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University of Kentucky; Michelle McDonald, bachelor’s degree in 1984 Nicholas County PVA, and her Masters in 1992. announced her retire- Michelle has served as ment earlier in 2020 stat- the Nicholas County PVA ing that Jan 29 would be since December 1998. her last official day. She is the longest serv- On Friday, Michelle ing PVA in Nicholas was honored with a re- County, after 23 years of ception party to thank serving the community her for her years of ser- she decided it was time to thought she would be re- often now someone’s fam- vice. enjoy life and family. tiring from this position ily circumstances. As Nicholas County Judge One of her great memo- upon her first election an assessor you have to Executive Steve Hamil- ries was the first election victory, look at the property with ton and fiscal court pre- victory, as she stated a She stated she saw her- no bias. You cannot let sented her with a plaque “big highlight” and being self staying until her re- knowledge or feelings af- of the Nicholas County able to update the infra- tirement. She had been fect the way you assess Courthouse for her 23 structure of the office and teaching in Pendleton the property. In large years of service to the making friends across County schools for 11 counties this is not gen- community. Amongst the state has been a great years, commuting back other appreciation gifts, joy and something she is and forth. Retirement PVA’s from other coun- very proud of. “The biggest challenge cont. on pg. 2 ties attended the recep- When asked if she in a small county is you Gov Beshear makes $38 Million Ewing woman charged with Carlisle burglary available for Local Government By Charles Mattox edly entered a person’s tody on an outstanding room while visiting that warrant. Utility Assistance Program KyNewsGroup Last week, Gov. Andy partment of Local Gov- [email protected] person’s roommate and Melear-Ross is facing unlawfully took $3,340 additional charges of re- Beshear made the an- ernment from the Com- A Ewing woman was worth of clothing and ceiving stolen property, nouncement of approx- munity Development recently charged with shoes from the victim, Burglary, 3rd degree, imately $38 million Block Grant Corona vi- burglary after allegedly who resided at Ran- (two counts), persistent available for Utility As- rus Response program taking several thou- dolph Lane. felony offender, a sepa- sistance to local govern- established by the U.S. sands of dollars from a Photo Courtesy of Bourbon Carlisle Police Of- rate charge of burglary, ments in order to help Department of Housing Carlisle home. County Detention Center ficer, Benny Buckler, 2nd degree; and several Kentuckians with over- and Urban Develop- Brianna Melear-Ross, Brianna Melear-Ross responded to the scene failure to appear charg- due utility bills in their ment. 34, of Abner’s Mills Jan. 30, 2021 arrest on a of the alleged burglary es. county. In order for the local Road, Ewing, remains charge of burglary, 2nd and was later advised All persons are to be Nicholas County governments to apply lodged in the Bourbon degree. by Paris Police officer, presumed innocent until Judge Executive has they must submit an County Regional Jail, on According to her ar- Lewis Bower that he proven guilty or plead- submitted the paper application to DLG. If zero bond, following her rest citation, she alleg- had Melear-Ross in cus- ing guilty. work to request up to approved, local govern- $200,000 for assistance ments must then part- for the citizens of Nich- ner with a community Family Resource Youth Services Centers turns 30 olas County. action agency to assist 30 years ago, the mov- reform system. The need These centers are de- Mayor Ronnie Clark with funding adminis- ie “Home Alone” was for education and hu- signed to address the is also seeking informa- tration. released, Teenage Mu- man service systems to needs of children by de- tion regarding the Util- Eligible households tant Ninja Turtles com- engage in the joint provi- veloping partnerships ity Assistance program could receive up to $250 ics were released and sion of services and sup- with school, family and and will be applying. per month for six con- George W. Bush was port to children, youth community to help all “Even with our vic- secutive months if they our President. Also, in and families had rapidly public school students tory over COVID -19 live in the city or county Kentucky the Family increased. The growing reach proficiency. Re- coming into sight, times approved for the fund- Resource Youth Services number and complex- cent surveys report that are still tough for our ing, have been finan- Centers were starting to ity of problems faced by Cabinet for Health and educators, parents and families, “ said Gov. cially impacted by CO- develop. our society (e.g. poverty, Family Services. These community partners feel Beshear. “We are grate- Family Resource family restructuring, partnerships share the that the Family Resource ful to be able to provide Utility Assist. Youth Services Centers teenage pregnancy, sub- and Youth Services Cen- these funds, because responsibility of imple- cont. on pg. 9 has been significantly stance abuse and domes- menting and sustaining ters are a “necessary they will ensure many impacting the lives of tic and youth violence) centers across the state. component of Kentucky Kentuckians won’t have students and families have caused increasing The Cabinet for Health educational program- to make the impossible in Kentucky for over 30 levels of stress on fami- and Family Services ming and “a program choice between feeding years. Following a dec- lies and children-stress and Division of FRYSC, vital to students, empow- their family and keep- laration by the Kentucky that children bring to the has the responsibil- ering families, and help- ing the lights on,” Supreme Court that Ken- classroom, which creates ity for administration of ing to improve schools.” The funding will be tucky’s education system barriers to learning. this program, where the In 1991 just over 100 distributed by the De- was inefficient and in- These problems have Kentucky Department Family Resource and equitable, the Kentucky also places a greater de- of Education continues Youth Services Centers Education Reform Act mand on public service to provide technical sup- were opened in Ken- Fox Valley Wood (KERA) was formed. agencies and demon- port for the public educa- tucky. In 2021 centers now have grown to 857 WANTED In response to grow- strate a need for commu- tion mandate. Now more Walnut Logs & all other species ing concerns and desire nity and schools to work than 2 decades since in- serving 1200 schools. to remove barriers to together to restore fam- ception, the Kentucky The Nicholas County Fox Valley Wood has been MFG walnut gun stock for 40+ years educational success, the ily and child well-being. Family Resource and Family Resource Youth Kentucky General As- KERA provided an un- Youth Services Centers Services Center is lo- All of our logs are sawed in the USA sembly created the Fam- precedented state-level cated inside the Nicho- We buy standing timber are recognized as the Certified Master Loggers ily Resource Youth Ser- partnership between nation’s largest school- 821 Muses Mill Rd. • Wallingford, Ky 41093 vices Centers (FRYSC’s) Kentucky’s Department based family support ini- FRYSC as an integral part of the of Education and the tiative. cont. on pg. 9 606-876-4661 YOUR HOMETOWN FURNITURE STORE SINCE 1977 Like us on Facebook! McRoberts Furniture Mart, Inc. www.amishheritagefurniture.com Buying All Grades of Export Logs Including www.McRobertsFurnitureMart.com Walnut And Low Grade Logs as Well 606-763-9048 16 West Second • Downtown Maysville, KY 5895 US 68 May’s Lick, KY 674 Turner Road, Flemingsburg, KY 41041 606-564-9848 Hours: Mon-Sat 9am to 5pm • Closed Thursday & Sunday 2- February 3, 2021 The Carlisle Mercury Since 1867 would still be putting my constituents feel like PVA. (He was a little bi- Retirement her to work in Frankfort. they have been treated ased) Although I was not During her retirement fairly and if anytime they elected until his death, I cont. from pg. 1 and between working in did not think so I hope hope I did him and all my erally an issue.” Stated Frankfort, she will be do- they told me. It has truly family proud. Michelle McDonald Nich- ing a massive cleanout of been an honor to serve Michelle is the daugh- olas County PVA. her house and enjoying my community. “ said ter of the late Kenneth She stated when being her hobbies of cooking, Michelle. “A little over 23 and Mary Catherine interviewed that she was reading, traveling and years ago when I passed Knapke, and is married going to miss all of her co- scrapbooking.
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