
t ' . >■ j J 'f'l'’ '■.I \ / HlTDAY, FEBRUARY 20, i m HACS® TWWJTT-EIGrHT iianrIjfHtpr lEuPtiing Ifpralli r '• I . A • Give to the Heart Drive—The Life You Help Save May Be ^Yout Own Births recently to local re.st- The Men’s Club o f ths Church '||f’ ^ M r ’4 r ^ ’V N r 5 r 9 r ^ 'V ’ 5i|| , The Tvler Circle of the North Mary Jane WUson of this town, ■JJuplicate briilge' Will be played of the Nasarene will meet Mon­ Methodist Church will meet M6n«‘ and . not. .Mary Ann ■Wilson, a.s .Idnlghl at’’ ■*'O’clqek at’ Tinker dents at Hartford hospitals-include a son lin Feb. l7 at the Hartford dap at p.'in. The members ! AJjout Tdw ii day at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. mentioned in a previous issue of Ha|f^ Winncra,''in. last week's t PRESCRiniONS I ) Eleanor Hembrechts. 1.5 Delmont The Herald, will be featured In the game were Mrs. Jo.seph McVeigh Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Stuart are reminded to bring iiaed neck­ ^ nU AveraKe Daily Net Press Run Hpnckel, a'daughter on Ffb. 18 ties to be sent to Rev. Paul H. rCARKFULLY COMPOUNDED 9 The Weather" ■street .-A fter n short buslneas^aiaeU. oj-iglnaL.-|ilay. pt-csented ..at; .and..Jitra, ...B,obcj,L J,Athi op, ; ..... .For . thq, W««ek Eaded r A 'ipeclal iheellng «r *1T ^CDiTi- at tHe St. 'Fra'rici.s'H'o.spUar to Mr. Foreeaet of' P; 8; Weather BttraaU' Ing the group will enjoy an eve-1 the Avery Theatre in Hartford on George Slem.sen odd Ha’ ohl Hill.s. Metlrlclc; 'J7azay’erie''rii1.s.siona:r:y' in Feb. 14. ISSS S . m ittM i for the annual ladles’ night and Mrs. Robert Arrlini of 82 Stegi, Swriziland, South Africa. ning of bowling'. March .5. 6 and -7.. 40: and Mr.'-'. Hugh. Brautlgam t Arthur Drug Stores < 5f the SMFD will be hiSd Monday arid Mrs. Frar\k Roberts, Jr.,- 39. Barry mad. and a son on .Feb. 17 Mrs. Heltrick was the . former Q ^iee^ Stc.4H-pA, Windy, clearing, colder tenlght. S « h t at 7 « ’« « < * at fire licad- at the Mt. Sinai Hospital to Mr. Miss Mae 'Thomp.aon of this town I k .A aik alk i b .A A ^ ■Buckland School pupils . who 1 . 1 1_ 10,903 Fair, colder Sunday. Onaty aentlT <|uarters on Spruce street. All The Community Players will en­ and'Mrs. Dominic Tomanolo of 86 They were in this country on a were winnetS of the Buckland Member of tiie Audit west td treat winds 40-50 mph this ileinbera are naked to attend. joy a record hour Sunday after­ j Robert K. Willis of 38 Stark- ' Bolton street. year’s leave and returned to the Community Club's pi lre.s fi^-. the Bureau of Ctrenlatlona attrrnfM)ti. noon from 3 to 5 o’clock at the , I weather street rind Douglas C. mi.sslon field early in January beat safety posteis wei e^ , Llr),vd ; /tajir.ck of 311 Hebron svenue. Manchester—rA City o f Village Charm. ’ Regardlesa of the holiday the Stale Armpry on Main street. I Sunset Circle of Past Noble According to Mr. Hetfrlck, the Boulllier. Wallace Geiger. 'Kath­ : Glastonbury, are among the 27 omen'ai Auxlllai-y of the Man- Members are’-reminded to bilng , - Grand.s will meet Monday evening native men are fond of the tie.s Given On C.O.D. Deliveries leen Miller: Suzanne Wakeley and .“iiuder^t.s who were namerl to the eater Memorial Hospital will favorite records, ^freshm ents will i In Odd Fellows Hall. Hostesses and wear them regardle.sa of col­ PAPER S Robeit Karash. The nor I meet­ dean's list for the end of the flrsi (Clasalfted AdTorttalag aa Page IX) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1953 (FOURTEEN PAGES) fleet Monday afteinoon as usual tobo served. j for the evening will be Mrs. Mary lars. VOL. LXXII, NO. 121 PRICE nVE CENTS ing of the club vin he hehl on • .seii-esler at Mor.se College In ijart- fla k e surgical dressings. With the Smith. Mrs. Emma L. Nettleton. March 24 nt which time the Roy tncreaaed census at the hospital The Mary Cheney an<l 'Whiton ford. I Mrs. Maud Norton, Mrs. Edith King David Lodge of Odd Fel­ COLLECTION .Scouts will lioltl open ho’ iee. Tlie ^ e r e Is an evier glowing need for Libraries as well as the West- Side Smith and Mis. Marlon Straughan. lows will meet tonight at 7:.30 in issue will be voted on that An4.-th£—auxili&cV Branch o f the.. M ary—Cheney - JU- 1 - .Sgt. PJtImund- fvymlngionr son of ..Entertaibnient wi|l- he in charge of Odd Feltons The first de- . NORTHEAST 'eyenlng7 .....- -- - ^ ^ Mrs. Ethel Aspinwail. RANGE & FUEL OIL ill welcome the aid of women in brary will all be closed Monday jThom.ss G. Symington of IRO gree will he conferred on several Wall Street C on gress to Baek Democrats Sanchester who can give a few in ob.servance ■ of Washln-iori’i I Autumn street, rerenll'- graduated candidale.<i. A social period with SECTION . ftoura to .the. .weekly, meetings Birthday, _ .............. ...... The. tfEW Auxiliary will ho'd'lts Xt'-um.. Ifi.th ../lorp.s ,, Leaders' ..Mr. _and ^Irs,_ Eric Riular and refreahments will follow. _ frhich are held In the auxiliary u,«uar rai-(Y' party tonl'ghf nT" R’:30 Hchnoi at C.smp >.tat,"U.siiima. .Ja­ family, forrnerly o.' 151 Oal: .street, ToHelpIke worn at the Hospital on Mondays Richard Coffin, -.son of Mr. and at tbe VFW Home rt Man'he.-^ter pan. A vetenn of 21 months serv­ hive recently moved to their new- All members of Washington | MONDAY, FEB. 23 Lauds Gut BlaM at Reds |rom 2 to 4 o’clock. Mrs. Melvin H. Coffin of Mather Green, PrI'zes will h,^ awarded and ice in the Far East Command. Iv built .home at 216 Burke street. IvOflge, No. 117. who ran convenl-. The BOLAND OIL CO. street, n freshman at General Col­ refreshmenU .served.' '.y ‘ Symington is presently assigned to •East Hartford. The c’nildreir are ently do so. are asked to report to- rnprrow night at 8 o'clork in St. Mary’s Tfoimg People’s Fel- lege: Boston University, is among * ' t:ie SniTlii Army unit. He wa.s em- attending the recently enlarged In Margin Trim Gosts the 1.5 menjbers^of his class of 1P.5 The .weekly s.ethack party will I ployed at Psatt and Whitney Alr- and remodeled Jo.seph O. Goodwin Orange Hall, to a.ssist in Installing Washinsfton, Feb. 21— (A*)* velt with British Prime Minister iwahip will hold a fond sale at the officers of Manchester Lodge, 369 CENTA STREET ale’a' store tomorrow morning students to place on the dean’s li.st be held tonioht at ^ o'clock at'Ute : c.nift B,H pn offset pressman bcfof-'c School and would like to hear from Read Herald Advs. Winston Churchill. their friends. No. 91). TEL MItehdi 3-6320 — Quick congressional ap­ Washington, Feb. 21— {/P) j im S o’clock to noon. for Ihft past semester.,, West Side Ree. j-ryitenng the Army. New Y^ork, Feb.. 21— UP)— The Atlantic Charter, actually a proval was forecast today for joint declaration of the two lead­ — Two' Democratic members Stock brokers and exchange President Eisenhower’s in­ ers, was composed oL notes they officials voiced approval to­ of the Senate Appropriations dictment of Russia’s mass agreed upon aboard ship in the A t­ committee said today they day of the stock market mar­ lantic ocean In August 1941. j “subjugation of free peoples” will help .cut government' gin cut to 50 per cent, saying They recognized, among other through perversion of World spehding but doubt the Re­ it will be good for business things, the rights of all peoples to W ar II agreements. | publicans can balance the Town Court Gels New Deputy Jmige and indu.stry in general. A issfolution, sponsored by Eisen- choose their own governments and j budget. The Federal Reserve board yes­ bower and awaited on Capitol Hill | agreed on restoration of self-gov- Ask $i: terday reduced margin require­ since he promised it In his Feb. 2 ! ernmsnt for thoss who had lost it. .Sena. Ma.vbank (D-SC) and P.ob- ertson (D-Va) said in separate in­ ments from 75 per cent. The 25 State of the Union .message, was The charter was never drafted as terviews they are just as anxious per cent reduction means a re­ made public yesterday by the a formal document and had no as their COP colleagues to whittle 'am ol iV ~ ^ turn to the pre-Korean level. It President. legal force, although it caught on V-s' • wa.s another move in the Eisen­ as a declaration of the West’s prin­ the $78,600,000,000 In outlays It rejects the Soviet Union's in­ hower’s administration's program ciples. former President Truman forecast terpretation of the underclandings to get away’ from direct govern­ While Senate majority leader for the year beginning July 1. — presumably'those made at Yalta News Data ment control.s on the national T a ft (Ohio) arranged to handle However, Robertson said: — as a license for the subjugation the Eisenhower resolution in the " I think we ought to have 'a ei-onomy. '■>»f of free peoples.
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