T A GAZ Published by Authority of the Republic of Kenya ---- - --- --- - - -- -- Vol. XCU[--No. 23 NAIROBI, 8th June, 8990 Price Sb, 9 -- -- ------ - - -- -- - - - -- -- ----- --- - - - - Public Servico Commission of KenyadPromotions, etc. 746 Revocation of Power of Attorney ......... 783 The Interpretation and General Provisions Act- Disposal of Uncollected Goods ......... 783 Temporary Transfer of Ministerial Po.wers ... 746 Removal of Abandoned Vehicles ......... 783 Tke Rent Restriction Act-Appointments ...... 746 The Mining Act-Application for an Exclusive The Registration d Titles Aot-Issue of Provisional Prospecting Licence ............... 783 Certificates .................. 746,782 The Advocates (Admission) Regulations-Admission 783 V~canries Offered by P.S.C. ... ...... 747-755 7%~Registered Land Act-Issue of New (Land Title Deeds ..................... 755 SUPPLEMENT No. 41 Indus&ial Court Awards ............ 755-756 Lsgislative Supplerner~t Probate and Administration 757-771 LEGALNOTICE No. PAGE The Societies Rules-Refusal of Registration . 771-772 222-The Land Cont~ol Aot-Ehmption ... ,311 223-The Kenya Veterinary Vaccines Production Ministers Licensed to Celebrate Ivhrriages ... 772 Institute Order, 1990 ......... 312 Loss of PoUaeo .................. 772 224--The Exchange Control ('Exemption) (No. 7) Order, 1990 ............... 314 The Medical Practitioners and Dentists Act-Rwog- nhed Specialists 773-779 225-226The Incoxno Tax Act~Exmptionr ... 314-315 Local Government Notices ............ 780-782 / 227-The Value Added Tax 6Distraint), Remla-- tions, 1990 ............... 315 The Parliamentary and Presidential Elections Regula- SiowHected Member . ... 7 $2 228-%e Stamp Duty Act-Exemption ... 319 Intended Jhtruotion of Kerugoya Court Records 782-783 229-The Value Add4 Tax (Appeals) Rules, 1990 320 te 'f'Ir1E KBNYA GAZBYIY $1 Jtme, 19O CORRIGENDUM GAZE'ITB XOTICI N0. 26* kl Gazytfa 'Notice No. 2059, of '1.1'th M ay, 1990, amend Cne Mame f'Peter Ngamau W anibura'' to I'ead fdpatridq Ngamau THE RBNT RESTRTCTII)N ACT Wamburu''. çcap. 296) GAzem Nolqce No TIV NAIRG I RENT TRIBUNAL . 26M PUBLIC SERVICE COMM ISSION OF KENYA APIAOINTMENTS IN EXBRCISE of the powers conferred by l4ctioh 4 (4j PROMCTIONS of the Rent Restriction Act, fho (Minister for Lands **é FRsoltlcx Nzoc;u KIMANDO, to be Senior Assistant Commissioner Housing appoints- of Polke, Oëce of the President; with effect from 24th A'pril, Betty Chemaiyo Mkungusi (M rs), 1989. Fredrick Kamau Tharaba, ' JAMA D ALAL W ARSAMB, to bo Sen'ior Superintendent of Police, M artin Akech Aehare, Omce of tlz'e President, wit,iz effcct from 1st June, 1989. Patrick Nzomo, Exocx STANLBY Klpz'oo CHEsplœcit, to bc Senior Sup erintendent Miehael Sande Dallah, of Police, (Jfiice o'f th'e President, witiz cffect from 1st Juna, F'rancis M . Maranyay Francis M utemi Kiteme, 1989. M ack Sabwa, PHILIP KïpsuM CHERUIYOT, to be S'enior Superintendent of Seifu Bwana Kheni, Police, Oflke of tlle President, with effect f'rom 1st June, 1989. to be 'mcmbers of the Nairobi Rent Tribunal end revok- I'OHN KIPKBMBCH KINDUIwA, to be Senibr Superintendent o'f the appointmenf of Dorcas Luseno (Mr:.), M . Muita lnd Pol' ico, Office of the Prcsident, with eflec't from 1st July, 1989. J. Kariuki from the N airobi Rent Tribunal. STUPHEN JOHN MUIJGUX M BCYIJ, to be Senior Suptrinttndent o'f Policv, Oflice of th'e President, wi'th effect from 1st July, Dateh tùg 21st May, 199:. 19î9. DzxlsL A4tlCHIRI K ABIRA, to be Senio'r Superi ntendent of Polic*, D . M . MYF.LA, Oëce of the 'President, witll effect fro'm 1st Jul' y, 19:9. M inister A r Lands and fltpulfp'r. Ablnltp,w KlexoRlp. sIGIt,&I, to be S'enior Supzrintendent of Polioe, Oflice of the Presidcnt, with effect from 1st July, 1989. PBTSR M BEI.I Ls!vAN, to be Senior Supôrintendent of Police, Oflice of th: President, with ele-ct from 1st July, 1989. Jtmlus W AICANIO RIJNO, to be Senior Superinlendeat of Polioe, Oëce of tlle P'resident, witlz elect ftrom 1st July, 1989. PATRICK OBIJONG WAJNDAM , to b.e Senior superintendrent of Gxurq Nona No. lMr ' Police, Ollice of Ithe Presidenrt, with escct from 1st Septem- ber, 19:9. THE REGBTRATION OF TIR ES AG SAMUEL Oxwztxvo NYAU RI, to be Senior Supel-intendent of (Cap. 281, secdon 71) Police, Office o'f th 'e President, witlz efled from 1st Sept- lsstœ or 'A PRovlsloNAL CERTIFICATII ember, 1989. W HEREAS Johana Gitahi M acharia, of P.O. BoI 28646. RE-DSSIGNATIONS/ UPGRADINGS Nairobi, ig registered proprietor of Gat piece of land known M oses M UTHUI IkIBOGO, to be Assistant Director of Porsonnel es L.R. No. 209/4401/676, situate i'n the city !of Nairobi, by M anagoment, Pu6blic Service Comml'ssion of Kenya, witb virtue of a loase registered as I.R. 22016/ 1, an; whereas suffb efect from 1st Jlzly, 1989. cient evidence has been adduced to show that the said certificate of lrtase ba's been lost, notice is given that after 'the expiration JossMl.l KARIHA W AHIU, to b'e Assistan;t Director Of Persolmel of nmety (9û) days frtxn the date hereof , 1 sball issuo a provi- M anagement, DirecFtorate oIf Personnel Management, Oflke eional certificate .of title rzrovide.d tfhat oo objwtion Ilag Ib-- of the President, with ellect from 1st July, 1989. lreceived within that period. FJ-LY OTIBNO OGANGA, to be Assistant Direclor ef Personnel M'anagoment, Directorate of Personnel Management, Oflke Dated tb. ;th Jtme, 1990. of the President, with esect from 1st July, 1989. LAWRISNCB MwALIKI, to be Assistant Director of Personnel M anagement, Directorate of Personnel Managerrlent, OKce J. L. W . M UNJUGA, of the Ppesidont, with efïeùt from 1st July, 1989. Regfzfrtzr ol Tffl-. DAvm Nzlon MBAI, to be Assistant Director of Personnel M anagement, Direotorate of Personnel Management, Omc.c of tillo Presidont, w1t.1: dv t f rom 1st Jply, 19:9. By Order of the Commissîon. Date tite 2*th May, 1990. W . K . K. KIM ALAT, OADZ'JX Noncl No. 2608 Secretary. TFm REGISTRATION OF TIR ES AW OAM Nonce No. 2605 (Cap. 281, secdon 31) THE IU ERPRETATION Ac GENERAL PROVB IONS AW lsstm bF * PROVISDNAL G RTIFICAD WHEREAS Kenton College Limited, a limited liability co-- fcap. 2) pany incorporate'd in Kenya having its postal address as #.0. Tee oàm 'IXANSFER ()F M INISRAIAL POWFA: Box 30017, Nairobi, is the registered proprietor lesee of that IN EXERCISB of the powers oonforretl by eection 37 of tlle piece of land known as L.R. No . 209/ 3101 , situate in the dly of Interprotation and Genei-al Provisions Act, 1, Daniel Toroitich Nairobi, by virtue of a grant registered as I.R. 7371/ 1, and Rrap M oi, President and 'Commander-in-chief of the Armesd wherea's suëcient evidence lms 'been adduced to show th'at t.1:@ Porces of tl)e Republic of Kenya, diroct that, during the la-id grant lms been lost, 'notice is given tbat after the expiration absence of the Hon. Poter H . Okondo, Minister for Labour of ninety (90) days from the date hereof , 1 shall i'ssue a provi- the powers and duties of the Oëce of the M inister shall be, sional certificate of 'title provided that no objection has been . received withln that period. lMlelidtu :st'exr orfcoirs edR eganiodn apl eDrrfoervmoloedp m'beyn :j wloitph. eMlf.e ctO nfzyoamng o6 thM iJduinkae, 1990. Dated 'tlw sth Jtuw, 1990, Dated t:e 6th June, 1990. D . T . ARAP M' .O1 . E. K. M UCUNGU, Presîdent . Regîntrqr 0/ Titles. e Jlme, 19O KENYA GAM T'I'E 747 @*M'rl'1 Nonc* No. 2f* be expected to evaluate tlle ogectiveness of tlze tmining giv*n. In collaboration with the irelevant ministries/ drpartments he PIJBLIC AIG VIGR O M M KV ION OF KENYA Wiil d'evelop training materiats and will advise pn placmnent V ' of training persannel, ensure effective 'deployment' and utilia- Aco cœs tjon of stal. APPLICATIONS are invited for the posts shown below. # Completml applimtion fornw should reach tlze Secrotary, Public Xenior Fcrsîlzlc/ b'ecretatw tFïjfddl Postsj LD.PXI .j (N0. 246/ 90) H i= Cfwnmimqiott of Kenya, P.O. Box 30095, Nairobi, on or Salary .çctWe.--Kf 2,820 to 4,116 p.a. FEN ,KONABLB or bejore 29//1 June, 1990. AGRBBMBM '. Civil sozvant applicants and local autholity oëœrs shoul' d completo (revise ) form PSC. 2* in triplicate (submitting the Applicants should profcrably be in possession o'f 't1' 1e Kenya nn'yilnal thrnlxgh tl-'m heael. of dv rtmentl. Otllc appknAn'x Certilicate of' Education or its equivalent and must have servod - for a l'ninimum period of threz (3) years at the level o(. or = -.m1H rvxmplpta fprrnx PK . 2 ia ' ' . comparod to that of, p:rsonal secretary 1. They must also The documenf.s are obtnlhnetl oitlzer from 'the Secreta.ry or 'be in possession of Advanced Group 'G rtijic-ate of sih'e Kenyg from otller Government oëces and are fyyued free of charge. Nationat ExamEnations 'Council/ East Af rka.n Examillations Originals of oertitie.ates and similar documents should not be Council with passes in business 'English 111, secretarial duties submitted unless specifimlly asked for. M l appliamra should 11, comrnerce Il, ofiice management ill, shorthand 11I (mini- state their postezl addr- . N mum 120 w.p.m.) or audio typewriting lIl an'd typewriting II1 Nca (mlnimum 50 w.p.m.) Inoremontal credits will be grantml to succeseiul candidates Serving personal secreuary 1, wtb.o 'llad acquire,d tb.o aecessary w:o am not de enaat: for approve previous oxpori@ncm speeds in bo'tiz shorthand an'd typewriting from recognized gm vid@d th* nuximum e ly 1 ntyt exA eded. n :y will slAn instittltions bofcre lst February, 1978, and have consistently b: iigible for lyene4a and privilego enjoyed by civil xrvaqts tlemonstrated a ttiy!.'l degree of emciency in the oëce will also in aocordezme witâ existing Government regulations.
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