Glebe Conservation Area Study Residents of Glebe and Forest Lodge were invited to attend a Community meeting, on Wednesday 26 October at the Glebe Town Hall, to introduce the Glebe Conservation Area Study which is being undertaken for Council by the consultancy Architectural Projects. The Lord Mayor, Clover Moore, welcomed Councillors Robyn Kemmis and Verity Firth, and about 45 other residents who attended the meeting. Here is the text of her welcoming speech. Glebe’s Heritage Importance grand buildings, like Lyndhurst and Toxteth House, as well as the Victorian In the 1960s, Glebe’s residents were and Edwardian terraces that give Glebe among the first in NSW to resist un- and Forest Lodge their distinctive checked developments in our city. character. During the 1970s, the Glebe Society The City is committed to continuing to prepared a masterplan that led to Glebe preserve Glebe’s heritage and promote its being listed as a conservation area. rich history. Thanks to these efforts the community We’re here tonight to explore ways to stopped the wrecking ball and slowed the continue to preserve Glebe’s living damaging expansion of freeways and heritage and to get your input into the high rise buildings over heritage and Glebe Conservation Area Study. residential amenity. 9/2005 October/November Purpose of the Glebe In Glebe, the community fought to preserve whole sections of the neighbour- Conservation Area Study hood and its streetscapes, unlike other The Study seeks to expand our under- parts of the city, where preservation was standing of heritage values in the Glebe often piecemeal or an afterthought. and Forest Lodge. It will investigate the area’s historical, archeological and This integrated approach has preserved geographical context. much of the unique form and character of Glebe - creating a community with a In May this year, Council commissioned sense of belonging, identity and connec- Architectural Projects, a heritage consul- tion with its past. tancy firm, to undertake the Study, which is due for completion at the end of the Glebe has also preserved many of its year. Continued on next page ... The kite team (left to right) - Roelof Smilde, Jenny Underwood, Jan Wilson, Sue Ingram, Glebe Society Bulletin Geoffrey Broughton, Peter Travis and Robyn Kemmis. See story on page 10. Photo: John Wade A publication of THE GLEBE SOCIETY INC PO Box 100 GLEBE 2037 www.glebesociety.org.au ... Continued from previous page Glebe Conservation Area study Architectural Projects will research and a presentation by Jennifer Hill and Elizabeth Gibson map the many potential items of signifi- cance in the area. of the consultancy Architectural Projects I welcome and would like to introduce 1. INTRODUCTION • a detailed building by building assessment of the whole Conser- Jennifer Hill, the director of Architectural The Glebe Conservation Area study will Projects and her associate, Elizabeth provide a detailed analysis of the Glebe vation Area and Gibson, to give some background to the Conservation Area, and a review of the • the identification of Public Do- study and to answer questions. Glebe Point Road Study, a report pre- main Items Jennifer is an award winning architec- pared for Leichhardt Council in 1991 by Consultation tural practitioner and heritage consultant. Berchevaise and Associates. We will be The knowledge and values of the commu- She’s also served on the Royal Australian reviewing the boundaries of the Conser- nity are important components of the Institute of Architects heritage Commit- vation Area, identifying threats and Heritage Assessment process. We have tee and co-authored the RAIA Heritage issues within the area and developing organised this public meeting to explain Policy. policy to protect the identified heritage character. the project and we are hoping to get some Her firm, Architectural Projects, has input from you tonight, particularly in While there are some 60 odd Heritage extensive experience in mapping conser- the identification of threats and issues in streetscapes identified within the City of vation sites within our local government the Conservation Area, to guide the Sydney, only one - Ferry Lane - occurs in area, including Chippendale and other development of policy. We have met with the suburb of Glebe. We will consider areas within the former South Sydney Council Staff to discuss issues and how significant streetscapes within Glebe for Council. existing policies accommodate those potential listing as a Heritage Streetscape Importance of the Glebe on the LEP. issues. The Glebe Society and Glebe Research Unit have been approached, Conservation Area Study The study will also look in detail at and we have met with Max Solling. Heritage Items in Glebe Point Road, the The Glebe Conservation Area Study is Assess Significance important on a number of fronts. It will Doctors’ Houses at 216-224 Glebe Point help Council understand what local items Road are among those to be reviewed. The NSW Heritage Office has prepared a have heritage significance and why. It For each Heritage Item, Conservation set of Heritage Criteria which provide for will help us to identify which parts of the Area and Streetscape, a detailed Heritage a consistent assessment of heritage built environment add to or detract from Inventory Sheet will be prepared. significance across the state. The criteria the area’s conservation and heritage 2. METHODOLOGY encompass the four values of the Burra values. Charter - historical, aesthetic, scientific Historical Context and social, and are based on the criteria This information feeds directly into: The relationship between an area and its used by the Australia Heritage Commis- ♦ The City Plan and Local Environ- historical context underlies the heritage sion. We apply these criteria in our mental Plan review process; assessment process. Much has been assessments. researched and written on Glebe since ♦ Manage Significance The Listing of Heritage Items; the 1970s. Our overview involved ♦ Statements of Significance for compiling key texts and manuscripts The identification of threats and issues in conservation areas; and including Max Solling’s many works, the Conservation Area, will allow for the Bernard and Kate Smith’s Architectural development of policies to protect the ♦ Any proposals to change conser- Character of Glebe, the Leichhardt heritage significance. These policies will vation area boundaries. Historical Journal essays, Craig Burton’s then be included in Councils controls for The Study will also inform our review of thesis Housing the Glebe, Freda the area. the City’s Heritage Development Control MacDonnell’s Portraits and Places, and Plan. Leichhardt Council’s Heritage Study. 3. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND It will also enable Council to develop Less history was available for individual See the separate article on page 4. consistent standards in making decisions items, and specific research has been carried out for these including the Glebe 4 FIELDWORK to restore and revitalize, or redevelop local studies section, State Library, and heritage sites. The first component of our investigation Sydney City archives collections, as well into the physical fabric of Glebe was an It’s an important process, and you, the as Sands Directories and rate book overview of streets and lanes and a community, are central to getting the best searches where required. Our team preliminary assessment. Streets rated A out of the process. includes a consultant historian - Leonie (which includes most streets within the Mason, and Max Solling has agreed to Council looks forward to hearing your Conservation Area) are within the key review our draft histories. views on Glebe’s heritage and the future period of development and have a high directions you want your neighbourhood Fieldwork has included level of integrity. Intact streets that have and our city to take. development of another important layer • an overview of the area, which (eg Church housing from the 1930s) may - Clover Moore MLA was carried out early in the achieve an A rating. Lord Mayor, City of Sydney program, 2 Glebe Society Bulletin B streets may also represent the key period, or another important historical layer but possess a lower degree of integrity. Streets ranked C do not well represent the key period, are dominated by development from other periods, and have a low integrity, for example, streets dominated by post-war flats. Each property within the Conservation Area has been assessed for its contribution to the area. The contribu- tion of each property to the area is currently being mapped. Properties identified as contributory are from the key period and have a reasonable degree of integ- rity. Neutral properties are those which do not belong to the key period, but belong to another important historical layer and are sympathetic. Good contemporary infill A - Highly intact streetscape of key period. will fall into this category. Development from the key period which has been altered (and is unlikely to be reversed) is neutral. Detracting development are properties that do not represent the key period and are uncharacteristic in terms of their scale, material and detail. During the course of our fieldwork, the broad stylistic character and height of buildings (in terms of storeys) have been noted to assist in understanding the charac- ter of various precincts. Dates, building names and groupings of buildings have also been noted and while this was outside of our brief, this information should prove useful to Council Officers in the assessment of applications within the Area. Public Domain Items are also being mapped as part of B - Moderately intact streetscape of key period. this study. Public Domain Items include war memorials (as in Foley Park), drinking fountains, horse troughs, bus shelters, retaining walls and rock outcrops and so on. Please feel free to note any public domain features that you may be aware of on your questionnaire. An external inspection of the Heritage Items included in the Study, noting the setting, style, features, condi- tion and integrity is being undertaken.
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