r- SYRACUSE HERALD JOURNAL, -Wednesday, June 13, 1051 29 Mr. and RADIO TIMETABLE Looking Polio Virus Hits RONALD The Herald-Journal I* not responsible for last minute changes In radio and television programs mode by stations — and — Almost Everyone COLMAN LAWRENCE, Kas. <1XS) — The BUDGET TODAY'S EADIO AND TELEVISION HIGHLIGHTS Listening polio \irus affects most individuals 7 (i J'M—\\H1S—Ihe Perry Como fcUovt, music. with the Fontaine bisters sinters at least once in a lifetime, and this Star on 8 00 r M — WSVB-The. Hulls ol Iiy cjmcdy, itarrlnr Mr and Mr* Ronald Colmaa contact is of sone \alue S DO I'M — \\S\K-r\—four-Star Kettle \.mety serkif, *t4rrmjp JJ^nuy Iltomaat That Has the disclosure made bj BASEMENT 8 M I' M—UOH—Hot-Hod IMCH from the Brcwertou f)»eed»j>, lied ration By THOMAS D. COOLICAX Dr. Baud Bodian of Johns Hopkins $ it) I' M —XVAGL—Ihe *al Man, m»tery icrirs, starring J Scott Smart Jl DGfXG FROM *th'e tune and Univeislty at the recent meeting HALLS •MWJ'M—HSVK-H—leleiislon rhe.iter, dramatic «rie« «lth Manlxn Monk expense u^ed to find actoi=toplay of the Kansas Academj of Science S 10 rM—VMJfL—Ihe Bins Crosby 1'rorram wrietj w till sinter JTrreu Hrewcr the executives, of Amcnca* Fiesh Di Bodian said- of 1000 rM—\\SVK—The Hit Storj ncwapaiKr drjinatUJtions ^vith Kooert Sloane A. 11 Ta\itab "lhe polio \irus invades its host 10,40 r M—Hbili—Bold Venture, starriiu Humphrey Jiotirt and Lauren JSacall. Cc/pipany In- br v av of the tesp'ratoty sjstem corpulatcc' d the and alimentary trait Since it, is, pair selected spiead by coughing, it is impos- IVY should be sible to prevent its, spreading1 ratuidls Ho'\e\e'-, since there aie thiee TONIGHT AT CBS says they tjpes of viusei, a person is im- are I think mune to it thereafter, and a sec- [they'd ha\r> to ond infection is ahvajs less severe OP to sutcess- than the fust" '00 fulh take- o\cr Dr Bodidn added that removal the aoles of of tonsils should ue avoided in the Amos 'n' Andy polio season since surgerv opens which Fieeman susceptible membranes and allows Gosden and Coolican entiance of the vnus Charles Con ell have porttayed so WSYR Thomaft, 8 00 Monk, 9-00 Brewer, 9 Bacall, 10 30 uoncleiful'v 101 25 jeais WKDNKSDAX EVEMNO In the four-yeat seaich, a small Bombed Abbey WSVR-I Vt (91 6 mem > 1 X to 30 P M aimv of scouts ttavelod "25 000 (57U) WAO.E (ISSO) HSDB <l«0i (1 )!K» , n >les inteiviewed and auditioned National American Mutual Columbia KOLF SOO persons and made 50 screen Rising Fast Again Girl Marries Big Jon Qe-ierai Neas Juke T Thrills! Murder! Po-tia Sparkle Mac^i ljur \iattllee Juke Box tests -\r<ys TEC\SSINO, naiv <UP> — Plain Bill Bit, Jon and Stnunk Kay Owens Juke Boi 5 Farrell Snarkle Marshal rtlton-Maaae Sports Reconstruction of the ancient ab- Adventure! News Hllleeas News Sports P'eii Jeske News eua James THE HUNT BE4RS fruit two bev of Montecassmo, destroyed by Club 510 Back Wnen Fred Jeske Dinner °arty Harry James weeks from tomorio\\ uhen the Sports News Wilt ams Dinner Party Har-y Jaine" bombings in 1944, is lapidly 3 Star Extra Dinner Date Flea Jeske Thomas •Harry James video \ersion of the slick comedy nearmg conclusion Hear Jazz Concert News Pred Jes« Beulftn Sports Bucks makes us debut on CBS-TV at The Aboey, founded m 529 by St Jazz Concert Dinner Date News Shorts Smlth-Whlt'ne ButAaroos Ne»s Lone Ranker Htauer Club Ib •Bint; Crosby S 30 P M WHEN will air the show Benedict, was first sacked bj the rurally Lone Harder Fultoi Leu Is M.urrow •Bin* Crosby at a latex date to be announced Goths m 5S1, later b> the Sara- Halls of Ivj 1 000 Islands \Varmup lr Chamelon News Wayne because Stop the ilusic is on at cens in SS3 and also suffered con- LES DAMON Hal's of Ivy 1 000 Islands \I" Chamelon •Wayne Klne The Falcon fat MaT Rochester Dr Christian Bremerton that time here sideiably from an earthquake in The Falcon IMF Man Baseb*i'l Game 3r Christian Haces Spencer Williams plajs <Vndv 1349 as Orcucho Mane Roiats Bi'tball Garru Harold Pea-7 Vcws BucM AKin Childless is <\mos and lim Ihe 1344 air bombings ra?ed the G-oucho Marx Baseball Game Harold Pei'y Bucl'aroos Mr D i« BTieball Game BIIK Crosby Biicia'-oos Mooie \vill be scno as the Kmg- abbev to tho gtound 9 D' D A M" President Baseball Game B'nn Crosby BuCr aroos £i«h Goaderi and Cotiell pioduce 1^0 sides of (he abbey hive Bis Stan Baseball Game Capitol "Jews Sand boon reconstructed failthfully and Bii Storv Baseball Game CloakrooTi Sa idman the seues Bold Vulture Scoreboard Fndch Sandman a nthue d side soon will be finished Bold Venture Drum Ha-bor Edwards Marti i 3 md Sports IN THE RADIO shem,, Gosden T looms for the noild-famous New; Neus SPorU Sports News Sports _RS Sand. ichives anci lhe WLithi"- Man Music Music Eve, Star Sandmin pottnjs both Amos ana the King-|aof priceless hbiaiy Civil Defense Tor Music Civil Defense Sandman fish as well as Lighlnm' and olhei' Montecdssmo have been re- FALCON 11 Civil Defense Dream'ie Music Civil Defense Sandman chaiactefs, and Coirell is A.ndy and|DUlIt THtTRSDAV HPIH> Van Portet WVEH, 88.1 Blegs. »VS1B WVGE \VSDK urn I. WOLP The 52-week scuies 1= bf>m._ Syracuse University TM Station TONIGHT 00 Ne^s. Ottoway Jlen Williams News Uusio News Melody made on film in Hollywood with an 5 oO Mitmee Moods 5 4s Snotllcht on 'i Timtkeeper Breakfast Bell lenne'iy VVatcn Clri.k Melodv all-Negro cast Spi-ts o 35 World *Jews 6 00 Dinner f ju i uneKccuer arcuuiuai' QCII nCJIiKJ^^J1 W1LIU1I \^IUWr Dale 7 30 News and Its ^nal/sl** 7 4o * <5 Rod Swift Breakfast Bell Hennessy \Vutch Clock *Bi»K Crosby Adventures In Research 3 00 Voices In the 00 Timekeeper News 31en Williams N*US Ne«s Bucks MILL AIR Genera] Vicht a so Eienms with Music 10 oo I 15 Timekeeper BreaJcfnst Bell Hennessy Musical Clock Buckaroos Final Edition 10 10 Flial Sports Edition, 30 Timekeeper Breakfast Bell Hennessy Musical clock Buckaroos A.ithm's talk at 5 P \T toaay fiom 10 20 Sisn. Off * 8 45 Timekeeper Breakfast Bell Hermeisy Musical Clock Amos Phipps Austin, Texas 00 Timekeeper Breakfast BUI Fred Jeske Musical Clock Sacred rieart 8:30 15 Jim Dellno Breakfast Club Pred Jeske Musical C ock Poll a Parfy WAGE will bioadcist his ad- JO Ganff Breakfast Club Fred Jeike Coffee With Polka Party dress tomonow at 10 PM At 9 45 Deline News Breakfast Club rrcd Jebke Curtlss Polka Party 1030 tomoirow, WSYR-TV, M e\ 00 Welcome My i rue Story Fred Jeske Godfrey Sews 'Fra.!!: 1 1 1 15 Travelers Fd Mjiold Fred Jeike Godfrey Sinatia WIIEN, WAGE and WSYR carry 1 II 30 Double or Betty Crocker Fred Jeske Godirev Harry James President Truman s talk on "In- I U 45 Nothlnc Romance Glen Williams Godfrey Hdiry*James flation ' A—Bi ow n, OO Break j,. Musio odfrey Vews Juke * # * Green, Na-v v WSYR 15 the Bank Duid AmitT Sodfrev Juke Box 30 Jack Berch Quick As Queen For Ra> Ov ens Juke Box Check, 12-20, 45 Dave Oarrowa* A Flaih A Day Rosemaiy Juke Box D.innv 'Ihomas heads the rour n Star Rtvi.e on tt<5YK-T\ at 8 4 g\ 00 News Hil'eEas Johnny olsen Hennessy Windy Warren New s Bucks t*l Is Bob Nelbon Me\\s Hennessv Aunt Jenny Buckaroos tonight, •with songstress Kaj 1 / SO Eddie Arno'd DiHling for Hennessy MacArthur Buckaroos » a.* 45 The Deacon Dollars liLnncssy Buckaroos Starr and Bunny Lew be! as J>0 Jim Deline Bacl to Bible Olen Williams BiK Sls'er News Band guests. GROUGHO MARX? *15 anas Back to Bible. Easy Aces Ma Ptrkins Bind Conceit * * * 30 Jim Deline Music Matinee Sonus Dr Malone •BinK Crosbv 1 45 Gane Music Mat! ite Guiding uiEht •Binff Crosby THE Red Slcelton Show Mill re- 00 Double or Music Matinee Tons Fontalce Jd Mrs Ba^t n Vews Lome place Dave Gairowav on 15 Nothing Music Matinee Warmqp Perry Mison Lombardo 30 Music Mart Music Matinee Yankees vs Nora Drake Polkn Party WSYR-TV at 10 30 stalling July 1 B—Brown, 2 45 News Music Matinee St Louli Brighter Day Polka Partv * * * 00 Lite Beautiful Music Matinee Baseball Game Hilltop House News Bucks THE TALCON, now hoIduiR Green, Blue 15 Road ol Life Music MatHee Baseball Game Winner Take Buckrroos 30 Pepper Younc Music Matinee Baseball Game Housenarty Buckaroos down the 8 30 to 9 P M slot on Cherk. 12-2 3 45 Happiness Music Mttinee Bascoall Game HousLparty Buckaroos WSYR Wedneidavs, investigates a . 00 Stace WUe Music Matinee Baseball Game St-IKe It Plch vc's's Juke M la Stella Dnllas Music Mitinee Baseball Game Strike It R ch Juke Box swindle tonight it ~>Q Widder Brown tfusic Mitince Baseball Game News Music Juke HOT Matinee Juke Bot * W * SALE! Reg. '5.98 I 4a Ml House Music Matinee Baseball Game 4F'JER 12 jeais of plajing •Records tTranscrlntion "Home* ' on the Aldnch Family senes, Jack Kelk wll leave the -.how to star in a TV situation Dan River "Wrinkl TELEVISION coinedv \ojng Mr Button, which lakes ihe Mdnch vidfo time spot WIIEN— Boxing (CBS) 7 30 Sundays, stalling Aug 26 WSYR-TY, ChannsI 5 10 30 M SYR — Stars Over Hollj- 4- * i Tissue Gingham D—Red or wood (NBC) "SUantflelioId," Channing Pol- 8 WHEN, Channel 8 10 45 WHEN — Po« erhouse of lock's stoij o£ the literarj world, Green J'laid.
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