The Clinton Independent. VOL. XXX.—NO. 47. ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 8, 1896. WHOLE NO-1559. Brevities. Give fools their gold and knaves their power, Fre* Silver U*stlo(«. I-et fortune's bubble rise and fall. —Miss Blanche Goette is suffering Who sows the Held or trains a tlower, H. J. Patterson will address the with the grippe. H M. WINSTON’S PAPER Or plants a tree, is more than all. For he who blesses most is blessed. people upon the important issue of the —The M. E. Sunday school will pic­ And God and man shall own bis work, day as follows : nic at Round I-ake today. Who toils to leave, as bis bequeat, WILL SPEAK IN ST. JOHNS Read at the Clinton County An added beauty to the earth. Selected by the Democrats to At the Kincaid school bouse, Riley, —A very acceptable rain visited this THURSDAY, SEPT. 10, Grange Picnic, And soon or late to ail who sow, Run Against Linton. Saturday evening, September 6. section Wednesday evening. The time of harvest shall be given; At DeWitt village, Monday evening, —Geo. A. Estes is breaking a due pair Tbe flower shall bloom, the fruit shall grow, Held in Swain 1* Grove, South of St. John*. If not on oarth, at least In heaven. September 7. At the Democratic County Nom­ of bay colts for the carriage. Populist* and 81 1 ve rites Neglected to Call a Thursday, August IS. The meetings of the Grange are ex ­ At the close of the meetings a Bryan inating Convention. —II. W. Morris Is laying a cement walk cellent schools for training in parlimen- Congressional Convention But it la Be­ and Sewall free silver club will be or­ in front of his place of business. tary practise, general culture and abil ­ lieved They Will Endome the Democratic ity to think on one ’s feet. The children ganized. —Clinton County Fair at St. Johns, With the time and means at my dis­ Nominee —A Committee From Each of HE WILL PROBABLY ALSO SPEAK IN and young people tane part in the pro ­ September 29 and 30and October 1 and 2. posal, I can give attention to but few of the Three Parties Wa* Chosen to Meet Breviies. TBE HALL IN THK EVENING. gram, and the value of education is —Born, Tuesday, September 1, to Mr. the educational features of this great thus greatly enhanced. and Agree lTpou a Candidate. —Democratic county convention at Finally, we claim that the Grange and Mrs. Almon Shepard, of Ovid, a farmers' order. I say gieat, for Its foun ­ prepares its members to give our school the court house next week Thursday, Everyone Interested In the Flounclal Oue*- son. dations were wisely laid ; its structure system intelligent and sympathetic sup- September 10. tlon !• Invited to Hear Judge —O, say, what are you getting ready carefully reared ; its growth seemingly The Democratic congressional con­ support. Criticism and discussion only vention for this, tbe eighth district, was —Through the unmerciful acts of the McGrath on This Date. to take to our county fair the last of the under the loving care of Divine Provi ­ tends to bring out its utility and practi ­ coal trusts, coal has taken another ad­ cal benefits. The declaration of pur ­ held at the city hall in Saginaw, last month ? dence. Wherever a Grange is organized poses is in line with the result we de vance of 25 cents a ton. there is an outpost for the concentration Tuesday afternoon. Hon George H. Judge J. W. McGrath, of Detroit, —DeWitt is now connected with Lan ­ sire to gain by our schools, and the House, chairman of the congressional —Rev. R. D. Stearns, of Omaha, has of energy for defence or aggression as Grange is the cement which unites the a member of the Democratic State Cen ­ sing by telephone. St. Johns will soon committee, called the convention to changed his street aud number from may be needed for the interest of agri­ people more firmly to them. 2,919 Mason street to 1,607 Kyner ave- tral Committee, has sent word to the be attached. I call your attention to the fact that order. Richard Moore, of Clintou coun ­ —John Hicks is arranging for the culture. If this Grange builds a hall, agriculture is the foundation to all oc­ aveuue. The latest advices from them Clinton County Committee that he will election of a hay barn 60 feet long op ­ not only is the preceeding senteuce more ty, was chosen temporary chairman and cupations, and farmers' families are the Frank II. Rose of Shiawassee, secre­ reported them all well. be present at the Democratic County posite the Farmers’ Hotel. emphatic, but we have now a heritage, sources from which flows the material —New s has been received here to the —E. W. Luther, an old resident of a benediction, a solemn injunction to which decomposes and renders harmless tary. Mr. Moore, in his ready off-hand Nominating Convention, to be held at way, effect that R. M. Steel, who is now in this township, died of dropsy last Sat­ prosperity. the ideas or anarchv and socialism made a speech replete with silver the court bouse, in this village, next brought to us from foreign countries sentiment and voiced the ideas of the Oregon, was visited with another shock urday, at the age of 73 years. We build for posterity this hall for and loudly proclaimed by political dem­ the same as he experienced while here. Thursday, September 10, and will ad­ —A leapyear pdrty was given last its use. It does not have to work as we agogues. The Grange will always mag­ delegates. F. W. Carlisle, one of Sagi nan's solid men, and proprietor of a Later advices say he is getting along all dress the Convention, upon the im­ evening at the ladies’ library rooms. did, but here is the building and the nify the importance of our occupation. A poet has given us some good ideas of large tannery plant, was chosen perma ­ right. portant issue of the campaign —Free About twenty couples were present. order for its use. This keeps the prin ­ the importance of the farmer in the fol­ —M iss Leah Fowler, who had been —The juveniles, or third base-ball ciples of the Grange always active, al­ nent chairman, and after the various Coinage. If possible, he will also speak lowing language: committees were appointed the resolu­ employed by the school board to teach team, of St. Johns, defeated the Maple though sometimes there may be periods The king may rule o'er land and *ea, in our public schools this season, has in the hall in the evening. Judge Rapids nine last Tuesday by a score of of retrogression. It is a benediction, in Tbe lord may live right royally. tions were presented indorsing the prin ­ The soldier ride in pomp and pride. ciples of the Chicago platform aud also accepted a position in the schools at Au McGrath is a forcible speaker, and every 46 to 10. that it gives all its blessings; it is a The sailor roam o ’er tbe ocean wide; Sable, as principal, at a salary of $500. person who is interested in this great —Bert Hildreth, who has been very solemn injunction in calling attention But this or that, whato ’er befall, the name adopted by tbe state Detno- to wiiat organization can, has done, and Tbe farmer he must feed them all. cratic convention. Tbe resolutions also She is in every way capable and worthy. question should hear him. sick with typhoid fever during the last must do to gain a fair recognition of its Tbe writer thinks, tbe poet sings. —Cards of invitation have been issued three weeks, has so far recovered as to rights, and enjoins on all agriculturists The craftsman fashion wondrous things; urged that such a candidate should be The doctor heals, the lawyer pleads, named that all in favor of the free coin for the wedding of Miss Jennie M. be out again. the duty to maintain, defend and enlarge The miner follows the precious leads; Smith with James McFarlan at the —Last week F. F. Murdock set a fine the benefits gained by tbe Grange. But this or that, wbate ’er befall, age of silver could support and also that Its growth was in line with the won ­ Tbe farmer he must feed them all. a conference committee should be ap home of the bride's mother in North- monument at Ovid and one at Owosso. derful industrial development of the The merchant ne may buy and sell, viJle, next Tuesday. Miss Smith ia THEIR CONVENTION! Tbe teacher do bis duty well. pointed, with an equal representation Quality of work and prices secured tbe United States. At the end of its first But men may toil through busy days, well and favorably known by the older orders. No agents. six years it numbered 1,500,000 mem­ Or men may stroll through pleasant ways; from each of the four counties, to confer The Republicans Nominated a bers. This is the best illustration that From king to beggar, wbate ’er befall, with an equal number of Populists and residents of St. Johns. —By a recent vote taken in Antrim can be given of its educational power. The farmer he must feed them all. —Dr. J. J. Travis, who has success­ County Ticket This P. M. and Hillsdale counties, it was decided It appeals to farmers as a friend, a The farmers' trade is one of worth; Silver men, with the idea that should He's partner wito the sky and eaktb — the other two parties not be in favor of fully practiced medicine in our village to go back to the license system in the power, and an educator ; and tbe farmer He's partner with the sky and rain, for several years, has removed with his The Maclilnelst* Had Everything Their management of the liquor traffic.
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