s M s u .- y(,iumc 85 ~·-~ Numhcr ·' t Friday, January 29, t 993 Montana State Uninrsity Higher education Documentary on Colored wrap Montana-made film administrators defend salaries to air on KUSM HELENA (AP}-Higher education offi­ cials say their salaries of $90,000 a year or more are simply a matter of competitive eco­ by Brent Larsen nomics. But legislators say that's not the way Exponent staff writer the public sees it. "The public tends to say to legislators, "Shadow Casting," an independent documentary filmed 'You're paying these (state administrative) by a Montana State professor and numerous MSU students, people$50,000 a year... and you 're doubling it for the university system'," said Rep. Ray takes the viewer behind the scenes in the process of making Roben Redford's feature film "A River Runs Through It" Peck, D-Havre. The one hour program will be distributed nationally for a "It's a tough thing to answer," agreed Com­ PBS broadcast this winter and spring. missioner of Higher Education John "Shadow Casting" gives the viewerinsightinto what goes Hutchinson. "But that's just the market situ­ on in the production of a feature film while exposing a ation." different side of Redford. Executive Director Dennis Aig The exchange came as Hutchinson testified wanted the project to show the difficulty and lack of glamour Monday before the Joint Appropriations sub­ in film making, especially when dealing with the adaptation committee on education. of a 104-page semi-autobiographical novel and the unpre­ Salaries in the university system arean easy dictable logistics of Montana river filming. target for legislative budget-cutters. "We wanted to show how a team puts a film together. Hutchinson makes $97,785 a year; the presi­ Nobody makes a film by themselves. There's no question dents of the University of Montana and Mon­ Robert Redford is the artistic center of this film, but if he tana State each make $96,698, plus free hous­ didn't have all the support from the sound, set and costume ing and a state car. Other college presidents professionals, the vision he had wouldn't have been real­ and two top deputy commissioners make from ized," Aig said. $80,000 to $85,000 a year. "We also wanted to show how down and dirty making a By comparison, Gov. Marc Racicot is paid movie often is. It's climbing around on river banks, standing $55,500 a year, and his topCabineLappointees around in the sun, directing traffic, dealing with the unpre­ make about $54,000. dictable elements; this whole idea ofglamour is really just a But Hutchinson said the salaries are neces­ fabricauon. The glamour doesn't really come until the film sary to recruit talent in a national market. is premiered. "While these salaries may seem exorbitant, "What we considered important in our documentary was they are not, on any kind of a national or that we show how a scene is when it is being made and then regional scale," Hutchinson said. " ... You can what it finally winds up as on the screen," Aig said. only eat so many mountains." Three recent MSU graduates worked extensively on the But Peck and some other legislators also project with Aig, who is also assistant professor of Media targeted fringe benefits, such as leave time. and Theater Ans and production director at KUSM. Top administrators get 22 days of vacation a Aig and MSU MT A graduate Andy Froemke co-pro­ year, plus 12 days of sick leave and three duced and co-directed the documentary. Photography was weeks of "professional develpment leave" LO done by MT A graduate Roben Wilder. Wilder and Florida attend seminars and training. State film graduate David Froemke worked extensively in Tina R. HanlllEXPONENT Ifthe professional development leave is not post-production of the documentary. taken, as much as two years' worth can be Many MTA majors and graduates from MSU gained Kim Garman models an alternative material outfit oompeting in a fashion show Saturday taken in cash upon resignation and could valuable experience while helping with the documentary. night This jacket design is made of alternating stripes of oobred saran wrap and finished amount to up to $10,000, said Rod Sundsted, See more on "Documentary," page .__o_ff_wtt_·h_b_lu_e_m_ilk_gaJ_b_n_n_·ngs_. _Mo_re_inf_o_nn_at_ion_aoout __ 1_he_1_as_h_ion_show __ o_n_page __ s_12_a_nd_13_.__J acting commissioner of fiscal affairs for the 7 university system. MSU athletics to form unified department Until the announcement, MSU was one ofjust has been the men's athletic director for the past larger coaching staffs, recruiting budgets and 11 institutions that operated under separate men's eight years, will direct university athletics, while travel allowances. by Darin Burt and women's athletic departments. Dr. Virginia Hunt, the women's director since "Under dual directorships, I don't believe that Exponent sports editor "I think in a perfect world it would be very 1977, will act as associate athletic director. we have provided women's athletics with some good to have two separate programs where you Malone pointed out that both appointments of the same tools thal we have provided the men," could make all the investments in women's sports are interim pending theoutcomeofanation-wide Malone said. "Now, I believe that we can inte­ Citing increased efficiency and gender equity that you want to make and make them every bit search to permanently fill lhe positions. grate the programs to the advantage of both." as major concerns, Montana State president Mike equal to men's spons," Malone said. "Ofcourse, "It's going to be a complex and fairly long­ Hunt sees the merger as a welcome boost to Malone announced Tuesday that men's and we don't Live in a perfect world and I think the termjob to gel the unification all the way through, women's athletics, specifically in the areas of women's athletic programs will merge effective best way that we can guarantee cost effectiveness so a search will be done for the athletic director financing and visibility. July I, 1993. and get to the basic issue of gender equity is to position, but it won't be done in the immediate "This change will have a positive effect for the Malone made the decision following the rec­ have these two programs melded and working in future," Malone said, stating that the search may women's program because it will give additional ommendation of an Athletic Advisory Commit­ tandem with one another." take as long as two years to complete. "I think we suppon in the marketing, promotions and fund­ tee that has been studying the role of Under the recommendation of the committee, need to see how this is going, whal kind of -raising areas," she said. "We didn ' thave money intercollegtale athletics at MSU for the past six there will now be a director of athletics and an changes we need to make and learn from our to effectively operate our program before, espe­ months. associate director, without gender specifically experiences." cially in the areas of marketing and promotions. "I believe that this merger is essential, both to attached to either the job ti tJe or description. The The commiuee also established a goal of We anticipate increased revenue right up front" assure maximum efficiency in theadministration commiuee agreed that at least one of the posi­ moving the university towards a more level plane Hunt said thal she expects corporate sponsors of our athletic program and to guarantee gender tions be filled by a female to ensure the gender in the gender equity issue concerning athletics. and the MS U Booster Club to fill the needed equity in sports here at Montana State," Malone equity issue for all women athletes. The equity scaleatMSU currently tips heavily in dollars gap. Currently, the men's program ben­ said. According to Malone, Doug Fullenon, who favor of men's athletics with more scholarships, See more on "Merger," page 15 SNEWS 2 • Frida), Januar) 29, 1993 • AS\1Sl faponent Take Five · Notes from ASMSU · education in the state. 1believe it is out duty to define quality. Doc~ by Jodie Farmer quality mean we cut out everything ASMSU president lhat is not instruction (this includes the library. which receives separate funding)'.! Do we 3bolish C3rccr Right now you are a p3rl of a ScrviccsorStudentAcuv1ucs? Ho\\ battle. Right now someone else is about athleucs? Do we really need fighting in your place. Right now a fully operational financial aid de­ other people are assuming that they panment? Maybe we could cut out know what is best for you. Right the Poliucal Science Dcpanrnenr? now the Montana University Sys­ Personally, I believe that the class· tem is providing an adequate learn­ room represenLS only a small p3rl of ing environment But right now the the education I've received here quality of that education is on the We can either sit back and let the line. Simply stated, right now your axe fall where 1t may, or we c3n future is in jeopardy and right now is L.:::~~~~~~~~~~=::.__J direct the blows to insure that our the time to do something about it Jodie Farmer future is not jeopardized. I love MS U is a good school. Wc' ve got Montana. I want the best for this an excellent faculty, dedicated administrators and a top­ state and I believe education must pave the road to a of-the-line student body. Unfortunately, monetary sup­ successful economy. Please take a few minutes to JOt pon for the university system has been in a steady down the thmgs at MSU that means the most to you.
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