3 97 1 34YEARS 7 200 VOL. 34, No. 11 SERVING ANTHONY, VINTON, CANUTILLO, EAST MONTANA, HORIZON, SOCORRO, CLINT, FABENS, SAN ELIZARIO AND TORNILLO MARCH 15, 2007 NEWSBRIEFS Canutillo High School senior San Elizario High School senior from Juveniles beware The consequences teenagers face when qualifies for state computer exam Class of ’89 finally they agree to become “drug mules” and try to smuggle drugs from Mexico through receives diploma the International Ports of Entry can be se- By Kim Guzman vere. For several years now, drug dealers Special to the Courier By Cynthia P. Marentes have recruited teenagers from bars and Special to the Courier night clubs in Ciudad Juarez, offering them UPPER VALLEY — Victor Solis, Canutillo hundreds of dollars to drive cars loaded High School senior, qualified to take the State with drugs across the border. The dealers Computer Technician Exam by placing third SAN ELIZARIO — Yvette Garcia was not falsely claim that nothing will happen to in Computer Maintenance, one of over 70 con- unlike many parents. She worked hard de- them if they are caught because they are tests held recently during the Texas SkillsUSA voting most of her time to raising three chil- “underage.” The recruiting becomes par- competition at Western Technical College. dren. Yet there was something missing in her ticularly aggressive during spring break. More than 500 students from the surrounding life, something Yvette had put aside for many More El Paso teens than usual take advan- area school districts participated in the Re- years, at least since 1989. She had never re- tage of the off-school period to party in gional contests. ceived her high school diploma. Juarez during the break. “We need El Paso The computer maintenance event consisted One day Yvette was visiting San Elizario families to be aware that teens that get of a 50 question exam, similar to the A+ certi- High School to attend to some paperwork caught smuggling drugs might have to fication exam, and a timed computer assem- related to one of her daughters. She was un- spent months in Juvenile Detention Facili- bly test. Twenty five students from local area prepared for what happened next — she was ties, and in some cases, they can be sen- high schools competed in this event. presented with her high school diploma. tenced to serve several years in an adult Texas SkillsUSA is a non-profit youth orga- With the help and encouragement of a prison,” said El Paso County Attorney José nization that facilitates trade and industry edu- friend, Yvette had registered to take the math R. Rodríguez. cation and enhances public school curricula. portion of the TAAS test which was the only SkillsUSA prepares students for employment element she needed to fulfill in order to re- Distinguished by introducing them to corporate quality cul- ceive her diploma. Soon after testing, how- ture and emphasizes respect for the dignity of — Photo courtesy Canutillo ISD ever, she received a letter that notified her that performance work, high standards in trade ethics, superior she still needed to pass the test because she Frank Macias Elementary in the Clint In- COMPUTER TECH — Victor Solis, senior at workmanship, quality and safety. Canutillo High School, dismantles a com- was recorded as being absent on the test day. dependent School District is being recog- “This is the third year we have participated in puter as part of a class activity. Disappointed and a little unsure of herself, nized by the division of NCLB Program the competition, and this is the first year one of Yvette did not pursue the matter further. Coordination of the Texas Education our students has won a medal and has advanced trades and industry teacher. The state meet is The journey that finally lead Yvette to re- Agency as a Distinguished Performance to state competition,” said Jesica Arellano, CHS scheduled for March 28, in Corpus Christi. ceiving her diploma began back in 1989. At School. “The honor that has been be- that time Yvette was trying to finish school stowed to Frank Macias Elementary and adjust to being a mom to daughter comes as the exclamation point to all the Valerie who was just six months old. Al- hard work and dedication put forth for the Red Sands Elementary gets though she was allowed to walk at the gradu- children, parents, and community around ation ceremony, Yvette was not given her Frank Macias Elementary,” says Emi smart about Internet safety high school diploma. She needed to return Gonzalez, Frank Macias Elementary Prin- the following summer and pass the mandated cipal. This recognition for outstanding the workshops we found that about a third of TAAS test but she didn’t go back. Later academic performance goes to Title 1, Part By Laura Cade our 3-5th graders visit My Space. One student Yvette accompanied a friend to El Paso Com- A schools who meet the following crite- Special to the Courier had even invited a stranger to meet at his munity College and registered for classes, ria: Title1, Part A Campus 2004-2005, house,” says Michael Mackeben, Red Sands but again she never went back. She was too 2005-2006 and 2006-2007; 40% or more Keeping students safe is always a priority at Elementary Principal. For this reason, the embarrassed to tell anyone at the college that low-income in 2006-2007; Met Adequate the Clint ISD’s Red Sands Elementary and that school decided to provide the NetSmartz Work- she did not have her diploma. Yearly Progress (AYP) in 2005 and 2006; includes keeping students safe while they are shop to parents as well. Instead, Yvette concentrated on caring for Spring 2006 Exemplary; Spring 2004 and on the Internet. Officers Gerry Ceniceros and During the parent workshops, parents were Valerie and then her family grew with the 2005 Exemplary or Recognized. Frank Efren Pulido from Socorro ISD Police Services made aware of the types of dangers that chil- arrival of two more children, Stephanie and Macias Elementary, which has an enroll- were invited to the campus to educate all third, dren may encounter while on the Internet. The Adrian. Soon she began working, juggling ment of 1,040 students, is one of only two fourth and fifth grade students on how to be Internet does contain useful and educational still more responsibilities when she became Distinguished Performance Schools in safe while on the Internet using a program material. However, students may come across a single mom. Achieving her high school Region 19 and of 129 in the state. called NetSmartz Workshop. dangerous content such as sexually explicit diploma at that time was not a priority, and During the sessions, students were advised material, hate group web sites, promotional time passed. Water hazard by the NetSmartz program to never meet in material about drugs, graphic violence, and cult On that fateful day in January of this year Due to spring runoff and early release from person with anyone you first met on line; tell groups which are easily accessed on the when Yvette visited San Elizario High dams in New Mexico, the water levels in an adult you trust if you are scared, uncom- School, Ricardo Garza, Head Counselor at the American Canal are dangerously high fortable or confused; and ask parents before See SAFETY, Page 2 the high school, had organized an impromptu and the U.S. Customs and Border Protec- sharing any celebration for her. Garza and other school tion is issuing warnings to anyone who personal in- administrators brought in Yvette’s daughters, attempts to cross the waterways that par- formation. Valerie and Stephanie, to the office to hear allel the international boundary. On Sun- Officers the happy news. “They saw me there and day, a migrant was pulled under and swept Pulido and asked if they were in trouble. I showed them away by the undertow after entering the Ceniceros the diploma and they cried and told me they canal waters and was found alive an hour also advised were so happy for me,” she said. “I wanted later clinging to a drainage tube. The swift, students to prove to my kids that I could do it. That I high currents and other dynamics are suf- against visit- finished what I needed to,” added Garcia. ficient to pose a danger even to the best ing sites like Yvette’s children are also excelling, both swimmers. CBP agents have rescued 27 My Space. Valerie and Stephanie are members of the migrants in life-threatening conditions “Never give varsity volleyball at San Elizario High personal in- School. Valerie will soon be attending col- See BRIEFS, Page 4 formation. lege, possibly in Seattle. While Yvette’s There is no youngest, Adrian, is a student at Campestre way to tell Elementary. who you are But Yvette’s story does not end here. She Many people drive their car as if they talking to,” continues to pursue other goals like attend- were rehearsing for an accident. says Officer — Photo courtesy Clint ISD ing a computer literacy class through the San — Quips & Quotes Ceniceros. DANGEROUS WAVES — Officer Gerry Ceniceros, left, and Officer Efren “During Pulido spoke with students from Red Sands Elementary about Internet safety. See GRAD, Page 5 Page 2 WEST TEXAS COUNTY COURIER March 15, 2007 ings, even strips of machine gun One perspective rounds. By Francis Shrum Still, nothing I’ve ever experienced brought me as up-close-and-personal to unexploded ordinance as that lady in Rome last month who found a Explosive WWII vintage hand grenade nestled comfortably in her bag of potatoes. situations ANSA news agency said officials be- lieve the grenade was picked and Humans Wales, I admired her deeply for packaged with potatoes from a field love things choosing the global problem of in France — but it was anything but that go boom, make loud noises and landmines as her cause to champion.
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