GOA UNIVERSITY Taleigao, Goa 403 206 Telephone E-mail Vice Chancellor’s 6519001, [email protected] Secretariat 6519002, 6519003 Fax: 2451184 Registrar’s Office 6519005, [email protected] 6519006, 6519007 Fax: 2452889 Office of The Chancellor RAJ BHAWAN ADC to Governor 2453501 Fax. 2451271 Secretary to Gov- 2453502 ernor 2453504 Fax 2453510 Sp-Secretary to 2453509 Governor Fax 2451243 P.A to Governor 2453511 EPABX 2453501 - 08 Executive Council Dr. Satish R 6519001 [email protected] Shetye 6519002 Vice Chancellor, 6519003 Goa University (Chairman Ex- officio) 1 Dr. Tribhuvan 9425044685 [email protected] Shukla, Prof . Peter R. De 0177-2830006 [email protected] Souza O177-2831389 (Fax) 9418030090 Dr. (Smt) Maria 9822104215 [email protected] Aurora Couto 2293189 Shri.Dattaraj V.Raj 2512111-14 [email protected] Salgaonkar 9822132882 Shri Suresh 9421241221 [email protected] Amonkar Adv.Juino De Sou- 993133412 [email protected] za Shri Ramchandra 2436420/30 [email protected] (Dinar) B Bhatkar 2465725 9822123244 Shri Sudesh 9764685512 [email protected] Gawde Prof Datta Bikaji 2416025 [email protected] Naik 9422437281 Dr Pradeep Naik 9822127480 [email protected] 2495058 Dr. N.Shyam Bhat 6519397 [email protected] Dr.(Fr.) Walter 2254927 [email protected] Desa 2250705 Dr. Bernard Ro- 6519345 [email protected] drigues Secretary Higher 2419410 [email protected] Education Secretary (finance) 2419407 [email protected] Registrar, 6519005 [email protected] Goa University ADMINISTRATION Tele- Residence E-mail phone Dr. Satish R. Shetye 6519001 2461660 [email protected] Vice Chancellor Sheila Pinheiro 6519002 ps_vc - do - P.S. to Vice Chancellor 2 VC’s Office 6519003 Prof. V.P.Kamat 6519005 6519045 registrar Registrar Teja Shirodkar 6519006 pa2r PA to Registrar Registrar’s Office 6519007 DEANS OF FACULTIES Tele- Residence E-mail phone Prof. Kiran Budkuley 6519285 2417870 [email protected] Faculty of Languages & Literature Prof.N. Shyam Bhat 6519397 2446803 [email protected] Faculty of Social Sciences Prof. A.V. Salkar 6519315 2401007 [email protected] Faculty of Natural Sciences Prof.M.K. Janarthanam 6519344 2456513 [email protected] Faculty of Life Sciences & Env. Prof.N. Mekoth 6519371 9422442577 [email protected] Faculty of Management Studies Prof.Y. V. Reddy 6519089 2452298 [email protected] Faculty of Commerce 6519366 Dr. Pradeep Naik 2495000 9822127480 [email protected] Faculty of Medicine Prof. K.G. Gupta 2336306 [email protected] Faculty of Engineering Vice Chancellor 6519001 [email protected] Faculty of Design Prin.Arun S. Nadkarni 2715510 9850455385 princi- Faculty of Law [email protected] Prin.M. V. Vengurlekar 2226104 9822400888 [email protected] Faculty of Performing, Fine om Art & Music Dr. Allan Abreo 2335880 9822058395 [email protected] Faculty of Education 2335089 ADMINISTRATION RECEPTION 6519048 [email protected] 6519302 3 FINANCE DIVISION U.B.Naik 6519011 9225532546 fo Finance Officer Amey Verenkar 6519026 9850395989 arfinance Asstt. Registrar (Finance) Luis J. Norohna 6519027 Asstt. Accounts Officer Cashier 6519211 Superintendent 6519226 EXAMINATION DIVISION Leo Macedo 6519008 9225903841 coe Controller of Examinations 6519009 Fax:2456108 Sharayu Chari 6519033 arexam1 Asstt. Registrar (Exam-PG) 6519233 Superintendent 6519036 Office 6519134 Sara S Figueiredo 6519034 2293303 arexam2 Asstt. Registrar (Exam- 6519234 Professional) Superintendent 6519010 Office 6519037 Maya Sawant Asstt. Reg- 6519035 9158728087 arexamug istrar (Exam-UG) Superintendent 6519038 Office 6519223 ACADEMIC DIVISION Donald Rodrigues 6519014 9423834145 dracad Deputy Registrar (Aca- 6519214 demic) Fax: 2451612 Alberto Fernandes 6519025 2465321 argeneral 4 Asst.Registrar Acad (Gen- eral)) Superintendent 6519219 Kedar Naik 65190212461605 9823915623 arpg Asst. Registrar Acad(PG) Superintendent 6519221 Maya Gaitonde 6519096 2431346 arcolg Asst Registrar (Acad) Colleges 6519019 Superintendent RDRM Cell 6519093 NSS-Coordinator 6519227 CDC - Coordinator COLLEGE TRIBUNAL 6519041 ADMINISTRATION DIVISION M. Shreedhara 6519013 2217686 dradmin Deputy Registrar (Admin.) Fax :2456153 D’Mello e Daniel B.T.A. 6519020 2456463 arlegal Asst. Registrar (Legal) Superintendent Superintendent 6519220 Sandhya Neurekar 6519022 2208040 arnonteach Asst. Registrar (Non- teaching) 6519222 Superintendent 6519122 Asst.Registrar (Teaching) 6519132 Superintendent 6519116 Ashok Nagarsenkar 6519024 7588444199 arpurchase Asst. Registrar (Purchase) Superintendent 6519206 Office 6519394 Legal Assistant 6519041 SPORTS SECTION 5 Milton Fernandes 6519018 2293939 milton Asst. Director. of Sports Office 6519218 Director of Students’ Welfare DSW 6519043 2452725 saga Prof Sanjeev Ghadi COMPUTER CENTRE M. Chakraborty 6519015 2451424 hocc Head, Computer Centre Sanjay Bandodkar 6519028 ---- sanjay Systems Analyst Anselmo A. T. H. Rosa 6519029 6519237 ans Systems Analyst Damodar Manjrekar 6519109 2516456 dmm Programmer Abhijit Karpe 6519215 abhijit Programmer Data Operator 6519228 Internet Centre 6519229 Office 6519215 DEITI M. Chakraborty 6519039 hocc (Admn. Incharge) UNIVERSITY WORKS DIVISION V. L. Sawkar University Engineer 6519016 2425527 ue Amit Srivastava 6519107 amitnana_amits Executive. Engineer 9225981500 @yahoo.co.in R. S. Parsekar 6519031 2443296 rparsekar Asstt. Engineer 9404434637 S. Talaulikar 6519030 2463120 sangam Asstt. Engineer S. Narvekar 6519032 Asst Engineer V. Bandodkar 6519230 Junior Engineer (Elect.) 9225981511 Shailesh Kamat 9604033104 Junior Engineer (Civil) 6 K. P. Naik 6519231 Junior Engineer Office 6519216 UNIVERSITY LIBRARY V. Gopakumar 6519012 Librarian librarian Assistant Librarian 6519049 Office 6519212 Counter 6519238 Back Volumes 6519239 Library Section 6519051 Library books 6519050 Periodicals & Back Vol. 6519204 Sec. 6519205 6519076` HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT CELL Director 6519017 Office 6519217 asc Fax: 2452119 GUEST HOUSE MANAGER 6519123 9422455598 managergh Reception 6519042 9225981500 Canteen 6519242 International Guest House 6519110 9423883124 managerigh Manager 6519112 Reception 6519131 Canteen 6519123 HOSTELS Men’s Hostel Warden 9225988183 [email protected] Amit Srivastava .in Hostel Security Office Women’s Hostel Warden Surekha Naik 6519391 9423888292 surekha Office 6519390 Ph. D. Hostel 6519389 7 Security HEALTH CENTRE Dr. Patricia Sequeira Medical Officer 6519208 patseq Employees Co-op. Credit 6519399 Society Day Care Centre 6519225 GYMNASUIM 6519250 DEPARTMENTS/CENTRES Faculty of Languages & Literature English Budkuley K. 6519285 2417870 kbudkuley Bhat K. S. 65192856519062 23352082417870 sripad kbudkuley Caldeira Nina 6519287 2444930 2444930 [email protected] Fernandes R. 6519286 2225110 rafael Anjali Chowbey * -- Office 6519052 -- Computer Lab 6519210 French 6519063 Wagle A. 6519288 2463829 anuradha -- Irene Silveira * Hindi Mishra R.N. 6519289 2218010 rnmishra Khan I.B. 6519290 2736106 ibkhan Mandrekar V.S. 6519291 2475409 Office 6519264 -- Konkani Parienkar P. 6519312 8390303546 [email protected] Asmitai Dalan 6519133 Tadkodkar P.S. 6519292 2423577 Kripali Naik * -- Office 6519053 Marathi Kanolkar B. G. 6519296 2316906 krish 8 9421156116 Umraskar S. S. 6519297 2270249 9881256933 Office 6519085 Portuguese D’Lima Monica Marise 6519086 Druv Usgaonkar Scarlet Fernandes Office 6519265 Visiting Lecturer 6519411 Faculty of Social Sciences Economics Noronha S. M. 6519066 2459453 silvia Sudarsan P. K. 6519299 2451026 sudha Mukhopadhyay P. 6519298 2451026 pm Sumita Datta 6519240 --- sumita M.D. Aiholi 6519204 -- aiholi Office 6519266 Soc. Sc. Comp. Lab. 6519209 History Kamat P. 6519067 -- pratima Bhat N. S. 6519397 2458377 nsbhat Rao N. 6519301 2233513 nag 9423316471 Porobo Parag 6519118 9823058433 parag Risbud S. Seema 6519117 9049290987 drseemarisbud@gmail. com Office 6519267 -- Philosophy 6519068 Vinaykumar U. A. 6519303 942331232 uavkum 0 Pai Vernekar S. 6519304 6510426 sanjyotpaiverenkar@po 9823038956 box.com Desai M. 6519306 2451332 desaimilan4u@rediffma 922388960 il.com 4 Koshi Tharakan 6519305 942882599 koshy 5 9 Office 6519268 -- Political Science Tripathi R. 6519069 6519307 9822126981 rmt Dessai Prakash 6519064 9673175198 Shringare Alaknanda 6519395 9923134346 Office 6519269 Sociology Somayaji G. 6519077 2451219 ganesh Coelho Pereira J. 6519310 2312673 [email protected] Office 6519277 Centre for Latin American Studies G Aparajita . 6519300 2451843 aganguly 6519057 9422970995 Parulekar D. 6519322 2432757 [email protected] 9423885028 Office 6519207 [email protected] Centre for Women’s 2453363 Studies 6519294 9422442799 shaila D’Souza S. (R. O.) 6916554 Faculty of Natural Sciences Chemistry Srinivasan, B. R. 6519316 2452579 srini 6519071 2452886 stilve Tilve, S. G. 6519317 9422063873 Prof. A.V. Salkar 6519315 2401007 sav Shirsat, R. N. (Net co-d) 6519319 2421867 rshirsat Nadkarni, V. S. 6519320 2456056 nitin Verenkar, V.M.S. 6519321 2367546 vmsv S. N. Dhuri 6519318 sndhuri Siddhali Girkar 6519311 2412882 siddha li29 Pranay Morajkar 6916552 Pankaj R Singh 6916553 Office 6519271 --- Store 6519382 --- Inst. Room 6519383 --- Phys. Lab 6519318 --- 10 Chem. Research Lab 6519384 --- Computer Science & Technology 6519087 6519323 -- Kamat V. V. 6519072 2464186 vvkamat Pawar Jyoti 6519325 9422059112 jdp Pinto Yma 6519324 3291052 yma Wagh R. 6519328 9423882964 ramrao Baskar S. 6519326 2452423 baskar Karmali R. 6519327 9850655307 mk Payaswini P * --- Office 6519272 --- Prog-room 6519385 --- Lab - I 6519386 --- Lab - 11 6519387 Earth Science
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