1946 .CONGRESSIONAL RECO_RP-HOUSE 4.559 Ralph Scheidenhelm Frank R. Thienpont Arthur L. Child 3d Ralph P. Parker Leonard F. Schempp,Edward W. Thomas Andrew s. Dowd Walter T.Pate, Jr. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Jr. John C. Thompson Stuart J. Evans John L: Prehn, Jr: Robert E. Schenk Robert W. Thompson · John E. Fjelsta Robert H. Pylkas TuESDAY, MAY 7, 1946 Stanley J. Schiller William F. Thompson Alton C. Gallup · George D. Riley, J:r, Charles H. Schnorr, Jr.Neil W. Thomson Nathaniel Heller Kenneth McD. Robin- The House met at 12 o'clock noon. John A. Schomaker John L. Thornton Arthur W. Holfield, Jr. son Rev. Bernard Braskamp, D. D., pastor Arnold R . SchuknechtFrank A. Thurtell Ben Johnson 3d Elliot R. Rose of the Gunton-Temple Memorial Presby­ Foster R. Schuler Thomas J. Tiernan Warren B. Johnson Louis P. Rossi Robert E . Schwartz Curran C. Tiffany terian Church, Washington, D. C., offered John F. Jones Rufus E. Sadler, Jr. the following prayer: Edward A. Scoles Herbert I. Tilles William B. Kash Charles H. Schoman, Robert L. Scott David R. Toll William K. Lampman Jr. 0 Thou gracious benefactor, whose William L. Scurlock Donald L. Toohill George H. L!ming Eugene A. Shaw heart responds to every human need, we Kenneth P . Sears John W. Townes, Jr. Edward B. Langmuir, Waldo D. Sloan, Jr. Chester H. Shaddeau,Earle N. Trickey thank Thee for the many tokens of the Jr.· Ralph McM. Tucker Jr. Richard J . Sowell eternal truth that Thou art man's unfail- Donald P. Shaver John G. Turner Herbert M. Lundien, William T. Sweetman ing friend. George M. Sheldon Stansfield Turner Jr. - Eugene B. Tomlinson, We humbly confess that we are often John P. Shelton John C. Turnier Ivan B. Maxon Jr. so indifferent to Thy overtures of friend­ Donald L. Shield Richard P. Urn bel Thomas 0. McDonald.Robert E. Turnage ship and so slow ·to discern and .appre- . Charles M. Shuey. Howard S. Unangst James F. McGarry, Jr.John S. :Urban Andrew B. Sides, Jr. Archie J. Updike John J. McGee Thomas G, Waller, Jr. ciate Thy_readiness to suppl~ our needs. William M. Simpich Paul R. Van Mater, Jr. William A. MurauskasHawey L. Wilder· May · we now appropriate by faith the Luther B. Sisson Robert C. VanOsdol Harry· W. · O'Brien, Jr. many-blessings which Thou hast 'placed .. Fernando Sisto, Jr. John R. Van Sickle The following-named. midshipmen to. be at our .disposal and help us to show· :forth Donald K . Skinner Irwin J. Viney second lieutenants in the Ma~ine Corps, from our gratitude. in a pure and steadfast Robert W. Sloan Kenneth H. Volk the 5th-day o_f June 1946: · devotion. Charles E. Slonim Robert L. von Gerich- Grant that the Members of this legis­ Will F . Small ten Herbert J .- Blaha Arthur F . McGrail, Jr. Bernard E. Smith, Jr. Chandler L. Gayle K ~ ' Broussard John. "E)'' McNulty, Jr. lative body may be blessed with. clear Carlton H. Smith von Schrader Jos.eph R. Cross Joseph..' F . McPartland- ., judgment and wise decision as they -.seek Charles W. Smith Frederic H. E. Vose Walter 0 . Da:y Edward B. Meye-r to build a social order in which peace and . Frank B. Smith Jacob w. Walker Joseph N. Eagle Austin B. Middleton,- prosperity- snail be the joyous possession Floyd J. Smith . Donald C. Wallace, Jr. Robert E . Eastman . Jr. of our own and suc'ceeding·generations. Griffin P . Smith, Jr. Wayne P. Warlick Roy J. Edwards Stanley T. Moak In Christ's name we offer our prayers John C. Smit h Harry- L. Warren, Jr. Robert N. Erbland John J. O'Neill, Jr. and petitions. Amen. Philip C. Smith, Jr. James H. Watkins, Jr. James F. Gallagher Robert J. O'Shea Rober t H. Smith, Jr. Arthur V. Weaver, Jr. Donald E. Gilman William C. Patton The Journal of the proceeding& of yes­ RobertS. Smith Kent J. Weber William D. Hall Robert J. Perrich terday was read and approved. Stanford S. Smith Joseph D. Weed, Jr. Robert A. Herrick JohnS. Quinn CALENDAR WEbNESDAY BUSINESS Stuarts. Smith James w: Weinstein Will.iam .L. Hindman Albert J. Richter . Thomas W. Smith Howard A. Weiss Eric M. Hooper Nye G. Rodes, Jr. Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, I William C. Smith Howard R. Weiss ask unanimous consent that the busi­ Winfield S. Smith Timothy F. Wellings, Robert_ R. Horner, Jr.Richard A. Savage Leonard A. Snead Jr. · Frank T. House, Jr. ·Raymond W. Sitz ness in order tomorrow, Calendar John E. Snyder Donald M. Wells John B. Jones, Jr, · James A. Strickland Wednesday, be dispensed with. James G. Snyder John W. Wells Robert J. Laws Paden E. Woodruff·, Jr The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Frank G. Sorensen, Jr.Robert C. Wells the request of the gentleman from Mas­ Richard B. Southwell Luther Welsh sachusetts? Arthur G. ·spahr Donald DeF. Welt CONFIRMATIONS There was no objection. William A. Spencer Donald B. Wenger Peter C. Spoelstra Robert F. Wenke Executive nominations confirmed by INVESTIGATION OF DISPOSITION OF Ernest R. Stacey Thomas N. Werner the Senate May 7 (legislative day of SURPLUS PROPERTY Leroy G. Stafford, Jr. Brendan P . Whit e March 5) , 1946: Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, I ask J ames B. Stagg Robert B. Whitegiver unanimous consent, in connection with Hilton L. Stanley 2d DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE RobertS. Stegman Donald B. Whitmire the Slaughter resolution which is to be Douglas W. McGregor to be an Assistant considered this afternoon, that if it de­ Art hur S. Steloff Henry D. Whittle, Jr. Attorney General. Jackson T . Stephens Her.bert E. Whyte velop's that on final action on the reso­ George C. Stevens Bryan D. Wiggins · UNITED STATES ATTORNEYS lution there will be a roll call, that the Jack M. Stevens Buck D. Williams, Jr. Raymond E. Plummer to be United States roll call take place on Thursday next. William R . St. George Hexter A. Williams attorney, division No. 3, Dist rict of Alaska. Mr. SABATH. Reserving. the right to. James B. Stockdale James·C. Williams object, Mr. Speaker, I think the Mem­ Francis K. Stone John G. Williams, Jr. · Respess S. Wilson to be United States at­ John H. Stone, Jr. Joseph L. Williams, Jr. torney, western district of Arkansas. bers should be present during the 'debate RobertS. Stone Thomas C. Williams John D. Clifford, Jr., to be United States on that resolution. Robert W. Strickler Preston C. Wilmoth attorney, district of Maine. Mr. McCORMACK. I asked only that George C. Strott James B. Wilson UNITED STATES MARSHALS final action be deferred if there is a roll J ames K. St uhldreher Joseph R. Wilson call. John MeG. Sullivan · Robert H. Wilson Noble V. Miller to be United. States mar­ shal, eastern district of Arkansas. Mr. SABATH. I know, but the Mem­ Ker m it R. Sutliff Virgil M. Wilson bers are entitled to know about this reso­ Thomas E. Suttles, Jr. Lionel LaM. Winans Benjamin B. Mozee to be United States John D. Swenson Robert W. Wise marshal, division No. 2, District of Alaska. lution because there is opposition to it. A certain committee has been making J ohn L. Switzer Edward G. Wood UNITED STATES PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE Gordon P . Talcott Kenneth Woods an investigation similar to that called James F. Tangney Patrick L. Working PROMOTIONS IN THE REGULAR CORPS for by the resolution. ' George S. Tate, Jr. Wallace N. Yates To be medical dir ectors, effective date Mr. McCORMACK. I am thoroughly Lewis B. Taylor, Jr. Richard P. Yeatman indicated aware of that fact. My request in no Robert H. Taylor Laurence R. Young way ,interferes with it. My request is William A. Teasley, Jr.Douglas J. Yuengling Marion R. King, March 16, 1946. Leonard A. Tepper Philip Zenner 4th Egbert M. Townsend, April 1, 1946. submitted to carry out an agreement Wil:t C. Thayer To be senior surgeons, effective date indicated that was made that there would be no The following-named midshipmen to be roll call before Thursday night. This James A. Crabtree, January 27, 1946. does not interfere with the consideration assistant paymasters in the Navy, with the Mark P. :=;chultz, January 27, 1946. rank of ensign, from the 5th day of June of the resolution in any way. 1946: . To be dental directors, effective date Mr. SABATH. I have in mind that the Robert N. Barker George 0. R. Brungot indicated Members are entitled to hear the debate John A. B3llan , Jr. Robert E. Buntain Alf E. Nannestad, February 26, 1946. before they vote on the resolution. " J " Randell Bridges, Arthur G. Butler, Jr. Robert C. Stewart, March 22, 1946. Mr. McCORMACK. My request does Jr. William C. Carpenter Robert L. Robinson, March 26, 1946. not in any way relate to the debate. 4560 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE MAY 7 Mr. SABATH. What is the request? The SPEAKER. Is there objection to The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Mr. McCORMACK. My request is that the request of the gentleman from the request of the gentleman from Vir­ if, at the conclusion of debate on the Massachusetts? ginia [Mr. ROBERTSON]? resolution, it develops that on final ac­ There was no objection. There being no objection, the Clerk tion on the resolution there will be a roll CONSERVATION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, AND read the bill as follows: call, that roll call take place on Thurs­ GAME Be it enacted, etc., That the act of March day next. 10, 1934 ( 48 Stat. 401), is hereby amended to Mr. SABATH. Many Members will not Mr. ROBERTSON of Virginia. Mr. read as follows: be here and will not have the benefit of Speaker, I ask unanimous consent for the "In order to promote effectual planning, the debate, and they will be asked to vote present consideration of the bill <H.
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