Unrestricted TO: EXECUTIVE MEMBER FOR CULTURE, CORPORATE SERVICES AND PUBLIC PROTECTION 21 MAY2012 Consultation on the Parks and Open Spaces Strategy and Greenspace Quality Improvements Programme (Director of Environment Culture and Communities) 1 PURPOSE OF REPORT 1.1 To seek approval to consult on the Parks and Open Spaces Strategy prior to adopting. A key feature of the strategy is to raise quality standards for recreational green spaces across the borough to be funded using S106 developer contributions. Therefore the consultation will include liaising with key groups and individuals to help prioritise and target the improvements programme. Subject to the consultation, the intention is to seek approval for the strategy in August 2012. 2 RECOMMENDATION(S) 2.1 That the Executive Member for Culture, Corporate Services and Public Protection approves that consultation is carried out on the draft Parks and Open Spaces Strategy. This includes consulting on the allocation of S106 developer contributions to carry out site quality improvements. 3 REASONS FOR RECOMMENDATION(S) 3.1 To provide further opportunity for parish and town councils, ward members, local community representatives and other organisations to contribute to the setting of key objectives and actions to safeguard and enhance the Authority’s parks and open spaces. 3.2 Alongside the new parks and open spaces strategy, consultation will focus on proposals to deliver site quality improvements to be funded using developer contributions already secured under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 3.3 Both the strategy and related quality improvements programme will directly and positively contribute to achieving local priorities. The Bracknell Forest Sustainable Community Strategy 2008-2014 identifies the importance of the green landscape and accessible facilities. Preserving our green heritage is highlighted within the Community Strategy as being central to the future development of the area, as is the significance of providing a range of ways to spend leisure time. One of the key priorities is A Desirable Place: Protecting the Environment. 3.4 Medium Term Objective 3 for Bracknell Forest Council is to Keep Bracknell Forest clean and green, including work to: • maintain our open spaces to a high standard • increase the amount of green space that is accessible to residents” Medium Term Objective 6 is to Support opportunities for health and well being: • support sports activities and facilities within the Borough Unrestricted 4 ALTERNATIVE OPTIONS CONSIDERED 4.1 To not carry out additional consultation on the Parks and Open Spaces Strategy and quality improvements programme. This would result in a reduction to overall value by missing out on the opportunity to benefit from local knowledge and expertise. Support from local organisations and individuals is considered to be of high importance in continuing to deliver high quality parks and open spaces. 4.2 Whilst there is no legal requirement to produce a Parks and Open Spaces Strategy, such a document is considered to be particularly important in providing an effective service that meets the needs of local residents. An adopted strategy will also support action to seek future investment from external organisations such as grant aiding bodies and the private sector. 5 SUPPORTING INFORMATION 5.1 Provision of and access to public open space is recognised as being a key contributor to well-being, the quality of life and central to: • The character of the built environment • Social functions; especially health, recreation and play, social inclusion, and community development • Environmental quality • Economic vitality • Sustainability 5.2 The importance is such that creation, protection and management of public open space is recognised within a broad legislative framework and is also imbedded within key policy documents at a national and local level. 5.3 The draft Parks and Open Spaces Strategy (attached as Annex 1) has been compiled following an extensive period of research and initial consultation with local representatives through the Local Countryside Access Forum and also with Town and Parish Councils through the Parks and Public Realm Forum. This includes work previously carried out by BFC in accordance with Planning Policy Guidance 17 Planning for Open Space, Sport and Recreation. 5.4 The draft strategy focuses on the themes of Quantity; Quality and Use. This includes assessing standards of provision; activities and functions; and community involvement. Key objectives proposed are: A. Provision : Protect and establish public open space for recreation, play, sport, health, biodiversity, heritage and climate change adaption that is appropriate to need; strategically located; and adaptable to future requirements B. Maintenance : Provide safe and welcoming public open space; attain and improve quality standards C. Use and Enjoyment : Make sure public open space supports well-being; encourages participation; and facilitates social inclusion Unrestricted 5.5 Of greatest importance is sustaining and raising quality standards, together with the provision of well located parks and open spaces that are of a sufficient size to meet the recreational demands of a growing residential population. This needs to be achieved in the context of increasing pressure to reduce public expenditure, alongside encouraging greater community ownership and involvement. 5.6 Funding has been secured in accordance with adopted planning policy. Of particular significance is Limiting the Impact of Development Supplementary Planning Document (ref. Chapter 4 Open Space and Outdoor Recreational Facilities) and the ‘Plus One’ principle whereby works are prioritised towards improving quality as initially audited in 2006. Quality criteria are defined within the draft strategy. 5.7 In raising quality standards, the intention is to deliver the improvements programme in a phased approach. Funding for Phase 1 has been secured and totals £353,312; the target would be for this to be completed by March 2015. Phase 2 funding is also secured and totals £562,289; this would run up until March 2019. A summary of the contributions are attached as Annex 2. Further phases (beyond 2018/19) may also be feasible subject to securing new contributions. 5.8 In addition to being secured to fund quality improvements, there is a requirement that Developer contributions are allocated to open spaces capable of serving the development from which the contribution was paid. This means that the available funding needs to be allocated to a site within close proximity. For Phase 1, timescales are shortest and so sites have already been identified and funding provisionally allocated (subject to the consultation). The intention is to identify sites for Phase 2 as part of the consultation process, providing further opportunity for local organisations and individuals to propose suitable projects. 5.9 Consultation will specifically include: • Town and Parish Councils. The next meeting of the Parish Parks and Public Realm Forum has been booked for 29 May 2012 • The Environment, Culture and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Panel. The next meeting is proposed for 17 July • The Access Advisory Panel; to include a site visit to South Hill Park on 13 June • In writing to relevant Bracknell Forest Council Ward Councillors • In writing to members of the Local Countryside Access Forum representing land owners / managers, and recreation interests / users (following on from discussion at previous meetings) • In writing to other relevant Council services via the respective heads of service e.g. Spatial Policy, Development Management, Corporate Property, Community Engagement and Equalities, Environmental Services, Leisure Services, Early Years Childcare and Play, Youth Service, Older People and Long Term Conditions • Environment Culture and Communities Departmental Management Team. The strategy is on the meeting agenda for 3 July. Unrestricted In addition, the draft strategy and information on the quality improvements programme will be made available publically via the Council website. A press release will be sent out to help publicise the opportunity for local groups and individuals to provide feedback. 6 ADVICE RECEIVED FROM STATUTORY AND OTHER OFFICERS Borough Solicitor 6.1 Nothing to add to the report. Borough Treasurer 6.2 The costs of consultation can be met from within existing approved budgets. Funding sources for the delivery of the strategy have been identified in section 6. Allocation of resource post consultation will be subject to a future report. Equalities Impact Assessment 6.3 A full EIA for the Parks and Countryside service (dated March 2009) has been published on the BFC website. This encompasses the key activities covered by the draft Parks and Open Spaces strategy and associated site quality improvements. This EIA is being reviewed and will be updated as part of the consultation process which will include liaison with the Access Advisory Panel. A new screening will be produced as part of the plan approval process. Strategic Risk Management Issues 6.4 This report relates specifically to consulting on the draft Parks and Open Spaces strategy and quality improvements programme. Subject to the results of this consultation, a further report will be considered in July / August to seek approval. Appendix 5 of the draft Parks and Open Spaces Strategy (attached as Annex 1) summarises the risk assessment for the Parks and Open Spaces strategy. This will be reviewed as part of
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