WHENEVER A FELLOW HAS MONEY TO BURN, A FEW POKER CHIPS WILL START QUITE A LARGE-SIZED CONFLAGRATION rUtert..!! U Wakm« Up, Y« Fl Wtatcb Thi, PM· Every D.r Few Its bright New» and Cartoons Su 1:,.»._, a» .( ,u lUCR « oluiiauI The Times' Complete Sport Page Meeting the Ou ? Whose KID BATTLED CLARKSON LOOKING ?? OVER Penny Ante Money You Got. By Jean Knott ] BY [ y ?,?-'?'/,,///'/"'/'/'" '"'//'^//////y///¦//)/·'ZÙ^LLL· ~~ IN HIS GETAWAY CLASH LOUIS DOUGH E R yPH, I KNOW, you just WHO. ME THAT GUY Play for the fun of it. GOSH IF I'D THINKS WE By FKKUKRICK Ü. LIEB. Kid Gleaeon Trimmed A-PLAVED 'EN- Vi OUGHT TO Fans of a generation ago still re¬ you don't care anything TIGHT I WOULD GIVE HIM call the sensation that waa created In Hi» First. How our heroes fall, once we begin m scare1 nto the structure ABOUT WINNING THE HAVE WON A BENEFIT in the sporting fraternity in the win¬ land formation of their feet. Oñ SUMP'M ter of when the announce¬ (At fhlkulrlpl.U. April t«. IM· > Thi» Umpire Original MONEY . I COULD TELL SOME B.G 1887-?8, 1?111.??/?? l'Ili A SATIHSAIJI Laat June William Harrison Dempsey wvu a g boy, a constant ment was made that the Chicago AM. H H PO. ?. ? THAT BY THE WAY YOU MONEY HA! HA 0»or«« Woud, If_ 4 1 1 · 1 · delight to his mother in far away Utah, a young eek god at his In Thi» Thing. Nationals had sold its great battery «laurea Aiidrrwa. cf. 4 1 t S · t FROZE ONTO EVERY CHIP Jim ri.... · 0 · · · near Mautnee and a. marvel of marvels when he P'YE REALLyi .John Clarkbon and Mike (King) Vocarly. 4) training camp Bay A youthful hurler named Jim MuTvey, 1«.. 4 0 I · t · hammered Jeas Willard to a well-known in three minutes on the O'MINE THAT 0\ME YOUR THINK Kelly to the Boston club for f20,- Hl· rarrar. lb. 4 0 1 |· 1 · pulp Marshall, who got a tryout with Jutin «lámanla c... I · · a · t WAY If- DONT TRY TO TRIED a « ».all stood Arthur ?? «m afternoon of 4. with t lie» a few seasous 000. The public M.... 4 0 · 4 1 I Waxing July Tigers KID ME WITH THAT dollars ? liarle» llaallafi. lb. 1 · ß 1 7 · A month ago Georges Carpentier, victor over Joe Beckett, was a ago, tells this one: aghast! Twenty thousand M III ??? HUI" were in a 50CIABILITY Such a ..?.?????, ? S · 1 · S · "hero of the Great War," one of the most daring aviators in the French "Two teams playing STUFF, for two ball players. thing game In Kentucl.y. of before in Tut·!« .Il | a »Il 1· » a of the and almost "a semlpro had never been heard army, drawing room wonder, pet boulevards," The score was 2 to 2 when the UÜHTON NA riilNAIJj of baseball. AU. H. H. PO. A. I gentleman and a good judge whiskey." home team went to bat in its And what would Anson's Colts be Mill· Kelly, c. t 1 0 t 1 1 Suddenly, an American Legion post I half of the ninth. The first man and the Hain ? Well·, aa. I 1 1 1 I 2 did In without the great Clarkaon H«ra Button, lb_ 1 1 1 I 1 t aiacovered that Jack Dempaey. punching recruits Into fighting up met the ball fairly and It Kelly? Clarkaon Hill Na«h, tb. 4 » I 7 S I avori·!'« wa» form at Yaphank." the dashing, spectacular John Merrill, lb.3 0 · · 1 heavyweight champion, started toward right field waa the Walter Johnson of hi· day, J..·- f They're »p??.« ?.,??.?. Hornunf, If.... 4 « 0 2 0 i **"a «lacker and a draft dodger," a fence. On Us way the ball split and King Kelly, though a catcher, Ink J..lui«!..?., rf 4 1 2 1 0 · The other the Home Tom man who hid behind a woman'« pet¬ day Sector.1 into two parts. One fell on the waa the Ty Cobb of the «ame era. Jlrown, rf. 4 0 I I · I hlch was the Stars and over¬ League Juhn «'larkauti, ?_ 4 ? o 0 4 : ticoat« when better men «ought Stripe· Held, the other part just cleared When the 1KH8 National seas, came out with a beautiful roast iraiorr the eyes of the base¬ on of the railing. opened, Total« .J2 4 ? IT 11 t death the battlefield« Europe for Jack Deinpaey and a hearty boost we >- on Philadelphia, out for Interference "The called for a ball world .Kelly The action of that one pos» waa for Georges Carpentler, which haa umpire upon where it was a foregone conclusion Philadelphia . 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 41.Ì copied by others here and there until started some folks in New York writ¬ ruling, scratched hie bead. At that the great battery of Clarkson Boatun . « 1 o · · 0 I 0 0.4 letters to the New York World. he decided that half of a Karned runa.Philadelphia. 2: Boaton, 1. the world's champion began to look ing last and Kelly would be pitted against Two-baa« lilla An.lruw«. VI ulve y, Naah. Hero's on·: home run liad been scored, and the Phllliea In the opening game. Jiihnatun atul llrovn. Home run.WihhI ilk« a craven coward when real cour¬ Il.ui.i- ? "Sporting Editor, the World. the hume team was given the vic¬ And who did Manager Harry 1?..11 tamul Naih and Morrlll wa» to be considered. "Like thousands of others who fol¬ Klrat un balla ??-? Kill (.I.WHON, t. age score of 2'/*. Wright, the Quaker City leader, pick uff I lilt her low I am Interested in tory by the to 2." Clarkion, by pit. Haatlai. And now, with the atorm of crltl- sports, the to oppose the great Clarkson but a Klrat un errur«.Philadelphia, t; floe tor clam brewing everywhere, certain proposed bout between Lack Dempsey little aawed off runt from ("aniden, 1. Struck ..m 111 I.I.I. \M>>, «; ?- and Georges Carpentler. I know to the name of Kid I'larksun. 2. Wild pit. b liU.IMI » men are to the defenae of who answered Time.? lo rising nothing about Dempsey» record as a Oleason? He had won the only Umpire.lui.un liemnaey Mike O'Dowd, world's mid¬ soldier, but I do know something Plully victory from the AthWIce In dleweight tltleholder and himself a about Georgea Carpentier'a. the Philadelphia city series, and, member of the American L«eglon, de¬ "For this reason I protest against therefore, deserved the honor of op¬ leafgue playera of '88 who still are se- the comparison msde In a magazine Clarkson. Uve In the big league«. fenda Dempsey. called the Home Sector, which seems posing Hora la < ..,,,1. .. 7«. J. ftflke Calla I« a M.»« to have gained wide circulation, be- I Here'· the Parallel. Kid Glea«oii was tween the two men. Imagine a powerful club like the born in Camden. "If· a shame." says Mike, "the way "Having serve« twenty-one months Red Sox buying Walter Johnson and N. J., on October 2D, 1865. and was mi I ALLSTAR a folks arc thr I know some¬ CHOICES treating Dempsey. In French army, then have Connie brought up in neighborhood where about Ray Schalk, and a had to his to am a member of the American Le¬ thing Oeorges Carpentler, hero, the Walter youngster fight way as the Home Sector calls him, and Mack of Athletics oppose recognition. The Kid ha« been gion, and, as one. will bay I do not with some unknown busher always would advise the editor and writer to Walter able to take care of himaelf, and de¬ think is what some folks and an exact to the Dcmpaey look more closely into his war record Bob Zuppke Says He "Slurred you have parallel spite his «ize there never was a bet¬ a'e to make him out to be. before it with others. It condition which existed In that Na¬ ter trying comparing in Phlla- two-fisted fighter in baseball. And "If conditlonc warranted, Dempsey was not quite as heroic .«r many West in Not Picking Oss for tional League opening game when he landed with those fist« It delphla on April 20, 1888. would have been with us over there, would have ua believe. was like the kirk from a mule. "A VOLUNTEER.'· All-Americans." Yet Gleason, who then weighted In his teens he to attract at¬ but most or the boys know what Jack which is than begun And Here's One Merc. only 140 pounds, lighter tention around Camden a« a pitcher, had to di-. He wanted to be in. W« his famous pnary pitcher of 1919. and in 1887 he "Sporting Editor, the World: the Clark- pitched for both WII- won the war, didn't we, and what Dickie Kerr.gave great liameport and Scranton. His work ui> "If the A. E. F. had been made up MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 24..Accusing a and was de-1 . lifference doe» it m-iU now If he Walter dean of American foot¬ son grand argument, there was «o good that in 1888 he was didn't solely of volunteers there would be Camp, feated in a close game by the errors the get in? involv¬ ball coaches and experts, of insin¬ Valuable Clements. signed l|y Phillies. "How many others are there who an entirely different question How School Teams Persistency of his own catcher, Johnny While the Boston Nationals were war record.
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