V ^ X THE U b s e r v e r The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Marys QOLUME39: ISSUE 16 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2004 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM Police continue investigation, await results By HEATHER Family, friends VAN HOEGARDEN News Writer remember O'Connor South Bend police said Monday that the investigation of a fatal By HEATHER VAN HOEGARDEN crash Sunday morning was pend­ News Writer ing results from a blood-alcohol test on the driver of the car and Lt. j.g. Ryan O’Connor, a 2002 the reconstruction of the acci­ Notre Dame graduate, died Sunday dent. at St. Joseph’s Regional Medical St. Joseph County deputy pros­ Center in South Bend of injuries sus­ ecutor Ken Cotter said he expects tained when he was hit by a car to make a decision on whether to while walking with friends after file charges later in the week as leaving a local bar early that morn­ more information comes to light. ing. No charges were filed as of O’Connor, a former Siegfried Hall Monday, Cotter confirmed. resident, was in town last weekend Ryan O’Connor, 24, died for the Notre Dame-Michigan game Sunday at St. Joseph Hospital as at Notre Dame Stadium. a result of injuries sustained in “That’s where he was,” his 18- the crash that occurred in the year old sister Siobhan O’Connor 1800 block of South Bend Avenue said from the family residence in at approximately 3:27 a.m., West Chester, Penn. “He was proba­ South Bend Police officer William bly so happy [Notre Dame] won, and Kraus said in a news release. he was there.” CHUY BENITEZ/The Observer Members of Seigfried Hall gathered Sunday for a memorial mass in honor of Ryan O’Connor, a see ACCIDENT/page 4 former Notre Dame student killed In a car accident Sunday morning. see O’CONNOR/page 6 Police cite Interest in overseas programs remains high 29, arrest Info sessions occur this week 2 over year, but we won’t know what By LYNN SIKORA the impact of the bombing in News Writer Madrid will be for example.” Within the past few years, weekend The lure of Europe is in the Notre Dame has placed among air this week as students the top schools in the nation Observer Staff Report clamor to attend information for the number of students sessions for Notre Dame and who study abroad. The joint task force of Notre Saint Mary’s overseas pro­ Generally 800-900 Notre Dame Security/Police, State Excise grams. Dame students study abroad Police, St. Joseph County Police and Study abroad programs are per year, said Bogenschild, South Bend Police issued 29 cita­ becoming increasing popular and the number rises to 1,100 tions and made two physical at Notre Dame and Saint to 1,200 when specialized pro­ arrests on Saturday amidst the Mary’s as both schools seek to grams such as the Rome events surrounding the Michigan expand their overseas offer­ architecture program are game. ings. included. NDSP director Rex Rakow said Though officials won’t know Last year, Notre Dame initi­ the most common citations handed exact numbers until applica­ ated a new program in Italy out were minor in consumption, tion deadlines have passed, and a yearlong option in minor in possession and public initial student interest is high London. intoxication, though reports from this year. Notre Dame’s largest study all the officers on duty were not yet “It is hard to gauge the abroad program, in London, compiled for statistics. numbers because it varies will offer the yearlong option Excise officers handled the two year to year due to curriculum for a small number of stu­ arrests made, according to Excise and security,” said Thomas dents next fall. It will target officer Sergeant Michelle Bogenschild, director of inter­ students who focus on British Traughber. national study programs at studies and could benefit from Elizabeth Ryder, 20, was arrested Notre Dame. “We are expect­ MATTHEW SOLARSKI/The Observer Marcia Minniti helps junior Danielle Webber from Paquerilla before the game on charges of pos­ ing a similar turnout as last see ABROAD/page 4 session of a fake ID, minor in pos­ West browse pamphlets in the International Studies Office. session, minor in consumption and resisting law enforcement. Ryder is not listed as a student at Notre Dame, Saint Mary’s or Holy Cross. Leave of absence offers additional John Khym, 25, was arrested on charges of public intoxication and battery to a police animal. Khym designed to supplement the S tu d y in g A b ro a d Countries where abroad programs are available By MEGAN O’NEIL reportedly struck the Excise police study abroad offerings of Notre horse Beau when officers told him News Writer Dame,” said assistant dean of to leave the parking lot after the arts and letters Jennifer Although Notre Dame’s study game. ■ ^ 1 Nemecek. “Non-western loca­ No citations were issued during abroad programs rank among tions are viewed very favorably Austria Ireland Austria China Greece Mexico the nation’s best, some students the field rush and altercations Australia Italy by the committee.” Australia Egypt Ireland Russia find themselves craving immer­ Currently, 16 slots are avail­ reported after the close of the game France Jamaica broke up before NDSP could Brazil France Italy Spain sion in a culture not on the list. able to Arts and Letters stu­ Greece Mexico respond, said Rakow. Chile Germany Japan U.K. Undergraduates who instead dents, said assistant dean wish to choose their own loca­ Rakow added the number of cita­ Haiti Spain Jennifer Nemecek. The number tion may apply to the University tions and arrests at the Michigan varies depending on the College game was about even with those at for a leave of absence. *Some countries have programs in multiple locations“Leave of absences are see ABSENCE/page 4 other home games. ______________________________________ MIKE HARKINS/Observer Graphic page 2 The Observer ♦ PAGE 2 Tuesday, September J 4, 2004 In side C olumn Question of the Day: If you could stu d y abro ad anyw h ere, w here w ould you g o ? A win for the ages The result was the same — a W in the win column. The same frantic rushing of the field. The same win Paul Romine Tad Skotnicki over a despised rival. The same Dan McSwain Jim Hyde Marisa Sandahl Meg Barreto energized feeling around campus sen io r se n io r ju n io r ju n io r so p h o m o re so p h o m o re for days after- Rama O’Neill O ’Neill L eM a n s L eM a n s Z a h m M o rrissey win over “Sweden, Assistant Scene “Canada, “Narnia, for 7 would love to “Moscow. “I’ve always Michigan feel so " “ “ p T / ^ dream ed of because I like much sweeter b a ilo r because I hear some Turkish get lost in than the victory it’s like a whole delight. ’’ Tokyo. ’’ going to blondes and at Notre Dame Stadium of two years different Oxford. ” well-designed ago? country down furniture. ’’ Maybe it was because everyone and their mothers expected Notre there." Dame to lose. Heck, even Vegas had the team being steamrolled by the Wolverines, making us 13.5 point underdogs. ESPN cancelled its GameDay visit to South Bend at the last minute to make the trip down to the other USC (the University of South Carolina) campus for the In B rief Georgia game. “Hardcore” Notre Dame fans, sober and otherwise, Come hear a vocal and piano heckled their team at the pep rally. concert by soprano Georgine But it was more than all that. Resick and pianist Doris Even if a part of me always Stevenson in the Annenburg believed we could pull out a victory Auditorium at the Snite over Michigan, another could not Museum of Art tonight at 7:30 have imagined how emotional a p.m. game it would be. How could any game top a 25-23 victory with cor- The Domer Run will take nerback Shane Walton capping a place on Saturday starting at nail-biter by batting away a two 11 a.m. A 3-mile run, a 6-mile point conversion to preserve the run and a 2-mile fun walk will win? It simply seemed unfath­ take place with a pancake omable for any football game in my breakfast immediately follow­ Notre Dame career to compete with ing the race. Proceeds from that 2002 victory. Domer Run will benefit ovarian But suddenly, there we were two cancer research and education. minutes into the fourth quarter. Up Register in advance at Rolfs 14-12 over a Michigan team that Sports Rec Center. For more everyone said could beat the Irish information, call 631-6100. with one hand tied behind its collec­ tive back. A faint glimmer of a real­ There will be an ization started to dawn on the back Interdenominational Prayer of my mind (and probably the minds Service tonight at 9 p.m. at of many thousands of other fans). Sacred Heart Chapel in Holy Could we possibly rush the field of Cross Hall at Saint Mary’s. All hallowed Notre Dame stadium soil MATTHEW SOLARSKI/The Observer faiths are welcome. after an improbable win against Senior Dave Heinritz enjoys the sunny weather on God Quad Monday. Heinritz Michigan? began a tradition his freshman year of wearing a toga on Tuesdays. On Friday, self-guided tours And then it happened.
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