CHEAP THE LATEST MUSIC STEEL FRAME Theatre Chairs FOR PLAYER AKD ELECTRIC PIANOS Absolutely Non Breakable ON SPOOLS AND ENDLESS ROLLS Siihatile for atiiall tlK-alre mikI iiiinlnir |>l< liire alum a. W* rnrrx lln-w rtialrs PRICE, 50cts.to $1.50 Per Roll. I in atia k Hint ran I ship illlllliMllHtel) ()0 pieces s(i new even’ month that they S<-<-iin<l Its ml cliMlrs ala>i M'utliiii for iMii are ohi by the time others imKliice them. of *l<N»r llae. Athl Ihpt. H.. STEM SEND FOR CATALOGUES AND BULLETINS. FTUMTI UK CO. (Iran <l Uaphls La'ceat 1939-45 N. Westen Iti., I Mh-hiKan. lloMtoti Makers * mlioe. ‘J*J4 Coiijrniia in the St.. Itoaton. Maas Wold CHICAGO, U. S. A. Monail-i...k I'llt «(ll<*e, 44 Park Place La test TuES ^ Trunk is nin<le o( >10.00 't’ply 1^- li- & H. Trunk Machinery 11.00 W ixxl, heavy Duck ('ov- 13 00 ‘•'■ii'H. Hickorj’ .siau, 1400 -Malleable Serull-Hound SPtX'.IAI. TIChKT.S. PKINTF.n KOI II .SIDK.S and (:ORKtX:il-Y Nl MKEREI) j* ^ Haiul-Uivete«l Tippme 50,000 - S6.50 500,000 - S35.00 }?:oo Tray. GUAU.VXTKHD 100,000 - 10.00 1,000,000 - (iO.OO TIm-e Ston*s. Send for Free C'atalopio. B. B. B. trunk CO. .SPECIAL IXtl KI E OR COl PO.N TK.KETS FOR DRAKI.NOS OR OIFTS 447 Wood Strert 109 Fec'eral St., N. S 625 Smithfield St. 24,000 . $6..‘50 100,000 - $17.50 FACTORY S3 .<» ISABELLA ST.. N. S. THE ClRtLING WAVE 50,000 . 10.00 200,000 - 30.00 PiTT^BUwG. PA. I'i»r Thv smnll nriKHirit of CMpltnl n^tiiilrrd. U lio |«rolirHl»le iiivoHttii«’tit. Tlio rutrlilMH tihl iii«»tat iHipiiUr aiiiiisi‘iti*‘nt rlitlii}; Iti SKATE CHECKS. .STRIP TK;KET.S. WARDROBE CHECKS ISC. KiiKily aihl i|iii<‘kl.v up mikI d(*WD AM) RESTALRAST CHECKS to and to irMii'«|»«»rt fr<»ni idaor to pln<M‘. hy 4‘nirln** S»-atK Ml p4*otilt‘. l*.v rylindiT plarwi or »piran. N*»w N tin* lltiio to pla<‘«* y<Hir ord<*r < ’ atnl (« KtitnoiilnU on nppllratlon ARMITAGE & OUIKN, rMti'ntmn and Mao iifactiir«‘ra. Sphn^ville. Erie Co.. New York. PEABODY, MASS. AUTOMATIC MOVING CASH WITH ORDER-. NO C. O. D SHOOTING GALLERY Do not ftet in your mind that tlii.s Chair i.s anvtliiiiK CAROUSELS like tlie ordinary revolviiijr chair so e.xtetisively advertisi'd. This chair luus a self-locking-back and a Park Merry-Go-Rounds self-righting slandird. It is first-class work thronj^h- out and weighs a half more than the ordinan,’ Amusement Outfitters revolvintt chair and is indestrnetilile. HERSCHELL-SPILLMAN CO., .A.ND DASI'.D.AI.L XOVEI.TIKS Don’t ask for catalogue, but order a iciniple jmd Writ, for prhe IlM. WM. WURFFLEIN Mfi. see it, then you can judjje for yourself. .Address, Sweeney St.. N. Tonawanda, N. Y., I). S. k. SOS N. Second St., PhiUdeiphin, Pa,, U. 8. A One of the Kreatesi The A. R. MILNER SEATING CO aniiiseiiieiit rlitiiiK NUGGET (lev le».« and nionevr NEW PHILADELPHIA. OHIO. Rettera. SI.OTh.Mtr. ••••I|iia at line fair I'J.'vtt In five hiHir. a' another. $4<ai In on- JEWELRY dar in a iiark. Au Watch Chalna. Charma. Stick Pina. Ladle, Hat (HIkt earrital 2<l.oSV Pina. Rraceleti, etc. Fine to wear. Otwat IvasHenRcra at dv. (teller. KtiO to l.OnO per cent, profit. 2c atamp (ilreel fair.: SI.^CA. for pric. lilt. 7.', clear |iri>fli. Wrle for new 4s-|iaire cal ahiRiie full of facia J. J. SHEPHERD finiirea and nh.>t<, irraiih). Eli Brid,. RED BLUFF CALIF Co.. Box 143 B. Roodhoute. III. Ironclad, 32 inch $10.00 . -FOR - - 40 “ 13.00 BALL BEARINGS MERRY-GO-ROUNDS; RINKS, THE BELBER TRUNK & BAG CO. <4 Inch Shaft and fp. .No Klttlnx. Juat Puab TENT SHOWS. ETC. Th«un On. HI cfa. in alaiiiiai for aample. Preaaod We alM) Uu UKnril.lU.VC. UKP.\IU1\<: Tl’N- Steel Mfg. Co., 454 The Bourse, Phila., Pa. I.VO. etc.. Willi .\KW .Xir.SK a «I(.m inltv. .VOW S41 N. Hancock St. Philadelphia, Pa IS TIIF TI.MK to h.tve y.iiir Or«an lull Tn firsi- •la-e vh.tiie. Write for «i-cl:(l orlcca. at.illiic want* fullv. JOHANNES S. GERHARDT CO., 3034 LAWV.ENCF ST., PHILA., PENNA. P|aiv,isrs WANTED MOTION PICTURES •THE KNAC.4 SYSTEM OF READING MUSIC bat when yoa need a Machine or suppliea writ* to on. We nra AT SIGHT.” niaiicd for ten ceiila and at.(iii;i. Specialists on Machines and Supplies, and we can save you money and increase your profits. C. H. D. writes: "Making a Big Perfect In conwinicthm. Artistic In Design Xleo FREE particulara if how to id.av VAU¬ I’sihI In all the l.eadinir l‘nrks of the (’<Hin Hit, Business increased wonderfully." Astonishing opportunity DEVILLE and DRANATIC MUSIC. KNACK trv. O. A. DENTZEL. 3641 Oermsntowa Are.. 8TP0I0 OF MUSIC. (Dept. B.). Danrille. Ill. in any locality for a Man with a Lttle money. Eaperience not Philadelphia. Pa. _ necessary. Easy to start. We tell you how. We aell theMODOGIUPH. Powers, Edison and all other Machines and S,g>l>lies. We negotlata a first class film and Song Slide Rental Service. Write for Catalog. MAGIC Amusement Supply Co^ 834 IKnois Bank BldR., Chicago Magicians' Acta Unlit, ataged, and booked. Oats log and Infomiattoo lOc. Include extra dime ta copy “Edwards Magic Magaxloe." EDWARDi PATFMTC secured or fee return- CO. 343 Genesee Street. Bulfslo, N. Y. rn I kls I a ed, re|H>rl as lo pat -ntahill'v. Illusirat(sl tjiilde i;<«)k and Hat of PROSrtCTUS lIRT mt! gsdical Snisi M (tswssd w .nvtuiioiis want.sl sent frts-. ▼ I ^ ■ The Leading Journal of the Movinp Ihs Msdlrin* laaSurar. Straw Msa, Carrliwe .lortcr, ^ VICTOR J. EVANS A CO., Washington, D. C. tiriaa, Curliafcuia Sailer sod all alllaa Padi-ina. “oUw Eutoi^. Haa tOf • irrurstlvsii.ail Telia him to saiuaa ' ™***“2'^ I no fiinxPnnO I® laraal anou,h toVmch the nca-katlw B*. t 61iTnX'HI">». PLAYS. LIDKFrTTf»8. (I andwaMDdr (> •• with a«- ' I llU UlUuUULJU circulation and is the best FlRTUtCO MSIEtMPMSr CN.tWO. Ill- .4 sucr'cssfiil author of plays will accept s limited nuiiibiT of contracts for Ski.jches. IMays. Advertising Medium, bar none. '►r B(a>ka for ttimraa or MiikIcsI ('oiikhIv. .Vdd. 8UB8CKIFTION, 82.00 A YEAR. SAMPLE COPY MAILED FREE. X. Y. Z.. care The Billtioard. BEST FILM SERVICE 31, 33 and 35 Litchfield St.. LONDON. W. C , ENGLAND Park Settees, Opera Chairs Vone tadter. Ilight |rrlc.>a, \V. A. CHOATE SEATING CO.. Albany, N. Y. EUGENE COX 4ir^FT\JFRY tero, Kentucky. -SLOT MACHINES- (New No. 1528 Van Burin Street. CHIC16D. kJ ^ J. Pin Gum (31 styles, other gaming legitlmat. maebiues cheap. S<-nd for hig list. We will buy ALL COMPLAINTS of non-receipt of The Billboard, or changes ct address should be made Mon.tlogiies anil IMays written for professha Mill's I.IUu-ty Bells. Check Boys, Little Sixes direct to the publication office, 416 Elm Street. Cincinnati, Ohio, where they will receive prompt Iirauistlc sketches s apeclalty. No srilat t' State |irl(-e. etc. Sloan Mfg. Co., Station S. attention—and not to any branch office or agent. 'When notifying ua of changes of address, give grest or smsll for ua. Write to us now. 0AM PhUaddphia. Pa. old as well as new address. BLE A CROXALL, Box 586. East Lirerpool. 0 Volume XXL No. 51 CINCINNATI—NEW YORK—CHICAGO December 18, 1909 OnAmuscmGnt Life and Environment It \ou want to hear I.eon Mon is sweai', jii Mont.." and lie will do <i.s tine an iniitation of I’an one Would eai'e to see. The facts are the.-e: While niakinK the jump fr in lOd- — sent nioiUon. t 'anada, to Salt Lak ‘ <'il> . I'tah. Air. Aio: ris and his uniinais were MpPp*®'^ held up h.v the customs inspecior.- at I a. Swell tJrass. which is the divi ;in,^' line liet ween t'anala and th.- I'nited S:ate.s_ The collector of cu tom, ha I issued exportation papers at la stport. Wa-h.. w hich woul I permit t;i<- am- inals' return to the United S ate- diit.v free. At the lime, he was unaware of insisted that .Marion .should i a law havinji heen pas-ed in Septemher. prohihiti all kinds of excuses, and en in the United Suites, returning free of duty. The flntilly conceived the i lea of tore, cut Mr. .Morris’ car from the train and swil suicidal tendency. Sweet tJrass. which place con-i-ted of seventy-tiv "1 think I .shall go dowi a general store, a po-i othce and one or two outly end the whob confounded there for three days, thereby nei'essitating the lo-ii would try to re-train him. On. the .- ‘cond day. .Mr. .Morris, attemtding to officer to keep Marion ‘’rom ci of the town ha 1 on him. proceeded to Uncle Sam along b.v his side until th»y bar and or lered a drink. .At sight of him. a be-w 1 to .Marion: "Uidn’t git away, did yer’.”' "l o >ou really itUend to t nd .\oui life. Davie’.'" .Mr. .Morri'. being in no humor for t> iliteness. "1 certainly do, replied Marion.
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