Faith Frederick Buechner Frederick — The Director, The Buechner Institute Buechner The Director, 1350 KingCollegeRoad Institute Buechner The Director, ” ‘ “ must be spoken tremblingly. spoken be must I believe’ I BUECHNER INSTITUTE Dale Brown Dale Bristol,TN37620 Brown Dale Engaging Blessings, Blessings, Culture Engaging Engaging Faith Faith Do come and see. see. and come Do Do come and see. see. and come Do we invite you beyond surfaces to conversations that matter. matter. that conversations to surfaces beyond you invite we Culture know that life is more than meat and drink. Again this year, year, this Again drink. and meat than more is life that know In the grand scheme of things, ideas matter. The curious curious The matter. ideas things, of scheme grand the In consideration, opportunities for refl ection. ection. refl for opportunities consideration, In a whirl of diversion, we offer these moments of focused focused of moments these offer we diversion, of whirl a In aim at keeping the virtues of wonder and contemplation alive. alive. contemplation and wonder of virtues the keeping at aim hope, our faith in positive change. Buechner Institute programs programs Institute Buechner change. positive in faith our hope, distractions dull our sense of inquisitiveness, our capacity for for capacity our inquisitiveness, of sense our dull distractions We have too many channels these days, of course. So many many So course. of days, these channels many too have We The invitation remains. invitation The remember the response? “ Come and see,” says the Messiah. Messiah. the says see,” and Come “ response? the remember OF THINGS OF Curiosity drives them to ask such a question. Do you you Do question. a such ask to them drives Curiosity alive enough to ask a fi ne question: “Where are you staying?” staying?” you are “Where question: ne fi a ask to enough alive SCHEME SCHEME SCHEME buechnerinstitute.org this newly arrived Jesus Christ. Here are some folks still still folks some are Here Christ. Jesus arrived newly this when John the Baptizer’s followers become curious about about curious become followers Baptizer’s the John when Nonprofi t Org. Nonprofi Permit No. 16 No. Permit Gospels the in early moment wondrous that recall may You U.S. Postage U.S. Bristol, TN GRAND GRAND GRAND PAID experience, listening, paying attention. paying listening, experience, life.” That’s what we are up to here, clarifying our cultural cultural our clarifying here, to up are we what That’s life.” HG4M0711 your to “listen to admonition an as career long his of message In the the the In In In invigorated. Buechner goes so far as to sum up the essential essential the up sum to as far so goes Buechner invigorated. the Buechner Institute are an invitation to keep the search search the keep to invitation an are Institute Buechner the than the “intelligence quotient.” He’s right. The programs of of programs The right. He’s quotient.” “intelligence the than Eugene Wilson says that the “quest quotient” is more important important more is quotient” “quest the that says Wilson Eugene uselessness. One unfortunate victim in this process is curiosity. is process this in victim unfortunate One uselessness. to our private caves to pity ourselves over our perceived perceived our over ourselves pity to caves private our to feelings and ideas, we fall victim to Elijah syndrome, retreating retreating syndrome, Elijah to victim fall we ideas, and feelings the ubiquitous big screens around us. Undervaluing our own own our Undervaluing us. around screens big ubiquitous the we watch the spectacle of the news of the world unfolding on on unfolding world the of news the of spectacle the watch we We are sometimes tempted to think our experience trivial as as trivial experience our think to tempted sometimes are We In the Grand Scheme of Things of Scheme Grand the In 2011–2012 Lecture Series Lecture 2011–2012 The BUECHNER INSTITUTE Buechner Lecture Series 2011-2012 Faith Engaging Annual Lectureship Marilynne Robinson | January 28, 2012 Richard Ray | August 31, 2011 Culture 7:00 p.m. | First Presbyterian Church Opening Convocation 10:30 a.m., King College Memorial Chapel urely one of the more pressing concerns of our time is Beginning with an inaugural talk by Frederick Buechner David Wilcox | September 5, 2011 the relationship between faith and culture. The Buechner himself in January 2008, the Buechner Institute has celebrated S 10:30 a.m., King College Memorial Chapel Institute at King College was founded in 2007 to address this its January birthday with the Buechner Lectureship. Barbara 7:00 p.m., Concert at Bristol Train Station vital issue while also paying tribute to the American writer and Brown Taylor was the featured speaker for the 2009 edition, Presbyterian minister, Frederick Buechner. Ron Hansen delivered the lecture in 2010, and Katherine Barbara Hagerty | October 10, 2011 Paterson was featured as the 2011 Buechner Lecturer. For 10:30 a.m., King College Memorial Chapel Throughout his long career, Buechner 2012, Pulitzer Prize-winning author and popular speaker 7:00 p.m., Bristol Train Station has spoken powerfully on matters Marilynne Robinson will be featured. Marilynne Robinson was Joan Cronan | October 24, 2011 of faith and art. Located between awarded the 2005 Pulitzer Prize for Gilead (2004) and the 2009 10:30 a.m., King College Memorial Chapel shrill sectarianism and abject Orange Prize for Fiction in Great Britain for Home (2008). Her 7:00 p.m., Bristol Train Station secularism, the Buechner Institute most recent non-fi ction work, Absence of Mind (2010) explores aims to cultivate a conversation Lauren Winner | November 7, 2011 the confl ict between science and religion and why they should 10:30 a.m., King College Memorial Chapel that is both artful and substantial on not be at odds. She teaches at the Iowa Writers Workshop. 7:00 p.m., Bristol Train Station issues of faith and culture. Our lecture programming, symposia, and other events “I’m not saying that you’re actually dead if you haven’t read Marilynne Marilynne Robinson | January 28, 2012 offer opportunities for audiences in our region Robinson, but I honestly couldn’t say you’re fully alive.” —Bryan Appleyard Buechner Institute Annual Lectureship and beyond. Frederick Buechner 7:00 p.m., First Presbyterian Church © Jack Harkema Roberta Ahmanson | February 20, 2012 Season Finale 10:30 a.m., King College Memorial Chapel 7:00 p.m., Student Center Board Room Jan Karon, April 23, 2012 Jacqueline Mendels Birn | February 27, 2012 7:00 p.m. | First Presbyterian Church 10:30 a.m., King College Memorial Chapel Jan Karon enjoyed a successful career in advertising, winning Iain Torrance | March 5, 2012 awards for ad agencies from Charlotte to San Francisco, including 10:30 a.m., King College Memorial Chapel the prestigious Stephen Kelly Award. At age 50, she moved to Andy Crouch | March 19, 2012 North Carolina to pursue a writing career. Her New York Times 10:30 a.m., King College Memorial Chapel bestselling novels are often set in the fi ctional village of Mitford, 7:00 p.m., Bristol Public Library with recent detours through Mississippi and Ireland’s County Sligo. Jan Karon | April 23, 2012 “Jan Karon has a particular sensibility about what is best in our culture, and she 7:00 p.m., First Presbyterian Church tries to preserve that vision.” —Zachery Karabell And watch for the occasional “Buechner Bonus” at www.buechnerinstitute.org or on Facebook For further information: www.buechnerinstitute.org or fi nd us on Facebook. If you wish to bring a Buechner program to your town or if you would like to participate in a BuechnerFest, please email Dale Brown at [email protected]. To make a donation or offer ideas for programming, contact Dale Brown, Director, The Buechner Institute buechnerinstitute.org | 1350 King College Road, Bristol, Tennessee 37620 | 423.652.4156 The BUECHNER INSTITUTE at King College Joan Cronan | October 24 Jacqueline Mendels Birn 10:30 a.m. | Memorial Chapel February 27 In the 7:00 p.m. | Bristol Train Station 10:30 a.m. | Memorial Chapel oan Cronan was recently named interim acqueline Mendels Birn’s experiences J vice chancellor/director of athletics Jas a Holocaust survivor began in May by UT’s Chancellor Jimmy G. Cheek. 1940 when Germany invaded France. GRAND The University of Tennessee’s Lady Vols At fi ve, Birn’s childhood was completely have garnered a reputation as one of the shattered when the Vichy government most visible and respected programs in instituted “Aryanization.” Her father was the nation. UT’s successes in both the athletic and academic realms forced to sell his business to his non-Jewish partner and eventually she SCHEME occurred under the vision and direction of Women’s Athletics Director, and her family had to escape and go into hiding. In November 1944, Joan Cronan. Her teams have fi nished in the top two in the New York the family was able to resume their life in Paris — but only after 20 Times’ Southeastern Conference’s Women’s All-Sport Award for fi ve of close family members had been deported to Sobibor and Auschwitz OF THINGS the past six years, including three fi rst-place fi nishes. In three of the and murdered. Birn met her husband, Richard, while he was studying past fi ve years, all eleven Lady Vols teams participated in postseason in Paris. They came to the U.S. in 1958, where they married and later play. Cronan is a past president of the Tennessee Sports Hall of Fame, had two children. Jacqueline retired from the U.S. Foreign Service is active on the boards of First Tennessee Bank and the YMCA, and has Institute in 2007 and is now a volunteer at the United States Holocaust served as vice chair of the Leadership Knoxville, the NCAA’s Executive Memorial Museum.
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