600 DICTIONAEY OF ALABAMA BIOGRAPHY of Co. E, Cobb's Georgia legion of cavalry; ter of Scotch. Her maternal grandfather was served through the war; surrendering at a colonel in the Revolutionary Army. Chil- Greensboro, N. C., 1865. He farmed and mer- dren: 1. Laura Amelia, m. Rev. M. Kirkpatrick, chandised, removing for a while to Mississippi. Memphis, Tenn.; 2. Harriett Cooper, m. W. M. In 1882 he located in Anniston and engaged in Jones, Talladega; 3. John Harris, deceased; the real estate business, changing to the lum- 4. William Clark Coolidge, m. Marget E. ber business in 1885, and in 1888 he was elected Flow, Barium Springs, N. C.; 5. Gurdon Robin- mayor of Anniston. He is a Mason and a son, m. Irene Burt, Talladega; 6. Margaret Methodist. Married: August 10, 1885, to Emma, Holman, deceased; 7. Alfred Slaughter, m. Elise daughter of Major T. D. Evans. Children: 1. Whitner, Sanford, Fla.; 8. Theron Rice, de- Minnie G.; 2. Mattie B.; 3. Thomas W.; 4. ceased; 9. James Hazen, New Orleans. Last Jennie J.; 5. Emmet E.; 6. Ella May. Resi- residence: Tuskegee. dence: Tarsus, near Anniston. FOSTER, HARDY, planter, was born May FOSTER, GEORGE W., physician, was born 29, 1792, in Columbia County, Ga., and died December 19, 1856, in Jackson County; son August 18, 1848, at Foster's, Tuscaloosa County; of T. Boyd and Sarah Mumford (Mason) Fos- son of John and Elizabeth (Savidge) Foster ter, of Virginia, the former a civil engineer of Georgia; grandson of Arthur and Martha and surveyor of Jackson County for forty years. (Collier) Foster of Southampton County, Va., Dr. Foster was half-brother to William and and of Lovelace and Elizabeth (Harris) Sav- Samuel C., who were killed in the Confederate idge, of Columbia County, Ga. He was edu- defense of Atlanta; also of Thomas T., who cated in the schools of his community. In lost a leg in the battle of Peach Tree Creek. 1820, he removed to Tuscaloosa County and be- He was educated in the public schools, finishing came one of the frontier settlers. In 1848, he in the Austin academy of Stevenson. He became a leader in the first temperance move- studied medicine under Dr. William Mason of ment in Alabama, joining, "Grant's Creek Divi- Jackson County and graduated from Vander- sion, No. 105, Sons of Temperance" October, bilt university, 1882. He located in Stevenson, 1848. He was a Whig and a Baptist. Married: and has practiced his profession there since. August 12, 1813, to Elizabeth Wyatt, daughter He is a member of the Alabama State, Tri- of Joshua and Nancy Wyatt (Collier) Hill, State, and the Jackson County medical socie- of Abbeville, S. C., the former a Revolutionary ties. He is a Mason and a Cumberland Pres- soldier. Children: 1. William; 2. James Col- byterian. Married: December 5, 1883, to Jen- lier, m. Jane E. Ware; 3. Sarah, m. E. C. Mor- nie Graham, daughter of F. J. Graham. Chil- ris; 4. Susan; 5. Martha, m. Thomas Jefferson dren: 1. Mary; 2. Sarah; 3. Jennie. Residence: Hill; 6. Robert Hill, m. ,Mary Mobley; 7. Stevenson. Joshua W., m. Sarah E. Jordan; 8. Elizabeth; 9. Mary Ellen, d. in infancy; 10. Augusta; 11. FOSTER, GURDON ROBINSON, Presbyte- Mary Ellen. Last residence: Foster's. rian minister, was born February 6, 1827, at Claiborne. Monroe County, and died October FOSTER, HENRY BACON, lawyer, judge of 26, 1887, Tuskegee; son of Charles Orn Foster, County court and member Alabama legisla- a native of Wrentham, Mass., who lived at ture, was born May 9, 1863, at "Glenwood," Boston until after his marriage to a Miss Tuscaloosa County; son of Rev. Joshua Hill Lenon, then moved to Alabama. His paternal and Frances Cornelia (Bacon) Foster (q. v.); grandfather was an Englishman, who mar- nephew of John Collier Foster (q. v.). He ried Lenoira Hall, and came to America, set- was educated in the schools of Tuscaloosa and tling in Sumter District, S. C. His mother's graduated from the academic department of the father, Capt. Lenoir, was an Englishman, and University of Alabama in 1882, with the de- his wife was a French Huguenot. They lived gree of A. M., and from the law department, at Lenoir, N. C. Rev. Foster was prepared in 1884, with the degree of LL. D. He was county the high schools of Alabama; was graduated solicitor, 1896-90, 1901-03; mayor, Tuscaloosa, from Oglethorpe university, A. B., 1848, with 1890-92; member of the legislature, 1898-99, first honors; and from the theological course 1900-01; was appointed judge of the law and at Columbia theological seminary, South Caro- equity court of Tuscaloosa County to suc- lina, 1851. He was licensed to preach by the ceed Judge J. J. Mayfield, resigned, in 1903 Presbytery of east Alabama in the fall of 1851; and later was elected to that position. He served as pastor of the Prattville and We- was elected judge of the 6th judicial circuit tumpka churches until 1871, when he was subsequently, and still holds that office. Judge chosen evangelist of the East Alabama Presby- Foster was active in the military affairs of the tery; and continued the work of evangelist Alabama national guard during 1886-98. He until November, 1880, when he was appointed served as a major during the Spanish-Ameri- superintendent of the Orphans' Home, by the can War. He is a Baptist; Democrat; Knight Synod of Alabama, the home then being located of Pythias; Odd Fellow; Elk; and Woodman at Tuskegee. He was superintendent of the of the World. Married: July 24, 1895, in Tus- home at the time of his death in 1887, and caloosa, to Jennie, daughter of Dr. William had been a minister of the gospel for thirty- and Sallie (Hayes) Hester of that place. Chil- six years. Married: December 1, 1858, near dren: 1. Henry Bacon, jr., officer of the Euro- Dadeville, Tallapoosa County, Annie Elizabeth pean War, m. February, 1917, in San Antonio, Slaughter, daughter of John Robins and Tem- Texas, Helen Driscoll of New York, one child, perance (Harris) Slaughter, who lived near residence Tuscaloosa; 2. William Joshua; 3. Dadeville, the former of Irish descent, the lat- Sallie Olivia. Residence: Tuscaloosa. GEORGE A. BEAUCHAMP DICTIONARY OF ALABAMA BIOGRAPHY 603 FOSTER, IRA ROE, state senator, physician, FOSTER, J. S., Methodist minister; member lawyer and planter, was born January 13, 1811, of the North Alabama conference; living in on the Tiger River, Spartanburg County, S. C. 1913. and died November 19, 1885, at Gadsden; son of Ransom and Nancy (Poster) Foster, the for- FOSTER, J. T., member of the constitutional mer a native of Amelia County, Va., who later convention of 1875, from the twenty-third dis- lived at Spartanburg, S. C., and in Georgia, a trict. soldier of the War of 1812; grandson of Col. Isham and Jane Hollenberry (Hawkins) Fos- FOSTER, JAMES HENRY, lawyer and su- ter of Spartanburg, S. C. Dr. Foster was edu- perintendent of city schools, was born Octo- cated in schools of his native state and acquired ber 17, 1862, at Foster, Tuscaloosa County, and sufficient knowledge at an early age to teach died October 16, 1919, in Tuscaloosa; son of school. Through this means he secured the John Collier and Georgia Ann (Maharry) Fos- funds with which to study medicine, which ter (q. v.); brother of John Manly Foster (q. profession he practiced successfully. In 1841 v.). He received his early education in the he was granted a license'to practice law by neighborhood schools of his native place and the superior court of Cherokee County, Ga. graduated from Howard college with the A. He served in the legislature of Georgia and B. degree, in 1883, and from the law depart- was senator in Alabama after his removal to ment of the University of Alabama, 1887. He this State, holding that office at the time of his practiced that profession at Ft. Payne and at death. In 1836, during the Seminole Indian Tuscaloosa, but in 1894 was elected superin- War in Florida, he served as colonel of a regi- tendent of the city schools of Tuscaloosa and ment of mounted infantry. He was seriously thereafter devoted his entire time to that po- wounded and carried fifty miles on a stretcher. sition. He was a Democrat and a Baptist. In 1842, as a member of the Second brigade, Sev- Married: (1) April 26, 1892, in Los Angeles, enth division Georgia militia, he was appointed Calif., to Alida S., daughter of A. S. and Mary .aide-de-camp to the commander-iii-chief with the C. Van de Graff; (2) December 26, 1899, at 'rank of colonel. In 1844 he was appointed by Tuscaloosa, to Mary Adair, daughter of Dr. the governor of Georgia, George W. Crawford, William Allen and Ann (Coleman) Cochrane, brigadier general, Independent brigade, Seventh of that place. Children: by the first wife, 1. division. At the outbreak of the War of Seces- Frances; 2. John Collier; by the second wife, sion he placed himself at the service of the Con- 3. Elizabeth: 4. Jeannette; 5. Robert Nicholls; federacy and was appointed quartermaster 6. Walter Manly; 7. Edward Lee; 8. Mary general by Gov. Joe Brown of Georgia, and Adair. Last residence: Tuscaloosa. looked after the wants of the soldiers of that state with devoted interest. Early in 1865, after FOSTER, JOHN, member of constitutional the surrender he went to Virginia to distribute convention 1865, chancellor of the northern clothing to the Georgia troops, was taken pris- division, was born in Troy, N. Y., in 1818, and oner but soon released and appointed by Gen.
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