23· Oral AnSMIS MARCH 12, 1.992 Oral AnSMIS 24 specially In cities like Deihl, Bombay, Ma- (b) If so, the outcome thereof; and dras, calcutta, whh a provision for coaching facilities for administrativeJbank and other (c) the foDow-up action taken thereon? Central Government seNice examinations and also with post-matric scholarship. [EngRsh] ( Translation] THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI SHRI SITARAM KESRI: Sir,l need a MUllAPPAllY RAMACHANDRAN): (a) fresh notice for this. No, Sir. Organic Manures are of low nutrient content but they do Improve the Physico- SHRI KALKA DAS: Mr. Speaker, Sir, chemical and MicrobDogical condition of the the Issue is very important. I would soU because of their rich hull1.ls CIlnlenl aJso .•.• ( Interruptions) ... Hence, their role is not competitive but complementary to that of chemical fertilizer. MR. SPEAKER: I am saying It again and again that only 60 minutes are allowed (b) and (c). Question does not arise. for Question Hour and there aI'8 542.!]I8m- bers in the House. Those Members who rTranslation] asked a question yesterday may not ask a question today and those who have asked KUMARI UMA BHARTI: Mr. Speaker, today, may not ask tomorrow. All meniJers Sir, through you, I expected: for my conve- can' be accommodated. It is useless to nience, that the Hindi knowing hon. Minister speak in this way .. (/nterruptions) .... of Agriculture would reply my question in Hindi. MR. SPEAKER: Please, take your seat. MR. SPEAKER: Use the ear phone, you can hear its Hindi interpretation. (Interruptions) KUMARI UMA BHARTI: Mr. Speaker, SHRI KAlKADAS: I am also one ofthe Sir, Part (a) of my first supplementary is 542 mermers .•.. ( Interruptions).... about how much total fertilizer do we need for our cultivable land. Part (b) Is about how MR. SPEAKER: Therefore,lamsaying II1.Ich out of that Is produced Indigenously that the Marmers sitting in the front row and how much Is Imported and part (c) is should give a chance to the Members sitting about countries from which we are making on the back benches to ask a question. these imports? MR. SPEAKER: Question No. 231. THE MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE Kumari Uma Bharti. (SHRI BAlAAM JAKHAR): Mr. Speaker Sir, the question put by the hon. Marmer Is OrganIc Manu .... and Fertilizers about organic measure and I can give the figures, which are aYallable with me. She * 231 .. KUMAR I UMA BHARTI: also wants to know as to how much Is SHRI GUMAN MAllODHA: imported and how much Is ~uced inIIIg- enously. She tlaslllked about fertlliserlr:1n WiD the Minister of AGRICULTURE be this connection I would •• to tell her that we pleased to state: also produce manul8.(~rruptlons) (a) whether the Government had con- KUMARI UMA BHARTI: Mr. Speaker ducted any cost-benefit study to establish· Sir, since he replied my question In a rOUl'ld- the supremacy of organic manures overthe about way, I asked another question. It chemical fertilizers and also their impact on appeared to me that these people became environment; very restless by my first question. So I 25 Oral Answers PHALGUNA 22,1.913 (SAKA) Oral Answers 26 considered It appropriate to shift to another KUMARI UMA BHARn: Mr. Speaker, questlon.(/nterruptlons) SIr, I win put my question In a different way. athey are so hurt with my small remark, It SHRI BALAAM JAKHAR: Mr. Speaker does not malter. Now I would like the hon'ble Sir, th.re Is no problem In giving figures. Ministerto reply my point. 70% of the popu- Even figures on cow dung BnI available-wlth lation In India is dependent on agriculture. It us. (/nterruptlons) ..•• Figures on cow dung Is, therefore, velY essential that the produc- are there and I can say how much of It Is tivity and fertility of the agricultural and used. She says that we did not. come wHh cultivable land Is maintained for a long time. adequate preparation. Look, here are the Please let me know whether the agricultural figures. I can give her the detailed figures. scientists of india have conducted any sur- We have 4021akh buffaloes, 13261akh other vey on the same line as the people of cattle and 345 lakh other young stock. The America are thinking today? Has the use of total Is about 20741akhs. AU these animals fertilizers on the cultivable land had an produce a total of 8, 305 lakh tonnes of Impact on the productive capacity of Indian manure. We put It into use .. (lnterruptions) soli. I have put part (b) of my question in thi~ context. Mr. Speaker, Sir, you had given c. KUMARI UMA BHART!: Mr. Speaker, lot of time to Ram Vilas Paswan. As such Sir, through you, I would like to tell the hon. should also be granted some time so that i Mlnlsterthat I did not ask this question at all. may ask my question freely. Now my second question Is that H we believe that fertiWser MR. SPEAKER: Please sit down till he aHeets the productivity of our coltivable gives his reply and put your question there- land, will the hon. Minister of Agriculture or after. the Central Govemment make an announce- ment that maximum organic manure would KUMARI UMA BHART!: All rlgtlt, Sir, be produced that for use all overthe country. thank you. For that, Cow slaughter shOuld be totally banned. Will the hon. Minister consider put· SHRI BALRAM JAKHAR: She has ting a complete ban on cow slaughter all asked about manure. Detailed figures on over the country? manure are also available with us. Details of information about the percentage which we SHRI BALAAMJAKHAR: Mr. Speaker. import is also available with us and I can Sir, her question is underconsideration. We furnish the same to her.(lnte"uptions) have to examine it from all angles. We haVE to feed 86 crore people and if they are to bf KUMARI UMA BHARTI: Mr. Speaker, fed, we will have to Increase production Sir, part (a) of my question points out that Production depends on promotion of agr agricultural scientists of U.S.A. believe that culture, so both are important. Till today, • fertiliser affects the fertility of soil. It has an have all along been using manure. When' adverse effect That is why they have started population increased, we needed more a thinking in terms of using organic manure more foodgrains and started depending instead of fertiliser. Now let me make a chemical fertilizers. Both are cOlJl)lemer comparison between U.S.A. and India. In talY to each other.(lnterruptions) While o· U.S.A. only 7% of our population is depen- the one hand we should think about th. dent on agriculture but In India 70% of its fertDlty of soil, we should also think abou population Is dependent on agriculture and increasing prodUction. We do not adopt thl this dependence can not be done away with same method In evelY case. Today in Indi, overnight with the help of Doon School or we use 66.9 kilograms of manure In onE Nehru Model....(/nterruptions) hectare of land. In China it is 264 kilograms In Pakistan 90 kUograms, In Japan 41 i MR. SPEAKER: NOlin this way. kilograms, In U.K. 350 kilograms and ir Egypt it is 404 kilograms. As our land is qUitf ( Interruptions) negligible. We tell people that in order te 27 Oral AnS"1S MARCH 12, 1992 Oral AnS"1S 28 maintain the productivity of soil and its [ TllItrslatlon) strength, Ills essential that we should use manure which ouranimalsgive us and along SHRIGUMANMALLODHA: I shall ask with that In every natural way we should use you In brief. In part (c) of my question I have bIo-fertillzers. For this purpose, we made desired to know that keeping In view the fact research by establishing raseardt Centres. that when in Argentina there are 2089 cattle We have been able to produce as much as per thousand people, In Australia 1,365 300 tonnes of manure at these cpntres cattle per 1000 people and in Colurmla 919 seen. We would Ike to continue with this cattle and In Brazil there are 726 cattle, will because both are co"1*mentary and with- the hon. Minister of Agriculture take mea- out that It would serve no purpose. If today sures to protect the cows, buffaloes and we do away with chemical fertilizers we may ann, the mobile fertUlser factories of the die of starvation we cannot do that work right country, forthelrfuU utilisation because they now, but we should use both the items in a yleldfraefertiliser.lwould like to ask whether balanced way so that our productivity Is the Govemment would provide total protec- maintained and ourfoodgralns requirement tion to them so that their use may be en- is fuDy met.(lnterruptions) sured. The second pari of my question relates to the fact that all the scientists are also unanimous and EncycIoped"18 Brltanica KUMARI UMA BHARTI: The hon. Min- also supports it that the use of chemicals is Ister has not yet repUed my point on banning harmful for heanh. cow slaughter. (Interruptions) let the reply to question come. TheyWiU have to put aban MR. SPEAKER: You need not tell us, on cow slaughter because their government It is an established fact. and their party view the problems of the nation from a communal angle. (InteTflJp- SHRI GUMAN MAL LOOHA: I would tJons)Wlllhe~eabanoncowstraighter. like to state that at a recent held Conference He has not yet replied this point. (InteTflJp- of Cardiologists it has been admitted that rions) use of chemical fertUlzers have create a toxicity In food which Is responsible for increase In the number of heart patients.
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