US $2.00 CLAN WALLACE SOCIETY WORLDWIDE Am fear-gléidhidh “The Guardian”— Published by the Clan Wallace Society Worldwide. Founded 1966. Winter 2006 Vol 40, No 1 New Members From the Desk of the President On behalf of Ian Francis Wallace of that Fellow Members of Clan tor of Convenor Affairs. Ilk, 35th Chief of Clan Wallace, the Wallace Society World- President and the Board of Directors wide: In this edition of the Newsletter there is welcome the SEVENTY-THREE indi- important information from the 2005 An- viduals listed below to the Clan Council Two thousand six is off nual Directors meeting that was held in and to our Society, respectively. to a great start. Our new Salado, Texas, in November 2005. This Membership Program, will bring you up to date on the business Ciad mile failte! including Annual Mem- of the Society. Keep an eye out for future Council Members berships for the first time report on other important Society efforts. Sophie Alyse McGlade, Charlotte, NC in our 40-year history, is in place, Mem- James D. McIntosh, Austin, TX bership in the Society is up, and our Re- Our website (www.clanwallace.org) is Ian Wallace McIntosh, Austin, TX wards Program is providing needed funds now better than ever. I highly recommend Megan Emily McIntosh, Austin, TX for our international projects and special that you visit it today — and often — to Russell Leroy Cayler, Dixon, CA operations. As I start my last year as your keep your finger on the pulse of our ac- Samuel Wallace Wilson, Richmond, VA President, I am both proud and pleased tivities. The announcement section will Dr. Jon Charles Fulfs, Ft. Collins, CO Mae Fulfs, McClernon, Hernando, FL with the continued excellent work pro- contain timely notices and informative Mark Heinrich-Wallace, Cambridge, MA duced by the Society’s elected Board of articles about Society members and their Glen Heinrich-Wallace, Cambridge, MA Directors. Your Society is in good hands community efforts. Feel free to contribute Dean Rae Berg, Edmonds, WA with these dedicated volunteers who de- information and articles for both the Web- Nicole Wallace, DuPont, WA vote large amounts of time and personal site and the newsletter. Our Editors and LeRoy Franzoia Jr., Hillsborough, CA funds to make Clan Wallace the premier Webmaster encourage and enjoy your Elena Franzoia., Hillsborough, CA Scottish Society in the world. This small support. Stephan Franzoia, Hillsborough, CA group of Council Members provides the Michael Franzoia, Hillsborough, CA Richard Wallis, Murieta, CA leadership and management services that I will be attending about 15 Scottish Bob E. Wallis, Waco, TX keep our Society strong and vital and like events this year, so look for me. Clan Roy A. Fleming, Winston-Salem, NC our Convenors, they do it without financial Wallace is being Honored at several of Al Holley, Lilburn, GA compensation. I salute you all for your these: the Glasgow (KY) Highland exceptional support and loyalty. Games; the Sycamore Shoals (TN) Celtic Upgrade to Council Festival; and the Foothills Games in Hen- Dorothy Knight, Woodslee, ON I personally have started my Games and derson, NC. Those who live conveniently Ronald W. Heacock, Fairview, NC Festival Season by attending the Sara- close should plan to attend. I shall look Nancy Oliver, San Carlos, CA sota (FL) Highland Games and Heritage for you. William D. Cyders, San Francisco, CA Festival on 04 February. Although we did Raymond H. Wallace, McLean, VA Lisa Deiss, Mechanicsburg, VA not have a Clan Wallace Heritage tent at Have a Wonderful 2006! David F. Wallace, Flushing, MI this event, it was enjoyable and worth Pamela “Red” Hughes, Bastrop, TX attending. Any Florida Members who In Your Service, John Harrison Wallace, Greenville, KY might want to join our convenor group to Capt. John R. Wallace, President Steven L. Wallace, Menlo Park, CA do this Games, please contact the Direc- Clan Wallace Society Worldwide Life Members Ruth Remson, Jacksonville, FL Elizabeth Wallace Caseby, St. Andrews, Jennifer Brodeur, Milton, ON Rickey Dale Wallace, Polkton, NC Scotland Maida Miller, The Dalles, OR Karen Wallace, Pueblo, CO David Wallace Griffin, Bellbrook, OH Larry Wallace, Kitchener, ON Andrew Wallace, San Antonio, Texas William Heath Griffin, Bellbrook, OH Paula W. Atkins, Greenville, KY Bob E. Wallace, Waco, Texas Terri M. Heacock, Fairview, NC Timothy Wallace, Davis, CA Roderick Wallace, New York, NY Ian Matthew Wallace, Springfield, VA John A. Shaffer, Rochester, NY Deana Diane Gruner, Albuquerque, NM James Venable, Jefferson, GA Bob Wason, Glendale, AZ Loren Merchant, Bloomfield, CO Gwen Venable, Jefferson, GA Diane Wallace, Glendale, CA Mary Merchant, Bloomfield, CO Josh Falcon, Butler, PA M. Haviland Wallace Steele, Alexandria, VA Timothy G. Wallace, Sr., Cambridge, ON Richard Wilson, Butler, PA Ardean Dell Crum Johnson, Lyons, CO Timothy G. Wallace, Jr., Cambridge, ON Heather Lynn Knight, Maidstone, ON Jennel E.J. Pendleton, Glencoe, IL David Stanley Wallace, Cambridge, ON Jonathan Tuck, Pearland, TX Brett Edmond Johnson, Herndon, VA Robert John Wallace, Cambridge, ON Michael E. Donant, Mechanicsville, VA (Continued on page 2) PAGE 2 AM FEAR-GLÉIDHIDH WINTER 2006 New Members cont’d 2007 IGCW Announced: Colonial Williamsburg (Continued from Page 1) is a living museum, and is site of Pat- rick Henry’s “Liberty or Death” address Terry Shaffer, Cedar Rapids, IA to the House of Burgesses. At nearby Sharon Shaffer, Cedar Rapids, IA York Town, American and French al- Stephanie Shaffer, Cedar Rapids, IA lied forces effected the surrender of Jason Shaffer, Florissant, MO Lord Cornwallis in 1781, effectively Wilma C. Fleming, Winston-Salem, NC ending armed conflict during the American Revolution. Autumn at Williamsburg is beautiful Governor’s Palace at Colonial Williamsburg. with fall colors, but lacking the hordes of visitors found during the summer. Effective Mark off time on your calendars for the next International Gathering of Clan Initial planning is just getting started. 01 March 2006, Wallace, planned for September or Oc- As planning progresses the IGCW tober 2007. We’re going to Colonial 2007 Committee will publish informa- the Clan Wallace Williamsburg! tion in Am-fear gléidhidh, as well as at www.clanwallace.org, and in a spe- Society Worldwide Williamsburg, former capital of Virginia, cial IGCW mailings. has 1194 members. Convenor’s Corner Rewards Program I have mailed Congratulations from the President out the new and the Board of Directors to donors handouts and who continue to demonstrate their original copies dedication and support to the Society MEMBERS INFORMATION of the new by making contributions to the CWSW CHANGE FORM membership Rewards Program, as follows: applications and Current Name _____________________________ the rewards Circle of the Cross handouts. Current Address ___________________________ Please remem- _________________________________________ ber to throw away all your Member No. (on mail label) _________________ old CWS Membership Applications: Phone Number ____________________________ THESE ARE NO LONGER VALID. Old Email ________________________________ In April, Dick and I will be attending the 03-2006 Swamp Celts festival in Gonzales, LA. WRITE ONLY WHERE This is and invitation to all to attend, it is Wallace N. Dapron a small game, but a great group. They (Life Member) CHANGES APPLY have been through so much since Limerick, PA Katrina hit. The festivals in Gulfport, MS New Name ________________________________ and Jackson, LA, had to be canceled so All persons, whether members of the New Address ______________________________ this will be their first games since the Society or not, may participate in this hurricane and they need our support. _________________________________________ important Rewards Program and re- Clan Wallace was the honored Clan last ceive the uniquely designed pins, New Phone Number ________________________ year and Capt. John, Dick and I were medals, and medallions that represent the only members in attendance. This is their tax-exempt donations. Informa- New Email ________________________________ indoors and on Friday night, they throw tion on how to get involved is found on Comments ________________________________ a party at the Kitchen as they call it, the Website at www.clanwallace.org “crawfish and the works.” or by contacting the CWSW Rewards Charles M. Wallace Program Coordinator at: CWS has published a new Convener’s 3464 N Beechwood Dr Handbook as of Jan 2006. If you did not Macon, GA 31210-2304 John R. Wallace receive a hard copy or need one please EML: [email protected] CWSW Rewards Program PH: 478-471-7489 contact me. It is also available for you to print a copy from the CWS web site.” 4327 Gadwall Place URL: http://www.clanwallace.org/ My contact information is listed on Virginia Beach, Virginia member/memupdateform.html Page 5. 23462-4810 PAGE 3 AM FEAR-GLÉIDHIDH WINTER 2006 Proceedings of the 2005 Annual Directors Meeting at Salado (TX) I. Opening to pursue commercial publication and include letter to the studio and perhaps seek assis- The meeting was opened at 8:00 p.m. on a link to publications on our website. The tance from Randall Wallace. Friday, 11 November 2005, by Vice President board voted to approve the motion. William J. Wallace. A quorum was declared. The Society made a £500 donation to the Tom E.S. Wallace gave his proxy to Marcus V. Other Reports Smith Museum in Stirling in August 2005 and Wallace and John Wallace gave his proxy to Marcus Wallace reported on document and has received a Certificate of Thanks. Wayne Jones. publication translation. Maitland papers are being translated by a person who reads and It was announced that Presidential Medallions II. Reading of the 2004 Minutes translates Latin. This person has had serious have so far been presented to most known The Minutes of the 2004 Annual Meeting medical problems and has very limited eye- Past Presidents of the Society, as well as to were approved as reviewed by the Board sight.
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