TTHISUNIVERSITYHIS OF SOUTHERNIISS UUSC CALIFORNIASC TThishis iiss USCUSC • 187 The University of Southern Cal i for nia is a private research in sti tu tion of in ter na tion al dis tinc tion. It is dis tin guished by renowned faculty, highly com pet i tive ad mis sion standards, an ap pre ci a tion of the arts and an innovative com mu ni ty service outreach program that was rec og nized by Time Princeton Review when USC was named College of the Year in 2000 and Newsweek/Kaplan College Guide's "Hot School of 2001." Founded in 1880, it enrolls about 32,000 stu dents annually on two cam pus es, the 235-acre Uni ver si ty Park Cam pus in Ex po si tion Park and the 56-acre Health Sci enc es Cam pus, three miles to the north east of down town Los Angeles. USC is a unique and dis tin guished university with a proud tra di tion of achievement and un her ald ed suc cess in all areas of study: USC is a member of the As so ci a tion of American Uni ver si ties, a se lect group of 62 elite public and private uni ver si ties in the Unit ed States and Can a da that, to geth er, do about two-thirds of all fed er al ly fund ed research and de vel op ment. USC has 46 faculty members who are members of national acade mies. Mem ber ship in these pres ti gious acad e mies, cre at ed by Con gress, is by election only and is based on a fac ul ty member's dis tin guished and con tin u ous achieve ments. The University is the home of 17 professional schools, in addi tion to the College of Letters, Arts and Sci enc es. These schools train spe cial ists in fi elds rang ing from medicine and law to ar chi tec ture, the atre, ed u ca tion and business. USC undergraduates can design degrees from more than 150 majors and 123 mi- nors available in the College of Letters, Arts & Sci enc es, the Gradu ate School and Professional Schools. • More than 190,000 living alumni in the Trojan Family • Over 40 housing facilities available both on and off campus • More than 600 clubs and student or ga ni za tions • Many of USC's un der grad u ate/graduate programs rank in the top 10 nationally • 52 fraternities and sororities • One of the nation's best academic reputations. ‘College of the Year 2000’ -Time Princeton Review College Guide ‘Hot School of 2001’ -Newsweek Kaplan College Guide ‘Leadership In sti tu tion’ -2001 Association of American Colleges & Uni ver si ties 188 • TThishis isis USCUSC USC STUDENTS USC: THE UNIVERSITY OF SPOILED CHILDREN? Students come to USC from near ly ev ery eth nic, re li gious and social group in the world, and If you have heard the myth promoted each of them brings their unique per son al i ty to the by students at other colleges that fold. Tro jans are Latino, Swed ish, Israeli, Hmong, USC's student body is rich and spoiled, Swahili, Ar me nian, Tai wan ese and Rus sian. They are consider this: Chris tian, Buddist, Jewish, Muslim and ag nos tic. Their dif fer enc es are assets to ex plore, not prob lems USC to con front. ► USC is among the nation's most No uni ver si ty is a perfectly tran quil and UNDERGRADUATE selective universities, our student body har mo ni ous place - if it were, it would have very little PROFILE is also one of the most ethnically and con nec tion to the real world. USC’s extremely di verse racially diverse, drawing students from stu dent body is a strength and a source of pride. Our all 50 states and 136 countries. different back grounds and points of view are es sen tial to an open learn ing environment. African American 6% ► USC distributes $350 million in Asian 21% fi nancial aid; over 60 percent of our Caucasian 47% students receive assistance. Hispanic/Latino 13% Native American/Pacifi c Islander 2% ► More than 60 percent of USC International Students 9% students volunteer in community- service programs in neighborhoods Female 52% around campus and throughout L.A. Male 48% California 51% And consider this: Out-of-State 37% Outside U.S. 12% ► The student-to-faculty ratio is 10- to-1. First generation college goers 10% ► The average class size is 26 USC undergraduates come from all 50 states and 136 countries. students. Total Enrollment 33,000 ► Full-time faculty teach the vast Undergraduate Students 16,500 majority of our courses. Graduate/Professional Students 16,500 ► Students can get all the classes Student/Faculty Ratio 10:1 they need in order to graduate in four years. School with the largest un der - DID YOU KNOW? grad u ate enrollment is the Col- ► USC grads get great jobs, attend lege of Let ters, Arts and Sci enc es the best graduate and professional USC is among the nation’s most highly selective (24%). universities. The 2004 freshman class was among schools in the country (including our the strongest in the country, boasting an average Average class size is 26 students. own) and are supported by the Trojan GPA of more than 4.11 and an average SAT score Family - a network of nearly a quarter of 1353. The majority of entering freshmen come to More than 60% of students receive million alumni. USC from the top 10 percent of their high school some form of fi nan cial aid. graduating class. So, maybe we do spoil our students... Statistics reflective of 2006 Entering and we intend to keep it that way! USC is the oldest and largest private research Freshman Class. university in the western half of the United States. The university was founded in 1880 with 53 students; today, USC enrolls 33,000 students in its College of Letters, Arts and Sciences and 17 top-ranked professional schools. USC is the largest private employer in the city of Los Angeles, and one of the largest in Southern California, providing jobs for 26,446 people during the 2005-06 fi scal year. During that same period, USC injected $1.86 billion into the economy, with an estimated additional output from the university of more than $2.14 billion in Los Angeles County. TThishis iiss USCUSC • 189 ad vanced trans por ta tion tech nol o gies. South ern Cal i for nia's re search uni ver si ties pro vide a steady stream of dis cov er ies, pat ents and new ideas that keep its in dus tries and stu dents on the cut ting edge. In the most basic sense, however, L.A.'s peo ple are its great est asset. Cul tur al ly di verse, they come from every coun try in the world, speak ing scores of lan guag es, pre par ing native foods, em brac ing east ern and west ern “USC IS SUCH A GREAT ar tis tic tra di tions and wor ship ing in church es, SCHOOL - TOO BAD ABOUT LOS ANGELES syn a gogues and mosques. In di vid u al ly, tra di tions are pre served; col lec tive ly, some thing is be ing THE NEIGH BOR HOOD.” A place. A state of mind. The present as cre at ed a fu sion of el e ments, a world cul ture. fu ture. Lo cat ed at the edge of the Pa cifi c Ocean, USC lies in the heart of ev ery thing Los Here’s the media buzz: opening to ward the Pacifi c Rim, Los Angeles L.A., home of earthquakes, fires, An ge les has to of fer. The 10-square block area is the heart of a mega-re gion, a crossroads fl oods, crime and soon to be invaded north of cam pus - the histor ic West Adams city whose lure is in fi nite possibility, fu eled by by killer bees and giant frogs, is about Dis trict - is an ethni cal ly di verse res i den tial the imag i na tion and cre ativ i ty of its people. to sep a rate from the continent and drift neigh bor hood that is home to about 6,000 out to sea. No where else on earth has the L.A. mix: great stu dents, faculty and staff. Figueroa Street, the weath er, glo bal pop u la tion and en tre pre neur ial main con nec tion bou le vard be tween USC and Here’s the reality: spir it, cut ting-edge re search and new indus tries, downtown, is lined with small business es, ho tels USC is ranked among the safest of and an almost pal pa ble sense that the so ci ety and a myr iad of restuarants. The cam pus also all U.S. universities and colleges, and econo my of the fu ture are be ing in vent ed lies right across the street from the in fa mous with one of the most comprehensive here. campus/community safety programs Shrine Au di to ri um. Founded in 1781 by 44 pobladores from in the na tion. Our neigh bor hood, North In Los An ge les, the fu ture hap pens every Mex i co, Los Angeles has wel comed im mi grants Uni ver si ty Park, is made up of schools, day.
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