Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84774-2 - Thucydides: The War of the Peloponnesians and the Athenians Edited and Translated by Jeremy Mynott Index More information Index of names References are to book, chapter and section. In the longer entries bold type indicates the more significant references. Subheadings are arranged in broadly chronological sequence. For major entries like ‘Athens’ and ‘Sparta’, see also synopsis of contents, pp. 614–22. For personal names, see also biographical notes, pp. xlv–liii and note on deities, pp. liv–lvi. Thucydides refers to 431 personal names in all (excluding those who only appear in patronymics or as signatories to agreements). Entries for places should be understood also to include their inhabitants, so Corinth/Corinthians come under the same heading. There are 631 place names in all (including both natural features like rivers and headlands and man-made features like forts, roads and mines, but excluding tribes and peoples). For proper names of festivals and months of the year, see general index. Abdera, city in Thrace II 29.1, 97.1 and Demosthenes (426–24) III 94.1–95.2, Abydos, city on the Hellespont VIII 61.1, 102.3–4, 105–114;IV77.2, 89.1, 62.1–3, 102.2–103.1, 104.1–2, 106.1, 101.3 107.2, 108.4 support for Athens in Sicilian expedition Acamantis, an Athenian tribe IV 118.11 (413)VII31.2, 57.10, 60.4, 67.2 Acanthus, city in Chalcidice IV 84–88, 114.3, see also Medeon, Oeniadae, Sollium, Stratus 120.3, 124.1;V18.5 Acesines, river in Sicily IV 25.8 Acarnan, eponymous hero of Acarnania II Achaea, region of northern Peloponnese I 102.6 115.1;II9.2, 66.1, 83.3, 84.3, 86.1; III Acarnania, region of western Greece 92.5;IV21.3;V82.1;VII34.1 traditions and expertise I 5.3;II81.8, see also Panormus, Patrae, Rhium (2) 102.1–103;VII67.2 Achaeans (Homeric name for Greeks) I 3.3;IV relations with Athens I 111.3;II7.3, 9.4, 120.1;VI2.3 30.1, 33.1–3;IV49 Achaea Phthiotis, a Thessalian dependency IV and Phormio (430–28)II68.7–8, 80.1–83.3; 78.1–5; VIII 3.1 III 7.1–3 Acharnae, Athenian deme II 19.1–23.1 640 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84774-2 - Thucydides: The War of the Peloponnesians and the Athenians Edited and Translated by Jeremy Mynott Index More information Index of names Achelous, river in western Greece II 102.2–6; Aetna, volcano in Sicily III 116.1–2 III 7.3, 106.1 Aetolia, region of western Greece I 5.3; III Acheron, river in Thesprotis (western Greece) 94.3–98.5, 100, 102.2, 106;IV30.1;VII I 46.4 57.9 Acherousian lake, in Thesprotis (western Agamemnon, Greek leader of Trojan Greece) I 46.4 expedition I 9.1–4 Achilles, legendary Greek warrior I 3.3 Agatharcidas, Corinthian general II 83.4 Acrae, city in Sicily VI 5.2 Agatharchus, Syracusan commander VII 25.1, Acraean crag, Sicily VII 78.5, 79.1–4 70.1 Acragas (1), city in Sicily (Agrigentum) V 4.6; Agesandridas, Spartan commander VIII 91.2, VI 4.4;VII33.2, 46.1, 50.1, 58.1 94.2, 95.3–7 Acragas (2), river in Sicily VI 4.4 Agesandrus, Spartan envoy I 139.3 Acropolis Agesippidas, Spartan commander V 52.1, Athens I 126;II13.3–5, 15.3–6, 17.1, 24.1; 56.1 V 18.10, 23.5, 47.11;VI55.1 Agis, king of Sparta Corcyra III 72.3 invasions of Attica (426, aborted) III 89.1; Inessa III 103.1 (425)IV2.1, 6.1 Acrothoi, a city in Chalcidice IV 109.3 signatory of Peace of Nicias (422/1)V19.2, Actaean cities, coastal Asia Minor IV 52.3 24.1 Acte, peninsula of Chalcidice IV 109.1; Argive campaigns (419,aborted)V54.1–3; V 35.1 (418)V57.1, 58.2–5, 60.1–4, 63.1–4, Actium, city in the Ambracian Gulf I 29.3, 65.2–6, 66.2–4, 71.1–3, 72.1, 73.2; 30.3 (417/16)V83.1 Admetus, king of Molossians I 136.2– occupation of Deceleia (413–11)VII19.1, 137.1 27.4–5; VIII 3.1, 5.3, 8.2, 70.2–71.3 Aeantides, son-in-law to Hippias VI 59.3 support for Euboea and Lesbos (413/12) Aegaleos, mountain in Attica II 19.1 VIII 5.1–4 Aegean Sea I 98.2;IV109.2 enmity with Alcibiades VIII 12.2, 45.1 Aegina, island in the Saronic Gulf I 14.3, 41.2, Agraea, region of Acarnania II 102.2; III 67.2, 105.2–4, 108.4, 139.1, 140.3;II 106.2–3, 111.4, 113.1, 114.2;IV77.2, 27.1–2, 31.1; III 64.3, 72.1;IV56.2, 57.4; 101.3 V 53, 74.3;VI32.2;VII20.3, 26.1, 57.2; Agrianians, a Thracian people II 96.3 VIII 69.3, 92.3 Alcaeus, Athenian archon V 19.1, 25.1 Aegitium, town in Aetolia III 97.2–3 Alcamenes, Spartan commander VIII 5.1–2, Aenesias, Spartan ephor II 2.1 8.2, 10.2–4, 11.3 Aenianians, tribe near Heracleia V 51.1 Alcibiades, Athenian statesman Aenus, city in Thrace IV 28.4;VII57.5 background, character and reputation V Aeolians, a Greek race (original inhabitants of 43.2–3;VI12.2, 15.2–17.1, 28.2–29.3, Corinth) III 31.1;IV44.2, 52.3;VII57.5; 61.1–7, 89.1–6; VIII 6.3, 13.1, 48.4, VIII 108.4 53.1–3, 86.4–8 Aeolian islands, off Sicily III 88.1–4, involvement in Argive war with Sparta 115.1 (420–16)V43.2–3, 45.1–4, 52.2, 53.11, Aeolis (1), region of Asia Minor III 31.1 56.3, 61.2, 76.3, 84.1 Aeolis (2), region of western Greece involvement in affair of Herms and Sicilian (previously Calydon) III 102.5 expedition (415)VI8.2, 28.2–29.3, 48, Aerae, city in Ionia VIII 19.4, 20.2 50.1, 53.1, 61.1–7 Aesimides, Corcyraean commander I 47.1 as adviser to Sparta (415–12)VI88.9–10, Aeson, Argive envoy V 50.3 89.1–93.1;VII18.1; VIII 6.3, 11.3–12.3, Aethaea, district of Messenia I 101.2 14.1–2, 17.1–2, 26.3, 45.1 641 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84774-2 - Thucydides: The War of the Peloponnesians and the Athenians Edited and Translated by Jeremy Mynott Index More information Index of names Alcibiades, Athenian statesman (cont.) Amyclae, place in Sparta V 18.10, 23.5 as intermediary between Tissaphernes, the Amyntas, son of Philip of Macedon II 95.3, army at Samos and Athens (412–11) VIII 100.3 45.1–54.2, 56.2–4, 63.4, 81.1–83.1, Amyrtaeus, king of the marsh people in Egypt 85.2–4, 86.4–8, 87.1, 88.1–89.2, 90.1, I 110.2, 112.3 97.3, 108.1–2 Anaceium, temple in Athens VIII 93.1 speeches V 45.2–4 (reported), 61.2 Anactorium, city at mouth of Ambracian Gulf (reported); VI 16–18, 89–92; VIII I 29.3, 46.1, 55.1;II9.2, 80.3, 80.5, 81.3; 45.2–46.4 (reported advice given), 81.2–3 III 114.3;IV49;V30.2;VII31.2 (reported), 86.1–7 (reported debate) Anaea, city on coast of Asia Minor III 19.2, see also exile, synopsis of contents 32.2;IV75.1; VIII 19.1, 61.2 Alcidas, Spartan admiral III 16.3, 26.1, 29–33, Anapus (1), river in Acarnania II 82 69.1–2, 76, 79.3, 80.2, 92.5 Anapus (2), river outside Syracuse VI 66.2, Alcinous, legendary hero III 70.4 96.3;VII42.6, 78.3 Alciphron, Spartan representative V 59.5 Anaxandrus, Theban commander VIII 100.3 Alcmaeon, legendary father of Acarnan II Anaxilas, tyrant of Rhegium VI 4.6 102.5–6; Alcmaeonid clan VI 59.4 Andocides, Athenian commander I 51.4 Alexander, king of Macedonia and father of Andocrates, Plataean hero III 24.1 Perdiccas I 57.2, 137.1;II29.7, 95.1, Androcles, Athenian popular leader 99.3 VIII 65.2 Alexarchus, Corinthian commander VII Andromedes, Spartan envoy V 42.1 19.4 Andros, Aegean island II 55.1;IV42.1;VI Alexicles, Athenian general VIII 92.4–6, 93.1, 96.3;VII57.4; VIII 69.3 98.1 colonies of IV 84.1, 88.2, 103.3, 109.3 Alexippidas, Spartan ephor VIII 58.1 Androsthenes, Arcadian Olympic winner V Alicyae, Sicel tribe VII 32.1 49.1 Almopia, district of Macedonia II 99.5 Aneristus, Spartan envoy II 67.1 Alope, place in Opuntian Locris II 26.2 Antandrus, city on coast of Aeolis in Asia Alyzia, place in Acarnania VII 31.2 Minor IV 52.3, 75.1; VIII 108.4–5, 109 Ambracia, region of western Greece I 26.1, Anthemus, place in Macedonia II 99.6, 27.2, 46.1, 48.4;II9.2–3, 68.1–9, 80.1–5; 100.4 III 102.6–7, 105–14, 114.3–4;VI104.1; Anthene, city in Cynouria (Peloponnese) V VII 7.1, 58.3; VIII 106.3 41.2 speech by herald III 113.3–4 Anticles, Athenian commander I 117.2 Ameinades, Athenian envoy II 67.2–3 Antimenidas, Spartan envoy V 42.1 Ameinias, Spartan commissioner IV 132.3 Antiochus, king of Orestians II 80.6 Ameinocles, Corinthian shipwright I 13.3 Antiphemus, Rhodian co-founder of Gela Amneas, Plataean soldier III 22.3 (Sicily) VI 4.3 Amorges, Persian rebel VIII 5.5, 19.2, 28.2–4, Antiphon, Athenian statesman VIII 68.1–2, 54.3 90.1–2 Ampelidas, Spartan envoy V 22.2 Antissa, city in Lesbos III 18.1–2, 28.3; VIII Amphilochia, region of western Greece II 23.4 68.1–9; III 102.6–7, 105–14 Antisthenes, Spartan commander VIII 39.1, Amphilochus, legendary founder of 61.2 Amphilochian Argos II 68.3 Aphitis, place in Chalcidice I 64.2 Amphipolis, city in Thrace I 100.3;IV Aphrodite, Greek goddess VI 46.3 102.1–109.1, 132.3;V6–11, 18.5, 21.1–3, Aphroditia, place in Laconia IV 56.1 35.3–5, 46.2, 83.4;VII9 Apidanus, river in Thessaly IV 78.5 Amphissa, place in Ozolian Locris III 101.2 Apodotians, a people in Aetolia III 94.5, 100.1 642 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84774-2 - Thucydides: The War of the Peloponnesians and the Athenians Edited and Translated by Jeremy Mynott Index More information Index of names Apollo, Greek god I 29.3;II15.4, 91.1; III 3.3, support for Athens in war in Ionia and Asia 94.2;IV90.1–4, 97–8;V23.5, 47.11, (412) VIII 25.1–3, 27.5, 86.8–9 53.1;VI3.1, 54.6–7;VII26.2; VIII 35.2 Argos (2), Amphilochian (western Greece) II at Delos I 13.6; III 104.1–5;IV76.4 68, 80.7; III 102.6–7, 105–14 at Delphi I 132.2;IV118.1;V18.2, 32.1 Arianthidas, Theban leader IV 91.1 see also Delphi, oracles Aristagoras, Milesian leader IV 102.2 Apollonia, coastal city in Illyria
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