Election of Convention Committee Members at Chicago [Sept. 1-2, 1919] 1 Election of Standing Committee Members at the Emergency National Convention of the Socialist Party of America, Chicago — Sept. 1, 1919. From the uncorrected Proceedings of the National Convention of the Socialist Party at Machinists’ Hall, 113 S. Ashland Blvd., Chicago, IL. State Historical Society of Wisconsin, micro 2094, reel 1, pp. 397-431. [Third Day.] Rubenstein, of Michigan; [Jacob] Salutsky, of New York; [Victor] Annalla, of Massachusetts. Monday, September 1, 1919. On motion made, the nominations were closed. 8 o’clock pm. The following comrades declined the nominations: Comrades Karlin, Kruse, Tennyson, Haller, Salut- The convention was called to order by Chairman sky, Germer, and Annalla. [Daniel] Hoan [WI]. Comrade Salutsky: I want to know by what au- Comrade [Seymour] Stedman [IL]: I think, by thority and in whose behalf the typewritten sheet with the expedition of business, we could proceed this a slate of the membership for every committee to be evening to nominate and elect the members of the elected is being distributed right here? This was handed various committees, and it will be less fatiguing and to me by a delegate. I wish to know it for the reason less exhausting than taking up, perhaps, one or two of that, in the course of the proceedings this forenoon the reports. For that reason, I wish to make the mo- and this afternoon, in speaking on the foreign federa- tion that we proceed to nominate and elect a commit- tions, one of the most important things discussed was tee on platform and constitution and finance, as far as the question of just such a slate of delegates. we can go in a reasonable length of time. Chairman Hoan: Who handed it to you? Seconded. Comrade Salutsky: Comrade Germer. Motion carried. Chairman Hoan: Did you ask him? Chairman Hoan: The first order is the election Comrade Salutsky: I am asking the Chairman, of a Committee on Constitution. is this part of business? The following comrades were nominated to serve Chairman Hoan: No, it is not. on the Committee on Constitution: Comrade Salutsky: I would like the Chair to Comrades [Birch] Wilson, of Pennsylvania; [Milo] announce that no part of the convention or any con- Jones, of New Jersey; [Harry] Edlin, of Connecticut; stituted part of this convention has anything to do [William] Karlin, of New York; [Julius] Gerber, of New with this slate business. We condemned the slate busi- York; [Charles] Noonan, of New York; [William] Brandt, ness very definitely in the course of our discussion this of Missouri; [Louis] Marcus, of Massachusetts; [Ida] afternoon. Beloof, of Kansas; [John] Doerfler, of Wisconsin; [Will- A comrade: A point of order. There is nothing iam] Kruse, of Illinois; [W.K.] Tennyson, of Arkansas; before the house. [Frederick] Haller, of Maryland; [M.] Shadid, of Okla- Comrade Kruse: I want to ask one question: homa; [Oliver] Wilson, of Illinois; [Adolph] Germer, of whether it is a fact that the National Office stenogra- Illinois; [Mrs. E.S.] Cohen, of Washington, DC; [A.] phers were used in the typewriting of that slate that 1 2 Election of Convention Committee Members at Chicago [Sept. 1-2, 1919] was handed out. slate as proposed by the committee be unanimously Comrade [Alexander] Braunstein [NY]: A elected, because they will be elected anyway. point of order. Chairman Hoan: Is there any objection to the Comrade [John] Block [NY]: I want to know reading of a telegram which the delegate desires to send? whether the Jewish Federation ever heard of slates in Comrade [Alexander] Trachtenberg [NY]: I the Jewish Federation. have the following telegram to be sent to L.A. Mar- A comrade: I move that this slate be read to the tens, representative of the Russian Soviet Government: delegates. The Socialist Party of America in National Emergency Comrade Stedman: I object. Hand it to the del- Convention assembled sends you fraternal greetings and egates, and let them read it themselves. wishes you success in your endeavors to establish friendly relations between the peoples of the United States and Comrade [James] Oneal [NY]: I protest, be- Soviet Russia, of which you are an accredited representative. cause I am included in the slate. May I withdraw from We may assure you that the Socialist Party will do all in its that? power to rally the support of the American workers to the aid of the proletarian republic which is an inspiration to the A comrade: I would like the delegates to repu- Socialist movement of the world. diate every name on this slate. Socialist Party of America. Comrade [Victor] Berger [WI]: Point of order. Let’s vote. Comrade Trachtenberg: I move that we send Chairman Hoan: There are 13 names, and you the telegram. will vote for 11. I will appoint Comrades [William] Seconded. Carried. Coleman, of Wisconsin; [Charles] Solomon, of New Comrade [William] Van Essen [PA]: I move York; and [Edward] Haydon, of Pennsylvania, as tell- that any ballot that does not contain the vote for 11 ers. be cast out. (Cries of “No!”) Comrade [Abraham] Shiplacoff [NY]: Does the Chairman Hoan: Every delegate has a right to rule passed yesterday that we sign our name on the vote for less than 11, if he so desires. outside of the ballots count tonight? Comrade [Theresa] Malkiel [NY]: In regard to Chairman Hoan: Sign your ballot anywhere, this slate, I happened to be at the meeting when the but sign them. matter was discussed, and I think I can clear the whole Comrade Berger: Sign them on the back. matter up. I would like to be heard on this matter of Comrade Block: We have several committees to the slate. elect. I think we ought to make provision on these Chairman Hoan: I will declare the ballots ballots so that we may right down the names of all the closed. One of the comrades wants the floor with ref- committees, and vote for those one after the other, erence to the slate. What is the pleasure of this con- and then let the tellers go out and count them. Other- vention? wise, you will be here until I don’t know when on this Comrade [Louis] Waldman [NY]: I move that question of electing members of committees. she be granted the floor. Comrade Berger: That can be done tonight. Seconded. Carried. When the Chairman said you can sign them wherever Comrade [Algernon] Lee [NY]: When the com- you pleased, you will mix all the signatures with the rade over here [Salutsky] first raised the question, I names of the candidates. I suggest that the names be tried to get the floor. The question was asked, who signed on the back of the ballots. was responsible for sending lists of names yesterday Chairman Hoan: All in favor of signing them for nomination and election to the committees to be on the back of these ballots, will so manifest by saying made. I want to say that I was about [sic.] one person “aye.” responsible. I estimate that there was about a hundred Motion carried. persons who attended an open meeting at which vari- Chairman Hoan: See that you do it, or your ous questions of the convention were openly discussed. ballot will be thrown out. I don’t know of anyone who wasn’t there, or who Comrade [Rose] Weiss [NJ]: I move that the [hasn’t] been present in some of the meetings. Election of Convention Committee Members at Chicago [Sept. 1-2, 1919] 3 Chairman Hoan: Persons or delegates? Chairman Hoan: I will rule the motion out of Comrade Lee: Delegates. I suppose every del- order. egate in this convention, if he ever attended any con- Comrade Kruse: I appeal from the decision of vention — state, national, or any other convention in the Chair. the party — but what he has participated in such a Chairman Hoan: The next order of business thing. I would say it [would be] the height of folly if, before this convention is the election of a Committee whenever we have a convention, we should think we on Resolutions and Party Principles. There are 15 will not go into it as an organized body, that we should members to be elected, and nominations are now in not think and think together, and think in such groups order. as we can, and exchange ideas and come as far as we Comrade Kruse: I appeal from the decision of can to a plan of action. You will understand that no the Chair. delegate surrenders his right of independent judgment. Comrade Waldman: Had there not been any- If I thought, as an individual member of the conven- thing on the paper distributed [to] some 70 delegates, tion, when the time came that such a decision was one I might not have said anything in making the nomi- that would be injurious to the interests of the party, I nation I am going to make. would by no means consider myself bound. I suppose Comrade [George] Goebel [NEC]: Will New that is the attitude of every sincere and genuine social- York sit down and allow us to nominate our commit- ist. On the other hand, I by no means think that we tees? can come into our seats and act absolutely and indi- Comrade Waldman: I want to make a nomina- vidually upon the spur of the moment, when the oc- tion and, in view of the statement, I feel that if that casion arises. For my own part, and I think I can speak nomination is to meet with any success, I must say a for several of you who were there, I haven’t any apol- few words on him before placing his name.
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