H5344 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE July 12, 1999 raised this issue and have also sought Branko Jelen, Steve Pratt and Peter Wal- East Peace Process on Israel and dan- the release of these men. lace were employed in Yugoslavia by CARE gerously politicizes the Fourth Geneva Con- Mr. Speaker, we as the United States International, providing aid, food, and medic- vention, which was established to address Congress and as an American people humanitarian crises; and inal supplies to refugees in both Serbia and Whereas such vote, initiated by the Arab need to let all humanitarian workers Kosovo. In that capacity, they did what CARE Group at the behest of the Palestine Libera- around the world know that we will International does in all of its international hu- tion Organization (PLO), serves to prejudge fight for them if they ever get unjustly manitarian missions: provide other CARE of- and undercut direct negotiations, puts added imprisoned. We will let Yugoslavia fices in the area with progress reports. CARE and undue pressure on Israel to influence the know by the House's action that we de- International has always used these reports, results of those negotiations, and con- mand the immediate release of these because they are vital to the organization's travenes the written commitment that three international humanitarian first-hand knowledge of the progress, pros- Yasser Arafat gave to then Israeli Prime workers under the employ of CARE, Minister Yitzhak Rabin that issues of perma- pects, and dangers of their many missions. nent status would only be dealt with directly one of the world's largest international The reports are not secret and contain easily by the parties: Now, therefore, be it relief and development organizations. obtainable information. Resolved by the House of Representatives (the I urge my colleagues to support After learning of these reports in late March, Senate concurring), That the CongressÐ House Concurrent Resolution 144. the government of Slobodan Milosevic de- (1) commends the Department of State for Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, on March 31, tained Jelen, Pratt, and Wallace, and later ac- the vote of the United States against United 1999, Serbian authorities detained Mr. Steve cused them of engaging in espionage for the Nations General Assembly Resolution ES±10/ Pratt, Mr. Peter Wallace, of Australia, and Mr. U.S. government. In a closed military court, 6 affirming that the text of such resolution Branko Jelen, of Serbia who were carrying out they were found guilty of spying, and are cur- politicizes the Fourth Geneva Convention for their duties as employees of CARE/Australia. rently serving sentences of up to 12 years in the Protection of Civilians in Time of War which was primarily humanitarian in na- These men, who were endeavoring to provide a Serbian jail. ture; humanitarian assistance to victims of Serbian Mr. Speaker, these three men are innocent. (2) urges the Department of State to con- aggression in Kosovo, were subsequently They were providing humanitarian aid to peo- tinue its efforts against convening the con- charged with espionage and are now being ple who were in desperate need. ference, which is scheduled to be held in Ge- unjustly held as prisoners in Serbia. We are all familiar with CARE International neva, Switzerland, on July 15, 1999; The detention of these individuals strikes at and similar Non-Government Organizations, (3) urges the member states of the United the very heart of the ability of humanitarian and the extraordinary humanitarian contribu- Nations to vigorously oppose any and all ef- and aid organizations such as CARE to oper- tions they make in the fight to end despair and forts to manipulate the Fourth Geneva Con- ate in conflicts such as the one in Kosovo. It suffering. Today, this House must stand up for vention for the purpose of attacking Israel; and is noteworthy that the actual charges they this mission. It is imperative that the U.S. lead (4) urges United Nations Secretary General were convicted of concerned only the passing the way in freeing these men and who are Kofi Annan and Switzerland, which serves as of situation reports on the conditions in guilty of nothing more than being courageous the depository of the Fourth Geneva Conven- Kosovo to their headquarters in order for humanitarians. I urge all of my colleagues to tion, to refrain from assisting in the con- CARE to be able to determine the needs of support this important resolution. vening of the conference. the population it was attempting to assist and Mr. ROTHMAN. Mr. Speaker, I yield The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- the conditions under which its employees were back the balance of my time. ant to the rule, the gentleman from Ar- Mr. SALMON. Mr. Speaker, I yield working in Kosovo. izona (Mr. SALMON) and the gentleman back the balance of my time. For the Serb authorities to construe these from New Jersey (Mr. ROTHMAN) each The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. actions as hostile makes a mockery of the will control 20 minutes. GOODLATTE). The question is on the terms of their agreement that permitted CARE The Chair recognizes the gentleman motion offered by the gentleman from to operate in Serbia in the first place. Indeed, from Arizona (Mr. SALMON). one day prior to the detention of its employ- Arizona (Mr. SALMON) that the House GENERAL LEAVE ees, CARE had received a letter from the suspend the rules and agree to the con- Mr. SALMON. Mr. Speaker, I ask Yugoslav authorities commending its work. current resolution, H. Con. Res. 144. unanimous consent that all Members The continued imprisonment of these men is The question was taken; and (two- may have 5 legislative days within an affront to the principles of the entire inter- thirds having voted in favor thereof) which to revise and extend their re- national community, and a threat to the ability the rules were suspended and the con- marks on this measure. of international and private organizations to current resolution was agreed to. function under the difficult circumstance that A motion to reconsider was laid on The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there they face in numerous countries around the the table. objection to the request of the gen- globe. f tleman from Arizona? There was no objection. We would be remiss if we did not also take CONCERNING UNITED NATIONS note of another detention of an individual en- GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLU- Mr. SALMON. Mr. Speaker, I yield gaged on a humanitarian mission in North TION ES±10/6 myself such time as I may consume. (Mr. SALMON asked and was given Korea. According to accounts in the press, Mr. SALMON. Mr. Speaker, I move to Ms. Karen Hahn was detained some weeks permission to revise and extend his re- suspend the rules and agree to the con- marks.) ago and has been held incommunicado by the current resolution (H. Con. Res. 117) North Korean authorities. The welfare of Ms. Mr. SALMON. Mr. Speaker, first I concerning United Nations General As- would like to commend the efforts of Hahn is also in our minds as we consider this sembly Resolution ES±10/6, as amend- resolution. the gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. ed. ROTHMAN). He is the author of this H. Con. Res. 144 urges the United States The Clerk read as follows: and the United Nations to undertake urgent piece of legislation. It is very timely H. CON. RES. 117 and strenuous efforts to secure the release and very needed, and he is always there from Serbia of the three imprisoned CARE Whereas in an Emergency Special Session, in the pinch, and we appreciate him on the United Nations General Assembly voted this side. Australia. on February 9, 1999, to pass Resolution ES± Accordingly, I ask all members of the House 10/6, Illegal Israeli Actions In Occupied East Mr. Speaker, our consideration of to join in signaling our demand for the release Jerusalem And The Rest Of The Occupied this resolution is certainly timely as it of these individuals, and restoration of our Palestinian Territory, to convene for the concerns the convening, under extraor- confidence that organizations such as CARE first time in 50 years the parties of the dinary and almost unprecedented cir- can continue to operate without harassment in Fourth Geneva Convention for the Protec- cumstances, of the parties of the the difficult and often dangerous environments tion of Civilians in Time of War; Fourth Geneva Convention for the Pro- they face throughout the world. Whereas such resolution singles out Israel tection of Civilians in Times of War for unprecedented enforcement proceedings, later this week in Geneva, Switzerland. Mrs. CAPPS. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong which have never been invoked, even against support of H. Con. Res. 144, which calls at- governments with records of massive viola- The focus of this unusual meeting will tention to the plight of three humanitarian tions of the Fourth Geneva Convention; be ``Illegal Israeli Actions in Occupied workers unjustly imprisoned by the Federal Whereas such resolution unfairly places East Jerusalem and the Rest of the Oc- Republic of Yugoslavia. full blame for the deterioration of the Middle cupied Territory.'' July 12, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H5345 From its very title, we can see that year to address a deeply troubling de- that we have the totalitarian leaders of this meeting will be just another kan- velopment at the U.N. Sadly, the Syria and Chairman Arafat and the garoo court convened solely for the United Nations is again on the verge of President of Egypt saying we have a purpose of pillorying Israel whose be- reverting to its bad old ways that we new day, a new era of peace that is on havior in Jerusalem and the Occupied thought they had dispensed with in the our doorstep, and the new duly elected Territory has already been predeter- 1970s.
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