NANCY KELLY 20th Century-Fox star and archery enthusiast AEA87BC2D5Y43 Story about Ruth Hussey by James Street How Radio Discovered the Woman with Golden Blood (See Page 34) MOYIE AND RADIO GUIDE: The National Weekly of Personalities and Programs Nazi Propaganda Hits American Theater Screens THE strongest piece of propllgMda ever filmed +POllS po;d ASCAP "bout $5.000.000 Itlst yetlr is problably the Nazi "Feldzug in Polen," which for the use of most of America's populor music. shows how Germany's juggernaut crushed Polend. Now ASCAP is tls~;ng for $12,000,000 or some This is the film which. when shown to NorwegiM such sum ond the rodio industry is bucking, BMI statesmen just before Germony cttocked that hos been orgonized to produce ond popul"rize country, is said to have convinced them com­ music which ASCAP connot control. If the fight pletely of the folly of resishlnce. gets under woy. os expected. tllmost every theme The purest Nazi pro~gand!l to be found "ny­ song now on the "ir w;fI be ~ided oH. That in­ where is undoubtedly in the UFA newsreels. cludes Vollee's "Your Time Is My T;me." Fred mode by Germeny's offici,,! UFA com~ny, Woring's "Sleep, ond Tommy Dorsey's ''I'm edited end arranged under government super­ Getting Sentimenttl' Over You:' vision, If you live in Yorkville. which is" p"rt of New THERE'LL BE A GlaL in Chorlie McCorthy's York City. you eM see both UFA newsreels and house this outumn, Probobly listeners will hMr "Feldzug in Polen" on Americll" screens "Imost her often. Behind her is a heort-worming story. any time you wish. Edgar Bergen getl acquainted with hil dil' In July Edgar Bergen went to Nashville. Tenn" Herr Hitler's propagllndists never sleep. They covery and protegee-12-year-old ventrilo· to take delivery of 0 new airplane, While there know the greet volue of the Americon screen. qulst Thelma Jean Graham. Nashville. Tenn. he gave tI rodic-press luncheon ot which one of One picture is worth five thOU!oOnd words. So the guests wos twelve-yeor-old Thelmo Jeon Gr,,­ they give us pictures. reel ofter reel. end in York­ ham. Noshville's own child ventriloquist. She ville the potrons who sit silent ond ominous performed for Bergen ond fascintlted him. Be­ through ony showing of on Americon stetesmen CONTENTS fore the doy wos over. he had mtlde plans to breok into mod cheers ot the sight of little Hitler. toke her bock to Ctllifornia. where she might get Most lorge Americon cities hove their own Movies the finest dramatic schooling ond instruction ond Yorkville. Their screens ere spreoding the slow, Nelson Eddy and Jeanette Mac· complete her preptlrtltion for tI career. sure poison of hote, intoleronce, ond oppression. Donald in "Bittersweet" . So 0 girl's silly dream comes true in unbeliev­ Isn't this p\oying 0 sucker's gome? Entertainment, Inc. (an article) oble f"shion. It was two yeors ogo thot Thelmo Herr Hitler knows the devestoting power of No.1_The HOUle of Zanuck 2 Jean saw Bergen ond Charlie McCtlrthy in tI screen propegondo. When he sow "Four Sons" Big.Hearted Hollywood 4 movie. She got a doll ond storted proctising ond "Mortol Storm" he kicked Americon films This Week In Hollywood (news) .. 5 before her mirror. Now. Bergen soys. she has right out of Germony. Thll Week on the Screen (reviews). 8 the most perfect lip.control he has ever seen. Glamorous Puritan (an article). 9 For two years he wos her hero. Now he becomes Surely it is high time we did some kicking "The Sea Hawk" (Picture of the ourselves. Week) 10 her godfather. The Weaker Sex? Who Says So!. 12 RICHARD GREEl'olE is occused of attempt­ THE GIRL ON THE COVER: The lovely ing to get publicity by enlisting in the British Radio young archer on the cover. reminiscent of Robin army. Richard Greene is very unhappy about the Coming Radio Events. 13 Hood with her slender. boyish figure and in lin­ whole thing. What This Week Along the Airialtos coln green shooting-dress. is a comporotive new­ hoppened is this: (news) . 14 comer to Hollywood. In truth. Nl5ncy Kelly is a Greene is on "ble First FamiHea of Radio ("The hoory veterl5n of films. with fifty-two pictures to young mon with 0 Aldrich Family") 33 her credit. most of them made before she htld normol omount of Radio's Woman With the Golden reoched the I5ge of seven! The d~ughter of 0 self - confidence. He Btood (an article) 34 former theotrical tid- thought he might Pictures Along the Alrialtol 36 et-broker. Joe Kelly. On the Bandwagon (an article) 37 ond a former actress. moke 0 good officer. Treason on Your Dial (an article) .. 38 with which we ogree. On Short Wavu (a department) ....40 Non W"lsh. NMcy When he sought od­ comes to the the"ter vice from British offi­ Programs noturolly. As 0 tod· dling boby. she be­ cers he wes told to Week of August 24·30 16·32 moke his opplication gan her coreer as 0 wor~ing Richard Greene ond await results. He model. for opplied. But it devel- M. L. ANNENBERG. Publisher such artists as James oped that commis­ Curtis Mitchell. Editor Montgomery Flagg. sions ore not eosy to get. It would take 0 little ond with Paramount. time. So Greene returned to Hollywood. Cer­ Vol. 9. No. 46, August 24·30. 1940 moking films in its tainly he might hove enlisted os a privote ond Long IslMd studio. 731 Plymouth Court. Chicago, Ill. Nancy Kelly gone to war for twenty-one doll"rs " month. but She mode the jump he felt th"t his experience ond obility entitled .•.-••,. I: lI.nl. I_I·. -"_.;"- fi""". R_ from modeling to Ia_II: It._ ,.. I:".'...: Goor,'" ~ ••n_. )I.~Ir1: him to " more responsible spot. His opplicotion W.I_" X...-h.a, 1:r_1·_.1I.~1 _: 11_ motion pictures with eose. Appearing with such )'-.-. )I " KI_,~ " _. I.,.,. : J_ was "Ire"dy in, he would be commissioned soon 1,_, I:..oor.lI... , ,,, )1 .....1-. ..-. ..-..... stors as Gloria Swonson. Jean Hersholt. Worner 1...,.....1 .• -.t..,.; J l ..~. I·'...... n ••••. b .. in ony event, so he decided to woit 0 bit. That's ~ II...... n '-<a_ "Itt.. )110 ..... I 1• .- B"der. Nancy became a ftlmous juvenile. By the "II there w"s to it. KnI,... ),l.M. ~pl•••I. time she h"d reoched the owkword years. Noncy We think he was right. )I..". "" R".I(I (In,•• IT._ )I,,,, !k.ll t·. II had m~de her radio debut on "The Morch of 1'.",--, 1'_ IX X,,_ U. "._ ot .' '". ,", Itli. 1....1 lw<I ....." .., II" l·_I. 1'_ , ,.1 Time,' ond during the ned few years become I'I>_~ ".It. nlra." 1111.. I:.M'N .. _-....... BMI VS. ASCAP looks like on alphobet bottle _" 'ho I..... om.--.. ,'h_ II"...... r...",..., tl. one of radio's most octive stars. She oppeored un, 'ho or< )1."", t. 1.:1. ,I••r-I_ b.'....' of some sort, doesn't it? Actually. BMI repre­ ,~ I-.n_. "" I' _ ........... _u.. on the Philip Morris progrom, "Myrt lind Ml5rge." l·......lo'll, Itil. '" l_ 11. 1'_",". ,Ill .Ia'" ... sents Broodcost Music, Inc.. ond ASCAP stonds ........ t_~'d'ood _.ro!llt-. _ld __In "Columbia Workshop" ond mony others. As tI ~,.••--.t II , ..,.~ r T "' . for Americon Society of Composers, Authors .... In 'ho r.lt ".l••. ~ ..b.rol""'" "'rI I.. ,1>0 result of her radio work. she Wtls chosen for the I' "' _ ..I.,,, "",..trl,. ot '''''' 1""'.1_...... ~nd ond Publishers. You moy be heoring much of "'H.I '·n : .h _h<. ft.a: _, fl.". ""'b· "Susan God'" cost. As the daughter in this ..-,I"tI , .. 1.1....1•• """..'d• ., d , fl.a; ... hit play. she won a screen-lest and" controct each before the winter broodcosting seoson is ...." ·n ••. 11..11 ~l ~.I __ , '-"" -. or..... or rI...-II ,I..u I" ......... )1"". H" H..I> G' 'DL from 20th Century-Fox. where she appeared in finished. '·un_...n' " ..1100.', .I.a '·1.....11_ a. Here is why. A5CAP is on outfit engoged in f.........."". <If .<Jill , U-a ...,. 10 Ih. '"'' .,., ..... "Jesse James." She loves to ride, swim, ploy • IId'h', ••,,,n.. 'N t . the collection of moner due song-writers for the golf. is /Ill enthusiMtic "rcher (see cover picture). public p;erformonce 0 their tunes. Rodio sto- Noturol-color photogrl5ph is by Frank Powolny. lilt S ENTERTAINMENT, INC. No. 1: Twentieth Century-Fox The House of Zanuck N 1935 the once proud and mighty recently moved out after a day. The Fox Studio (now 20th Century-Fox) pink elephants painted on the walls I was on the rocks. All that stood be­ gave him the "willies." tween it and complete bankruptcy Will Rogers' dressing-room, a des­ were Will Rogers, Shirley Temple and ert-style bungalow with cactus garden, a dynamic little man with a mustache is also preserved for posterity. Here, and ideas named Darryl Zanuck. between picture work, he pounded out Today, Will Rogers is dead, killed on a portable typewriter his widely in an airplane crash which rocked the read newspaper columns. nation. Shirley Temple, whose long­ Great productions take great authors term contract has just been completed, and an agreeable abnosphere. At has left the lot. Only Zanuck remains Moyietone City, such men as Lamar of the original triumvirate, but, judg­ Trotti, who wrote "Brigham Young"; ing from accomplishments, Zanuck Sam Hellman, author of "The Return seems almost sufficient.
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