MSARNGR 600-8-22 1 November 2010 MSANGR 36-2803 Mississippi Army National Guard MILITARY DEPARTMENT Regulation 672-5 STATE OF MISSISSIPPI Mississippi Air National Guard JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI Regulation 36-2803 1 November 2010 Decorations and Awards STAT'E MILITARY AWARDS Summary. This joint regulation provides policy, criteria and administrative instructions for issuing/awarding State decorations, service awards and other awards. Adds the Mississippi National Guard Soldier of the Year Ribbon. Adds the Mississippi ANG Outstanding Airman of the Year Ribbon. This updates emergency operations for award of the Mississippi Emergency Service Medal. The DA Form 638 (Form 638) is used to recommend state awards for the MSARNG. The MSARNG regulation number is updated to reflect The Army Regulation 600-8-22, Awards and Decorations Applicability. This regulation applies to members of the Mississippi National Guard and other personnel as specified within this regulation. Supplementation. Supplementation of this regulation is prohibited without prior approval of the Adjutant General of Mississ.ippi. Suggested Improvements. The proponent of this regulation is the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel (DCSPER) for the Mississippi National Guard. Users are invited to send comments and suggested improv,aments to the Military Department, State of Mississippi, ATTN: JFH-MS-J1, Post Office Box 5027, Jackson, Mississippi 39296- 5027. * This regulation supersedes MSARNGR 672-5/MSANGR 36-2803, 17 January 2005. CONTENTS Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Introduction Mississippi Individual Decorations Mississippi Medal of Honor, 2-1 Section I Mississippi Medal for Valor, 2-2 Overview Mississippi Magnolia Cross, 2-3 Purpose, 1-2 Mississippi Magnolia Medal, 2-4 Definition, 1-2 Mississippi Commendation Medal, 2-5 Section II Chapter 3 Responsibilities Mississippi Medal of Efficiency The Governor of Mississippi, 1-3 Mississippi Medal of Efficiency, 3-1 The Adjutant General, 1-4 State Awards Boards1 1-5 Chapter4 Major Command, 1-6 Mississippi Service Awards Permanent Orders, 1-7 Service Awards, 4-1 War Medal, 4-2 Section Ill Emergency Service Medal, 4-3 Policy, Precedence, and lnform;ation Recruiting Medal, 4-4 Recommendations for Awards, 1-:B Service School Medal, 4-5 Preparation of Awards, 1-9 Longevity Medal, 4-6 Character of Service, 1-10 Adjutant Generals Award for Period of Award, 1-11 Excellence, 4-7 Duplication of Awards, 1-12 Mississippi Soldier of Succeeding Awards, 1-13 the Year Ribbon (MSYR), 4-8 Presentation of Awards, 1-14 Mississippi ANG Outstanding Recognition upon Retirement, 1-15 Airman of the Year (MS ANG OAY) Posthumous Awards, 1-16 Ribbon, 4-9 Awards for civilian service, 1-17 Awards to personnel of other Services, Chapter 5 1-18 Appurtenance, Lapel Buttons and Miniature Decorations Section IV Service Ribbons, 5-1 Order of Precedence Service Ribbon Accouterments, 5-2 Order of Precedence, 1-19 Lapel Buttons, 5-3 Recording of Awards, 1-20 Miniature Medals, 5-4 Section V Chapter 6 Supply Service, Requisition and Certificates, Memorandums and Reporting Letters Medals and appurtenances, 1-21 Overview, 6-1 Requisitions, 1-22 Commendation Certificates, 6-2 Supply of Certificates for Decorations, 11-23 2 Chapter 7 Civilian Awards Overview, 7-1 Distinguished Civilian Service Medal, 7- 2 Meritorious Civilian Medal, 7-3 Mississippi Magnolia Award, 7-4 Appendices A. Awards B. Operations Approved for Award of the Mississippi Emergency Service Medal TABLE LIST FIGURE LIST GLOSSARY 3 Chapter 1 Governor. The Adjutant General will Introduction appoint an Awards Board to consider recommendations for the award of the Section I Mississippi Medal of Honor, Mississippi Overview Medal for Valor and other awards for heroism. If recommended by the Board 1-1 Purpose. and the Adjutant General, the This regulation prescribes the State of recommendation will be forwarded to Mississippi policy, criteria and the Governor for final approval. administrative instructions concerning the State's Military Awards Program and 1-5 The State Awards Boards. other Awards programs sponsored by a. The State Awards Board. The the organization. The goal of this Adjutant General may appoint a State awards program is to foster mission Awards board as required, consisting of accomplishment by recognizing officers and non-commissioned officers. excellence of military members of the The board will: Mississippi National Guard, civilian {1) Meet as directed by the employees, dependents or other President of the Board to review persons who make significant recommendations for awards for contributions to the force and motivating heroism and make recommendations to them to high levels of performanc,e and the Adjutant General. service. (2) Recommend to the Adjutant General tours of emergency duty, which 1�2 Scope. should be designated as periods of This regulation contains descriptions of eligibility for award of the Mississippi and instructions for the award of State Emergency Medal. decorations and service awards. (3) At the direction of the Adjutant Authorized awards are defined in General, review and make Section 33-3-17 Mississippi Code of recommendations for other awards not 1972. This regulation is published as listed in this regulation. authorized by and with the consent of b. The State Awards Review Board. the Governor of the State of Mississippi. The Adjutant General will appoint a State Awards Review Board as required Section II to review award recommendations, Responsibilities other than those for valor or requirements specified to the State 1-3 The Governor of Mississippi. Awards Board. Board meets as directed The Governor of Mississippi is the! final by the President of the Board to review approval authority for all awards recommendations for awards for authorized by this regulation. service, achievement and retirement and make recommendations to 1-4 The Adjutant General approve/disapprove/upgrade/down­ The Adjutant General will approvei/ grade or return without action for the disapprove recommendations for Adjutant General's final decision. If a awards of the Mississippi federal award is recommended and no Commendation Medal, Mississippi state awards are listed in "previous Magnolia Medal and the Mississippi awards", the board may recommend Magnolia Cross as authorized by the "regrade" to a state award. 4 level of command will be returned to the 1-6 Major Subordinate Commands originator. (MSC). (3) Form 638 will serve as the The MSC Commanders will review all recommendation, the record of final recommendations for awards of the approval and as the Permanent Order Mississippi Commendation Medal1, awarding the decoration. Mississippi Magnolia Medal and the (4) Recommendations must be Mississippi Magnolia Cross and entered administratively into military recommend upgrade/downgrade of the channels within two (2) years of the award to the Adjutant General. qualifying act or period, or act of heroism. 1-7 Permanent Orders. (5) Recommendations for awards Upon approval by the Governor, the for service, achievement or retirement Military Department will issue must be entered administratively into permanent orders announcing ap1Proved military channels within five (5) years of awards. an act or period of service cited. Section Ill 1-9 Preparation of Award Policy, Precedence and Information The steps for preparing and processing awards using Form 638 are found in 1 -8 Recommendatfons for Awards. table 1-1. a. Recommendations for the Mississippi Medal of Honor, Missi:ssippi Medal for Valor, Mississippi Magnolia Cross, Mississippi Magnolia Medal and Mississippi Commendation Medal for heroism, achievement, service or retirement will be submitted on Fc,rm 638. Forms should arrive not later than 30 days prior to the desired date ()f presentation. A separate recommendation will be submitted for each proposed award and only one proposed awardee would be named in a single recommendation. (1) Recommendations will bH submitted through command channels to Military Department, ATTN: JFH-MS­ J1, with original signatures. Electronic forms are acceptable if appropriate signatures are included. (2) Each intermediate commander will personally recommend approval/disapproval of the awardl. Approved/downgraded recommendations will be sent for.vard; disapproved recommendations, a1t any 5 Table 1-1 Steps for preparing and return Form, thru Processing Awards using FORM 638. Cdr or Supervisor to the STEP WORK REQUIRED recommender. CENTER ACTION 7 CDR/SUPRV. Completes #23 to 1 Soldier Performs act or (recommend) service in keeping approval, with desired disapproval, award upgrade or prerequisites downarade. 2 Recommender Form will be typed 8 Intermediate #24 & #25: Each or electronically Authority level of command qenerated will review 3 #2 FROM is the recommendation headquarters and make the (HQs) generatiing determination the award. #3 outlined in step 7. MSC CDR DATE is date 10 Forward completed by document to oriqinator. JFH-MS-J1, following action as 4 Part I & II are self explanatory. #:8 Intermediate list all state and Authoritv. TAG federal previous 11 Completes #26 & awards. returns to J1. 12 JFH-MS-J1 5 Part Ill. #20 Completes Achfevements certificate and should be sends to described as Governor's office completely as for final approval. possible. BullHt When signed by entries are Governor, J1 will acceptable, but complete Part V must justify award (orders data) and being will forward award recommended. to unit for Sworn Statem•:mts presentation and from eyewitness documentation to to acts of hero ism servicing must be attach1ed. personnel agency DA Form 2823 is for inclusion in preferred form:at official Individual for statements. personnel records #21 The propo,sed cltation is llmlti�d to four lines. 11t should read as will be on the citati1on. 6 CDR/SUPRV. Part VI. #22 Request is reviewed by unit administrative personnel for verification of eligibility (flag9ing) data. If ineliaible, 6 MSARNGR 600-8-22 1 November 2010 MSANGR 36-2803 1-10 Character of Service retirement awards. Meritorious service a. A medal will not be awarded or is characterized by distinguished service presented to any individual whose entire and performanceabove that normally service subsequent to the time of expected over a sustained period.
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