!'i iin l.' ..,(,r] lt'fI ----.r' THE GOMMUNIGATOR 1968 ll COMING OF A( ll EDrrroN l=lu:\ VOL 19 - No. 1 a MII{ISTRY OF DEFEI{GE TELEGOM M Ul{ IGATIOI{S PERSOil l{EL Are You Due For Releose ? The Ministry of Defence has vacancies in the Whitehall area for Special ist Telepri nter O perators. Pay {17 l3s 0d p.w., if25 and over, rising to tZO l8s0d p.*. Earnings can be increased by an average of {6 p.w. by overtime working and shift allowance Hours 4l gross over a five day week. Paid Leave 3 weeks a year. Generous SICK LEAVE arrangements and LUMP SUM payment on retirement or resignation after more than 5 years' continuous service. Written opplication, stotin g trode proficiency, ta:- Mr. A. J. SMART, Ministry of Defence, DS 16, Room 08, Old War Office Building, London, S.W.l L4 LIGHTWEIGHT the Services newest highpower COMPACT manpack PROVEN - adaptable "Against intense competition the BCC 30 has been selected to f ill the 414 role for the British Services." The A14-BCC 30 is the lightest, smallest, fully transisto- rised, one man high power H F transmitter-receiver station .i ,t: ..., . .: :: ',: , -: ,, !::, ..:: with an output of up to 30 watts, i.':l:' ''":.,,,J:*l" Fully approved to British Ministry of Defcnce DEF 133 standards and to United states Mil. std.188B the A1+- BCC 30 has already been selected by the British Services, Commonwealth, NATO and United States forces. & BBtftS,t ChMMI tt,t t/,AttDtt$ COnPOBArtOtt LTD. SOUTH WAY, EXHIBITION GROUNDS, WEMBLEY, MIDDLESEX or rtsr corrAo!s Telephone: WEMbley 1212 Cables: BEECEECEE Wembley #aro covMUnrL^rrons 6RoLP Better Deal with r r r DAUFMAil TAILORS AND OUTFITTERS TO THE ROYAL NAVY FOR OVER 50 YEARS H.M.S. ,,MERCURY" SHOP (Manager: Mr. A. C. Waterman) We invite you to inspe ct the lorge ronge ond varied selection of Uniforms ond civilion Clothing in our Comp Shop Our Crested Pattern Communication Branch Ties are again available, l7s. 6d. each, in Terylene. CIVILIAN TAILORING STYLED TO YOUR INDIVIDUAL REQUIREMENTS PROMPT AND PERSONAL ATTENTION TO ALL ORDERS SPECIALISTS IN OFFICERS' UNIFORMS Novol Allotment ond other Credit focilities ovoiloble GIFT CATALOGUE AVAILABLE ON REQUEST Heod Office: 20 QUEEN ST., PORTSMOUTH Telephone: PORTSMOUTH 21830 Members of the lnterport Naval Traders Association THE COMMUNICATOR The Magazine of the Communications Branch, Royal Navy and the Royal Naval Amateur Radio Society SPRING 1968 VOL. 19, No. 1 CONT ENT S page page EnrroRrar, 5 A CorrauumcAToR's CoruuN 19 SrcNal Orrrcpns Norrcps 5 A TvprNc RBrorurroN 20 Tnq.rxrNc aNo AovaNcEMENT Norrs 5 CourrraNorn S. Hacr, RN 2l FonrscovnNc Counsrs ar HMS Mancuny 5 'GyPsY Mottt' Couuurlrc,qrrs 23 THs NonrHnnN EunopraN ColruaNo 6 Dwns FroNrrNc 23 DnarrrNc 1967 . 8 Do you KNow ABour Hrnrz ? 24 Teppp TnncnrNc 8 Rocr CrrMsrNc rN GrsRArrA.n CortivrrssroNtNc FoRscasrs 9 25 SpnrNc Cnosswonp 11 GorNc rnn Rouuos rN "MERCURy" 28 RN WT SrArroN, KnaNlr-1939-42 t2 Snrp-Snons'Nsws 31 TUB McKlrc PRrzs t6 CoptuuNrcATroN Gazrrrr 47 Wnrrrgarr, Wrnnrpss .. t7 DnarrrNc 51 Editor: Lieutenant Commander C. W. Wrtuaus, RN Asst. Editor: Sub Lieutenant (SD) (C) B. A. DAvtBs, RN Corrections: Mrs. C. W. Wrrrrmas Treasurer: Sub Lieutenant (SD) (C) c. A. SrnATtoN, RN Business, Production and Advertisement Manager : Mr. Eocln SpncoMnr, 44 Abbots fude, Farnham, Surrey. CONTRIBUTION S All MSS, photographs and cartoons should be sent to the Editor at HMS Mercury as below. These will be returned to the sender only if asked for and responsibility for them cannot be accepted by the Editor. Contributions for the Summer, 1968 edition must be in the Editor's hands by lst July, bulk orders by LOth July. Subscription rates are as follows: For the whole year .. 716 post free For each issue 3/- post free BULK ORDERS: (2 copies or more) from commands, ships or establishments, 2/6 per copy, post free. The Magazine is published at Easter, Summer and Christmas. Orders are normally posted during the Ist week of April, August and December. The closing date for articles is the lst March, lst July, and lst November. Cheques and/or Postal Orders should be made payable to and sent to: The Editor, THE, ColruuurcAToR, HMS "MERCURY", East Meon, near Petersfield, Hampshire. PUBLISHED AT HMS ..MERCURY'' J 6 # #### ffi{*,?.rijf :gtr'f#F.#ffi flff fjijfff!{ CAPTAIN SIR PETER. ANSON, Bt., ROYAL NAVY 1949 Qualified in Signals 1960 R roadsv, ttrd in Command 1950 Flag Lieutenant to C in Cl Mediterranean 1963 Promoted Captain 1952 SCO to 4th Destroyer Squadron 1963 Joint Services Stafl' C ollegc 1955 Command Communications Officer, p,64 MOD(Nav-v), Bath, as Dep'-.tr Director Plymouth Command Weapons Radio (Nar al) :id Director 1956 Flag Lieutenant and SCO to FOAC Weapons Radio (Nar.alt 1957 Promoted Commander I 966 Naiatl in C--ommand ai:L ( rntain (D) 1957 Alert in Command Londonderry Squadrt,n 1959 Royal Naval Tactical School, Woohvich I 968 Mercury in Command 4 EDITORIAL The Training C'ommander and his policy stall officers are still resident in the Main house and The Editorial Staff very much approciates all the rest of the administrative organisation is sited the good wishes received f,or this Twenty-First in the ground floor of Dreadnought Block. In edition. charge of the administration is Lieutenant Com- Recent rises in the price of paper and printing mander F. A. Jupp (SOTA) Stafl Officer Training are being met by a change of printers to a Administration, Telephone Extension 310, to Portsmouth firm. thus red,ucing transport costs. whom all requests for courses and matters of This means that for the time being at least, the course planning should be referred. SOTA is price of 2s. 6d. per copy can be maintained. assisted by Sub Lieutenant G. A. Stratton (TAA) I very much hope that the new Editor will Training Administration Assistant, the old title of continue to get as much supp,ort from readers Supernumeraries Training Officer has now lapsed. in the form of articles as I have had. Although it The Administration centre in Dreadnought is not always possible to publish everything re- Block is now known as the Co-ordinating ceived, a large supply of material is a tremendous Planning Centre, and all internal queries are dealt help. with by TAA, Telephone Extension 308. All ships and establishments who wish to en- quire about the booking of courses and use of any SIGNAL OFFICERS training facility in HMS Mercury should do so through SOTA, giving as much notice as possible NEWSLETTER SPRING 1968 as the centre is planning up to 10 weeks in ad- In view of the further review of Defence com- vance and there are a large number of fixed mitments and requirements no\.\' taking place, courses running this year. DNS/CSS have deferred issuing their Newsletter until the future of some of our major projects is Fleethoards for Leading Rate firm. [t is hoped that it rvill now comc out in The policy of having one board a month this May/June 196t1. year is working well in keeping the numbers per board down to an acceptable level. There still seem to be a lot of old style 'G' ratings wishing SIGNAL OFFICERS MEETING to take advantage of the preparation courses and JULY 1968 one full course has been held so far this year. It is possible that a further course will be held This will be held on Friday, July 26, starting in July, this will t're published when final details at 1030. It is hoped that as many serving Signal are known. Officers as can conveniently do so will attend. Details and acceptance forms will be sent out with Reunion information. FORTHCOMING COURSES AT HMS SIGNAL OFFICERS REUNION MERCURY 1968 Course Cttntmcttccs Completcs The Reunion will be held, on thc same lines as wRo 3 29. 4.68 12. 7.68 in the past, on Friday, July 26, starting at 1830. SSW 6 29. 4.68 5. 7.68 Cricket, Golf and Sailing will be arranged on the SSG 7 6. 5.68 13. 7.68 Saturday. Reunion notices to retired oflicers will SSW 7 13. 5.68 19. 7.68 be sent out in early May and to serving otficers SSG II 20. 5.68 26. 7.68 latest. with the Newsletter or in mid-May at the SSW t3 27. 5.68 2. 8.68 wRo (M) 4 4. 6.68 6.12.68 SSG 9 4. 6.68 9. 8.68 TRAINING AND S.SW 9 r0. 6.68 17.8.68 ADVANCEMENT NOTES wRo 4 10. 6.68 6. 9.68 SSG IO 24. 6.68 13. 9.68 As the training administration organisation in RSW 34' 1. 7 .68 6.12.68 Mercury has been changed recently, a brief ex- wRo _5 8. 7.68 5.10.68 planation might be help u,ho require of to those SSG 11 15. 7.68 5.10.68 to make use of the various training facilities. wRo (M) 6 22. 7.68 MAR'69 The idea of the new organisation is to take as SST 5 22. 7.68 27. 9.68 much as possible of the everyday administration SSG 12 29. 7.68 18.10.68 load away from the teaching sections, leaving CY4 29. 7.68 8. r 1.68 them free to concentrate on what to teach and RS5 29. 7.68 20.t2.68 how to teach it. wRo 6 12. 8.68 8.11.68 The Headquarters, Allied Forces Northern Europe, at Kolsas near OsIo €ig.
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