DING Press Publications PRESORTED A R C 4779 Bloom Avenue STANDARD T O SHOOTING RANGE U.S. POSTAGE M White Bear Lake, MN 55110 S P PAID E A The St. Croix Valley K N A Y PERMIT NO. 640 L CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED & GUNSHOP STILLWATER, MN BUY, SELL, TRADE FIREARMS 651-464-7251 www.LakesTradingCo.com 95 8th Ave SW, Forest Lake, MN 55025 Next to Music Connection Arts & Outdoors Scene in Washington County FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2018 VOL. 06 NO. 19 www.presspubs.com $1.00 CITY COUNCIL: Downtown condo approved. PAGE 18 New Lake Elmo nature center creates welcoming space to enjoy the outdoors Page 8 Hometown band reunites at Lumberjack Days Page 9 Downtown boutique hotel opens JACKIE BUSSJAEGER | PRESS PUBLICATIONS Sally Manzara Interpretive Nature Center opened to the public on June 2 at Lake Elmo’s Sunfi sh Lake Park. LAKE ELMO — Tony and Sally Page 23 Manzara spent their last anniversary walking the trails of Sunfi sh Lake Summer theater presents dark Park while butterfl ies glided about fairy tale them. Sally was declining in her fi ght against pancreatic cancer, but Tony asked her what she thought about hav- ing a nature center in her honor. Featured Events “She thought that would be really nice,” Tony said. Out East This June, the Sally Manzara Old Fashioned Ice Cream Social Interpretive Nature Center (SMINC) When: 5 - 8 p.m. July 19 opened its doors to the public for the Where: Stillwater Historic Courthouse fi rst time. Sally was a teacher, librarian and a community and church volunteer. She Up North loved birdwatching, nature centers, Arts in the Park museum gift shops and spending time When: 5 - 9 p.m. Tuesdays outdoors, so a nature center seemed like an excellent way to celebrate her Where: Lakeside Memorial Park life when she passed away in 2015. The money the pair had saved for their See pages travel during retirement became the seed money to build a new nature 6&7 for event center in one of the local parks she JACKIE BUSSJAEGER | PRESS PUBLICATIONS loved best. Over the entrance of the new nature center is an image of the center’s mascot, Emy the details Blanding’s turtle. The Blanding’s turtle is an endangered species that is known to live in SEE SMINC, PAGE 12 the Sunfi sh Lake Park area. The turtle’s scientifi c name is Emydoidea blandingii, which is where the nickname “Emy” comes from. NEWS ADVERTISING CIRCULATION CLASSIFIED PRODUCTION 651-407-1229 651-407-1200 651-407-1234 651-407-1250 651-407-1239 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] classifi [email protected] [email protected] 2 THE LOWDOWN JULY 6, 2018 www.presspubs.com Beachside paddleboard rentals available in Forest Lake this summer BY JACKIE BUSSJAEGER each 45-minute session, and the goal EDITOR is to get all spots filled, Muscha said. FOREST LAKE — It’s wonderful to All are welcome to participate for be on the lake during a Minnesota one free session; Forest Lake resi- summer, and this year has an added dency is not required. benefit for Forest Lake: an oppor- Muscha hopes summer paddle- tunity to try out a stand-up paddle- board rentals will continue in the board for free. city’s future, especially because it’s The Forest Lake Parks, Trails and fairly easy to learn and participate Lakes Commission has organized in. six summer sessions of free stand- “It’s a nice recreational activity up paddleboard rentals at Lakeside that doesn’t require too much physi- Memorial Park this summer to help cal strength.16-year-olds can do it as everyone enjoy the lake. The pro- well as 80-year-olds. We like to pro- gram is supported by a grant from vide things that could be for almost Allina Health to support physical anybody. I think this is one of those activity in the community. activities.” “Sometimes people just don’t have The rental dates began in late the access or equipment needed, so June, but upcoming dates include we’re just trying to get people to rec- the following: 6-8 p.m. July 11, 1-33 reate more and use the lake,” said p.m. July 28, 6-8 p.m. Aug. 9 and 6-8 Park and Recreation Coordinator p.m. Aug. 27. Registration can be Jamie Muscha. completed ahead of time by visiting The rentals will be provided by https://dirooutdoors.com/pages/for- DIRO Outdoors, a St. Croix Val- est-lake and choosing a time slot. ley-based company that specializes in outdoor equipment rental. DIRO Jackie Bussjaeger is the editor of also rented paddleboards at last the Forest Lake and St. Croix Valley FILE PHOTO year’s Northern Lights Paddle, Yoga Lowdown, and can be reached at 651- Forest Lake invites people to enjoy the lake via stand-up paddleboard this summer. and Music Fest in Forest Lake. 407-1229 or lowdownnews@presspubs. There will be 14 paddle boards com. available for registration during Readers! We want to show off your pets! Please submit your favorite photo of your pet for a chance to have it showcased in our “All About Pets” special section. Please email photos to: [email protected] Deadline July 18 Will appear July 25th Will appear August 2nd • White Bear Press • Forest Lake Lowdown • Vadnais Heights Press • St. Croix Valley Lowdown • Shoreview Press• Quad Community • The Citizen Shop, Dine, Relax, Stay in Downtown White Bear Lake THURSDAY, JULY 5 SATURDAY, JULY 28TH 10-1 MARKETFEST 6-9 PM • Stroll around downtown Jennifer Grimm/Joe Cruz The Bare Bones Band WBL with your favorite 4-legged friend • Relax on a www.DowntownWhiteBearLake.com pet-friendly restaurant patio Over 200 Shops & Businesses • Learn about pet adoption and talk to rescue groups in a Beautiful 14 Block Area Kowalski’s Gazebo stage White Bear Mitsubishi 3rd St. Stage JULY 6, 2018 THE LOWDOWN 3 www.presspubs.com Lakeview Hospital holds grand opening for Baby Cafe STILLWATER — “Everybody always you can get a little isolated, because thinks breastfeeding should be this you don’t necessarily feel comfortable easy, natural thing. But it’s not always. taking your baby out everywhere, so it There are often little hiccups – or speed was nice to get out and meet the other bumps – along the way.” moms and fi nd out they’re having some Those are the words of registered of the same struggles you are.” nurse Nan Schwietz, one of Lakeview Third-time mom Jennifer Dahl did Hospital’s international board certifi ed not expect to fi nd herself needing as- lactation consultants (IBCLC) and one sistance after successfully nursing two of the leaders of the hospital’s new Baby older children. But son Levi presented a Café. few nursing challenges. Baby Café is a national network of “I expected things to be easy and he groups that provide social support and threw a curve ball,” Dahl said. “He professional advice for breastfeeding wasn’t gaining weight and was having moms. Breastfeeding is recognized as some tongue tie issues. We’ve got some the best source of nutrition for infants. good advice on what to work with and But nursing an infant is a learned how to keep him gaining weight. It’s skill for both mom and baby, and often been awesome.” requires time and patience. Baby Café meets every Thursday Lakeview Hospital Baby Café is a at Lakeview Hospital from 10:30 a.m. free, drop-in group for breastfeeding to 12 p.m. For more information, visit mothers and babies. It opened this lakeviewhealth.org/babycafe or call winter, and will hold a Grand Opening 651-430-4510. celebration on Thursday, July 12. The Grand Opening will be held 10:30 “Whenever something new comes up a.m.-12 p.m. Thursday, July 12, in the – and something comes up every week Hardenbergh Conference Room. The – they will help guide you and answer event includes refreshments, a chance questions,” said Lindsay Quinlivan, to visit with lactation consultants and a who has attended Lakeview’s Baby Café chance to meet other moms. No regis- SUBMITTED with three-month-old daughter Avery tration is required. Lakeview Baby Cafe attendees Jennifer Dahl and baby Levi, Lindsay Quinlivan and baby Av- since she was two weeks old. “When ery, with Nan Schwietz, one of Lakeview Hospital’s international board certifi ed lactation you’re at home on your maternity leave, From press release consultants. Masquers Theatre presents summer show of Biblical proportions BY JACKIE BUSSJAEGER the most well-known stories Lexvold loved the show ety of cast members of all July 13 and 14; 5 p.m. on July EDITOR from the Bible. when he fi rst saw it, and ages, both local and from 15; 7 p.m. on July 20 and 21; The fi rst act follows Adam remembered that Youth Per- areas as far as Cambridge and 5 p.m. on July 22. Learn FOREST LAKE — It’s not and Eve as they discover forming Arts in Forest Lake and Pine City. more about the show, see the easy being the fi rst family creation—and later, try has done it in the past. One of the production’s cast list or purchase tickets in the world, but as with to raise the fi rst children “It’s a beautiful show,” Lex- star players is Will Dusek at www.masquerstheatre.org. modern families, it takes on earth. The second act vold said. “The lyrics and in the role of Cain. Dusek, a Contact Masquers at 615-464- a little love and a little follows the family of Noah the songs and the music—it’s Cretin-Derham Hall student, 5823 or masquersinforma- faith.
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