NEWSLETTER THE SOCIETY OF ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIANS FEBRUARY 1973 VOL. XVII NO . 1 PUBLISHED SIX TIMES A YEAR BY THE SOCIETY OF ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIANS 1700 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 • Alan Gowans, President • Editor: James C. Massey, 614 S. Lee Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314 Assoc. Ed.: Thomas M. Slade, 3901 Conn. Ave., N.W. , Washington, D.C. 20008 • Asst. Ed.: Elisabeth Walton, 765 Winter St., N.E. Salem, Oregon 97301 SAHNOTICES SAH Annual Business Meeting. The Society's annual business 1973 Annual Meeting-Foreign Tour, Cambridge University meeting was held in New York on January 27, during the and London (August 15-27). The Pan American charter flight College Art Association convention. As announced, the SAH is filled, and registrations for the flight and the meeting-tour annual meeting will be held in Cambridge and London in are now closed. August. The following officers were elected: President, Alan Gowans (University of Victoria); First Vice-President, Spiro K. 1974 Annual Meeting, New Orleans (April 3-7). Spiro K. Kostof (University of California, Berkeley); Second Vice­ Kostof, First Vice-President, is General Chairman for the President, Marian C. Donnelly (University of Oregon); Secre­ meeting; Bernard Lemann and Samuel Wilson, Jr. are Local tary, Elisabeth MacDougall (Dumbarton Oaks- Harvard Uni­ Co-Chairmen. (SAH meets alone.) Persons interested in pre­ versity); and Treasurer, Robert W. Jorgensen (Peifer and senting papers should write Professor Kostof (7733 Claremont Associates, Inc. , Chicago). Seven new directors were elected at Avenue, Berkeley, Calif. 94705). the meeting: Abbott L. Cummings (Society for the Preserva­ 1975 Annual Meeting, Boston (April 23-27). Plans to meet tion of New England Antiquities); Morrison H. Heckscher (The with the College Art Association in Kansas City at the end of Metropolitan Museum of Art); John Maass (City of Philadel­ January 1975 have been abandoned; instead the SAH will phia); James F. O'Gorman (Gloucester, Massachusetts); Wil­ meet alone in Boston. liam B. O'Neal (University of Virginia, Emeritus); John R. 1974 Foreign Tour-Morocco (May 27-June 14). John D. Spencer (National Endowment for the Arts); and George B. Hoag, University of Colorado , is Chairman of the tour. Tatum (University of Delaware). Announcements will be sent to the SAH membership in early The 197 5 Annual Meeting will not be held in Kansas City, September, 1973. All SAH members living outside the United as originally scheduled, due to the unexpected withdrawal of States and Canada. who wish to sign up for this tour should the CAA from meeting there. Total membership of the Society write the SAH office so that the announcement may be sent continues to grow, and stood at 3,901 at the end of 1972. airmail at the time of distribution. This year, for the first time, the SAH made two presenta­ 1974 Annual Tour-Utica, New York and Vicinity (August tions of the Alice Davis Hitchcock Book Award for the most 28-31). Stephen S. Olney (Herkimer-Oneida Counties Com­ distinguished work of scholarship in the history of architecture prehensive Planning Program) will serve as Chairman of the published in 1971 and 1972 by North American scholars. tour. Announcements will be sent to the SAH membership in Citations have been given to H. Allen Brooks for his book The early April 197 4. Prairie School (University of Toronto Press) and Thomas F. Mathews for The Early Churches of Constantinople: Architec­ ture and Liturgy (Pennsylvania State University Press). H. Allen Brooks is Professor of Fine Arts at the University of Toronto, where he has taught since 1958. He graduated from Dartmouth College with a major in Architecture, and took M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in the History of Art at Yale and Northwestern Universities, respectively. He is a past president SAH Alice Davis Hitchcock Book Award Winner H. Allen SAH Alice Davis Hitchcock Book Award Winner Thomas Brooks. Photo: John Berchert F Mathews. Photo: Joanna Ney hosted by the Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities, is tentatively scheduled to be held Thursday, September 27, through Sunday, the 30th. Two concurrent working sessions are planned to cover the history of technol­ ogy and preservation restoration techniques such as fire protection, or probing without destruction. Suggestions of particular speakers, as well as offers to present papers are welcomed. The International Congress of the History of Art. The annual meeting will be held in Granada, Spain, September 3-8, 1973. The theme of this Congress is Spain Between the Mediterra­ nean and the Atlantic. Historians who wish to attend and to propose papers should addres~ the Secretariat, Comite Inter­ national d'Histoire de l'Art, Institut d'Art et d'Archeologie, 3, rue Michelet, Paris 6e. SAH of Great Britain. Palladianism in British Architecture will be the subject of the Annual Symposium. The meeting will probably be held in June. Peter Murray delivered the Society's Annual Lecture at the Royal Society of Arts on January 12. SAH Founders' Award Winners David S. Andrew and His subject was Renaissance Milan: Bramante and Battagio da Laurel Blank Andrew. Lodi. of the Society and has served as a director. The recipient of a Toscan-American Archaeological Association. Founded in fellowship from the Canada Council and research grants from 1972 to excavate in Toscana, study the history, art and the Canada Council and the American Council of Learned urbanism of the area, promote publication and scholarly Societies, Dr. Brooks has also been Visiting Professor at exchange, the association invites scholars to forward articles Dartmouth College and has held the Mellon chair at Vassar. He for the next issue of the Acta Toscana. Membership rates are: has contributed to several books, and his articles have Students, $5; Archaeologists, $7; Sustaining, $10; Supporting, appeared in many periodicals. $25 and up; Institutions, $25; and Libraries, $15. All Thomas F. Mathews received B.A. and M.A. degrees in correspondence should be sent to Alfonz Lengyel, SAH, Classics and Philosophy and Philosophy, respectively, from Northern Kentucky State College, Highland Heights, Kentucky Boston College, followed by a Ph.D. in the History of Art 41076. from the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University. The Victorian Society. Following the Neo-Classical Exhibition Professor Mathews was Extraordinary Professor of Archeology in London, a three-and-one-half-day visit to Athens has been at the Pontificio Istituto Orientale in Rome from 1968 to arranged, to see important Neo-Classical buildings, 1837-1900, 1971, and is currently Associate Professor in Art History at of particular interest, since the Neo-Classical Revival came Brooklyn College (City University of New York). Professor comparatively late to Greece. The visit will include the Mathews has been the recipient of a Kent Fellowship Academy, University, National Library, the house of Schlie­ (Danforth Foundation), Samuel H. Kress Post-doctoral Awards mann, as well as the fast-disappearing street architecture of the (1969-71) and a C.U.N.Y. Research Grant, and has been a 19th century town. Sir Nikolaus Pevsner will lecture for Samuel H. Kress Fellow to the Biblioteca Hertziana in Rome. members and Anglo-American tour members on Monday, July His articles have appeared in many periodicals, and at the 2. He will repeat the lecture he gave at the National Trust(GB) present time, he is preparing a new book, The Byzantine on "The Buildings of England - How the Modern Doomsday Churches of Constantinople: A Photographic Survey, which Book was Compiled." For information: Secretary, The Vic­ will also be published by Pennsylvania State University Press. torian Society, 29 Exhibition Road, London SW7. David S. Andrew and Laurel Blank Andrew are the winners of the Founders' Award for the best article on architectural The Victorian Society in America. A Spring Tour to Georgia history by younger scholars published in the SAH Journal in has been planned for the weekend of April 13-15. Beginning in 1971. Their subject was "The Four Mormon Temples in Columbus, the tour will visit Macon, the Old Governor's Utah." The Society presents this award annually. mansion, and the underground city of Atlanta, as well as David Andrew was born in Detroit, and earned his B.A. and important Victorian houses in the area. For information: M.A. degrees at the University of Michigan. He was an Victorian Society in America, 219 Washington Square East, Instructor in Art History at the University of Detroit from Philadelphia, Pa. 191 06. 1968 to 1971 , and is now a doctoral candidate at Washington The Society and the Department of Art History of the University, St. Louis. University of Delaware are sponsoring a symposium on Mrs. Andrew, the former Laurel Blank, was born in Prairie Nineteenth Century American Painting. The one-day program du Chien, Wisconsin, and received her B.A. from Brown will be held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday, April20, 1973, University and M.A. from the University of Michigan. She is at the new Clayton Conference Center on the North Campus now an Instructor in the History of Art at Washington of the University of Delaware. Registration for members of the University, St. Louis, where she expects to receive her Ph.D. Victorian Society in American and students, $3; non-members, this spring. $5. Luncheon is extra. Shuttle bus transportation from Wilmington train station and Symposium will be provided in ORGANIZATIONS the morning and evening. For information: Paul D. Schweizer, The Association for Preservation Technology. The 5th annual Department of Art History, 343 Smith Hall, University of conference is planned for Boston in 1973. This meeting, to be Delaware, Newark, Delaware 19711 . 2 COURSES Buildings of Architectural and Historical Significance. Kings­ Cornell University. Stephen Jacobs, SAH, will be heading the ton, Ontario, 1971-1973.
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