Page THE BEAVER NEWS Thursday October 20 1983 Readers Poll The Beaver News staff wants to know what our readers think about the paper CAREER Cor Beaver of box -Please fill out the following poll and return it to the Ne care number 664 Representatives from more than 80 colleges and universities will at one of the first READERS STA11JS.. gather graduate education Forums ever held in this country to help those planning to enter graduate Please check all appropriate answers.. school gain firsthand information about one of the most im The will be the portant decisions of their lives Forum at Student Faculty Mministration Franklin Plaza Hotel Franklin Plaza 17th and Vine Streets in Philadelphia on Friday October 28 and will run from and fill in 1.0 your approximate 1130 a.m to 800 p.m Mmission will be $3.00 paybale at the door LENGTh OF ThE PAPER.. For information contact lona Harper at 215 898-4409 What do you consider to be the ideal length Although wed like to have employers on campus for in- pages pages pages terviews as much as you would the fact remains that they wont come to talk to one or two Two weeks seniors COLUMNS.. people ago received queionnaires on which they could indicate their in- and Which columns do like the most why in weekly you tere on-campus interviews Thus far 14 replies have been received One more time Complete and return the form or and Which columns do ou like the least why forget about on-campus recruiting Thems the facts COMMENTh.. Business students interested in What suggestions do you have for new columns or features advertising are being sought by Corporate Monthly magazine for promotional program plan- ned for next summer team of marketing students will be set up early in 1984 and will be trained in series of meetings Your suggestions will be considered by our staff but all final decisions rest with the throughout spring semeer to work under the publications the editors Thank you for your co-operation advertising department If youre interested call Bruce An- thony at 215/629-161 for more information Two available in Career Services will be of in- Another Note From Left Reid publications tere to stixients seeking career direction Business Weeks an- nual Guide to Careers presents 30 articles and features on job we realize that the first time Okay people you might not hunting career opportunities life style and personal believe that this column was for bti theres real no excuse now management and the corporate world and its interest in college We know that there are lot of closet Left Fielders out there graduates Copies may be found on the table in the Career for the fellow who example put such great importance in the Services library The 1984 College Placement Annual has in- occupation of Darwins maternal several grandfather or formation on-hundreds of employers what they do where they INQUIRE instructors So attention pay Were watching you are what kings of people they look for and the name and title write to box of the person to contact about jobs Firms are al hated by QUESTIONS location and by interest in various majors This is the seniors Reports have it that those colors tend be wearing bright to job-hunting handbook and free copies are available to all orehouses of information and are eager to share and cx- seniors in the secretarys office Room Heinz Hall change their knowledge with others What are the trees around trying to say Are you suffering from terminal independence how Speculate the upcoming full moon will affect the 1983-1984 Student Libe members of the Writing Center Why CALL FOR PAPERS LFAC is intereed in all starting journal faculty and Government Senators udents are cordially invited to submit their abstracts APA yle only please on the following topics the number of times word like next can be repeated Randee Baron John Melniczek before the subject no longer knows what the word means Lisa Barr Amy Miller the color of nothing Laura Birnbrauer Teresa Petosa the arthic value of the letter through the ages Fred Harran .Janette Powell the hobbies of professors correlational study with the Denise Harris Rob Reichel hobbies of white and purple eggplants Paul Izes Darlene Rozzi to type of people masterminding the LFAC movement Liz Jackn Mike Socci Execion methods for obnoxious Chris gossipers using Brillo Todd Langowski Tagmire Angela Leigh Radu Vasiliu Bill Magerman Marcy Waters Lorraine Magnant Gregg Zankman Gino Mattioli Vibes Edors-in-Chief Whoever want to know the Sue Jackson Adrienne Provenzano heart and mind of Amenca Sports Edor Mike Archie HORSEBACK RIDING had better learn baseball the Entertainment Editor Carol Wasilok rules and reojitiet of the Copy Editor Vickie Hyde game and do it by watching Layout Edor Todd Langowski fiit some high school or Business Manager Dana Jones smalitown teams ReponersMonica Bauroth Diane Burch Denetta Burnette sponsored by DILWORTh RHC Jacques Bavsn 1954 Robert Friedfeld Liz Gall Susan Gehman Allison Heller Diane Jacobsohn Sue Kauffman Darlene Marquette Valyrie Moore Ken Morgan Chaweewan Ponlakon Audrey All October 1983 right So you missed the Reynolds Angela Rodriquez Carol Wasilok Karen Wolfe Saturday 22 last contest So couldnt Linda Bazilian Kathy Scott Leslie Birch Theresa Marie you SUNNYFIELD NEWFOWN fme the answer So well give Soto Mukesh Sethi Fran Skiaroff Nannette Wizov Steve STABLES another chance Rob Einhorn you Rapposelli Donna Piltz Carrie Coulter 9.OO a.m from Dilworth Lounge Are you ready baseball Artist Peter Palau Sangeeta Pathak fans No Orioles fans Photographers Terry Petrosky Rob Reichard $8.00 per person please Layoutiennifer Cook Debbie Earle Laurie Pachkowski and Question Erik Weikel In what 360 year did Joe Typists Sue Kauffman Morgan first lead the National Proofreader Leslie Birch League in stolen bases Faculty Advisor Dr Gerald Belcher Clue Answer is not Kanes Famous First Facts Tke Beaer News week ss ly piiblk.tkss wriUeis by .d the Clue Baseball is sttz Beaver CciIq bsu .es aecessaily reflect the qiiass sport Remember she Cdlege the sis.ti body Usssigised editith reflect the cm you have to sce.s aiim the editwud bo.L SigseI eáti.s reflect she show where you found the an- she siee ai swer inthe Atwood Library in The 9..rer News weIcon letters to the F4tw bt rsrres she rit order to win ckse tUn iiie to Iirisitgtigms P1ee swre letters .e se ma Sign tq before Thirsday October 21 Dilworth 2nd East aid Deadline for this contest is si_ ao Iasger thm type-wristet pqe Uasised .si/v Gina Room 221 or Kevin Room 277 ed left will em be csiãrei publicmidw 900 p.m on Thursday Oc -- tober 27 1983 Thursday October 20 THE BEAVER NEWS Page Senior Profile Is It Noah Or Is It Cheryl with Rockland By Todd Langowski guys started picking on my course the For this weeks Senior brother and he was Community College and the Profile we go back to tough little kid but they kept United Presbyterian Church Kistler but this Will be our bothering him So wound up of the U.S She was offered to in last Kistler gal for quite beating them up that hap- scholarship study Kenya awhile Many of us may pened few times East Africa for month with remember this weeks senior When it came time for her other students They lived as Noah last Halloween when college education Cheryl ap with African families which in her hail dressed up as Noahs plied for scholarship were parts of tribes the of Ark Cheryl Holder is that gal through her church and highlands Kenya They learned about the with the fantastic personality Beaver College wasone of the history and who lives on Kistler 1st West colleges offered Cheryl culture traditions daily lives of the as well Cheryl is twenty-one years old decided on Beaver because it people as birthdate May 31 double- had good program for audiovisual techniques to give of their majoring in Early Childhood teaching and becaie she wan- presentations ex Education and Religion and ted something between the periences She remarked It was minoring in Spanish She lives country and city She tells of very enriching ex In in Laurelton New York with her first feelings about perience fact it was dream her family which consists of Beaver At first wasnt sure come true to really live in another culture in the her parents and younger if liked it because it didnt way brother and sister Her father seem as enriching culturally as we did is minister and her famiLy is what had grown up with But Cheryl would like to work from Bermuda Jamaica and found it was if took from it in Child Welfare and if at all Guyana each of which all that could And now possible in religious context Cheryl has visited like it She has applied for some work When was she As freshman at Beaver Cheryl young abroad and graduate schotar wanted to be teacher College Cheryl was freshman ships And she is also in- because she has always ad representative to the Black terested in adopting children mired her teachers As Awareness Society BAS child Cheryl was involved in worked as an aid in the Child asked Cheryl who has in- Girl the Youth Choir in Scouts Care Center and was in the spired her the most her life at her church and Youth Beaver Christian Fellowship she replied My grandfather Senior of the week Connection in In Holder in Group this was her sophomore year she Cheryl who was minister and Child Care Center New York which helped was an Orientation Leader Treasurer of the Gospel En- ter Brooklyn has inspired me She is also in the Honor children deal with life as OL Cross Country track semble and assistant to the most He was humble has made Deans Christians She also played member was an alto
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