ב"ה בחצרות קודשינו B'chatzrois Kodsheinu גליון ז' יום שבת קודש ג' תשרי תשע"ד ימים נוראים | Issue 7 לעבן מיט די צייט ימים נוראים Second Day Farbrengen attributed to. The Rabbeim used to say da'ach After the farbrengen, the Rebbe on the second day of Rosh Hasha- would give out 'kos shel brocha'. The na, but did not have a farbrengen. distribution of 'kos shel brocha' on At the end of 5711, the first Rosh motzei Rosh Hashana was unique in Hashana since the Rebbe accepted this that the Rebbe did not distrib- the ne'sius, some elder chassidim ute any bottles of mashke or wine to asked the Rebbe to say chassidus on the Rabbonim or communal people Rosh Hashana. The Rebbe - unlike etc. Unlike the other motzei Yom the previous Rabbeim, would not Tov's. say chassidus alone without a far- When the second day of Rosh Ha- brengen, except on rare occasions shana fell out on Friday, (like this – answered to their surprise - Rosh year.) the time of the farbrengen Hashana there will be a farbrengen, changed throughout the years. In which during it I will say da'ach. the earlier years, the Rebbe far- When the Rebbe entered the far- brenged Friday afternoon, and brengen he said that since it is dif- bentched before shekiah, then dis- ficult to introduce newminhagim tributed 'kos shel brocha' and said that were not practiced by our pre- the ma'amer. From 5724 and on, vious Rabbeim, therefore I want to the Rebbe bentched after Shabbos eat now the Yom Tov meal together came in, kept the wine for the next with the chassidim. The Rebbe then day, and then made the distribution washed his hands for the seuda and of 'kos shel brocha' after the Shabbos gave some of his food to some of farbrengen. the chassidim. After bentching the In the later years, the farbrengen Rebbe said a ma'amer. After the far- was held on Shabbos close to shekiah brengen, the Rebbe gave out 'kos shel and continued into motzei Shabbos, brocha', as every motzei Yom Tov. after ma'ariv and havdalah – the Since then, a farbrengen was held Rebbe distributed 'kos shel brocha'. Rosh Hashanah every year, usually By the distribution of 5739, be- the sichos by the Rosh Hashana far- cause of what happened the year brengen's were shorter than usual, before on Shemini Atzeres, someone since most of farbrengen was the announced that not everyone from ma'amer. The Rebbe was always the crowd should pass. The Rebbe medayek to quote from all the pre- silenced him and asked that every- vious Rabbeim, and since 5745, the one pass, adding that it will only Rebbe added and mentioned also strengthen his health. At the end ״לאפשא the Arizal, saying that it's a of the distribution the Rebbe said לה״ - to add in the Torah. again that all those who refrained During the farbrengen the Rebbe till now from passing, should get in motioned to sing the niggunim of line and get 'kos shel brocha'. all the Rebbeim, and over the years The 'kos shel brocha' of 5740 was the Rebbe added that they should a very happy and uplifting one. announce before each niggun the During the distribution name of which Rebbe the niggun is כתבי יד בעניני דיומא In the michtav k'loli which the "head" - which gives it more the Rebbe wrote on Chai Elul 5746 meaning of Rosh Hashana. in honor of Rosh Hashana, the manichim wrote in the English translation: at the beginning (“head”) of the year. The Rebbe added the word Rosh after the word און דערפאר, ווען מ'שטייט אין א התוועדות וואס איז פארבונדען מיט ר"ה, דאס איז דער פלאץ צו דערמאנען וועגן דער פסק דין פון בנ"י דא למטה בנגע צו אלע ענינים פון ראש השנה, און צום אלעם ערשטן, בנוגע צו )מהתוועדות יום ב' דר"ה תנש"א( די ברכה הכי עיקרית, שנת גאולה האמיתית והשלימה ע"י משיח צדקנו! the chassidim sang a very not yet received should raise their lebidike niggun, and as the hand”. More people began to pass. chazzan Reb Moshe Talishevski Some of them the Rebbe asked: you passed by the Rebbe, the Rebbe are also one of those? You were also instructed him to attach the words convinced? ... וביום שמחתכם from the posuk to the In 5753 the Rebbe’s placed was set niggun, and encouraged the singing for the farbrengen, with all benches strongly. Later when the chassidim set up facing towards the Rebbe’s were singing other freiliche nig- place as a regular farbrengen, wait- ginim the Rebbe stopped the dis- ing, with complete emuna that the tribution, and started dancing in his Rebbe will come out and take us all place firmly while encouraging the out of golus. singing with his hands, it felt just A big crowd of chassidim came to like hakafos... 770 for this special time, everybody In 5741, the Rebbe noticed that washed their hands, and Reb Yoel the line ended very quickly. So the Kahn started to sing all the Rab- Rebbe said, "If there are fools who beim's niggunim, afterwards one of think that they are doing me a fa- the chassidim stood up to give bir- vor by not coming to get 'kos shel kas kohanim to the Rebbe, and said brocha', they should know that Yechi three times. All of the chas- they are fools, and all those who sidim were awaiting with complete have not yet got, should not admire faith that the Rebbe will be nisgale fools, and fools do not admire non- as melech haMoshiach, may it finally sense of their own, and everyone happen, NOW! should come up and get 'kos shel Since Gimmel Tammuz, nothing brocha'... By the end of the second has changed and we still firmly be- line, the Rebbe again said, “If there lieve that today, the Rebbe will be are still people being admired fools, nisgale, and we will be zoiche to see they should come fast and get 'kos and hear with our gashmiyusdike shel brocha'. It is customary in this eyes and ears the Rebbe farbreinging country that everything is done by with the coming of Moshiach now! raising a hand, so all those who have תהא שנת נפלאות בכל מיומנו של תמים The Rebbedavend Mincha in the and several strong bitu'im regarding upstairs zal while downstairs they how Imminent the geula is. were preparing for the farbrengen Throughout the farbrengen as usual The Rebbe then came down to the far- by the Rosh Hashanah farbrengen's, brengen and washed his hands, cut the the Rebbe mentioned all of the Rab- , challah and dipped a piece into honey. beim starting from the Ba'al Shem Tov, The gabbai Reb Yehoshua Pinson an- but this time the order was "bottom nounced that anyone who did not up", saying that we’ll start with what is yet wash his hands for the farbrengen close to us. could do so until sehkiah. At the end of this sicha the Rebbe The first niggun which opened up the turned to his chozer Reb Yoel Kahan "זאל שוין זיין די גאולה" farbrengen was - It and asked him to sing the Rabbeim's was sung very enthusiastically and the niggunim, and to announce before Rebbe encouraged the singing many each one whose niggun it is. Reb Yoel times with both hands. After the nig- began to announce and the Rebbe gun, the Rebbe started saying a sicha. said that the announcement should The farbrengen contained two sichos, be loud. He raised himself up, and an- the first one was about the fact that the nounced out aloud. previous year was a year full of nissim, לע"נ הרה"ח ר' צבי הירש ע"ה בן הרה"ח בן ציון שפריצר נלב"ע ז"ך אלול תש"מ B'chatzrois Kodsheinu is a daily publication published throughout the month of Tishrei, for all Bochurim. יוצא לאור על ידי מערכת 'בחצרות קודשינו' • להערות וקבלת הגליון: [email protected] יחי אדוננו מורנו ורבינו מלך המשיח לעולם ועד .
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