VOL. XXVI, No. 21 [PRICE TWELVE CENTS] FEBRUARY 21, 1924 Basketball Team Breaks Precedent and Regains League Lead by Defeating Dartmouth Deans Report Progress in Student Affairs, Graduate School and Arts College Track Team Wins from Dartmouth and Harvard in First Meet of Year Wrestlers Win Easily from Columbia and Hockey Team Defeats Rensselaer Published weekly during the college year and monthly in July and August at 123 West State Street, Ithaca, New York. Subscription $4.00 per year. Entered as second class matter May 2, 1900, under the act of March 3, 1879, at the postoffice at Ithaca, New York. CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS PROVIDENCE HARTFORD Hemphill, Noyes £& Co. Trustee Executor 37 Wall Street, New York ESTABROOK & CO. Investment Securities 4'For the purpose of accommodat- Philadelphia Albany Boston Baltimore Sound Investments Pittsburgh Rochester Buffalo Syracuse ing the citizens of the state" New York Boston Jansen Noyes ΊΌ Charles E. Gardner Chartered 1822 24 Broad 15 State Stanton Griffis ΊO Harold C. Strong ROGER H. WILLIAMS, '95, Walter S. Marvin Kenneth K. Ward New York Resident Partner Clifford Hemphill SPRINGFIELD NEW BEDFORD Member of the New York Stock Exchange Farmers' Loan and Trust The Cascadilla Schools Company Ithaca GRADUATES GO TO CORNELL College Preparatory Boarding School New York Trust Company SEPTEMBER TO JUNE A High-Grade School for Boys—Small No. 8-22 William Street Classes—All Athletics—In- dividual Attention Branch: 475 Fifth Ave. Special Tutoring School at 41st Street Resources Over OCTOBER TO JULY Five Million Dollars Private Instruction in any Preparatory Letters of Credit Subject Foreign Exchange Trustees Cable Transfers F. C. Cornell Ernest Baker C. D. Bostwick Administrator Guardian President Charles E. Treman Our 1923-24 Catalog will appeal to that Vice-Pres Franklin C. Cornell school boy you are trying to interest in Cornell Member Federal Reserve Bank and Vice-Pres. and Sec, W. H. Storms New York Clearing House Treasurer Sherman Peer A postal will bring it F. B. CHAMBERLIN, Director Box A, Ithaca, N. Y. Stop Over at Rothschild Ithaca Bros. is permitted by the Lehigh Valley Railroad on practically all tickets. Comellians travelling between New York or Phila- delphia and Chicago can, by reason of the Lehigh Valley's service, take advantage of this without loss of additional busi- ness time, as shown by the following schedule: Complete Daily) (Daily) Assortment gf estward Eastward 8:10 P. M. Lv New York (PENN.STA) Ar. 8:20 A. M. Cornell Banners, 8:40 P. M. Lv.... Philadelphia (Reading Term'l) Ar. 7:49 A. M. (a) 4:37 A. M. Ar Ithaca (b)Lv. 11:40 P.M. Pennants, 4:53 P. M. Lv Ithaca Ar. 12:37 Noon 8:25 A. M. Ar Chicago (M.C.R.R.) Lv. 3:00 P. M. 'Pillow Covers, Sleepers tNew York to Ithaca Chicago to Ithaca I Ithaca to Chicago bleepers Uh t N Y Wall and (a) Sleeper may be occupied at Ithaca until 8:00 A. M. Table Skins at (b) Sleeper ready for occupancy at 9:00 P. M. PENNSYLVANIA STATION—the Lehigh Valley's New York Passenger Attractive Prices Terminal—is in the heart of the city, convenient to everywhere. Be turβ your next ticket reads via Lehigh Valley. Your stop over arrange- ment can be made with the conductor. Lehigh Valley Railroad • The Route of the Black Diamond • Rothschild Bros. CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS VOL. XXVI, No. 21 ITHACA, N. Y., FEBRUARY 21, 1924 PRICE 12 CENTS REEK has returned to its own as titles to nine to twelve properties which man '25 of Sharptown, New Jersey, ad one of the popular courses in the surround the Falls and the Taughannock vertising manager. G Arts College. Professor Holtzclaw's canyon. The Ithaca Board of Commerce BURKE DOWLING ADAMS, who has just widely heralded new three-hour course in has been working on the matter for some returned to college after a term spent time. The Conservation Commission has beginning Greek has met with popular ap- abroad, won the five dollar prize for the already accepted properties at Bluff Point proval and has had more than a hundred best poster announcing the annual Kermis on Keuka Lake and at the Fillmore Glen. registrations for its first term. Whether play given by the students of the College this comparatively huge registration is the BLONDS, with high color, have less of Agriculture. result of excellent publicity or of real de- trouble selecting the right color for dresses ARCHITECTS gave the Campus a Valen- mand remains to be seen. It is common be- than any other type, according to Professor tine's Day exhibit when the sophomore lief, however, that the rejuvenated course Beatrice Hunter, who advised farm women class suspended large placards from a third will continue to hold its own, numerically, on the proper choice of dresses at last story window of White Hall, depicting with the beginning courses in other Wednesday's home makers' conference. foreign languages not specifically required Dan Cupid. by other colleges of the University. TREMAN-KING AND COMPANY have opened an indoor golf arrangement with a THE STREETS OF ITHACA are to have a SNOW every day and the wintriest background of net work and heavy canvas. new street sweeping device if an investi- weather of the season failed to deter The store also gives instruction to pros- gation of its value warrants its purchase. farmers and their wives from attend- pective golfers, golfers, and golf has-beens. A PRAIRIE SCHOONER visited Ithaca ing the seventeenth annual Farmers' EASTMAN STAGE was won by George B. during Farmers' Week on a tour from Lis- Week, which has had an attendance larger bon, Ohio, to Washington. The vehicle is than that of last year and approximately Weber '25, of Pearl River, N. Y., who spoke on "Agricultural Success." The a plea for a return to old ideas in govern- up to the largest ever recorded. The vari- ment. The covered wagon bears the fol- ous lecture halls were overcrowded at all second place was won by Miss Carol Griminger '24, of Unadilla, N. Y., whose lowing slogans: "Let's go back to the times, and Bailey Hall was never more ways of our fathers,—simplicity, honesty, overflowing than on the occasion of the subject was "The Real Cooperator". The first prize carries with it an award of $100 economy in government." On the other speech of the Secretary of Agriculture, and the second prize is $20. side of the wagon are extolled the virtues who made^ a profound impression because of "Lower taxes and less legislation." of his directness, courage, and common THE BERRY PATCH annual competition sense. to ascertain who shall conduct the humor- THE STEWART PARK Commission has re- ceived plans from Warren H. Manning, a THE SAGE CHAPEL Preacher for Feb- ous column during the ensuing year has brought out five contestants. Boston landscape architect, and Professor ruary 24 will be the Rev. Dr. Henry H. Carl Crandall '12, for the detailed develop- Tweedy, Congregationalist, professor of THE UNIVERSITY BOXING championship ment of the Park. These plans advocate a practical theology in Yale University. match follows the basket ball game with re-location of the Lehigh Valley Railroad LECTURES for the week include an il- Colgate on the night of February 27 and to run to the north side of Cascadilla lustrated lecture by Professor James G. will be held in the Old Armory. Rivals in Creek and cross Courtney Inlet into the Needham, Ph.D. '98, on collecting on San all weight classes will contest and there station, allowing Railroad Avenue to be Clemente Island, before the Agassiz Club will be a novice championship contest in extended to follow the present line and on February 20; three lectures on "Law the 125-pound class. grade of the railroad. Other recommenda- and Logic" by Professor John Dewey of THE DRAMATIC CLUB has ύist offered tions to provide for a larger use of the park Columbia on February 21-23; "The Colos- the second opportunity for students in- include various roadways, and also a few sus of Rhodes and the Samothrace Vic- terested in dramatics to try for parts in trails through the bird preserve. In plan- tory, " the tenth in the series of illustrated the plays and also for staging, writing, and ning such trails it was recommended that lectures in the Museum of Casts given by costuming. Professor Arthur A. Allen '07 and Louis Professor Eugene P. Andrews '95; and A. Fuertes '97 should be consulted to pre- THE KERMIS Play presented last Friday "Modern Adventures in Astronomy" by vent any development which would too night was the most successful in recent Professor Samuel L. Boothroyd, Ό4-8 greatly disturb the wild life in the bird years. It was written by George Washing- Grad., under the auspices of Sigma Xi, sanctuary. ton Sullivan, Jr., '26 and coached by Pro- on February 21. fessor Millard V. Atwood Ίo. ITHACA MINISTERS took an active part THE DRAMATIC CLUB on Saturday, THE CORNELL WOMEN'S CLUB, in obtain- in the conference of town and country February 23, is to repeat its last group of ing Edna St. Vincent Millay has added to pastors held during Tuesday, Wednesday, one-act plays: "The Valiant" by Hol- its outstanding service to the University and Thursday of Farmers' Week. worthy Hall; "The Very Naked Boy" by community in presenting modern poets, WRESTLING has not interested as many Stuart Walker; and "Miss Maria" by including Padraic Colum and Carl Sand- freshmen as in former years, so an appeal Margaret Deland. burg. Miss Millay gave a recital in Barnes has gone forth for more entrants in the A TOO-EARLY BIRD in the form of a robin Hall on February 15.
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