A Bibliography of the History of the Swedish Evangelical Free Church of America DAVID M. GUSTAFSON he Swedish Evangelical Free Church, which was incorpo• rated in 1908, had its earlier beginning at a conference held in October 1884 at Boone, Iowa. The early leaders included Professor J. G. Princell, evangelist Fredrik Franson, and publisher John Martenson of Chicago-Bladet. The pioneers of this group of self-governing churches were influenced greatly by Swedish pietists such as P. P. Waldenstrom and American revivalists such as D. L. Moody. The Swedish Evangelical Free Church came into being at the height of Swedish immigration to America. This was also a pe• riod of theological conflict, described in most histories of the Augustana Lutheran, Mission Covenant, and Evangelical Free churches. Of these bodies, the Evangelical Free churches cherished their independence and autonomy and resisted influences from any ruling body over the local church. The Swedish Evangelical Free Church merged in 1950 with the Norwegian-Danish Evangelical Free Church Association to form what is today the Evangelical Free Church of America, an association of over 1,200 churches. The following bibliography of the Swedish group is collected from references at the archives of the Evangelical Free Church of America in Minneapolis; Trinity International University and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois; North Park Theo• logical Seminary in Chicago; the Swenson Center at Augustana Col- DAVID M. GUSTAFSON is an ordained minister of the Evangelical Free Church of America and serves as associate pastor at Homewood Evangelical Free Church in Moline, Illinois. He is a graduate of Western Illinois University (B.S.), Trinity Evan¬ gelical Divinity School (M.Div., Th.M.), and Fuller Theological Seminary (D.Min.). 223 lege in Rock Island, Illinois; and WorldCat, a national database of public and university libraries. A Living Legacy: Essays on the Evangelical Free Church Movement— Past, Present and Future. Comp. by the Spiritual Heritage Committee in honor of Dr. Thomas A. McDill. Minneapolis: Free Church Publi• cations, 1990. Anderson, Andrew. Konferensljud: predikningar och avhandlingar. Chicago: Utgiven av författeren, 1930. Twenty Years in the Wild West. Trans. from Tjugo år i vilda västern, by Albert Eklund. Minneapolis: Evangelical Beacon, 1980. Anderson, David R. The Foundation Standeth Sure: The Inspiration of tie Holy Scriptures. Minneapolis: Free Church Press, 1944. Anderson, Edward M. From Ship to Pulpit: An Autobiography. Min• neapolis: General Printing Co., 1922. Anderson, Glenn P. Covenant Roots: Sources and Affirmations. Chicago: Covenant Press, 1980. Anderson, J. Vernon. "History of the Missionary Work of the Evangelical Free Church: An Integrated Approach." D.Miss. thesis, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, 1989. Anderson, Philip J. "Paul Peter Waldenström and America: Influ• ence and Presence in Historical Perspective." Covenant Quarterly 52 (4): 2-21 (1994). "Education and Identity Formation among Swedish- American Mission Friends: The Case of Ansgar College, 1873-1884." In Scandinavian Immigrants and Education in North America. Ed. Philip J. Anderson, Dag Blanck, and Peter Kivisto. Chicago: Swedish-Ameri• can Historical Society, 1995. The Archives Project of the First Evangelical Free Church of Rockford, Illinois. The Archives Committee, 1993. Arden, G. Everett. Augustana Heritage: History of the Augustana Lutheran Church. Rock Island: Augustana Book Concern, 1963. Athell, Carl G. Fattigstugu-Calle. Värnamo, Sweden: Författarens förlag, 1929. Bowman, C. V. Missionsvännerna i Amerika: En återblick på deras uppkomst och första verksamhetstid. Minneapolis: Minneapolis Veckoblad Pub. Co., 1907. 224 Brief History of the Swedish Evangelical Free Church, Saint Paul, Minn., 18864926. St. Paul: 1926. Broland, Erik. Missions-vännerna: Jämförelser och studier. Chicago: Mission Friends Publishing Company, 1938. Carlson, Nathaniel. Sixty Years in the Gospel Ministry. Minneapolis: Osterhaus Publishing Co., n.d. Celebrating God's Faithfulness: 1886-1986, Kost Evangelical Free Church, North Branch, Minnesota. 1986. Census of Religious Bodies, 1936: Scandinavian Evangelical Bodies. U.S. Bureau of Census. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Of• fice, 1940. Chicago-Bladet. Chicago, Illinois, 16 February 1877-December 1952. Christian Children's Home. Holdrege, Nebraska, Fiftieth Anniver• sary Album, 1889-1939. Columba: Illustrerad Kristlig Tidning för Barn. Chicago: Chicago- Bladet, January 1886-December 1895. Dahlhielm, Erik. A Burning Heart: A Biography of Erik August Skogsbergh. Chicago: Covenant Press, 1951. Dahlin, John E., Frank W. Anderson, and Philip C. Hanson. Laborers Together with God: Devotional Meditations and Biographical Sketches of Ministers within the Evangelical Free Church of America. Min• neapolis: Ministerial Association of the Evangelical Free Church, 1945. Edwards, Gustaf. "Den Svenska Evangeliska Frikyrkan." In Svenskarna i Amerika: Populär historisk skildring i ord och bild av svenskarnas liv och underbara öden i Förenta Staterna och Canada. Ed. Karl Hildebrand and Axel Fredenholm. Vol. 2, Stockholm, A-b. Historiska förlaget, 1925. Evangelical Beacon, Minneapolis: Evangelical Free Church of America, 28 March 1933. First Evangelical Free Church, Rockford, Illi• nois: 75 Years, 1884-1959, Preaching, Teaching, Reaching. 1959. Forward from a Firm Foundation: 75th Anniversary of the Western District Conference of the Evangelical Free Church of America 1908-1983. Minneapolis: Free Church Press, 1983. Forward in the Faith) of Our Fathers: Messages Delivered at Diamond Jubilee Conference of the Evangelical Free Church of America at Denver, 225 Colo. June 22-28, 1959. Minneapolis: Free Church Publications, 1959. Franson, Fredrik, ed. Utförligt referat öfver förhardigarna wid den för det profetiska ämenas studier afsedde Konferensen i Chicago, Amerika den 13-18 April 1881. Chicago: Chicago-Bladet, 1882. Himlauret, eller det profetiska ordet. Chicago: Chicago- Bladets Forlag, 1898. Generation to Generation: The People of God, 1884-1984. First Evan• gelical Free Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1984. Golden Jubilee of the Swedish Evangelical Free Church: A Brief History and a Souvenir . 1880-1930, Denver, Colorado. Denver: 1930. Groenhoff, Edwin L. The Quiet Prince: A Biography of Dr. Melvin G. Larson, Christian Journalist. Minneapolis: His International Service, 1974. The Care and Concern of the Churches: The History of the Church Ministries Department of the Evangelical Free Church of America. Heritage Series, Vol. 8. Minneapolis: Free Church Press, 1984. Gustafson, David M. "J. G. Princell and the Waldenströmian View of the Atonement." Trinity Journal 20NS (2): 191-214 (1999). Hale, Frederick. Trans-Atlantic Conservative Protestantism in the Evangelical Free and Mission Covenant Traditions. New York: Arno Press, 1979. Hall-Lindquist, Arthur. The Tale of Two Steamer Rugs. Moline: Christian Service Foundation, 1956. Halleen, E. A., William B. Hallman, Milton G. Nelson, and G. A. Young. The Golden Jubilee of the Swedish Evangelical Free Church: Reminiscences of Our Work under God, 1884-1934. Minneapolis: Swed• ish Evangelical Free Church, 1934. Sunshine and Shadow. Chicago: The Evangelical Beacon, 1944. Hanson, Calvin B. The Trinity Story. Heritage Series, Vol. 6. Min• neapolis: Free Church Press, 1983. From Hardship to Harvest. Edmonton, Alberta: Evangeli• cal Free Church of Canada, 1984. What It Means to Be Free: A History of the Evangelical Free Church of America. Minneapolis: Free Church Publications, 1990. Hanson, Muriel. Fifty Years and Seventy Places. Minneapolis: Free Church Publications, 1967. 226 Hassey, Janette. No Time for Silence: Evangelical Women in Public Ministry around the Turn of the Century. Grand Rapids: Academie Books/ Zondervan Publishing House, 1986. Hawkinson, Bernard A. "Paul Peter Waldenstrom: His Life and Contribution to the Swedish Free Church Movement." M.A. thesis, Andover Newton, 1937. Johnson, Emeroy. Biography of Eric Norelius. Rock Island: Augustana Book Concern, 1954. Kerkhoven Evangelical Free Church Centennial: 1886, July 5-6, 1986, Kerkhoven, Minnesota. 1986. Larson, Melvin G. 114 Ways to the Missionfield: Testimonies of Evan¬ gelical Free Church Missionaries. Minneapolis: Free Church Publica• tions, 1967. Lindberg, Alfred E. The Blind Swedish Evangel: Rev. A. J. Freeman. Chicago: J. V. Martenson Printing Co., 1917. Lindberg, Frank T. Looking Back Fifty Years over the Rise and Progress of the Swedish Evangelical Free Church. Minneapolis: Franklin Printing Co., 1935. Lindgren, Anna J. Afterglow: Life and Letters of Josephine Princell. Chicago: Free Church Publications, 1937. Lindquist, E. H., H. D. Peterson, and W. S. Johnson. The Evan• gelical Free Church of America and the Western District Conference. 1948. Mars, H. John. Före ljus—efter mörker erfaren heter ur lifvet. Elk River, Minn.: H. J. Mars, 1914. Martin, David V. Trinity International University: Trusted with the Gospel 1897-1997. Deerfield, Ill.: Trinity International University, 1998. Meddelander från kvinnornas hem—och hednamissions förening. Svenska Evangeliska Frikykan i Amerika, 1908-1928. Minneskrift: Utgifven Med Anledning af Svenska Evangeliska Frikyrkans i Amerika. Trettioårsjubileum i Rockford, Ill. 10-14 Juni, 1914, 1884-1914. Minneapolis: Larson Printing Co., 1914. Mockros, N. E. "The Context of Doctrinal Statements: Ameri• canization of Scandinavian Pietists: 1920-1950." M.A. thesis, Trinity International University,
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