UBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY MORNING BY A. H.BYINGTON & CO.,': AT TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE r JV Jamilfi §mki to §ml Urns nnd Interests, d»jenev»l gttMUjieiwe, ptewtow, gJolitUs, J^rintltaw, ISgedtauus, &t.—^stflMislied in 1800. NUMBER 1010--NEW SERIES, NORWALK, CONN.. TUESDAY, MAY 21,1807. VOLUME L—NUMBER.21. 1.: Go to Hall & Bead 's, Bridgeport, for Carpets and Pa per Hangings. Up in the Barn. , j Bible Society of Norwalk and A Minister Wanted. Seff. Davis' Disguise. Old Firmer Joe steps through the doors, It has been doubted that Jeff Davis was Its Vicinity. A work has just been published by the NORWALK As wide to him as gates of/Thebes; SEVENTH ANNDAL REPORT. PRESENTED American Tract Society entitled, "Hints and actually captured in female attire, and his "TORWALK GAZETTE. REAL ESTATE. Bounties, Pensions, die. sympathizers labored strenuously to dis­ TTAVING just discovered that there has been i •And lltoiigliilul walksabouljtlu! floors r;r„-n IN THE BAPTIST CHTJBCQ, NORWALK, Thoughts for Christians," written by Rev. prove the s'ories which presented him in J1 report widely circulated that I have given ni Wlicrt on are piled lii°9 winter stores, , n APRIL 14TH, 1867. • - Dr. Todd, of Pittsfleld, -who has a way of The Second Oldest Paper in the Slate. INSURANCE COMPANY. the United States Claim Agency business, wbicl i 1 • 1 tf£ putting things" which cannot be excelled.— such a ludicrous aspect before the world. Homestead for Sale. has been believed by some. I would here state to Aud couuts the profits of hi.1 glebes. HE nOMESTEAD of the late John D. Lounebu- all persons interested that I am tally prepared and (Already the - advancing season brings The following article, selected from, it, is But the rtpo I <>l ihe Congressional commit­ ry, deceased, situated in Winnipauk, is offered OFFICE IN GAZETTE BUILDING. NORWALK, CONN. T will attend to the collection ot claims against the t vn lengthening days, milder skies and springing well worthy tbe attention of officers and for Sale. The Dwelling Honse contains thirteen United States Government, the same as heretofore. Ten tons ol timothy up there; verdure. God is mindful of His work ana members of vacant churches :— tee appointed t<> invi'siignte the circumstance rooms, with all modern conveniences, and is very I am also fully prepared to make ont applications US'iV CASH CAPITAL, • ;'? J U $SOO OOO pleasantly located on the Main Street. There are And four of cltiver iii tlie. liay ; . faithful to His: word. In the unwearied "Thriftyville wants a minister. They are of his capture, u iiliji view to the distribu­ A. H 8YINGTON St CO. nnder all the late Acts of Congress respecting equal­ PAID UP CAPITAL, $100,000 letween three audfoar acres of good land, with Or ization of Bounty, Increased Pensions, Ac., Ac. lt» (l-to|) that cut,'well,1midlife' fair, .tharch of; His merciful Providence, we re­ looking tar and near to find one; but they tion ofthe rew u-1 • -flcKid, shows that poor tfll WM. T. BARNUM. Mist want the 'right man.' Thriftyville is not A. 11. BYINGTON, J. B. Er.IIS, G. N. ELLS W.M. C. STREET. President. A it' I bins of roots, oblong aud; square," ceive a prolonged lease of unprofitable life, Jeff, was ignobl;, ir.i=mmed as a female, and Danbury, 1867. , i'j ; enjoy 'unmerited blessings, ana are summon­ one of your old effete places. It is a place GEO. R. COWLES, Secretary. T i help eke out the crops of bay. was actually caught, while endeavoring to Subscription $3.00 per year in advance EBEN. HILL, Treasurer* at the Residence of Geo. H. Handle, Winnipaak, Ct. UiiiJ ed to-night to a grateful remembrance of our grown up quickly on Rapid River, in the Single copies 5 cents. Fruit Trees! Fruit Trees!! exalted privileges, and: to a careful estimate beautiful valley of Eureka. It is a very im­ sneak out of his camp in the best female Assets over $23,000,000. POr Sale. A dxzeu head < f cattle stand •"•• '•', Urnis ! of; our weighty obligations. THB BIBLE SO­ portant placc, stand directly over the center ADVERTISING RATES. AT THE costume his Iravi lling chest afforded : • GEO. li, COWLES) NE of the most magnificent places on West Ave­ K'-flt'clive in the le il «t'"'*wji.}>ud >KJ! o! CIETY OF NORWALK AND ITS VICINITY, has of the earth, so that if a hole were dug, and nue, on the line of the Horse Railway, belonging The testimony «'f Gen. Wilson together Four lines or less, 1 insertion 50 cts. 3 times, $1.00 I S AGENT at Nonvalk, and issnes Policies tor the O NEW CANAAN NUBSERY. And stalks are shick'-d on every hand, us.'.' filled by its existence and work, the circle of a stone dropped into it, it would pass through One square, one Insertion, 1 IJ:' to Mr. A. C. Brush, which will be sold at a bargain, and The subscribers take pleasure in annonpeing to the with the reports--.-i his subordinates, present­ iin for the following Insurance Companies. 011 accommodating terms. Apply to sit consecutive years, and now, with tbe the very centre of this great world. It has Per week, for continuance, Home, of N. Y., Assets Jan. 1st, '64, public that their stock of tii. I>ue.it ofL'rinir >>l tlu- hind •i'b ed to the Cominiiiee show that Mr. Davis One square, six months, 7.(K) $3,380,370 NASH & IVES, shiado* of isad memories upon its yearly rec a growing population, and boasts of 'a cir­ 15.00 Etna, of Hartford, 3,138.820 tf 10 No. 1, Water St. Norwalk, Ct. T i ItiUir long in lintaiiifil .n I hard. when captured hail thefollowing artirI, 4 up " oneyear—with paper, Phcenix, of N. Y., " 722,219 Fruit & Ornamental Trees, Vines, &c, ord,with the unwelcome necessity of change cle of very intelligent people.' Moreover, it Two " " " sri.no on his person, lo vit : " 30 00 Home, ofN. H., " 000,000 i* nnnsnally large and of unsurpassed excellence ini its Executive Officer, we are gathered to seems to be 'the centre of a great moral in­ One lady's water-pmof cloak, " gathvi • I Three " " " " Norwich, '• We feel confident in saying that we believe tbat oar, Cart loudsot pumpkins yondvi lie— ? One quarter Colnrnn, ontt year. 40.00 390,501 To Rent. celebrate its Seventh Anniversary. While fluence,' and it now wants a minister second at the waist. 05.00 Lamar, N. Y., " 389,375 stock of APPLE TREES particularly, to be the lar­ One half North American, Ilt'd " gest and Best in this Country. We are also positive Th'F hoise is feeding in lii« S'HII, ' 'y 'yielding, on this qaiet Sabbath evening, to to none.' They want to get the society out A shawl, "drawn over the head." Full Column, one year, • 125.00 384,010 A. Furnished House, City of New Haven, " 330,419 thai we can furnish Trees in better quality..better Tin-outs are biiiidli-d S.:HII • I J.U li, the influence of hallowed convocation, to the of debt, to repair the old wastes which time A pair of tnp boot?, which the cloak f;< !• Special Notices 95 per cent advance on the above. Merchants, Hartford, '1 . 301,443 order, and for LESS MONEY than they can be obtained inspiration,of united song, to the impulse of has already made iu their half-built sanctua­ Yearly advertisers restricted to ihe business coil- Western Mass.,Pittsfield, - 336,434 Containing twelve rooms, pleasantly located, near from distant Nqrseries. Ajn.l peas und beaus are hea|M.-«i bard by, ed to hide and a tin pail, carried upon ; -4 teniplated at the time of contract, but are permitted the Churches, Post Office, Depots, <Skc., is offered to stirlng, Instructive words, may our hands be ry, to gather in the young, to 'draw' a full Hampden, Springfield, " ; 300,000 Those wishing to purchase Trees and Vines will do j As if there were some festival, Q head. to make monthly changes of iheir advs. People's, Worcester, 405,593 rent for the Snmmer months. A very desirable resi­ well to send their orders early—or still better, visit 3 jotnra,' and our sympathies blended, and our house, and to make tbe concern every way Clothed in this garb, "she" or rather "he " One inch space constitutes a square. and other Companies, Stock and Mutual, in Connecti­ dence. Enquire at the GAZETTE OFFICE. our Nursery and make their own selections.' efforU piedged, in renewed consecration to prosperous and respectable, and easy to sup­ Advance payment required for all transient ad­ cut. Massachusetts and New York, with assets of STEPHEN HOYT £ SONS. Ai length old Fanner jiie sits down— ' ^ as'it afterward appearei, was moving aloDf vertisements. $13,000,000. At So. Nonvalk, application may be Tpd'and Truth. port. with Miss Howell toward tbe woods as ii Quarter of a Column, one time, For Sale CUieap. P: s. We take pleasure in showing persons through "Now for the qualifications desired. They made to WM. T. CRAW. our Nurseries, whether desirous of purchasing trees |A patch acrdes each t)f bis knurs; JTBS SOCIETY'S FIELD LIMITBD AND ITS going for water. Unfortunately however, Half do. do. do. do. 10.00 OEyERAL particularly desirable bnildint? lots, but 30 are s<^tv and simple that 'the right man' Full Column, onetime, " 80.00 ornot; and would cordially invite all interestedto Ife crowds his bat back on bis crcwn^'^ ^ VORK HUKBLB.—The circle of our activity lor the success of tlie ruse, his boots betrayed ij a short distance from the Bridge.
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