Women and Islamic Cultures: A Bibliography of Books and Articles in European Languages since 1993 General Editor Suad Joseph Compiled by: G. J. Rober C. H. Bleaney V. Shepherd Originally Published in EWIC Volume I: Methodologies, Paradigms and Sources 2003 BRILL AFGHANISTAN 453 Afghanistan Articles 22 ACHINGER, G. Formal and nonformal education of Books female Afghan refugees: experiences in the rural NWFP refugee camps. Pakistan Journal of Women's Studies. Alam-e-Niswan, 3 i (1996) pp.33-42. 1 ARMSTRONG, Sally. Veiled threat: the hidden power of the women of Afghanistan. Toronto & London: Penguin, 23 CENTLIVRES-DEMONT, M. Les femmes dans le conflit 2002. 221pp. afghan. SGMOIK/SSMOCI Bulletin, 2 (1996) pp.16-18. 2 BRODSKY, Anne E. With all our strength: the 24 COOKE, Miriam. Saving brown women. Signs, 28 i Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan. (2002) pp.468-470-. Also online at http:// London: Routledge, 2003. 320pp. www.journals.uchicago.edu [From section headed "Gender and September 11". US attitude to Afghan women.] 3 (BROWN, A.Widney, BOKHARI, Farhat & others) Humanity denied: systematic denial of women's rights in 25 CORNELL, Drucilla. For RAWA. Signs, 28 i (2002) Afghanistan. New York: Human Rights Watch, 2001 pp.433-435. Also online at http:// (Human Rights Watch, 13/5), 27pp. Also online at www.journals.uchicago.edu [Revolutionary Association www.hrw.org/reports/2001/afghan3 of the Women of Afghanistan. From section headed "Gender and September 11"] 4 DELLOYE, Isabelle. Femmes d'Afghanistan. Paris: Phébus, 2002. 186pp. 26 DUPREE, N. H. Afghan women under the Taliban. Fundamentalism reborn? Afghanistan and the Taliban. 5 ELLIS, Deborah. Women of the Afghan War. Westport: London: Hurst, [1998], pp.145-166. Praeger, 2000. 241pp. 27 EMMOTT, S. ‘Dislocation', shelter, and crisis: 6 EMADI, Hafizullah. Politics of development and women Afghanistan's refugees and notions of home. Gender and in Afghanistan. Karachi: Royal Book Co, 2002. 150pp. Development, 4 i (1996) pp.31-38. [Women in 7 EMADI, Hafizullah. Repression, resistance, and women Afghanistan.] in Afghanistan. Westport: Praeger, 2002. 183pp. 28 FREMBGEN, J. W. Waffen der Pakhtun-Frauen: neue 8 GAUHARI, Farooka. Searching for Saleem: an Afghan Interpretationen von Alltagsobjekten. Archiv für woman's odyssey. Lincoln (USA): University of Nebraska Völkerkunde, 48 (1994) pp.85-91. [Jewellery as Press, 1996. 255pp. weaponry.] 9 IACOPINO, Vincent & others The Taliban's war on 29 GOODSON, Larry P. Perverting Islam: Taliban social women: a health and human rights crisis in Afghanistan. policy toward women. Central Asian Survey, 20 iv (2001) Boston: Physicians for Human Rights, 1998. 119pp. pp.415-426. Also online at www.ingentaselect.com 10 LAMB, Christina. The sewing circles of Herat: my Afghan 30 GRIFFIN, Michael. Emma Bonino: Flowers for Kabul. years. London: HarperCollins, 2002. 338pp. Index on Censorship, 27 ii / 181 (1998) pp.54-56. [Interview on women of Kabul.] 11 LATIFA & HACHEMI, Chékéba. Cara robada: tener 20 anos en Kabul. Tr. Andrés, Esther. Barcelona: Plaza 31 GRIFFIN, Michael. Hostages: Kabul's war widows. Index & Janes, 2002. 265pp. [Tr. of Visage volé: avoir vingt on Censorship, 27 ii / 181 (1998) pp.48-53. ans à Kaboul, Paris 2001.] 32 GROVES, Sharon. Afghan women speak out. Feminist 12 [LATIFA & HACHEMI, Chékéba]. El rostre robat: ser Studies, 27 iii (2001) pp.753-759. una noia de vint anys a Kabul / Latifa, escrit amb la 33 IACOPINO, Vincent & RASEKH, Zohra. Education, a col.laboració de Xekeba Haiximi. Tr. Ubach, Mercè. health imperative: the case of Afghanistan. Health and Barcelona: Columna, 2002. 175pp. [Tr. of Visage volé: Human Rights, 3 ii (1998) pp.99-108. [Government avoir vingt ans à Kaboul, Paris 2001.] denial of education to women.] 13 LATIFA & HACHEMI, Chékéba. My forbidden face. 34 KHATTAK, Saba Gul. Afghan women: bombed to be Tr. Appignanesi, Lisa. London: Virago, 2002. 180pp. liberated? Middle East Report, 222 / 32 i (2002) [Tr. of Visage volé: avoir vingt ans à Kaboul, Paris 2001.] pp.18-23. 14 LATIFA & HACHEMI, Chékéba. Visage volé: avoir 35 KRAMER, Martin. The camera and the burqa. Middle vingt ans à Kaboul. Paris: Carrière, 2001. 235pp. East Quarterly, 9 ii (2002) pp.69-76. [US war against 15 LOGAN, Harriet. Unveiled: voices of the women of Taliban in Afghanistan.] Afghanistan. New York: ReganBooks, 2002. 101pp. 36 MALEY, W. Women and public policy in Afghanistan: a 16 SKAINE, Rosemarie. The women of Afghanistan under comment. World Development, 24 i (1996) pp.203-206. the Taliban. Jefferson: McFarland, 2002. 198pp. [On article by V.M.Moghadam; response by Moghadam, pp.207-211.] 17 TORTAJADA, Ana. El grito silenciado. Barcelona: Mondadori, 2001. 269pp. [Afghan women.] 37 MOGHADAM, V. M. Nationalist agendas and women's rights: conflicts in Afghanistan in the twentieth century. 18 Humanité bafouée: violations systématiques des droits des Feminist nationalism / L.A.West. New York: Routledge, femmes en Afghanistan. New York: Human Rights Watch, 1997, pp.75-100. [1920s-1990s.] 2001 (Human Rights Watch, 13/5), 24pp. Also online at www.hrw.org/french/reports/afghanwomen 38 MOGHADAM, Valentine. Afghan women and transnational feminism. Middle East Women's Studies 19 Women's situation in Afghanistan: compilation. La situation Review, 16 iii-iv (2002) pp.1-6. Also online at des femmes en Afghanistan: compilation. Grabels: Women www.amews.org/reviews.htm Living Under Muslim Laws, 1998. 232pp. 39 MOGHADAM, Valentine M. Patriarchy, the Taleban, and 20 Women in Afghanistan: pawns in men's power struggles. politics of public space in Afghanistan. Women's Studies London: Amnesty International, International Secretariat, International Forum, 25 i (2002) pp.19-31. Also online 1999. 11pp. Also online at http:// web.amnesty.org/ at http:// www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/02775395 library/Index/engASA110111999 40 MOHAMED, Shaheen. Peace vs. women's human rights 21 Women in Afghanistan: the violations continue. London: - the Taliban trade-off. Islam in America, 3 iv (1997) Amnesty International, International Secretariat, 1997. pp.1-7. 6pp. Also online at http:// web.amnesty.org/library/Index/ engASA110051997 41 NAWID, Senzil. The feminine and feminism in Tarzi's work. Annali, Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli, 55 iii / 1995 (1996) pp.358-366. (As a journalist.) 42 PRENTICE, E-A. Beyond the veil. Afghanistan Forum, 24 i (1996) pp.37-37. (British nurse describes working in Afghanistan.) 454 AFRICA (GENERAL) 43 RASULY-PALECZEK, G. Verwandtschaft und Heirat als 58 OBOLER, Regina Smith. Law and persuasion in the Mittel zur Festigung von Macht und Einfluss: ein elimination of female genital modification. Human Fallbeispiel aus Nordost-Afghanistan. Bamberger Organization, 60 iv (2001) pp.311-318. [Africa, Mittelasienstudien: Konferenzakten, Bamberg ... 1990 / including Muslim societies & countries.] B.G.Fragner, B.Hoffmann (Hrsg.). Berlin: Schwarz, 1994, (Islamkundliche Untersuchungen, 149), pp.193-216. Albania and the Albanians 44 REUT, M. Die Taliban und die Unterdrückung der afghanischen Frauen. SGMOIK/SSMOCI Bulletin, 9 (1999) pp.15-16. Books 45 ROSTAMI POVEY, Elaheh. Women in Afghanistan: passive victims of the borga or active social participants? 59 ÇULI, Diana. Ese për gruan shqiptare. Essais sur la Development in Practice, 13 ii-iii (2003) pp.266-277. femme albanaise. Tirana: Shtëpia Botuese FPGSH "Dora Also online at http:// www.ingentaselect.com d'Istria", 2000. 149pp. [In Albanian & French.] 46 RUBIN, Barnett R. Women and pipelines: Afghanistan's 60 DEDET, Joséphine. Géraldine, reine des Albanais. Paris: proxy wars. International Affairs (London), 73 ii (1997) Criterion, 1997. 385pp. pp.283-296. 61 DERVISHI, Zyhdi. Gratë në syrin e ciklonit të sfidave 47 TARZI, Amin. Malalay: the Afghan Jeanne d'Arc. Firmest dhe perspektiva: trajtesë sociologjike e problematikës Bond, 76-77 (2000) pp.37-38. sociokulturore të grave shqiptare në vitet '90 të shekullit XX. Tirana: Shtëpia Botuese "Dora d'Istria", 2000. 190pp. 48 SCHINASI, May. Femmes afghanes. Instruction et activités publiques pendant le règne amâniya (1919-1929). 62 DISHNICA, Dhimitër. Motrat Qiriazi: monografi. Tirana: Annali, Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli, 55 iv / "Enciklopedike", 1997. 195pp. 1995 (1997) pp.446-462. 63 GUINARD, Emil. E paharrueshmja shqipëri: kujtimë të 49 WEBBER, Kathryn J. The economic future of Afghan një kohe të vështirë 1966-1968 / Emil Ginar. Tirana: Toena, women: the interaction between Islamic law and Muslim 1996. 140pp. [Tr. of Inoubliable Albanie, Paris 1996. culture. University of Pennsylvania Journal of French diplomat in Albania.] International Economic Law, 18 iii (1997) pp.1049-1084. (Social forces, & not Islamic law, are the main factors that 64 HOXHA, Nexhmije. Jeta ime me Enverin: kujtime. Tirana: will cause the economic oppression of Afghan women.) "LIRA", 1998. 398pp. 50 YACOOBI, Sakena. Women educating women in the 65 OSMANI, Shefik. Trashegimi social-pedagogjike: motrat Afghan diaspora: why and how. Religious Qiriazi. Prishtinë: Enti i Teksteve dhe i Mjeteve Mesimore fundamentalisms and the human rights of women. Ed. i Kosoves, 1997. 183pp. C.W.Howland. Basingstoke: Macmillan; New York: St. 66 YOUNG, Antonia. Women who become men: Albanian Martin's Press, 1999, pp.229-235. [In Pakistan & in parts sworn virgins. Oxford: Berg, 2000. 168pp. of Afghanistan.] 67 ZAÇE, Valentina. Marredheniet martesore sipas 51 Women's rights in the current political backdrop of legjislacionit shqiptar. Tirana: "Logoreci", 1996. 159pp.
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