•flt11 R. I. Jewish Historical i/{' I IP Association 11 ;'11 /h 130 Sessions Street ~ /It (/! Providence, RI 02906 '1/,, " Support Jewish Read By Agencies More Than With Your 40,000 People Membership THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS . VOLUME LXIX, NUMBER 3 THURSDAY DECEMBER 17, 1981 - 30¢ PER COPY Israel's Annexation Of Golan Heights Threatens Peace Process WASHINGTON - Administration of­ Israel. The action , officials say, has in­ ficials believe that Israel's decision to an­ creased the possibility of another Israeli­ nex the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights of Syrian war. neighboring Syria, will weaken the The United States is also concerned that America-led peace process in the Middle the annexation will affect relations with East, disrupt efforts to resolve the civil Egypt is new president, Hosni Mubarak, war in Lebanon and increase Arab suspi­ another U.S . ally in the Middle East. cion of the United States. Mubarak 's efforts to mend Egypt's rela­ Syria has called the legislation, voted on tions with other Arab countries might also Monday in Israel's parliament, a " declara­ be jeopardized since he cannot speak out tion of war" and has vowed to defend its forcebly against the annexation because of territories. upsetting plans for the return of the oc­ Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger, cupied Sinai desert by Israel. in an interview on ABC-TV , charged that The administration may choose to im­ Israel has violated the Camp David peace pose an arms sales suspension against process. Weinberger implied that sanc­ Israel or to slow down progress on the tions may be imposed against Israel for the recently signed strategic cooperation pact annexation. Pentagon officials were between the two countries. In either case, reviewing the list of weapons Israel has on sanctions or impeding the pact would serve order, but said plans were not yet un­ as a signal to the Arabs that the United derway for another arms cutoff, since the States does not approve and is in fact, U.S. halted shipment of Fl6 fighter planes angered at the annexation and the possible when Israel bombed Iraq's nuclear reactor repercussions for Middle East peace. in June. Although Weinberger is among Israel's The parliament bill to annex the heights harshest critics, anger about the annexa­ passed its first reading with a 60-17 vote tion has spread throughout the entire ad­ and went to committee for only three ministration. The U.S., is bitter in par­ hours. It returned to the floor for the final ticular, over the fact that Israel, despite two votes, each approving the bill by 63 to repeated advise against the annexation, 21. was able to win Cabinet approval in little Most Labor members were absent for more than eight hours and that the Knesset the vote first vote and the bill was spon­ pushed the bill through the three-step sored by Begin's Likud Bloc and coalition legislative process into law when the allies, and opposed by a few splinter par­ United States was preoccupied with the im­ ties dissenting Laborities. position of martial law in Poland. Following 18 days of recuperating from a American officials say that Prime broken bone in his hip joint, Begin called Minister Menachem begin has complicated immediate Cabinet meeting at which he the efforts of U.S. envoy Philip Habib to won unanimous approval for annexing the resolve the conflict over Syria's placement heights. From his wheelchair he pushed the of missile in Lebanon for use against · bill to the Knesset for ratification. CELEBRATING THE HOLIDAY SEASON at Bryant College, Smithfield, RI, are Alexis Furer (left), and Jay Weiner (right). Furer and Weiner are members of the Hillel Founda­ tion at Bryant. The Chanukah celebration was part of Bryant's annual Festival of Lights, a campus-wide holiday celebration for all religions. Administration Assesses Downward Trend Of Soviet Jewish Emigration WASHINGTON (JTA) - The· Reagan more than 200,000 Soviet Jews already have Administration warned that if the present the necessary letter from Israel. Some downward trend of immigration of Jews Jews have been waiting as long as eight from the Soviet Union continues, the rate years to emigrate. this year will be the lowest "since the The Presidential report noted that Max Soviet Union began to permit significant Kampelman , the chairman of the Jewish emigration in the early 1970s ." The American delegation to the conference Administration also charged that along reviewing the Helsinki accord , has brought with this cut in emigration "Soviet up all these violations during the spring authorities began a major crackdown on session and when the conference recon­ Jewish activists." vened in October in Madrid. In November, The charges were contained in the Presi­ Kampelman raised the question of Raoul dent's Eleventh Semi-Annual Report to the Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat who Commission on Security and Cooperation helped save 100,000 Hungarian Jews from in Europe on the Implementation of the the Nazis in World War II and who is Helsinki Final Act. The report, which believed to be in a Soviet prison since the covers the period June 1 to Nov. 30, was end of the war. He was recently granted transmitted last week by Secretary of American citizenship. The Presidential State Alexander Haig for President report also noted a reduction in the rate of Reagan to the Congressional commission emigration from Rumania. It said that dur­ headed by Rep. Dante Fascell (D. Fla.). ing the first nine months of 1981 , 677 Ruma­ "Only 8,047 (Jews) have left in the first nian Jews left for Israel, as compared to nine months of 1981 , as compared to 17 ,734 778 during the same period in 1980. Several during the same period in 1980 and 38,678 in hundred applicants have waited three the first nine months of 1979 ," the report months or more to emigrate, the report sa id . " Many Soviet Jews attribute this said, and some cases are several years old. decline to the deterioration of East-West "The Rumanian authorities maintain relations in the past several years and to Jewish emigration is static due to the dwin­ Soviet reluctance to lose sk illed man­ dling Jewish population in Rumania, which power . they state is substantially made up of The report said that potential emigrants, elderly peopl e who are reluctant to " Jewish appli cants, especially ," have ex­ emigrate," the report said . "They point to perienced difficulty in receiving the re­ the fact that several hundred thousand quired letter of invitation from abroad Jews have left Rumania since World War Adam Nagle (left) and Leonard Schwartz (right) join In the spirit of preparing for needed to emigrate. The report noted that, II , and only perhaps as few as 35 ,000 Chanukah by making dreldels at Temple Sinai Nursery School In Cranston. Turn to in addition, Jewish sources estimate that rema in . pages 14, 15. - :z 2 - THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17 , 1981 · - UN Assembly Adopts Resolution Vanessa Redgrave Involved In Reaffirming Palestinian Rights Promoting Two Anti-Zionist Films UNITED NATIONS (JTAJ - The Palestinian rights was " long overdue .. and NE W YORK !JTA) - Va nessa name, he pointed out, it is being advertised General Assembly adopted by overwhelm­ authorized the committee to continue its Redgrave, whose staunch support of the as " Presented by Va nessa Redgrave ing margin six draft resolutions calling in work . P a lestin e Libera tion Orga ni zation Productions" va rious terms for the reaffirmation of The second resolution - 119 in fa vo r : provoked a controversy last year when she Finger said that financing for the new Palestinian Arab rights, including the es­ U.S., Ca nada and Israel opposed : 22 was cast as a JewJsh prisoner in a Na zi con­ film has been provided by the Crown tablishment of a Palestinian state. The abstention - ca lled for an expanded work centration camp in the CBS-TV production Prince of Ku wa it , othe r Kuwa iti votes last Thursda y night concluded the 11- program for a special unit on Palestini an of " Playing fo r Time," is now in volved in " petrodollar tycoons" and Palestinians. day debate on the " Palestine Question ... rights. pro moting two anti-Zionist films, the Anti­ The . Kuwaiti and Palestinian fin ancial The resolutions were in line with recom­ The third resolution - 122 in favor ; U.S., Defamation League of B'nai B'rith re­ assistance, he said, was solicited during a mendations to the General Assembly's 153 Israel, Canada and Norway opposed: 20 ported this week. Middle East tour made by Ms. Redgrave to member-states, proposed by its committee abstentions - called for the convening of According to Justin Finger, director of promote " Occupied Palestine." Finger on Palestinian rights. The committee's an international conference on the Ques­ the AOL 's civil ri ghts di vision , Ms. said that the premise of Ms. Redgrave 's recommendations emphasized that the tion of Palestine not later than 1984, with Redgrave is promoting a propaganda film new film , an alleged conspiracy between Palestine question was at the core of the the committee on Palestinian rights serv­ entitled "Occupied Palestine," which was Zioni sts and Nazis during World War II , is a Middle East conflict and that its solution ing as the preparatOlf body. · premiered in October at the San Francisco frequent theme of Soviet anti-Jewish must encompass the establishment of an The fourth resolution - 111 -13, 20 absten­ Film Festi val, and is preparing another propagandi sts and extreme left-wing independent Palestinian state. The com­ ti ons - reaffirmed the ri ghts of the fil m that accuses " Zionists" of being Nazi groups.
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