3TJ)e Jfliamt hurricanUKIVFRSITeY OF M1AW" R2SE&VE VOLUME 71, ISSUE 19 UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI, CORAL GABLES, FLA. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12,1993 ij »r-. Valenta: GSIS waging political vendetta By LAURIE POWELL "All these people are on the left," said surprising that Dr. Kubalkova espoused Hurricane Staff Writer describe myself as a leftist is ignorant •*•• Valenta. "With Kubalkova it was also jeal­ the ideas of communism." best." Former University (A Miami professor ousy and salary. Kubalkova's charges are Arthur Arnau, former GSIS student, Jin Valenta said charges of sexual harass­ sour grapes." said he attended two class session! with Student support for Valenta ment, abuse of power, and financial mis­ Valenta said Kubalkova had views Kubalkova. Arnau said he dropped the Arnau said he spenl four years with management are the result of a political opposite to his own on three issues: the course after hearing her opening argu­ vendetta waged by professors and stu­ Valenta and never saw him do anything he Palestinian Liberation Organization, his ments. e used of. dents at the Graduate School of Interna­ lies with right-wing Cubans and his sup­ "Kubalkova tried to sublinunally indoc­ "Hr. Valenta did ...et force students to tional Studies. port for Boris Yeltsin. trinate us with her communist views," Valenta was fired and stripped of his do anything thev didn't want ti) do," said "Kubalkova talks about me as a U.S. said Arnau. Arnau. tenure in September after a five-member agent: she talks about my ties with right- Kubalkova was a member of the Com­ Faculty Hearing Committee listened to wing Cubans," said Valenta. "Besides AKaro Taboaudo received his doctor- munist Party in Czechoslovakia in her at. in 1991 in International Relations. Ih­ testimonies from 53 witnesses over a 15- anti-Semitism, the PLO issue and the early twenties. She said Arnau never took day period. The decision ended a process right-wing Cubans, Dr. Kubalkova and I is an ambassadeir to Peru and a formei any of her classes or spoke to her. "I have Valenta student. begun in Feb. 1992 when fellow profcsseer had a disagreement over Gorbachev and no idea how he can say anything about Vcneliilka Kubalkova filed a formal com­ Yeltsin." "As far as I could see-, 1 nevei saw any me," said Kubalkova. improper behavuir by. Dr. Valenta toward plaint against Valenta. Valenta said Kubalkova supported for­ "I belonged to the party for about a any of his colleagues said Taboaudo. "In "I think there was a terrible injustice mer Soviet Union General Secretary Mik­ year," said Kubalkova. "I was expelled terms of his academic performance, he done," said Valenta. "The core issue is hail Gorbachev while he supported Rus­ from the Communist Party when, after was an excellent professor. He' was help­ about academics and politics at its worst, sian President Yeltsin. "With Yeltsin are J.C. RIDLEY/Scorecard Start Photographer the Soviet invasion in 1968. 1 defected to ing to put the school on the map." lowest demeaning side." the people wishing democracy," said Val­ • MIAMI BRUISER: Running back Great Britain. I received a prison sen­ Valenta said Kubalkova also verbally Valenta said Kubalkova. former Assei- enta. "Against Yeltsin are the anti- tence for leaving the country. I could not James Stewart is the biggest surprise e iate GSIS Dean Enrique Baloyra and for­ Semitic, fascist, Russian communists. abused him in her classes. Formei stu­ go back to Czechoslovakia for 21 years. dent Thad Wuueckie said Kubalkova did mer UM students Craig Simon and "Kubalkova was a proponent of the in the Hurricane backfield. "For Valenta to accuse me of commu­ bash Valenta. See Scorecard Andrea Ewart-Simem charged him for a theory of communism as a tool of interna­ nism is as insulting as his allegation that I number of political reasons. tional politics," said Valenta. "It is not am anti-Semitic," Kubalkova said. "To See page.?/VALENTA Moo, there it is! UM security service passes SG test By ZULIMA ROSENOW between 9:30 and 10:30 p.m. Assistant News Editor because he was ordered to keep In a second effort to determine dead air. "De ad air" means no one the quality of the Public Safety transmits over the radio tei protect Escort Service, Jamie Hilson, officers when they are making an chairman of the University Affairs arrest. At \in- lime of the phone Committee in the Senate and calls, police were looking for a rob­ Junior Senator, conducted a survey bery suspect. Khoury saul. Tuesday night, concluding that the "I was off the air for about one escort service provides relatively hour. That is the problem with hav­ quick service. ing just one frequency," said Six members of the University Khoury. "Of course, if it's an emer­ Affairs committee requested gency we will interrupt the air." escorts from different locations Khoury said security is trained tei between 9:30 and .0/.W p.m. drive by key locations like the "We wanted to see [Public Safe­ library breezeway and the residen­ ty's) response to many calls," Hil­ tial colleges. son said. "That is probably what happened Tuesday night. Student Govern­ ITuesdayl niRht," he saiel. ment member David Freilich called Henry L. Christensen, deputy feir an escort from the Otto G. director feir Public Safety, said that Richter Library at 9:57 p.m. air siliiie e is not a frequent phe­ Regina Mendoza, another commit­ nomenon. tee member, called from the "When it does happen it causes library at 10:05 p.m. Both said an inconvenience for the studenrs. they were picked up at 10:10 p.m. but if it is an emergency situation All callers received quick service they can feel absolutely sure that except Student Government mem­ we will be there for them," he said. Christensen also said Public- ber Michael Inniss who called from Safety is trying to get a second fre­ Mahoney Residential College at quency and would like to hire a sec­ 10:15 p.m. and stopped waiting at ond dispatcher to handle the Stu­ 10:35 p.m. Hilson said a cart drove dent Security Patrol Officer up to Mahoney and dropped two program. girls off, but then drove right past "But that is a Utopian dream and him. we don't live in a perfect world," "The impression we got is that Christensen said. he didn't even know Mike was Hilson said the committee does waiting," Hilson said. not plan to organize any more In a test Oct. 20. four members tests, but will conduct spot checks of the University Affairs commit­ on escort response time. Mean­ tee waited for more than half an while, the committee will address hour for a security cart, but they the issues of cart availability and J.C. RIDLEY/Special to the Hurricane were never picked up by either a radiei frequency. cart or a walking escort. Only one cart worked Tuesday • UDDERL Y RIDICULOUS: Hot Country Nights come alive as UM junior Heather Bohn (left) and senior Beth Caccese perform in George Khoury, the dispatcher night when the committee made Kappa Kappa Gamma's organized cheer Monday. working Tuesday night, said he the phone calls. could not contact the cart driver Honor societies tap new members (luring Homecoming Week Iron Arrow ODK taps emphasizes over 50 UM spirit members By LAURA STABLEIN Hurricane Staff Writer By JENNIFER RAMACH Iron Arrow Honor Society is News Editor called "the Highest Honor Attain­ Omicron Delta Kappa, a national able at the University of Miami." honor society, tapped its new Criteria for entrance into Iron members Monday and Tuesday. Arrow are leadership, character, ODK, founded at UM in 1949, was humility and scholarship. However, the first national honor society on nominees are also judged on their campus. love of the Alma Mater, a require­ "It's pretty prestigious — 222 ment unique to this honor society. campuses have a circle and at many "Iron Arrow has given me a lot J.C. RIDLEY/Speacial to the Hurricane campuses, it's the only honor soci­ SEAN HEtdMERLE/Staff Photographer ety," said Ernie Varela, graduate of insight into the University of • YOU'RE COMING WITH ME: Iron Arrow tapee Dr. Ken Smith is led Miami and whal it stands for, as student and president of the orga­ by Iron Arrow members Basil Khalil, Lila Chamberlain and Freddie • TOP HONOR: From left, Michael Grad. Sally Mignone, Gary Watson well as for the Seminoles which are nization. "We try to tap people Stebbins during Thursday's tapping ceremonies from all parts of campus, because and Ken DeMoor (far 'ight) induct Sydnia Crosbie into Omicron Delta indigenous to South Florida," said Kappa Tuesday. Omicron Delta l^appa is a national honor society. Peter Christiaans, a business grad­ sometimes they don't get noticed." uate student who is the Medicine ODK taps faculty, administra­ D Llabre, Jeanne Schumm, Gayle Man for Iron Arrow. Sygall and Ernest (Ernie) Yaro­ group included nine members. tion, undergraduates and graduate Tamu Plowden, Tamatha ostal, shuk. They chose the name of their students twice a year. Arun Rao, Samantha Southall, Aly- Sheeder, Paul Sugrue and George Iron Arrow tapped its new mem­ Warheil. bers Thursday morning. Those Iron Arrow was granted a char­ group for the arrow which takes a "We go around with a ship's bell cia Spitzmueller, Mickhael Sulay- ter by UM in 1926. Little has straight course in its flight and for that Doc Adams donated and tap man, Vernon Sumwalt, Janine Alumni include: Joe Fernandez, tapped include: Gylla Boodram, Charles Kantor and Renee Kreutz- Sydnia A.
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