(!111tttttttn Page COLl.EGE C.\I.E "1l.\IL. 5 OFFICERS: The Board of Trustees ........................... 7 Officers of the Board of Trustees .......... 8 Administratiye Officers of the Institute ............ 8 Adyison' Council ..................................... 9 Research Associ a tes ....................................... 9 Officers and Committees of the Faculty........... 10 11 HISTOlUC.\L SKETCH ............................................... 31 EDUCA'l'IOXAL POLTCIES ................ 33 HEQI'IRE31EXTS FOR AD)l1S81OX .... 36 BCILDIXG A~D EDUC"-\TIOX~\I, FACILITIES 41 EXPE)i'SES 47 REGIS'l'RA'l'IOX AXD GENERAL REGUL\TlOXS 50 SCHOLASTIC GIUDIXG AXD RE(}UIllE31E "T8 .... 59 EXTRA-CURRICULU:U OPPORTUXITIES .. 57 SCH OJ.. \RSII IPS .\ XD PRTY.ES ...... 60 NEW COcl!SES IX GEOLOGY XXD PAT,EOX'l'OLOGY 66 GRADUATE STUDY AND RESE.\ltcII: Graduate Staff ........................... 79 Information and Regulations ......................... 75 Description of Advanced Subjects......................... 89 Publications .................................................................... 98 DESCRIPTlOX OF l!XDERGRADU"\'l'E AXD FIF'l'H-YE,\R CorH8Es: Engineering- Courses ______ . ________ . __________________________ . __________ . ____________ . 104. Courses in Science________________________________________________________________________ . 106 Hequirements for Graduation __________ . 108 Schedules of Fndergraduate Courses____ 109 Description of l!ndergraduate Subjects 133 DEGREES .\XIl HOC'i'OR8, 19]5 ______________ . 186 ROSTER OF STL'DEXTS 189 I XDEX __________________________________ __ 207 Q;::ulrttllur ---- -- - - - - ~-- ---~- ------ ----- ---- -- -- -- -- - -- --- - - -- JANUAR~-~9~~~1 JAKUARY 1~~~_ J~__ ~i~I~I~lli~iiI1 ~1'~I~I~lili'5 ~!~!~i~l~I~I~1 ~11~11.]~I~liI1 10111112\1314115116 11121131411511617 9111°111112113114115 10111121'13/1415\16 17118 l!J 20 21122123 181'1912012112212324 16,1718 19\20121122 171 U 19,2012W2123 ~iI25i:6t/:8i29i~~ 25\:~/~:12~/~9i3~ 31 W~~i~:'E ~W5 26i27128i2~i3~ ~1;Elrl~i21~\.~· .11 2 3 4 516 ~\~AI11~1~1~1~112 3 4 51 6 7.. ~ ;EI1RI;I!:111~'.. 1 2 3 4 5 ~. ~t~I~U~{I~1 2 3 4 5 ~ 6 7 8191101112]3 8 9'10111211314 6 7 8 9101112 7 8 910111213 H 151617 1819\20 151161171'181191'201211314115/1611718119 141516,17181920 ~~I:~I:~I'~~I~~'~~I:: §~I~gi~i ~~I~~ ::I~S ~~ ~~12: :31~:1251~6 ng~gl~i ~~I~~:: ~ .1,.1, .. ,../. ... , ... I.J.\ .. I." .. ,. ,.I,.I.I,J.I.,. ,1 .. /".·· ... MARCH SEPTEMBER MARCH SEPTEMBER S i~12\~121~\~ ~1~12f~I~I~I~ ~~121~~PI~I~ ~IMI21~i!i-':l~ 31415 6 .•.. \,' 4 .... 112131415,,1 .. 1.... 1213 ·7·~1112 8 9110111112113 5 617 8:\J 91'10 ,11 6 7 8 9101112 4 5 617 8 910 141151617181920 12113114151161'111813141516171819 11 12 13114 1511611" 2122231241252627 192021122123,2412520121122232425\26 18/1912012112223124 2829130311. '\' .1.' 26: 27 1!!8 1 29 30/ ... , 27128,29301311. ·1·· 2526127128/29/'30 . , · . \" \' . i. '\' .. .. ,.1 ... .1. ....... ,.1., I. ,I. ,1 ,.:J_,'_. , ,1·.1""."" , -s ......1~(fl~II~I~I~ ,. 1 213 ~1~!2)~)1~I~.,I .. .. ,." .. 11 " ~1~1~~i~I":I~... , .,1.'1 .. 1 2 ~1~I~TI~i1~1~. ' ... ··1··" 1 41 5 61 71 8 9110 3) 4 51 61 71 8\ B ~ 4 5 6 7 8 9 21 3 4 5 6 7 8 1111211311411516117 10111213141511610111121314,1516j 9101111121314 If 181191201212212324 17118/19120121122123 171R119120i21122123 16/'1718/1912021122 2~i2~tl~812913~ :: ~il~~I~~12:!:~I~~130 2:12512~12:,~81~9 30 ~g ~i 2~i~~i~:I~~ ~~ --~AY NOVEMBER MAY NOVEMBER ~1~121~121'::1~ ~1~12~/21'::~. ~1~12\~1~\~1~ ~~12~ T F S I I 1 1 .. 111 2 31 415 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ,. .• 1 2 3 4 5 2! 3·4 '(; .i; '71 8 7 81 9 10 1112 13 81 910 11 12113 14 6 718 9 10 11 12 9101111121131415 14115161711819201516117118192021 1314151.6171819 1617181912°121122 21122!23 24125 26 27222324252627128 20212223242526 23 24'12526272829 28/29!30 . ·1· ./. ·1·' 29 30 3] ., ,./., I·' 272829\30 . ·1· . 30131" .. 1,.1"1,, ... /,.1,·,,· ,. , .. 1,· ,.1·1·· " .,.1 ..... JUNE DECEMBER JUNE DECEMBER ~i~I~II~I~I'::I~ ~\~121~121!1~ ~1~21~12:1~1~ ~1~12~121~1~ ·.1" 111 213 4 5 ., I... ,I] 2 ' 31 4 "/" " 1 2 3, 4 .. " .. ' 1 21 3 61 7\ 8 9,10'111,12 5 6 7 8 91°1111 5\ 6 7 819)10111 4 5 6 7 81 91 10 1314116116117,18119 12113114115116/1718 12!13 14 15 1617118 lJir2113 14,15 16 17 2°1212212324125126 19120'121i22 23 241251912021122232425 1811912021122123124 2728\29\301, 'I' .), 2612728:29 30:311. ~ ~6,27128129130, .. " 20126127\28\12930131 ~!~.I"!,I,,~,, ,I", 1 .. 1 ~I~,.~ II~~I .. I,:" 1,.1 ~ ' .... 1.. 19\!6 JANUARY \! ................................... :\Jeeting of Registration Committees JANUARY 4 ........................................ Registration (9 A. M. to 3 P. M.) JANU.I.RY 11.. ......................... Latest Date for Annonncing Candidacy for Bachelor's Degree JANUARY B3 ....................... Examinations for Removal of Conditions FEBRUARY B'2 .......................................................... '\Vashington's Birthday MARCH 1.. .......... L!1st Day for Heceiving Applications for Graduate Fellowships and Assistantships for I9B6- J 9.?7. (See page 87) MARCIl I7-BO ................................................................ Term Examinations MARCH BO .................................................. End of Second Term (lB ;VI.) :'I!.\HCIf ?G. .. ..... Xotiflcations of Appointment to Graduate Fellowships and Assistantships ;VIailed :\IARCH BI-BS ....................................................................................... Recess MARCH BL.................................... Meetirig of Registration Committees ;YIARCH B9 .......................................... Registration (9 A. ;YI. to 3 P. ;YI.) APRIL IL ............................ Examinations for Removal of Conditions APRIL 30, M.\ y L ...................... Examinations for Entrance and for Freshman Scholarships :\1AY IO ........................ Latest Date for Removing Senior Deficiencics M.\Y B8 ........................................ Last Day for Filing Applications for Examination for Advanced Degrees to he Conferred .Tune, I9?6. (See pp. SO, S3) Last Day for Presenting Theses for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy to be Conferred Junc, l!J?G. (Sec page 84) MAY 30-3L................................ :'Ilemorial Day Recess JUNE 4 ................... Last Day for Presenting Theses for the Degree of Master of Science to be Conferred June, J92G. (See page 81) JUNl: 5 ............................................... End of Examinations for Seniors JUNE 8-1'2 ........ Term Exall1inntions for all Students except Seniors JUNE S...... .. ..... Departmental ;YJeetings (9 A. :\1.) JUNE S....Fnclllty :\Iecting (10:30 A. :\1.) JUNE 10................ .. ........ Class Day JUNE 11............................. .. .......... Cocnmenecmcnt JUNE IL .................................. Annual :\Ieeting of Alumni Association CALENDAR-Continued JUNE 13_______ _ ___________________________ _____ End of College Year JUNE 14-15 _____ _ _____ Examinations for Admission to Advanced Standing SEPTE~IBER 17-18 __ ___________ Examinations for Admission to Advanced Standing SEPTEMBER :20-:21 _______________________________________ Entrance Examinations SEPTEMBER :2:2 ______ _ ________ Examinations for Removal of Conditions SEPTEMBER :23 __ _________ Registration of Freshmen (9 A. M.) SEPTE1IIBER :24 __ _ ___ General Registration (9 A. M. to 3 P. M.) SEPTEMBER :25 __ ______ General Registration (9 A . .:\'1. to 1:2 M.) SEPTEMBER :27.. ________________ ... Beginning of Instruction NOVEMBER :25-:28 _________ ________ Thanksgiving Recess DECEMBER 15-18 __ _ ________ Term Examinations DECE;)IBER 18 ___ _ -- ... Last Day for Filing Applications for Admission to Candidacy for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, to he Conferred .June, 1937. (See page 83) DECEllIBER 18 ______________________________________________ End of First Term (13 M.) (Arranged in the order of seniority of service) Term Expires HIRA~l W. W ADSWORTH ________________ _ ____________________________________ 19:21 716 South El ~folino AYenue. ARTHUR H. FLEMING ___________________________________________________________________________ 19:25 1003 South Orange Grove Avenue. GEORGE E. HALE ___ • ____________ • ___________________________ -_________________ _ ______________ 19:21 South Pasadena. CHARLES W. GATES ________________________________________________________________________________ 19:28 Fordyce, Arkansas. HENRY M. ROBINSON _______________________________ _ ________________________ 19:26 195 South Grand Avenue. JOHN WADSWORTH ________________________________________________________________________________ 19:29 90 South Grand Avenue. TOD FORD______________________________________________ -________________ _ ________________ 19:26 :251 South Grand Avenue. R. C. GILLIS ___________________________ _ _______________ 19:21 Los Angeles. JOHN D. SPRECKELS ______________________________________________________________________________ 19:26 San Diego. R. R. BI.ACKER _____________________________________________________________________________________ 19:29 1111 Hillcrest Avenue. HARRY CHANDLER _______________________________ _ _______________________________________________ 19:29 Los Angeles. HENRY W. O'MELVE:NY_________________________________ -___________________________________ 19:25 Los Angeles. GEORGE S. PATTON _________________ _ _______________________________________________________ 19:28 San Marino. A. C. BALCH ________________________ _ ____________________________________________________ .19:28 Los Angeles. ARTHUR H. FLEl\IING.... ....................... President HENRY M. ROBINSON.. .... First Vice-President GEORGE S. PATTON. ...... ....... Second
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