QueenslandQueensland Government Government Gazette Gazette PP 451207100087 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. 345] Friday, 6 July, 2007 You can advertise in the Gazette! ADVERTISING RATE FOR A QUARTER PAGE $500+gst (casual) Contact your nearest representative to fi nd out more about the placement of your advertisement in the weekly Queensland Government Gazette Qld : Liz McKenzie - mobile: 0408 014 591 - email: [email protected] NSW : Jonathon Tremain - phone: 02 9499 4599 - email: [email protected] [1171] QueenslandQueensland Government Government Gazette Gazette Extraordinary PP 451207100087 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. 345] Monday, 2 July, 2007 [No. 58 Mental Health Act 2000 Mental Health Act 2000 Declaration of Authorised Mental Health Service Declaration of Authorised Mental Health Service Department of Health Department of Health Brisbane, 29 June 2007 Brisbane, 29 June 2007 This declaration is made under section 495 of the Mental Health Act This declaration is made under section 495 of the Mental Health Act 2000 and amends the declaration made on 15 July 2005. 2000 and amends the declaration made on 16 February 2007. Dr Aaron Groves Dr Aaron Groves Director of Mental Health Director of Mental Health Central Queensland Network Authorised Mental Health Service Wide Bay Authorised Mental Health Service Component Facilities Address Component facilities Address Rockhampton Hospital in- Canning Street, patient and specialist health Rockhampton, Q 4700 Bundaberg Hospital in-patient Bourbong Street, units (excluding the grounds of and specialist health units Bundaberg Q 4670 the hospital and non-treatment (excluding the grounds of the facilities on the hospital hospital and non-treatment campus) facilities on the hospital campus) Community Mental Health Quarry Street, Service Rockhampton, Q 4700 Bundaberg Adult Community Bourbong Street, Mental Health Service Bundaberg Q 4670 Child and Youth Mental Health Quarry Street, Service Rockhampton, Q 4700 Bundaberg Child and Youth Bourbong Street, Mental Health Service Bundaberg Q 4670 Psychogeriatric beds within North and Campbell Street, Eventide Home Rockhampton, Q 4700 North Burnett Mental Health 69 Warton Street, Capricorn Coast Community Arthur Street, Service Gayndah Q 4625 Mental Health Service Yeppoon, Q 4703 Gladstone Community Adult 162-170 Goondoon Street, Mental Health Service Gladstone, Q 4680 Gladstone Child and Youth 162-170 Goondoon Street, Mental Health Service Gladstone, Q 4680 Gladstone Hospital Emergency Kent Street, Department Gladstone, Q 4680 Biloela Community Mental Outpatients Department, Health Service Biloela Hospital, 2 Hospital Road, Biloela, Q 4715 Central Highlands Mental Community Health Service, on Health Service, Emerald the hospital campus, Hospital Road, Emerald © The State of Queensland (SDS Publications) 2007 Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without the prior written permission of SDS Publications. Inquiries should be addressed to SDS Publications, Locked Bag 500, Coorparoo, DC, Q, 4151. _____________________________ BRISBANE Printed by Government Printer, Vulture Street, Woolloongabba 2 July, 2007 [1173] QueenslandQueensland Government Government Gazette Gazette Extraordinary PP 451207100087 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. 345] Tuesday, 3 July, 2007 [No. 59 NOTICE Premier’s Office Brisbane, 2 July 2007 As Premier and Minister for Trade, I notify that, acting under the provisions of the Constitution of Queensland 2001, I have appointed the Honourable Kerry Gerard Shine MP, Attorney-General and Minister for Justice and Minister Assisting the Premier in Western Queensland to act as, and to perform all of the functions and exercise all of the powers of, Minister for Communities, Minister for Disability Services Queensland, Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, Minister for Seniors and Youth from 3 July 2007 until the Honourable Frederick Warren Pitt MP returns to duty. PETER BEATTIE MP PREMIER AND MINISTER FOR TRADE © The State of Queensland (SDS Publications) 2007 Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without the prior written permission of SDS Publications. Inquiries should be addressed to SDS Publications, Locked Bag 500, Coorparoo, DC, Q, 4151. _____________________________ BRISBANE Printed by Government Printer, Vulture Street, Woolloongabba 3 July, 2007 [1175] QueenslandQueensland Government Government Gazette Gazette Extraordinary PP 451207100087 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. 345] Wednesday, 4 July, 2007 [No. 60 Premier’s Office NOTICE Brisbane, 4 July 2007 Premier’s Office Brisbane, 4 July 2007 His Excellency the Acting Governor directs it to be notified that he has accepted the resignation of- His Excellency the Acting Governor directs it to be notified The Honourable PATRICK DOUGLAS PURCELL MP that, acting under the provisions of the Constitution of Queensland 2001, he has appointed the Honourable Robert as Minister for Emergency Services of Queensland. Evan Schwarten MP, Minister for Public Works, Housing and PETER BEATTIE MP Information and Communication Technology to act as, and PREMIER AND MINISTER FOR TRADE to perform all of the functions and exercise all of the powers of, Minister for Emergency Services on and from 4 July 2007. PETER BEATTIE MP PREMIER AND MINISTER FOR TRADE Premier’s Office Brisbane, 4 July 2007 His Excellency the Acting Governor directs it to be notified that he has accepted the resignation of- The Honourable PATRICK DOUGLAS PURCELL MP as a member of the Executive Council of Queensland. PETER BEATTIE MP PREMIER AND MINSTER FOR TRADE © The State of Queensland (SDS Publications) 2007 Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without the prior written permission of SDS Publications. Inquiries should be addressed to SDS Publications, Locked Bag 500, Coorparoo, DC, Q, 4151. _____________________________ BRISBANE Printed by Government Printer, Vulture Street, Woolloongabba 4 July, 2007 [1177] Queensland Government Gazette Extraordinary PP 451207100087 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. 345] Thursday, 5 July, 2007 [No. 61 Queensland NOTIFICATION OF SUBORDINATE LEGISLATION Statutory Instruments Act 1992 Notice is given of the making of the subordinate legislation mentioned in Table 1 TABLE 1 SUBORDINATE LEGISLATION BY NUMBER No. Subordinate Legislation Empowering Act 169 State Penalties Enforcement Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2007 State Penalties Enforcement Act 1999 1178 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 61 [5 July, 2007 TABLE 2 SUBORDINATE LEGISLATION BY EMPOWERING ACT This table shows affected subordinate legislation Empowering Act Subordinate Legislation No. State Penalties Enforcement Act 1999 State Penalties Enforcement Regulation 2000 • amd by State Penalties Enforcement Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2007 . 169 Copies of the subordinate legislation can be obtained at— SDS Express—Mineral House , 41 George Street, Brisbane Qld 4000 <www. publications.qld.gov.au> A mail service is available from— SDS Publications. .Telephone: (07) 3118 6900 Locked Bag 500 Coorparoo DC, Qld 4151. Facsimile: (07) 3118 6930 <www. publications.qld.gov.au> © The State of Queensland (SDS Publications) 2007 Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without the prior written permission of SDS Publications. Inquiries should be addressed to SDS Publications, Locked Bag 500, Coorparoo, DC, Q, 4151. _____________________________ BRISBANE Printed by Government Printer, Vulture Street, Woolloongabba 5 July, 2007 [1179] QueenslandQueensland Government Government Gazette Gazette Natural Resources and Water PP 451207100087 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. 345] Friday, 6 July, 2007 [No. 62 Land Act 1994 omit ‘'LYLVLRQDO%RDUG2I¿FHVDQGIRUQRRWKHUSXUSRVHV AMENDMENT OF TENURE DOCUMENT ORDER whatsoever’, (No 31) 2007 insert ‘3XEOLF+DOODQG'LYLVLRQDO%RDUG2I¿FHVDQGIRUQR Short title other purposes whatsoever’. 1. This order in council may be cited as the Amendment of Tenure ENDNOTES Document Order (No 31) 2007. 1. Made by the Governor in Council on 5 July 2007. Amendment of tenure document [s.360(1)(f) of the Act] 2. Published in the Gazette on 6 July 2007. 2. The tenure document described in Schedule 1 is amended as 3. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. set out in Schedule 2 as from 22 June 2007. 4. The administering agency is the Department of Natural SCHEDULE 1 Resources and Water. &HQWUDO:HVW5HJLRQ/RQJUHDFK2I¿FH 5. File Reference- 2007/005037 Pastoral Holding Lease No. 2350, (Title Reference 17663228) Lot 2350 on PH2306, parishes of Ablon, Calais, Dieppe, Ethabooka, Acquisition of Land Act 1967 Longchamps, Passy and St Cloud. TAKING OF LAND NOTICE (No 23) 2007 SCHEDULE 2 Short title Area 1. This notice may be cited as the Taking of Land Notice (No 23) (1) omit ‘160320.3 ha’, insert ‘about 159900 ha’. 2007. Description Land taken [s.9(7) of the Act] (2) omit ‘Lot 2350 on PH2036’, 2. The land described in the Schedule is taken by the of the insert ‘Lot 2350 on SP202989’. Caboolture Shire Council for road purposes and vests in the Caboolture Shire Council for an estate in fee simple on and from ENDNOTES 6 July 2007. 1. Made by the Governor in Council on 5
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