Slavistische Beiträge ∙ Band 344 (eBook - Digi20-Retro) Karen Evans-Romaine Boris Paternak and the Tradition of German Romanticism Verlag Otto Sagner München ∙ Berlin ∙ Washington D.C. Digitalisiert im Rahmen der Kooperation mit dem DFG-Projekt „Digi20“ der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek, München. OCR-Bearbeitung und Erstellung des eBooks durch den Verlag Otto Sagner: http://verlag.kubon-sagner.de © bei Verlag Otto Sagner. Eine Verwertung oder Weitergabe der Texte und Abbildungen, insbesondere durch Vervielfältigung, ist ohne vorherige schriftliche Genehmigung des Verlages unzulässig. «Verlag Otto Sagner» ist ein Imprint der Kubon & Sagner GmbHKaren. Evans-Romaine - 9783954790807 Downloaded from PubFactory at 01/10/2019 02:58:39AM via free access Sl a v is t ic h e Beiträge Begründet von Alois Schmaus Herausgegeben von Peter Rehder Beirat: Tilman Berger • Walter Breu • Johanna Renate Döring-Smimov Miloš Sedmidubskÿ • Klaus Steimke ־ Wilfried Fiedler • Walter Koschmal • Ulrich Schweier BAND 344 V erla g O tto S a gn er M ünchen 1997 Karen Evans-Romaine - 9783954790807 Downloaded from PubFactory at 01/10/2019 02:58:39AM via free access 00051905 Karen Evans-Romaine Boris Pasternak and the Tradition of German Romanticism V erlag O tto Sagner M ünchen 1997 Karen Evans-Romaine - 9783954790807 Downloaded from PubFactory at 01/10/2019 02:58:39AM via free access 00051905 Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München ISBN 3-87690-664-4 © Verlag Otto Sagner, München 1997 Abteilung der Firma Kubon & Sagner D-80328 München Karen Evans-Romaine - 9783954790807 Downloaded from PubFactory at 01/10/2019 02:58:39AM r > <o a a via free accessן* 8 FOREWORD This book was successfully defended as my doctoral dissertation at the University of Michigan in May 1996. I have made some minor revisions for its publication here. I would like to express my gratitude to Peter Rehder for accepting my dissertation for publication in the Slavistische Beiträge series, and to Igor P. Smirnov for recommending the manuscript for publication in this series. Portions of this book have either been published or are in press in Russia as articles, all in Russian. They are the following: “Заметки 06 источниках пастернаковского *Шопена*” (Тезисы), Источиниковедение и компаративный метод в гуманитарном Тезисы знании. докладов. (Москва: Российский государственный гуманитарный университет, 1996) “Заметки о биологическом и автобиографическом у Пастернака”,Седьмые Тыняновские чтения. Тезисы докладов и материалы для обсуждения (Москва, 1996) “Стихотворение Пастернака‘Венеция* и традиции немецкого романтизма”, Литературный текст: Проблемы и методы исследования (Тверь: Тверской государственный университет, 1997) “Заметки 06 источниках стихотворения Пастернака *Зеркало*”,Шеаггой-седъмой Тыняновский сборник (Москва, 1997) I am grateful to Professor Rehder, and to the editors of these journals and collections, for allowing the rcpublication of these articles as a part of this book. Karen Evans-Romaine - 9783954790807 Downloaded from PubFactory at 01/10/2019 02:58:39AM via free access I I — - — ■ 5 ־ ־ ־ x I- . 1■ ■ I,..־ r ־ !; ד i I ■Ik. ■Í- ■ I - v 1 !с *. ■? u ■' V־ ■ ־P71«īļ^ 1]’ ייש!! s ץ;ך1“1ו ^ן ИЬЛК г jf ілси^іі^ ■ ļ ді in (Гмвд vim 1־■ ?י: ׳ ^־י- Sí mf ЯП ■№.»1J,^rwl ־־- ־=_״ ־־- l HI II Г HL-,■. f| וה­ I I л Э Д Л Р m s 11a 4г מ ­­ו■ ו . < ļf i־ tf־II l I ־ ' ZšrJ* Ji - “ ^ 4 4 • I I \ ± . Ѣ * Karen Evans-Romaine - 9783954790807 Downloaded from PubFactory at 01/10/2019 02:58:39AM via free access 00051905 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I conducted most of the research for this study at the University of Michigan library, the Library of Congress, and the Russian Slate (formerly Lenin) Library. In addition, I gathered many essential materials at the Widener Library of Harvard University. I also conducted research at the Russian State Library of Foreign Literature and at the library of the Institute for Scholarly Information in the Social Sciences (Institut nauchnoj informacii po obshchestvennym naukam, INION) of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Finally, I examined materials in the archive of Sergej Bobrov at the Russian State Archive for Literature and Art (RGALI). 1 would like to thank the many staff members at these libraries who guided me in my seemingly endless search for necessary materials. Special thanks go to the Widener Library and its staff for allowing me to make use of the rich collection at Harvard University as a guest. The staff at the Russian State Library were most courteous and helpful, despite the difficult conditions in which all Russian libraries work today. I would also like to extend particular thanks to Natalia Borisovna Volkova, the Director of RGALI, for her kmd interest in my work and her helpful advice. I am indebted to Evgenij Borisovich Pasternak for answering my written queries on the subject of Boris Pasternak’s reception of German Romantic literature in a detailed letter. I received much helpful guidance from others in Moscow as well. Konstantin Polivanov pointed me toward newly published materials crucial to my research and encouraged me in my work. Kirill Postoutenko provided me with copies of rare materials to which I would not otherwise have had access and suggested that I examine the Bobrov archive for materials on Pasternak’s professional relations with Bobrov and Petnikov. Irina Stepanovna Prixod'ko read the middle chapters of my dissertation at its final stages and provided many useful comments and a number of helpful materials; her cncouagement of my work provided me with needed inspiration. Aleksandr Pavlovich Chudakov and VII Karen Evans-Romaine - 9783954790807 Downloaded from PubFactory at 01/10/2019 02:58:39AM via free access 00051905 Manetta Omarovna Chudakova have been extremely supportive of my work; I can only hope to be deserv ing of their confidence. I would like to thank all the members of my dissertation committee, under whose supervision I had the honor to work—Professors Omry Ronen, Bogdana Carpenter, Assya Humesky, and Hermann Weiss—for careful readings, thorough and enlightening comments, practical advice, and stimulating discussion. Professor Weiss first introduced me to the work of Novalis and was an endless source of knowledge on German Romanticism and work with the critical texts. I would not have come to, or stayed with, this challenging topic at all, were it not for the encouragement of my advisor, Professor Omry Roncn. He was the ideal mentor throughout my graduate years, always inspiring profound interest in the material at hand and always demanding the highest standards of scholarship in analyzing it. My admiration for his work and my debt of gratitude to him for his guidance are greater than I can express. I am proud to be his student. I am deeply indebted to all of these people for their help in this study; nevertheless, 1, of course, am entirely responsible for any flaws in it. I am grateful to the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures and the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies at the University of Michigan for providing me with both the encouragement and the financial support which enabled me to pursue my research without distraction. Finally, I would like to thank my parents and spouse for their support. They helped me in countless ways with admirable patience. It is to my mother and model, Dr. Ada Romaine Davis, that I would like to dedicate this study. Her strength, courage, diligence, and common sense will always be my guide. VIII Karen Evans-Romaine - 9783954790807 Downloaded from PubFactory at 01/10/2019 02:58:39AM via free access 00051905 TABLE OF CONTENTS FO R EW O R D ..............................................................................................................................V A C K N O W LED G EM EN TS................................................................................................ VII NOTE ON THE TRANSLITERATION ......................................................................... X CHAPTER ONE: PASTERNAK AND GERMAN ROMANTICISM.......................... 1 CHAPTER TW O: PASTERNAK AND NOVALIS.....................................................43 CHAPTER THREE: PASTERNAK AND HOFFMANN.......................................... 188 CHAPTER FOUR: PASTERNAK AND HEINE...................................................... 261 CHAPTER FIVE: CONCLUSION.............................................................................. 322 B IB LIO G R A PH Y .................................................................................................................. 331 Karen Evans-Romaine - 9783954790807 Downloaded from PubFactory at 01/10/2019 02:58:39AM IX via free access 00051905 NOTE ON THE TRANSLITERATION in order to adhere to ־For technical reasons, I was unable to produce the diacritics necessary the standard transliteration system used in American Slavic studies. I therefore compromised and adopted something of a hybrid system. The system throughout the dissertation follows the American standard for Slavic studies, with the exception of letters requinng diacntics. For example, the sound rendered in the Library of Congress system as “kh” is here rendered “x”. The sound spelled as “ts” in the Library of Congress system is here rendered V . The nominative masculine adjectival ending is rendered “ij”, the feminine “aja’\ the neuter “oe”. The only exceptions from the American Slavic studies standard are the transliterations of the letters “zh’\ “ch”, "sh’\ and “shch’\ without the diacritic marks. All proper names, whether commonly known by a different spelling or not,
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