I own Hall Festivities, Spark: Busy Slate TheTEXAS CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY Skill* * * • FORT WORTH, TEXAS Lively Talk Open Center VOL. 4*. No. M FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1H7 11 PACES By PATTY HORNE A busy schedule of meetings, programs, coffees and social Tuesday in one of its liveliest events have marked the celcbra sessions the House of Represent- tion of the formal opening of the atives came to grips in a realistic newly remcxteli-d and expanded manner with a variety of issues Brown Lupton Student Center and heard worthwhile comments "Student Center Week" has fea and suggestions from visitors as tured more than 30 events and well as members. will continue through Homecom- TCU may "travel on its atom ing weekend All events have been ach" because much of the discus- open to the public sion concerned the food service, which has provoked many stu- Ilesules celebrating the formal dents to urge their representa- opening, Student Center Week has tives to bring the problem to the given students, faculty and the House. Terry Simmon, chairman general public an opportunity to of the foods committee, was the MM the many uses of the new fa target for numerous questions and rilities complaints Fvents ranged from a panel Miss Simmon had answers for discussion sponsored by the Col all the queries and promises that legiate Educational Service Corps the issue is being worked on. (CfiSCO) concerning the film "No She said, "We are anxious to thing But a Man1' to a discu-sion hear from everybody These lit by I Dallas Times Herald eorres tie things we know about, we can pondent concerning his Vietnam remedy." day sponsored by the campus Young Republicans Special Dinners A highlight of the week is the Her committee has already Friday Luncheon to mark tin- for been successful in arranging spe mal opening of the Student ten cial dinners ami adding items to ter Approximately SOt invited the Student Center menu, which guests will attend, including House shows students do have a chan of Representative members, the nel where their problems are con Activities Council and campus or sidered. ganization presidents. As a result of the leadership Honored at the luncheon will Retreat the House discussed the be the late Glen Woodson. mana possibility of a town hall meeting JAN McNEILL, HURST SENIOR, WILL REIGN AS THE 1H7 HOMECOMING QUEEN ger of the foundation that con to acquaint students with how the Miss McNeill was announced as Queen at Thursday night's pep rally tributed $l,3»o.llt>0 to the Student House functions, to introduce Center project m UBS, and Dr them to the members and get stu Thomas F Richardson of Hunts dent opinions v die, who was the dean of stu Unanimous Vote dents from IMt IflM Although the House voted unan Jan McNeill Elected Queen; "In Search of a Center" will be imously in favor of having a town the topic of the speaker, Dr J M hall meeting, the proposal was re- Moudy. chancellor The luncheon ferred to the Student Life com- is at 12 M p in in the Student mittee for further study on the Torch Parade Rallies Students Center ballroom best method of handling the meet Another outstanding Friday ing By CANDY LEINWEBER ing Mixer .sponsored by the TCI Saturday morning from 9 30-11 event kl the author's party from When the budget was drawn up Alumni Association and featuring a.m. there will IH- numerous I .10 3 30 p m honoring University last spring the Activities Council Jan McNeill, a pretty blonde the "Bitter Kndc," which followed Homecoming coffees The TCI' faculty members who have writ did not request additional money with big eyes and a happy smile, the pep rally. It was held in the Woman's Club is sponsoring a ten and edited hooks since June from the House to finance a trip now reigns as the 1967 Home Snack Bar general coffee for all alumni in 1965 to the Region 12 convention of the coming Queen the main lounge of the Student The TCU Tress, which was rrc Association of Student Unions In- The Queen's Duchesses are Al MM Center atcd last year for publishing books ternational at the University of I'eggye Breazeale, a senior from in various fields included in the Tonight, the Homecoming Show Honorary Clubt Houston, Nov. 30, Dec 1 2 College Station, and Margie Mc will feature Al Hirt "AmiTici s institution's curricula, will host Although the AC was allotted Coll, a senior from Midland greatest trumpet showman " Hirt Ampersand and the Bryeon the party open to the puDlic $100, it is requesting an additional The Homecoming court was and his jazz sextette, which in- Club, two of TCI "s highest and ''Through the reception wc $350 to pay for travel, aceommo chosen in a campus wide election cludes clarinetist. 1'ee Wee Spit oldest honorary org.nn/.itions for hope to honor those at TCU dations and campaign expenses in which five coeds were in the elera, will begin their perform students, will honor their exes who. by such writings as these, Because the convention was held finals for the Queen title. ance at 8 pm m Daniel Meyer with Ho—coming coffees fulfill I traditionally honored role near TOO last year this extra sum The Queen, a senior from Hurst, Coliseum The Geology ciuh, the Parabola of the professor m the academic was not necessary is a member of the Spirit Com The 275 pound Hirt describes Club, the Bandsmen and the aad general community," said Charlie Kreckson, House trea mittee. Angel Flight and was himself as, "a pop commercial School of Business will save cof Mrs Betsy Coi<|uitt, committee surer, said funds to fill this re named as a Krogctte Beauty last musician, with a successful form fees in the Student ('enter. chairman quest were available from extra year. at " Also, from 9:30-11 am. Til's The original Student Center was money that the House had not in Miss McNeill was announced Hirt was named the 1965 Arttst eluded in its budget. MIICIT team will play Tech's MX hegUB in September, L983, and Homecoming Queen at the pep of the Year by Music Operators MC team on the intramural field completed in IMS when it was To Send Delegates rally in front of Daniel Meyer of America, and he has received behind Milton Daniel Dorm. dedicated The Student I'.nier is Coliseum last night This was the TCU will send nine delegates the Grammy Award Immediately after these morn named in honor of the late Tom official opening of a weekend of and three faculty advisers to the ing activities, the Alumni Affairs Brown and Charles Lupton. Fort Homecoming Kvents. convention, where they will run division of TCU under the dirt* Worth businessmen The Horned Krog Band led a a candidate for a regional vice- tion of Clyde Foltz will tpoDSOf torch light parade and spirit chairmanship. Court Crow, chair a barbecue lunch in Daniel Meyer march which gathered students man of the AC. explained that in Coliseum The lunch is open to all and guests from around the cam- running a candidate they are ma Horned Frogs ami guests pus and led them to the coliseum. SEA Group king a bid to bring the conven TOO plays Texas Tech at 1 M tion to TCU next year Coming Home Queen p.m. Saturday for the HotBOCom The 53 schools present will be ing game During the half time Hears Speech voting on TCU more than thev Mrs Jim I MI as of Midland activities Queen Jan McNeill, and will be a candidate for the office was presented at the pep rally as duchesses Tcggyc Breazeaie and "Special EVducatioa" was the the Coming Home Queen Mrs. When questioned on the expens- Margie McCoii will be presented topic itiimSSWl by Dr Wyatt Ste es Crow said $50 of the monrv Lucas, a member of the Honor 72h ^* The Coming Home Queen will al phens, of the education depart would be used for campaigning Class of 1947, has been a cele- so be presented, as will the "He rnent, at yesterday's Student Fd and the remainder would defray brity at TCU before. She was a turning Hero." expenses of the delegates who are Horned Frog cheerleader, and her ucatHin Association meeting senior year she was class favorite Dr. J.M Moudy, chancellor, necessary for a successful cam •m ~W will present the Duchesses with ''Hirt Crow, president of SFA, paign and Homecoming Queen. bou'jucts of red roses and Miss said that in recent years special Crow explained the benefits of Chuck Curtis, former Frog ath- McNeill her crown. the convention would be two-fold lete designated as the "Returning education, which concerns the ed Hero" and head coach Fred Tay The Homecoming Dance will be "We can compare our program 7 UCation of children with learning with those of other schools and lor also participated in the cere- Saturday night at 8 p m in the disabilities and children with su mony. F.xhibits Hall Of Will Kogcrs Col enlarge our program Krom last penor learning abilities, has be year's meeting we are working The winners of the Homecoming iseum The dance will feature come of particular concern to stu more closely with SMU, UTA and float competition were also an- "Them" the "Baby Please Don't dents and professionals in edura Tech." The public relations work nounced at the pep rally, by Go" group from Ixmdon Homecoming Chairman Bridget MLSS Guthrie said, "I hope ev- tion shop and the Fashion Fair arc Guthrie.
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