The Parish Connection Volume 1 Issue 1 St. Mary’s Parish October 2016 InsideInside this this Issue Issue Words from Fr. Dana Welcome to this first ful. Your feedback is welcomed. Words from Fr. Dana 1 edition of the “The Parish My first three month here has been very “Living in the Kingdom of God 1 Connection” newsletter. rewarding, as I get to know more people, The purpose of the news- CCD News especially the children. They are miracles 3 letter is to help keep the from God! Sister Doris and our parish secre- parish "connected" by Race for Education News 3 tary Amy have been a great help and support bringing news about our for me in learning the ins and outs of the Words From the Principal 4 church, school, and our parish life and in making me feel at home. Catholic faith directly into the homes of St. Meet Our School Staff 5 My mission as your pastor is to love and Mary's parishioners. Each registered family serve you as Jesus Christ would, if he was What is Happening… 6 or individual will receive a newsletter. Our here in person. I pray that the graces of the plan is to published the newsletter four times “A Promise Being Kept” 7 Sacrament Holy Orders will help me in my a year, more or less matching the liturgical mission. I'll do my best to build upon the seasons of Advent/Christmas (November), Heart Warming Story 9 foundation laid by the former pastors of St. Lent/Easter (February), Ordinary Times Mary's. This is a great parish, and I'm look- Liturgical Events 10 (May), and Ordinary Times (August). ing forward to serving you for many years to [Obviously, this first newsletter is out of se- Remembering Prayer Service 10 come. Please pray for me as I continue to quence but will be in sync after the next pray for you. Fun Page 11 newsletter, which we are planning to publish the second week of December.] We hope that Life Happenings 12 Father Dana this newsletter will be informative and use- Living in the Kingdom of God (by Fr. Dana Clark) Jesus Christ is a King, and his king- move us to do good and that purify our tions of the Cross, the Easter celebra- dom is the Kingdom of God. And, what souls are part of this experience of living tions. We didn’t have school on Holy is the Kingdom of God? The Kingdom in the Kingdom of God. Thursday or Good Friday, but I remem- of God is a spiritual reality. It is, essen- ber as a boy going to the celebrations. I As I thought about living in this tially, a “spiritual” way of living our remember walking to church on Good spiritual kingdom, I reflected back on lives. In heaven we will fully experience Friday with some of my brothers and my life, my spiritual growth, my spiri- this “spiritual” way of living our lives in sisters – Mom was busy at home with tual journey, my living in this Kingdom. the Kingdom of God. We can, however, the babies and Dad had to work, so we It seems like a long journey beginning as begin living in the Kingdom of God went on our own. I’m not sure if we a young boy, passing through adoles- now, here on earth. had to go, but I think we wanted too. cence, and finally entering adulthood. There was some excitement–the walk to Living in this Kingdom while on Being born in 1952, I experienced the the church, the anticipation of the ser- earth involves, first of all, living out the Mass prior to Vatican II. I remember vice. two great commandments to love God serving the Latin Mass, having to learn and to love our neighbor. It involves, and memorize the Latin responses. I I remember serving funeral Masses. living out the beatitudes (being humble, remember practicing, going over and (I really liked that because you got out gentle, kind, merciful, peaceful); It in- over the responses. I never liked having of school and made $5.00 – which was a volves receiving the sacraments and to memorize things, so it wasn’t totally lot of money back then). I was a little participating in the Church’s liturgies enjoyable. But there was some excite- concerned about seeing the person lying and devotions (especially the Mass); It ment too. It was exciting to be part of in the coffin. Not really afraid, but con- involves seeking to know, love and the Mass--Perhaps not totally under- cerned that the person might just sit up serve God. So, we can choose to live in standing it, but being captured by the and say something. I knew the person (and experience) the Kingdom of God mystery that was there. now – as we live our lives on earth. I remember the devotions, the Sta- (Continued on page 2) Those graces and spiritual gifts that Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 2 (Continued from page 1) front door. As I began to pass by, one of like mystery was lost, but the sense of a the dogs (a big German shepherd) came presence and an adult like mystery was was dead, but if Jesus rose from the charging. It was probably around 7:30 there. a time of peace, and a gaining of dead, perhaps this person may rise up in the morning, streets deserted, every- spiritual strength. I started going to too. [I wasn’t really afraid; I just didn’t one probably still in bed. And here I daily Mass sometime in the mid-80’s as I know what I would say to them if they was, all alone, faced with a charging felt a certain peace and received a cer- woke up.] I liked the incense, the can- dog. I suppose the normal reaction tain strength to face the world each day. dles, the holy water, the smell of the would be to try to run away and start I share these reflections, because we wine, the statues – all those sacramen- screaming. I wasn’t taught what to do do not only live in a physical world, but tals. All those visible things that added when a dog charges, and so it must have we are also part of a spiritual world. We to an unspoken mystery. been divine intervention that gave me experience the spiritual through the the insight. What I did was to stand The change after Vatican II for me physical. We can live in the Kingdom of perfectly still, showing no fear (actually (as a boy) wasn’t major—a little differ- God while on earth and Jesus Christ is I was scared to death inside). To my ent, but the awe of the Mass and devo- our King. surprise the dog stopped, turned tions remained—the priest now facing around and went back to sitting in front The Mass is an experience of the the people, the responses now in Eng- of the house. However, if I moved a lit- spiritual world. The movements, the lish, but the rest seemed (to me) to be tle it would come charging again. So I gestures, the readings, the Eucharist, the pretty much the same. I do remember stood there not knowing what to do. music are all meant to draw us deeper that pre-Vatican II only the priests could Not realizing it, I probably did the right into the mystery of God (deeper into the touch the Sacred Host and vessels. thing. Divine wisdom, perhaps? mystery of Jesus his Son). It is meant to There was a certain mystery to the draw us closer to God. Eucharist as a child –knowing that there I had been confirmed in the 2nd was something different and special grade, so perhaps that spiritual gift of We experience the divine many because it was treated differently and so wisdom kicked in. If I ran, I’m sure the other times in our lives as we live the reverently. dog would have pounced on me, and I way of the Kingdom. I believe that I may not be here today. So, what is a boy experienced the spiritual through the When I was really young (probably of ten to do? He can’t scream, because it attack by that dog when I was a boy. As 5 or 6) I remember seeing people go up may incite the dogs. There was no safe I reflect upon this incident, it was proba- to communion and kneel along the com- place to run. So, I stood there like a bly divine intervention that protected munion rail. A server with a paten and statue. I don’t know how long I stood me. I had to trust an inner inspiration the priest with the sacred hosts would there, but it must have been a long time that seemed to be contrary to the normal go to each person. Not knowing the pur- because Dad got worried and came reaction – to run away. pose of the server with the paten, I felt searching for his lost son. My hero (my sorry for him, because he seemed to be We have a tendency to get caught Dad) came to the rescue. Dad opened offering the people something, but they up in worldly things. We need to regain the door to the van. I knew I could make always took something from the priest. I the sense of awe and mystery. Our lit- it to van before the dog would catch me didn’t realize the paten was empty and urgy, especially the Mass, is meant to (only about 10 yards to safety).
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