REGD.GOA-5 t Panaji, 2nd March, 2000 (Phalguna 12, 1921) \\t,/ SERIES I No. 49 . "'" OFFICIAL~W1GAZETTE. ~- -! - . GOVERNMENT OF GOA GOVERNMENT OF GOA 2. Amendment of' rule 2.- In rule 2 of the Goa Sales Tax Rules, 1964, in clause (e) after the existing Department of Finance proviso, the following proviso shall be inserted, namely.- Revenue and Expenditure Division "Provid"d further that the Sales Tax Officer/ Assis­ tant Sales Tax Officer posted in the office of the Commissioner of Sales Tax, Panaji, shall be the c Appropriate Assessing Authority in respect of such Notification dealers and for such purposes, including registrations, 5/13/95-Fin (R&C) assessment, re-assessment, recovery, enforcement. etc .. as the Commissioner or any other Officer authorised Whereas certain draft rules further to amend the Goa by him not below the rank of Assistant Commissioner Sales Tax Rules\ 1964, were published as reguired by of Sales Tax, may, by a special or general order, sub-section (I) of section 36.of the Goa Sales Tax Act, specify." - 1964 (Act 4 of 1964), in the Official Gazette, Series I No. 40, dated 30-12-1999, under Notification By order and in the name of the Governor of Goa. No. 5/13/95-Fin (R&C) dated 21-12-1999 of the 1. F. A. Rodrigues, Under Secretary (Fin. Exp.). Department of Finance, Revenue and Control Division, Panaji, ~3rd February, 2000. inviting objections and suggestions from all persons likely to be affected thereby, before the expiry of thirty days from the date of publication of the said Notification in Amendment the Official Gazette; 12/7/86-Fin(R&C) And whereas the said Gazette was made available Read:- Government Order No. 12/7/86- c to the public on 30-12-1999; -Fin(R&C) dated 6-9-1996. Government is pleased to issue the following 'am~nd­ And whereas no objections and suggestions have ment to para I (i) and para 3(i) of the above orde~ as been received from the public on the said draft by the follows:- Government. I(i) For:- "Employees of State Government of Goa seeking absorption in Autono­ Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred ,mous Bodies under the State Govern­ by section 36 of the Goa Sales Tax Act, 1964 (Act ment of Karnataka;· and", 4 of 1964) and all other powers enabling it in that behalf, the Government of Goa hereby makes the following rules Read:- '\Employ!O'es cif State Government of Goa seeking absorption in the service so as to further amend the Goa Sales Tax Rules, 1964, of Government of Karnataka and namely:- Autonomous Bodies under the State Government of Karnataka; and". I. Short title and COlnmencement.- (I) These rules . 3(i) For:- "Employees of Sfa{e Government of may be called the Goa Sales Tax (Amendmeltt) Rules, Karnataka who have been allowed to 2000. be .absorbed in the service of Autono­ mous Bodies under the Government (2) They shall come into force at once. of Goa; and", .--'", . n78 OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA 'fRIES I No. 49 2ND MARCH. 2000 Read:- "Employees of State Government of 3. The National Commission for Backward Classes Karnataka who have been allowed to have recommended names of castes/communities (includ­ be absorbed in the service of ing sub-castes/synonyms) for inclusion/amendment in the Government of Goa and of Autono­ Central Lists of OBCs in respect of Andhra Pradesh, mous Bodies under the Government Bihar, Chandigarh, Goa, Gujarat, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya of Goa; and" . Pradesh, Orissa, Pondicherry, Punjab, Rajasthan, Sikkim, . TarnilNadu, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal. By order and in the name of the Goyernor of yoa. The' Governmenr have accepted the recommendations of the'Commission and have decided to notify annexed J. F. A. Rodrigues. Under Secretary (Fin. Exp.) inclusions/amendments in the Central. Lists of OBCs in re'spect of aforesaid States/UT~. These inclusions/amend­ Panaji, 9th February, 2000. ments shall take. effect from the date of issue of' this Resolution. --+++-- DHARMENDRA DEO, Jt. Secy. Department of Law and Judiciary ANNE:iruRE Legal Affairs Division Inclusion!Amendment in Central List of Other Backward Classes (OBCs) in respect of under mentioned Notification StateslUTs: 10-4-99/LA I. Andhra Pradesh 2. Bihar The following Resolution No. 12011l88/98-BCC 3. Chandigarh dated 6-12-1999 received from the Government of India, 4. Goa Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, New Delhi, 5. Gujarat is hereby published for general information of the pUblic. 6. Karnataka 7. Kerala P. V. Kadneker. Joint Secre.tary (Law). K Madhya Pradesh 9. Orissa Panaji, 16th February, 2000. 10. Pondicherry II. Punjab 12. Rajasthan MINISTRY OF SOCIAL JUSTICE <. 13. Sikkim EMPOWERMENT 14. Tamil Nadu 15. Tripura Resolution 16. Uttar Pradesh 17. Wesl Bengal New Delhi. the 6th December, 1999. No. 120 11/88/98-BCC.- The Government of India, Names of Castes/Communities (including sub~castesl \ ide the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and synonyms) in the Central list of OBCs. I'ension (Department of Personnel and Training) OM No.' 36012122/93-Estt. (SCT), dated the 8th September, State Am/lira Pradesh: Central Lis! (~l aBCs 1993, have reserved 27% of vacancies in Civil posts and services under the Central Government, to be filled SI. No. Old Entry New Entry through direct recruitment, in favour of the Other Backward Classes (OBCs). In this regard the lists in 2 respect of 26 States/UTs h,we been notified vide Ministry of Welfare Resolutions' No. 12011/68/93-BCC (C) I. Nil 101. Gajula Balija 'dated the 10th September. 1993, No. 12011/9/94-BCC (who are traditionally dated the 19th October. 1994 No. 1201117/95-BCC assocr-ated with selling of dated the 24th May, 1995, No. 12011/96/94-BCC bangles). dated the 9th. March, 1996, No. 12011/44/96-BCC dated the 6th December, 1996, No. 12011/99/94-BCC State Bihar: . Celltral List of OBCs dated the .11th December, 1997 and No. 12011/68/98- -BCC dated the 27th October, 1999. I. 32. Gangai 32. Gangai (Ganesh). (Nagesh). 2. The National Commission for Backward Classes 2. 83. Kalwar 124. (a) KalwaI' was set up under the provisions of the National Commis­ (synonym (b) Kalal, sion for Backward Classes Act, 1993 to entertain, examine of Sudi). Eraqui. and recommend upon the requests for inclusion and complaints of over inclusion and under inclusion in the 3. 90. Mallah 90. Mallah (Surhiya, Kowat Central List of Other Backward Classes. (Surhia). Murawari). ~{ - OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA 679 SERIES I' No. 49 2ND MARCH, 2000 SI. No. Old Entry . New Entry SI. No . Old Entry New Entry 2 3 . 2 3 State Karnataka: Central List of OBCs 4. Nil 125. Kul~hia. !. 22. Golla, 22. Golla. 5. Nil 126. Shershahbadi. Gouli, Gouli, Gopal. ,Lingayat gowli/Gaulil 6. Nil 127. Sukiyar. Yadav, IKawadiga. Asthana- Gopal, UT (~f Chandigarh: Central Lis' of OBes golla. Yadava, Yadav, I. Nil 59. SunarlSwarnakar. Adavigo)la, Asthanagolla, Gopala, Yadava. Stare Goa: Central List of OBCs Gopali. Adavigolla, Gopala. I. Nil 12. , Mahar (excluding Gopali. those who are already included in SC List). 2. 40. Nandhiwala 40. N,andiwala C Full M~li 177. Full-Mali 2. Nil 13. Pagui. Baghban. Bagban 3. Nil 14. Velip. Bagwan 3. 53. Medari. 53. Medari. State Gujarat: Central List of OBCs Burud. Lingayilt Medhar. Gauriga. Burud. I. 9. Bharward 9. Bharwad Medara. Gauriga. Motabhai (except where they are Medara. Bharwad STs) 4. 55. Agasa. 55. Agasa, Nanabhai Mota Bhai Bharwad Sakala, Lingaya! Agasa, Bharwad. Nanabhai Bharwad Madivalal Sakala, Gadaria. Madivaluru, MadivalaIMadwalaru Sakalavadu. Lingayat Madivala. 2. 27. Julaya 27. Julaya, . Tsakala. Sakalavadu, Garana, Garana Chakala, Tariya and Tariya, Tsakala. Vannan, Chakala, Tari (all Tari and Dhobi, Vannan, Muslim). Ansari (All Muslim). Dhobi, C Parit, Parit, 3. Nil 84. Kumbhar Rajaka. Rajaka. (Prajapati. Varia). 5. 85. Ouray, 85. Guray. 4. Nil 85. LakharaILakhwaral Ourov. ' Lingayat Gurav. ILaxkar. Tambli. Gurov, ' Tamballa. Tambli, . 5. Nil 86. Koshti. Gurava, Tamballa, Gurou. Gunlva. ' Gurou; 6. Nil 87. Swakul Sali/Sali. 6. 92. Hoovadiga, 92. Hoova~iga, 7. Nil 88. Kalal. Hugar, Hugar, Hoogar; Hoogar', 8. Nil 89. Vanza(Darji) Maalgar. Lingayat Hugar/ Mali, Hoogara! . Darji/Sai Sutar. .Poolmali. Hoogaran . Phulmali. Maalgar, 9. Nil 90. Mistri (Suthar/Sutar). Phulari, Lin~aya:t' Malgar. Poolari. Mali, LO. Nil 91. Luhar/Lohar/Pancha!. Jeer. Phoolmali, Phulmali, II. Nil 92. Mahia (Maiya). Phulari, Phoolar;, 12. Nil 93. Rajbhar, Bhar. Jeer, 13. Nil 94. Chhipa. Lingaya! .leer. 680 OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA SERIES I No. 49 2ND MARCH, 2000 SI. No. Old Entry New Entry SI. No. Old Entry New Entry 2 3 2 3 7. 106. Kanisan, 106. Kanisan Sai, Lingayat Simpy Kaniyar Kaniyar. Mirai, Sivasimpy, Kaniyaru, Kaniyur, Rangari, Sai, Kaniya, Kaniya, Rangrez, Mirai, KaniyaH, Kaniyan, Nilari, Rangari, (Oth~r than (Other than Kollegal Namdev, Rangrez, Kollegal Namdev Simpi Nilari, Taluqa of Taluqa of Mysore Rangare, Namdev . Mysore District) Neelagar. Namdev Simpy. District) Rangare. Kanyan. Kanyan Neelagar, Balyaya. Lingayat Neelagar. 112. Kumbara, 112. Kumbra, 12. 158. Devanga, 158. pevanga, Kummara, Kummara, Devang, Devang, ~ Khumara, Khummara, Koshti, Koshti, Kumbhar, Kumbhar, Hutgar/Hutkar, Hutgar/Hutkar, Khumbhar Khumbhar Jed, Jed, Kusavan, Lingayat Kumbarl Winkar, Lingayat Bilijedarul Kulala. Kumbara Julohi, Jeda, Kulalar Kusavan Hulkar, Winker, Moolya. Kulala Hatgar. Juloha, Kulalar, Hulkar, Moolya. Hatgar, 9. 113. Kurba, 113. Kubra (Except in Coorg Lingayat Hatgar. District) Kurub. Kurub, 13. 159. Neygi, 159. Neygi, Kurab, Kurab, Kuruhina- Lingayat Neygi/Nekarl Kuruban. Kuraban, .etty, Neygi, Kurumban, Kurumbim, Bilimagga, Kuruhinasetty, . Kurumba, Kurumba, Thogata, Lingayat Halumatha, Lingayat Kurubal Kuruhinashetty, Dhangar, kurubaru, Bilarwad, Halumatha, Soniga, Bilimagga, Co" ~ Gorava. Dhangar, Jamkhana, Lingayat Bilimagga. Bharwad, Ayiri, Thogata, Gorava. Avir, Soniga. Sale, Jamkhana.
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