Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1967-68 The thI acan: 1960/61 to 1969/70 11-3-1967 The thI acan, 1967-11-03 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1967-11-03" (1967). The Ithacan, 1967-68. 9. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1960/61 to 1969/70 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1967-68 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. HE1 AWeekly Newspaper, Published by an.d for the Students of Itha~ College. Vol. 40-No. 9 Ithaca, New York Friday, November 3, 1967 Capraro Wins Dro Dillingham Accept§ Top.Frosh "Office As First and Tenth Proposals . President Howard Dillingham a communications link between on Tuesday afternoon approved the three groups to discuss any­ two of the first ten proposals thing or everything that occurs 49% Vote Busy Parents set forth by last week's Ithacan on this campus." in conjunction with Student The commission will be made by Toni Seger Government. up of fifty percent students and The first point accepted by the fifty percent administration and Wednesday, November 1 - Weekend Called colleges president was formation faculty. This will mean six to Ithaca College's freshman class of a Campus Life Committee, eight from tre other two groups. voted today to elect their class which many people on and off Dr. Dillingham bas instructed officers. Six parties ran candi- A Success the campus consider a giant step Provost Robert Davies to imple­ ; "tlates - a hopeful indication of forward in student - faculty - ad­ ment the proposals on behalf of student interest and involvement by Barbara Stein Knepper, and Dean John Brown. ministration relations. the faculty and administration, by the freshman. Ithaca, Oct. 27 -Two thousand Representing the students are The second point accepted by while the students will be or­ The voter turnout of 49% people arrived on campus, pre­ Alex Block, editor of the Ithacan, the president was the method of ganized by Mr. Burrell. Interest­ showed a rise from previous dominantly parents of Frosh. This Jess Nadelman, President of the selecting members for these com­ ed individuals are requested to years, but still left much to be · is the largest group that has Egbert Union Board, Dan Karson, mittees. Membership will be contact either of these men. desired in the eyes of Student come to the weekend in the his­ Chairman of Student Congress, baesd on interest, not on seniority One of the opening items on and Carol Farnoff, a Senior in Body Vice-President Skip . Pen- tory of Ithaca College. The week­ or position. the new committee's agenda will end is run by Delta Sigma Pi Physical Education. The discus­ Peter Burrell, president of be a discussion of the Inter­ ! nela and newly elected Freshman and Rho Mu Theta. The adminis­ sion is an interesting dialogue of student government, commenting I President Thomas Capraro. visitation Committee's report student proposals. Some of the Mr. Pannella expressed pleas­ trative coordinator is Mr. Parker on the administrative approval that was approved by the Stu­ reactions to this dicussion are, ure at the enthusiasm of the in­ Hanna, the new advisor of the of these steps, said: "The exec­ dent Congress at the Tuesday "I thought that it was pretty volved parties and the manner in Ithacan. utive committee is very enthusi­ evening meeting. good." "It was a little radical." • which they ran their campaigns. The parents register in the astic over the president's appro­ The committee suggested visit­ Union where they sign a guest "Having teachers come to the val. At present many students, ing privileges in the dorms by I "Student government is al­ register, buy Ithacan subscrip­ dorms is a little ridiculous." administrators and faculty do members of the opposite sex at f. ays interested in new people Tom Capraro tions, and look at Mr. deAu­ "How can I get involved?" "This not as yet realize the effect this posted hours, such as from one · with new ideas, Mr. Pennela ex­ dent Congress. His plans for the guero's beautiful art exhibit. The college is more progressive in commission could have on the in the afternoon until curfew on plained.· "Our hope is that those future include a freshman news­ parents then go to the Frosh its ideas than I thought it was." college community, primarily as Friday and Saturday evenings. candidates who were defeated do letter, a freshman sponsored football game, which we lose After the discussion, the parents not lose contact with student weekend, and a toy drive for Manlius 35. 0. are able to meet the faculty mem­ government in the future." needy children at Christmas. Friday night one half of the bers. Measures against the above "We are looking for ways that parents go to the concert with In the afternoon there is a foot­ have already been taken. All de­ will require the participation of Walter Beeler conducting, which ball game against C. W. Post in Public Funds feated candidates will be re­ the entire freshman class," said is excellent. The other half go which the Bombers lose 27-14. ceiving letters requesting their Mr. Capraro. "After the pub­ to see "Tevya and His Daughters," The largest crowd in the history participation of a special ad­ licity given to this election, the a full dress rehearsal of the of South Hill field appear for this N eededl To Save visory council to the Freshman only conclusion that can be play. Saturday night both per­ game. Most of the crowd stay for Executive Board':- reached is apathy is a stro}lg formances are repeated. After­ only the first half of the game Mr. Capraro bas already sched­ factor in the freshman class. wards, the parents go to their because it is rainy and cold. •tllled meetings with the Fresh­ Hopefully, this trend will be re­ motels where tJiey get to know Some of the parents are at the Private Education man Advisory Board and Stu- versed." their sons and daughters. Some WICB studio observing the pro­ of these motels are as far away duction of a television show. They as Elmira, Binghamton, or Cort­ are able to observe their sons and President Warns land. daughters perform, be camera­ Saturday morning, bright and men, direct, or work in the con­ If higher education is not to Commenting on the changes Cornell:and Ithaca early at 10:00 in the South Hill trol room. become mass education, more which are occurring in the financ­ gymnasium, they listen to a dis­ Saturday after the game there public funds must be provided ing of higher education, Presi­ cusion between the faculty and is a reception in the Tower Club for private colleges and univer­ dent Dillingham noted that until Students Arrested students concerning the ten 'for the parents and their sons and sities, Howard Dillingham, presi­ fairly recent times the history points in last week's Ithacan edi­ duaghters. The House Council of dent of Ithaca College, warns in of higher education was princi­ torial. Moderator is Provost Rob­ West Tower sponsors this very his annual report now being dis­ pally a history of private educa­ As Flower Children ert Davies. Representing the successful event. tributed to alumni, educators tion supported by private phi­ faculty are Dr. Harold Emery, The general reactions to Parents and friends of the College. lantrropy. Now, he said, public Thirteen Cornell University tween the grave stones carrying Dr. John Harcourt, Dr. Alvin weekend were good. "There is reason to believe that institutions ''with their easier ac­ and' Ithaca College students, a vase of flowers and incense. the clamor of American youth ccssability to the public purse" ranging in age from 16 to 25, When asked what they were for a greater voice in higher edu­ are tending to dominate higher ere arrested in the City Ceme­ doing, they told him they were cation is not so much against education. tery, 133 University Ave., be­ Flower Children, according to Communications Symposia data processing machines and He concluded: "We must do all large lecture balls as such," he we can to preserve that great tween· 10 and 10:30 p.m. Tuesday Scaglione. said, "but rather reflects their diversity of accredited institu­ and charged with violating the Those asking for an adjourn­ Reset For April 18th justifiable fear that in education, tions which permits the individ­ City ·Charter by loitering among ment to obtain a lawyer were: as in many other areas of our ual a choice in the selection of The Ithaca College department Stanton of CBS, and Fr:ed Friend­ the grave stones. Edmond A. Burzcki, 19, Steven qational life, the individual is the program and the environment of Radio and Television, under ly, noted communications author, Two boys plead guilty this E. Cragan Jr., 21, Aobert E. being relegated to the role of a which he believes can contribute the chairmanship of Dr. Ronald The rescheduled symposia will statistic." most effectively to his personal morning in City Court and were Wertz, 20, and Ch~les Shafron, Nicoson bas announced that the include both of these men, and He pointed· out that "a student goals. fined $10. 25, all of Pi Kappa Alpha fra­ symposium on communications also Mr. Douglas Edwards, Dr. at Ithaca College is respected not "Private higher education The remainder asked for an ternity, 17 South Ave., Cornell; scheduled for later this month because of bis potential contribu­ operates in the public interest will be held the week of April Carol Newsom, and Mr.
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