 9000 ................................................... 8 2.1.2 ISO 9000 Related Literature .................................................11 2.2 QS-9000 Quality Management System Standards............................. 14 2.2.1 QS-9000 Related Literature ................................................. 15 2.2.2 Continual Improvement of the Quality Management System18 2.3 Customer Satisfaction ........................................................................ 23 2.3.1 Satisfaction Theory .............................................................. 23 2.3.2 Terry G. Vavra Satisfaction Theory....................................... 28 2.3.3 The Manufacturing Industry Customer Satisfaction ............. 33 2.3.4 Summary of the Literature Review....................................... 37 Chapter 3. Research Design ............................................................................ 43 3.1 The Research Method...................................................................... 43 3.2 The Research Framework ................................................................ 43 3.3 The Operational Definition for Key Success Factors ........................ 45 3.4 Questionnaire Design....................................................................... 56 3.4.1 Contents of the Questionnaire ............................................. 57 Chapter 4. Case Firms Analysis ....................................................................... 59 Table of Contents vii 4.1 CTS Components Taiwan................................................................. 59 4.2 Ge Mao Rubber Industry Co., Ltd..................................................... 61 4.3 Juei Hsing Hwa Industry Co., Ltd. .................................................... 63 4.4 Kenly Precision Industry Co., Ltd...................................................... 67 4.5 Yuan Cherng Co., Ltd.. ..................................................................... 70 4.6 Lite-On Automotive Corporation ....................................................... 72 4.7 The Summary of the Case Firms Analysis........................................ 75 Chapter 5. Data Analysis .................................................................................. 78 5.1 The Questionnaire Response........................................................... 78 5.2 Overall Analysis for the Questionnaire ...........................................
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