AN VOCATE , "IN NEOESSARIIS UNIT AS, IN DUBIIS LIT ~RTAS, IN OMNIBUS CARITAS." L rrEt'Z1LUW! ~ :PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY AT $2:00 PER ANNUM , ', REV. ED ~VARD ])'URGELL, EDITOR. --- ' VOL. XX.f C INC INN A T I, 0 H I 0, SAT U R DAY, D E 0 E ~i B E 11, 6, 1851. ~NO. 49 ' =-==~~~==========~~~~~~~~~~~~~======~====~~~. Editor of C,t1lOlic Telegraph and Advocate. assumption Oli the part of Bishop Griswold, as Ijudge, some of his [the Pope's] saints were not ROYAL DUBLIN SOCIETy-EXHIDITION OF AG- LETTERS TO AN EPISCOPALIAN, UPON A PUBLICA, P Tb' 1 nON OF THE LATE BISHOP GRISwol.n, ENTITLED that which has been cited! He might with as among (he best of Christians; and whether RICULTURAL RODUOE,- e society's annua "THE REFORlIATION: A BRIEF EXPOSITlON OF much if t C t f' I th d . d btl' I" 'f' for farm prouuce for 1851 commenced on , no lar grea er appearance 0 propn- I ey are sav,e ,even, IS ou u. 0 asper- ~how\V d d h ' ,. IT'ld ' SOME OF THE ERRORS AND CORRUPTIONS OF THE h e nes ay on t ell' premises III .\.1 ' are·street. CHURCH OF ROME." No. G. eLy ave maintained, that the accountability of Isions like these, I would reply in the language 'ehe produce for IV hich premiums are offered DEAR 8m-With respect to the" sale of in- children to tbeir parents for any misconduct on of the late Dr. Milner, Itddressed to one' of his c~nsi"t of whil.e and re I seed wheat, barley, Qulgenccs," against which Bishop Griswold has their piU·tS, substituted the fear of their progen- cOl'l'espondents: "It is certain that the supel'- \;Jere, uats, field beans, fieU peas, vetches, tur- itOI'S for the fear of God. natural vir~ues and heroical sanctity of a count· nips of all kinds, mangel lVuzzel of the loner entered his protest, IIe s IIOnld have known that • reJ,,:I.·Cld globe and yellow g'lu,bp kind<l', field c~r': ' I I C f .' As our author did not think proper to less number of holy personag'es of differe,nt ., the Cat)o I lIC <.: lUrc I, so lar rom sanctlOmng rep~at r()1~';'..rE!d ~ and white, field Gabbages, kohlrabi, tbis detestable simony, has used her utmost the cummon ca lumny respecting- indulgences, counlries, ranks, professions, and sexes, have potatoes, seedl ing, &c.-the best collection anu powers, parLicnlarly in the General Oouncils of representing them to be li censes for the com- illustrated the Oatholic church in every age mo:;t extensiy1c-..; • .Vi1rif'ty of produce raiseu by Lateran, Lyons, Vienne, and Trent, to prevent mission of sins, or as pardons for sins to come, with an effulgence which cannot be di~puted or the cyhibitor--the best colleytion grown at the 't b fTl'calest elevatioil abore the 'level of the sea- it," As" the Council of Trent calls indul- J' may not e necessary for me to proceed any withstood. Your friend;;, I dare say, are not~le tit.l d, piece of fl ieze adapted to' the peasan~~ gences Ileavenly treasures; we hold that it wonlu further in the investigation of the slIbj(· ct. much acquainted with tLe histories uf thetie 1')' of 1reland-lhe b ~st cord of' bULter; Me .. " ,: be a sacrilegions crime in any pt'l'son whomso· From the subjects of absolution and the sale brightest ornamenis of Christianity: let me TI:e follolVing notices of 'the mode lJf 'clllti­ ever to be concerned in buying or selling them." of indulgences, we are led by Bi~hop Griswold thell invite them to peruse them, not ill the Ie· I'ation and "Illount of produce of 'S0me 'of the, 'I k t f h' d to that of the canonization of saints, Whl'cll l'S !Yends of obsolete writers, but in a work which, prize spl'cimens may prove interesting : Dr. MI ner remm' S 0 one 0 IS correspon - t> The Earl of Oharlemont's urst prize Swede ent!, that he is "far from denying that indul- the' seventh of his alleged errors against the f<..' r its various learning and luminous criticism, tumips were'grown on a ui:'ep loam on gravelly gcnces have been sold- alas ! w hat-is so sacred OaLholic church. He remarks, that the canon- was commended even by the Infidel Gibbon. subsoil, in c1riils 28 inches apart. The quantity that the avarice of men has not put up for sale! ization "of some people after their death as I mean Tlte Saints' Lives, in twelve octavo vol- of manure employed wfls,35 tons yard produce Christ bimself was sold, and that by an apos- being Saints, in a sense i,n which other Obris- umes, wr~tten by the late Rev. Alban Butler, per Iril;;b acre; the preceding crop Wflti wheat, , . 1 P'd f SO' 0 II 'I I nlld the prodllce amuunted to 60 tons the acre. tie, for thirty pieces of silver." Was Bishop tJallS, w 10 have departed in the true faith of res I ent 0 t. mer s 0 ege.' n rep y to Timp of $owing, frum the 19,h to the 24th of Griswold aware, when he wrote the passage in Ohrist, are not saints, done by the assumed Bishop Griswold's attack upon the character of May; the ground IHld been subsoiled 'in De­ ,question, that Oatholics conld ea~ily retort up- power of the Pope, is another thing of which St. Thomas Becket, I would refer you to the cember. 00 iIim the advertisements which are frequently we [Protestants] disapprove. We [Protest- life of this saint, which is contained in the The same nobleman's first pl'ize long red seen in En!l:lish papers, for the purchase or the ants] deRy that the Pope has either the power above-mentioned work (Dec. 29,) as well as to mangolds were grown on a deePdl~allm on.a chlay ~ I b subsoil-preceding crop grass-- \'I S 30 inC ,~~ sale of benefices" with the cure of souls an- or the right to make such distinction in the t Ie contrast etween his cbamcter and that of apart-quantity of manure, 40 ton~ per Irish lIexed to them," in the Ohurch of England? characters of Christians deceased." Cranmer, in Bossuet's History of Protestant acre; sown on the 30th of April; p!:oduce, 70 'rhe recent sale of the right of presentation of In reply to tbe preceding remarks, our first Variation. EI'cn Southey, whose book of tile tons nn acre. the rectory of Trettire and Michael Church, inquiry is-What is meant by the canonization Ohunh onr author next quotes with approba- The lanc.lIHl.(1 heen pn!viously subsoiled to , I t id h' 'f I 'k 'I' the depth of 20 in ches. The drills at sowing Hereforclshire, has furnished Puncl~ with a of saints? It is to propose to the veneration of tlOn, Jas s y e 1m, I mlsta e not, 10 11S were formcu by the IJloLl!!,'h; all the subselluent subject which he has treated in !\ manncr tbat the fai~hflll certain deceased persons, as having "Espl'iella's Letters," a blessed martyr. cultiv(Llion was pt'rf"rrnetl with the spade. can hardly fail to operate upon the visible pow· been individuals of pre-eminent sanctity, after - -- ~-, ...----- V. 'fbe culture of the prize lot of potatoes, ers of bis gruvest readers. th e fullest and the most rigid inv~sLigG,t ion of ORl)TNA .TONS IN NENAcm ,--On Sllnday last, "broccoli banl'o," e.:hibited by John Barlow, tile Ii,1 ~hL Buv, Dr. Valll;han, 13i;hap of Kilb- E~Cl" Sj'bil Hill, Clolltarf, IV .IS as fo:lows:- Our aUI hor remarks upon absoluti,.,n, "as the 'C\ id cnce by which their repulation as hav- lop, ordained for that diocese, ill the chu'l'ch of Gruwn on fI. ~t\'fJng ye ll ow Imun--preceuing practiced in Lhe Roman Oalholic Ohurch," an.l ing been such, is s upported, 'fo allY Prole ~ t- Nenagb, lhree young genLlemen, Daniell Messrs, crop lea turnips . The potatoes were planted "upon th e sale of indulgences "-" H?w naiu- ant who may be desil'Ous of viewing Lhe various Maher, Meade, and Donohlle, who hiLd cum· in December in la~y beds cut, with I.he plough rally and how much these, as actnally prl1c, sttpS that are taken in a process for canoniza- pleted their studies ill the lrish Oullege ott and Lhe shovel; 30 LO;1S of hor~e manure per ticed, encourage men ill sin, and substitute the tion, I would recommend the perusal of the fif. Puris. From nn early hour the clutpel was acre was the quan,ity employed; produce, l<! crowded by a number uf persons, who appear· tons an :-lere. fear of priests for the fear of Gou, I leave the teenth chapter of the late Bishop Hay's" Scrip- ed greaLly affected by the solemnlty and gl'!lll- The Earl of Oharlemont's firRt prize parsnips reader to judge." tme Doct,rine of Miracles Displayed," enLitled deur of the scene: Mnss was announced tor were cultivated in the following manner :­ Now, wiLh respect to "the sale of indul- "Positive Eviuence for the continuation of lVlir- nine u'clock, and shortly after that hour the Sown on the 21st March, in drills Lwenty inehes gences," it bas been shown by reference to Lhe acles throughout all preceding ages, down to Right Rev.
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