REiD (Research and Evaluation in Education), 5(1), 2019, 75-84 Available online at: http://journal.uny.ac.id/index.php/reid Developing an instrument to evaluate the influential factors of the success of local curriculum Dedek Andrian Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Islam Riau Jl. Kaharuddin Nasution 113, pekanbaru, Riau 28284, Indonesia E-mail: [email protected] Submitted: 12 March 2019 | Revised: 30 April 2019 | Accepted: 24 May 2019 Abstract The purpose of this study is to create an instrument to evaluate the factors that influence the success of the local curriculum in senior high school. The instrument developed is essential to find out what factors influence the success of the local curriculum. This research is a research and development which consists of three stages: (1) initial investigation, (2) design and validation stages, (3) trials, evaluations, and revi- sions. The results of small scale trials were analyzed using EFA (Exploratory Factor Analysis), obtaining one invalid item from 32 items. The results of a wide-scale test analyzed using CFA (Confirmatory Factor Analysis) obtained all indicators have loading factors> 0.3 and reliability constructs> 0.7. The results of the analysis show that the developed instrument fits the data obtained in the field. From the constructs of the instrument development, it is indicated that there are nine influential factors, consisting of regional government support, local community support, local industry support, academic community support, student interest, student motivation, practical tools, practical materials, and funds to buy lab material. The instrument developed has been used properly to obtain information about the factors that influence the success of the local curriculum. Keywords: evaluation instrument, influential factors, local curriculum Permalink/DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/reid.v5i1.23980 One of the unique districts in Indonesia Introduction is the district of Meranti Islands. Meranti Is- Among all countries around the world, lands is a National Food Security Develop- Indonesia is one well-known country with its ment area which is well-known as the largest various diversity in terms of tribes and cul- producer of sago in Indonesia, which has be- tures that exist in every region. This each- come the primary source for the community. region uniqueness certainly needs to be ap- There are 20% of Meranti Islands people who propriately maintained by every element of make sago as the main production for sup- society and government. Each member of the porting their families. The Meranti Islands Re- community and government of the Republic gency community also has coconut, rubber, of Indonesia needs to contribute to support- coffee, areca groves, which become the eco- ing sustainability for the country. The central nomic sources for the Meranti Islands Regen- and regional governments need to collaborate cy community as well (Central Bureau of in providing stimulus to the community to Statistics, 2016). Besides, some people make create individuals who can support the sus- financial resources from fishery products in tainability of cultures in Indonesia. Thus, due the Regency. The regional potency which is to this large-scale diversity, maintaining har- owned by Meranti Islands Regency cannot yet mony in it is an important thing that should be maximized as a means of creativity for the be endlessly done. community in Meranti Islands Regency in im- This is an open access article under the CC-BY-SA license. Developing an instrument to evaluate... Dedek Andrian proving the community's economy, because the needs of the regional government and the the population has not been able to manage community in developing the potential of the the maximum yield of the plantations and region. It can be done through a local curric- fisheries. Most people only sell out the prod- ulum that is packaged in the form of learning ucts from plantations and fisheries that have activities. The school gets the authority from been harvested. Meranti Islands Regency peo- the government to develop the local curric- ple has not been able to utilize, preserve, and ulum by adjusting the potential of each re- develop the independent natural resources gion. Therefore, education units need to cre- they owned. ate and develop Graduates Competency Stan- Based on the aforementioned problems, dards, Competency Standards, Basic Compe- an effective solution is urgently needed so tencies, and other learning tools equipped that the people in Meranti Islands Regency with assessment tools and set minimum com- can make the region's potential as a source of pleteness criteria. creativity and can be the primary source of Decentralization provided by the cen- income for the people of Meranti Islands Re- tral government to the government through gency in improving their financial condition. the local curriculum gives full authority to All elements of the community and govern- local governments, schools, and communities ment in Meranti Islands Regency need to to develop the potential of the region or nat- think of strategic steps as an effort to preserve ural resources in the Regions. Regions that and develop the potential of the area in the have different potentials and natural resources Meranti Islands Regency. The central, re- can maximize the opportunities provided by gional, and all elements of society must strive the central government. Thus, the develop- to make adequate facilities and infrastructure ment of the local curriculum is handed over that can function in developing natural re- to the local governments to collaborate with sources or potential areas in Meranti Islands schools and communities to develop curricula Regency. following the regional potential, socio-cul- The central government has designed tural, natural resources, and regional needs efforts to develop and maximize the potential (Osborne, 2001, p. 660). Based on this policy, of the region in collaboration with local gov- local governments that are more aware and ernments. Central and regional governments understand their regional potential can devel- have made policies that are very effective in op and produce a product that can be sold so an organized system and called the local cur- that it can improve the economy of the peo- riculum (LC). LC is a plan and arrangement ple in each region. regarding the content and material of the les- The LC is a bridge for regions to devel- son as well as the method used as a guideline op natural resources or regional potential. The for learning activities set by the respective LC becomes a system that is very effective in regions (Utomo, Sumiyati, & Suwandi, 1997, preserving and developing regional potential p. 1). This policy is regulated in the Regula- in each region. The LC designed through tion of Minister of National Education No. learning activities and run for two hours each 22 of 2006 concerning content standards stat- week. Regional learning provides new colors ing that local content and self-development for students in which students are directly activities are an integral part of the curriculum involved in preserving and developing natural structure at the level of primary and second- resources or regional potential (Prastiwi, 2013, ary education. The basis of this policy is be- p. 211). Preservation and development are ap- cause the Republic of Indonesia consists of plied directly by students in curriculum activ- various regions with diverse geographical con- ities in the form of yoga, plantation, and en- ditions, natural resources, and communities trepreneurship. The LC became a curricular with different historical and cultural back- activity favored by students in the Meranti grounds. Islands Regency, Riau Province. Students are The diversity above needs to be ad- very enthusiastic in participating in curriculum dressed with a system that can accommodate activities contained in the LC. 76 - Copyright © 2019, REiD (Research and Evaluation in Education), 5(1), 2019 ISSN 2460-6995 Developing an instrument to evaluate... Dedek Andrian The LC becomes a facility and infra- objectives and targets to be achieved. Most structure that makes a very effective contri- teachers do not have the learning tools. The bution in preserving and developing the po- assessment carried out by the teacher is limit- tential of the region or natural resources own- ed to the assessment of the cognitive aspect. ed by the Meranti Islands Regency. The LC is As a result, the teacher has difficulty in assess- a breakthrough that guides local governments ing psychomotor aspects, for instance, the in bridging education with students, so that students’ practice. students can adapt to the environment, cul- Kunter et al. (2013, p. 206) state that ture possessed by the Meranti Islands regency. teacher education is an important variable as a Breakthroughs that have been designed by the quality of control that has a contribution in central government through the LC make stu- achieving the success of learning so that to dents able to develop and preserve the envi- achieve these goals, the teacher who teaches ronment become something useful. Prastiwi the subject must be in line with his field. (2013, p. 509) believes that it can help stu- Liakopoulou (2011, p. 66) insists that a teach- dents recognize their cultural identity. In addi- er must have professional qualifications and tion, through the content of the students, they knowledge as needed. However, high schools can produce creativity for students, especially in the Meranti Islands Regency area do not for students who do not continue their study have special local the LC teachers who admin- at university. ister the LC subject. The LC teachers who are The LC becomes a critical system in in the school of the Meranti Islands Regency preserving the culture and potential of the are from general subjects (Biology, Physics, region. Saputra (2013, p. 619) explains that Mathematics, economics, geography, etc.) be- LC is essential in maintaining the local wis- cause the school has difficulty in finding dom of a region.
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